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Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Foto Friends Odds and Ends

Here it is Friday already again! And I found myself scrounging for some new pictures to share!
Well, here's what I came up with...

These lovely fungi pictures were taken on our anniversary ride up to Lake Swan camp. I thought these interesting ruffled petticoats on this old tree were photo worthy.

And look at the beautiful lady with the long curly gray hair who apparently is wearing these petticoats!

Can you see her face? She has very beautiful eyes... It also appears she is carrying a baby in a little papoose on the side of her face...
It's amazing what beautiful things you can see in God's creation if you look hard enough!

You already saw the pictures of this cross on the lake in my previous post, but with each of us standing in front of it.  Here it is without us in the way. I like the sign beside it that says "No swimming without a lifeguard on duty."  When I see the cross and the word "lifeguard", I think of the One Who died on that cross to save our lives from eternal destruction.  By all means, do not "swim" in the waters of this life without Jesus as your "lifeguard".  He's the Only One Who can rescue you from drowning in your sin.

Reminds me of this old hymn
"Love Lifted Me"

1 I was sinking deep in sin,
Far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within,
Sinking to rise no more;
But the Master of the sea
Heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me–
Now safe am I.

Love lifted me,
Love lifted me,
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me;
Love lifted me,
Love lifted me,
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me.

2 All my heart to Him I give,
Ever to Him I'll cling,
In His blessed presence live,
Ever His praises sing.
Love so mighty and so true
Merits my soul's best songs;
Faithful, loving service, too,
To Him belongs. 

3 Souls in danger, look above,
Jesus completely saves;
He will lift you by His love
Out of the angry waves.
He's the Master of the sea,
Billows His will obey;
He your Savior wants to be–
Be saved today. 

Oh, I enjoyed singing along with that song! That sounded like a good old fashioned piano player and congregation singing that great old Gospel Song.  If that doesn't "lift you up", I don't know what does!

Last week when I posted this picture of my hubby with his distant cousin at the funeral of their mutual cousin Jane, I told you that John and "Fran" were both in Jane's wedding (over 70 years ago!).  John was the ring bearer and Fran was the flower girl. I mentioned that there is a picture somewhere of that wedding party, and that if I ever found it I would share it with you.

Well, Jane's son's wife sent these two pictures to me the other day, so I just had to share them with you!
yes, that sweet little boy in the white dinner jacket is none other than my sweet hubby, probably about age 4 or 5, and the little girl beside him is Fran. She's a year or two older than him I'd guess.
Isn't this just beautiful???

I am so happy this was sent to us.  They are both precious pictures from a long time ago!!

I will close with a few pictures of our sunset last night over Still Waters Pond.  I am happy that we are getting back into the beautiful sunset season again.  No two are ever exactly the same. God is the Master Designer of them  all!

With all this talk of weddings and sunsets this week...perhaps it would be fitting to end this post with this wonderful song, "Sunrise, Sunset", from "Fiddler on the Roof".  

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he get to be so tall?
Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

What words of wisdom can I give them?
How can I help to ease their way?
Now they must learn from one another
Day by day

They look so natural together
Just like two newlyweds should be
Is there a canopy in store for me?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Sweet thoughts and memories to close out this week of wedding anniversary celebration.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Pam: I love the pictures that were sent to you. They are precious. I enjoyed hearing the hymn "Love lifted Me!" but I especially enjoyed hearing, "Sunrise, Sunset." It always touches my heart. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. I wish was good at identifying fungi.
    Great photos. I enjoyed the trip down memory lane too.
    Love xx

  3. You've got me singing along again, Pam! Both 'Love Lifted Me' and 'Sunrise, Sunset.'
    Ever since I saw 'Fiddler' on stage in 65(?) has been one of my enduring favorites. Your hubby was so stinkin' cute in his ring bearer formal wedding attire; that's a treasure, indeed!

  4. I love all of the photos, Pam!! Oh my goodness, you and John are so CUTE in your wedding photos!! And look at that little guy as a ring bearer!! That wedding looks more modern than 70 years ago!! Beautiful. That is a very dressed-up tree you found!! Amazing! Happy weekend, dear friend!

  5. I was thinking, Ruffles have Ridges for those first photos. I love the picture of you on the bottom.. in the car. Don't you look gorgeous! I really enjoyed this post a lot. I hope your weekend is calm and relaxing with nice weather. Our weather has been so perfect with lovely cool breezes and warm sun and a bit of needed rain.

  6. I loved the photos that were sent to you. Everyone looks so serious in them. And look at you in that short dress on your way to the car! I remember those short mini-skirts. We had Sunrise, Sunset sung at our wedding. I've always loved that song.
    But mostly, I want to thank you for the comparison of the cross and lifeguard sigm. There is no way we could ever fathom the love of our "lifeguard" for each of us. I am so grateful.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Hi Pam! I love the sunset pictures and also the old wedding pictures. Great memories. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  8. Amazing picture of the sunsets. Marvellous. And those fungi growing on the tree ...

    It's so nice to see old photos of times gone by and to remember happy times. Indeed, God is good to us.

    God bless you and your family, Pamela.

  9. Such great photos my friend, smiles. Have a beautiful Saturday.

  10. I didn't realize how behind I am on your posts. Happy Anniversary to you! (you are four years ahead of us). I love how you celebrated.
    Re: pollinator garden and butterfly garden. I think they are essentially the same. Maybe a pollinator garden focuses a bit more on bees and pollen? Also, it may encourage local native plants.
    Those old photos are so sweet!
    Have a good weekend.

  11. I have really enjoyed your blog. From the beautiful mushrooms that you don't see here, to what you saw (and I did too), the beautiful eyes. Also, thank you for all your wonderful photos, so nice that you got those old ones. I don't know the song. It touched me. Hey Pam, thank you too for all your comments on my other blog (wonder of the ordinary). So nice that you found me there as well. Love from the Netherlands. And I hope you have a nice Saturday and Sunday. Keep an eye on Jesus. Whoever has Jesus, has enough."

  12. beautiful memories! There is no way we could live without Jesus as our lifeguard! That was spot on! Happy anniversary also. Loved the pics of your hubby as a child. The first thing I saw with the fungi, was the "grey wig" what an awesome photo, and I did see her beautiful face along with her baby. I have some new posts, that I think you will enjoy. Thank you for the beautiful songs. Hope you have a happy rest of today Sat and a Joyous Sunday.

  13. Great post, great pictures!!! I loved visiting today.☺♥

  14. Nice tree photos 📸 you shared and a storyline is very interesting and lovely. Our pastor talked about why baptism is important to our lives. They are having a potluck and baptism in a park in another city area...5 miles away from the city. Most of them are young people. I miss going there again 😢 due to air quality due smoke in the air. Most the ones being baptized are ones we know. Songs you shared are ones I know. I remember seeing the Fiddler on the Roof movie 🎬 years ago. God bless you !!

  15. Nice tree photos 📸 you shared and a storyline is very interesting and lovely. Our pastor talked about why baptism is important to our lives. They are having a potluck and baptism in a park in another city area...5 miles away from the city. Most of them are young people. I miss going there again 😢 due to air quality due smoke in the air. Most the ones being baptized are ones we know. Songs you shared are ones I know. I remember seeing the Fiddler on the Roof movie 🎬 years ago. God bless you !!

  16. Great pictures and wonderful memories you have shared with us. Oh yes, Jesus is our lifeguard and what better lifeguard to have in our lives. The CROSS says it all! Happy Week to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. Love the picture of your hubby when he was little. So cute! Great photos all around.

  18. Pam you look like a glamorous movie star in that car going away picture!! Love all the wedding pictures--- yours and John's and the ones of him as a little boy as well. I see yall went to Corky Bells!!!!---- oh loved seeing it again!! We had such a fun time there with yall!!!--- and hope we get to DO IT AGAIN! The food was SO GOOD and the place is just fun! Hot hot hot weekend here--- except church we didn't do much! And no appointments today--- Yay! We did hang up our new laundry room curtains and I love them! Love ya!!--- Debbi at debbisfrontporch-- not anonymous. Ha ha LOL HUGS!

  19. Enjoy your posts. Florida has not been this hot in my life even on this coast. However this area has not had a real hurricane in 100 years. In September we came close. I could not live inland. Mother had a place near Ocala and Interlachen about thirty minutes from Ocean. Years ago in the 1980’s. I couldn’t handle that heat. I moved here only for family. Hope you stay comfortable and healthy. When I leave my condo complex I see the ocean. My son lives by the marina where he has a boat on the ocean. He lives behind me. At least we do not have snow. Brenda


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