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Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday Monday!

Oh my goodness! Here it is the second Monday in January of 2024 already and I still haven't shared my new calendar pictures with you! A whole week of the New Year has already passed! Sure seems like time is flying to me! Does it to you?  Well, for some of you, I can imagine you'd like it to speed up a little faster and skip right over all this snow and ice of winter that some of you may be experiencing right now:

Thankfully that picture is on my calendar and not in my window! Although it is beautiful in its own  special way, and for those of you who love winter, I say enjoy it and make the most of it while it lasts! For the rest of us who prefer our temperatures a little bit milder, let us be thankful to be living in the south. Although this morning it is 48 degrees and not expected to rise above 63, with rain throughout the day...which makes for a kind of cloudy, chilly kind of day where it feels better to stay inside and write and read blog posts!

Here's another lovely winter scene of the Thomas Kinkade calendar:

I especially love the church scene with all of God's creation around it...although the reality is most likely you wouldn't find a real and active church in a setting quite like this. Where do the people park their cars? Maybe this is, like it says, the "Deer Creek Chapel", and perhaps it is sitting in a woodsy retreat center or camp and people actually walk to church from their cabins.  Now, that I would "deerly love". (pun intended). LOL.
I also love the Scripture verse on the picture:
"He that sat upon the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new.'" Revelation 21:5

And then this verse is on the calendar at the bottom:

Some wonderful thoughts to ponder as we begin a New Year!

Certainly better than the thoughts expressed on this little calendar by Susan Branch:
Oh my! Not exactly the best philosophy to start out the New Year...but it's all in good fun:


Back to winter again...Here is the scene on the John Sloane  Country Seasons 2024 January calendar:

Now, I could enjoy being in a place like that and taking a sleigh ride over the fields and through the woods. That would be delightful!

But amazingly enough, we have azaleas blooming here in Florida:
And this is not on my calendar, but in my yard!
Not a lot of them yet, as it is a bit early, but here and there they are blooming!  I thought you might enjoy seeing a spot of bright color after all the snow scenes!  

And these are the scenes from Still Waters Pond yesterday afternoon:

Our Sand Hill Crane Family was out there for a long time, foraging for food on the what appears to be sinking marsh island.  With the rain we've been getting lately this little marshy island is starting to dissipate and will eventually either break up into smaller sections or just sink back to the bottom of the pond.  Here's some interesting information about these kinds of floating islands.  So, if the Crane family was planning to build their nest on this section of the pond, they might want to look for something a little more stable!   

This is where is saw that "egg" the other day...and now it is pretty much underwater! So it's a good thing it really wasn't an egg!! LOL

And since the whole family is still together, I guess they aren't in "nest building mode" just yet. Time will tell.  

We woke up a little late this morning, which was nice since I haven't been sleeping really well lately, so any extra sleep I can get I appreciate.  But we start back with our Ladies' and Men's Bible Studies this afternoon after our break for the holidays the past two Mondays.  So it is back to "business as usual"...the holidays are over! However, I still haven't taken down our tree or other decorations. Yesterday the kids were all here for the afternoon, watching football and just enjoying family time together (no pictures, however!)  and so I didn't want to have a big mess of clean up while they were here. It was nice to have one more day of what felt like holiday time with the family. Scott was here and he grilled some boneless chicken thighs for us, and we had a nice little lunch of chicken, salad, a baked potato and rolls.  

We still haven't gotten together with our extended family to celebrate Christmas. Hoping to connect this coming weekend at a restaurant about an hour away, where it is a good distance for each of us from our homes. Sadly, my sister in law Peggy's Mom passed away right before New Year's, and so they have been dealing with sorrow and grief and having a Celebration of her life this past weekend. Her passing was not unexpected, but still it hurts deeply and my heart goes out to Peggy and her family.  We do hope that we will be able to have a good visit with her and their family along with my sister (who is finally better from her bad cold/sore throat) and her hubby and family (?)...still yet  to be determined exactly just who and when, etc. 

Okay, folks, it's time for breakfast and hubby is patiently waiting for me to finish this and get a move on with our day.  

One of my favorite old hymns:

 "Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

(verse 2):
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love

(verse 3):  
"Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine with 10, 000 beside

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me



  1. Pretty calendar and giggling at the "diet" advice. I wish that was all true! *lol*
    I think this is going to be a week of Doctors for Steve. He's having terrible back pains. Bless his heart. When he hurts I hurt.
    Sending love & prayers for a good week for all of us. xx

    1. Oh no! Saying a prayer for Steve now. Praying he can find relief and that it isn't anything serious. I know, when our guys are hurting we hurt too, especially because they aren't usually the best 'patients'. LOL. Praying for you both.

  2. I like your calendar pages, from the beautiful to the funny! Interesting about the marsh islands. Poor crane family!
    We sang Great is thy faithfulness yesterday at church. It's one of my favorites!

  3. Great photos of the calendars and the island. We're supposed to have a blizzard today and tomorrow with 10-12 inches of snow. It was to start snowing at 4:00 am but we're still waiting. It would be fine with me if it passed us by, but the parents of school age kids wouldn't be happy because all school have been canceled for today. The forecast is that it's still coming, just a little late. We'll see.
    Take care my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I absolutely love that song. It's been a favorite for quite awhile. I have a Thomas Kincade calendar too. I think my January photo could be one of the cabins to go with your church in the woods. :) I hope the crane family will find a place nearby where you can watch their family grow. Have a good day, Pamela!

  5. Your calendar pages are wonderful. We had snow on Saturday (3" of 'flurries). We were supposed to get a "dusting" or snow showers. I also loved the " diet" advice. Truly loved seeing the azalea in bloom. Glad you had a nice time with your kids. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. I do hope all those digital calendar people upload some pretty pictures to go with a new month on their phone/computer. I love looking at the new picture on my paper calendars. Yours were perfect. I like you like a snow picture rather than a romp in the snow. Enjoy your morning.

  7. Great is Thy Faithfulness is one of my most favorites!
    I’ve always looked at snow and rain as gifts from God. Winter is like a sabbath rest for nature. (except for Florida) 😊How we deal with all that winter offers - the cold, traffic accidents, is just attitude. “ Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17. During these times, snow and rain tend to be reported as bad things even when they aren’t. I was watching the news and noticed the hyperbolic language used to incite fear and dread - heck even normal summer temps they try to incite fear. Anyway, God made the snow so it must be good!
    Sorry to hear of your sister in law’s loss. I hope you and your family are able to reserve some time to finally get together after the illnesses.😘

  8. That is a beautiful hymn and I sang as I read. You do get some lovely calendars!! I hope the cranes find a stable place to next again. It is so fun following the family through your posts!! Love & hugs!

  9. Those azaleas are gorgeous ... what a lovely New Year surprise! I missed church yesterday morning, but Pastor's husband (music director) always leads us in singing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" during the collection.
    I'm not familiar with Susan Branch, but that calendar looks like a stitch!

  10. Love your calendar pictures, that first made shiver, brrrr, it's cold! I have the same the John Sloane 2024 calendar. I thought of you when I hung on the first, just because I know you like pretty calendars. Always great to see the Sand Hill Crane family visit Still Water Pond♥ Isn't it great the four of them are still together?

  11. Hi Pamela! I hope you had a good Monday. That calendar with all of those "diet tips" about chocolate made me chuckle. I hope all those "tips" are really true! ;-) I love you azaleas and always enjoy pictures of the Sandhill Cranes. Glad you got a little extra sleep. Sleep is so important to good health. I hope your week is off to a great start! See you again soon!

  12. I like the Thomas Kincaid calendar. I've enjoyed his painting on cards as well. Good scripture verses. Great is Thy Faithfulness song is so good. I finally got my own photo calendar last week. I enjoy seeing my creativity. I'm drinking hot tea now as both Megan and I are cold with us coming home from church in Wilsonville for her women's Bible study group. Cold and windy. 20 mph wind 😳. She's not able to drive yet but hopefully she'll be able to in a few weeks. I need a snack then finish last part of Bible study I go to tomorrow morning in town. The crane family looks interesting. Flowers are lovely too. Have a good week , Becky

  13. We are enjoying winter scenes without a calendar, Pam, as the first significant snowfall in nearly 2 years happened over the weekend. It was a lovely sight to watch it coming down from our apartment windows coating everything in a cover of white, a new beginning for a new year. We will not be seeing any blooms in NH for many months to come.


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