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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends Combined again...

 Good Evening my dear friends! Thank you all for so many sweet and thoughtful comments on my previous post. I am trying to get around to either replying or visiting you on your posts...little by little I am getting caught up...well, sort of! Sometimes I think we all need to take a breather and not write for a day or two so we can get caught up on reading! But I know we all have things we want to share, and if we wait too long we'll forget what they were! LOL.  I do appreciate you each and every one!

Let's see, what's happened since I last wrote to you (yesterday!)  Well, no more UFO sightings here...so that's a good thing.  But we certainly did have a gorgeous sunset this evening:

Amazing almost like fire dancing in the skies above Still Waters Pond...

And even the sun was reflecting on the clouds in the east from our front vantage point. We were surrounded by bright and beautiful skies...an evening gift from our Creator.

While I was out walking around the yard and into the area we call the "Memorial Garden", I couldn't help but notice the red holly berries getting redder and redder...preparing for the winter season. The birds and squirrels are already enjoying them...

It was a lovely evening on Still Waters Pond
There are many of these bright yellow wildflowers blooming all around the pond. They were closing their petals for evening prayers...

So I came back inside and thought it was time to sit down and write to you and share whatever else has been happening...

It has actually been a much more peaceful week than last week. I am very thankful for that.
Little by little the fall items in Dixie Cottage are starting fade into the background, and little bits of Christmas are starting to appear here and there. These tiny little paper houses were created by one of our vendors. The detail is amazing. This particular vendor donates the majority of her profits to local charities.  She also creates beautiful stained glass pieces.

I am impressed by the abilities and patience of the people who share their talents with us...

They can take simple things like small pictures or paintings and put them in refurbished frames or add other special touches to make a lovely grouping of items and end up with beautiful accent pieces for any home...

Again, I have to control myself to keep from wanting to take these things home with me. However, I may be able to do some Christmas shopping here...

But speaking of taking something home with me...well...this happened today:
I may have mentioned HERE a couple of weeks ago that I was tempted to take this little chest of drawers (nightstand, really) home with me and put it in my guest room.   

Well, lest you think I gave in to temptation, let me explain!!
This morning my son said that he was going to just take this little chest home and probably give it away because it hadn't sold and it needed to be repainted or something else because its shabbiness wasn't too chic! Anyway, I said, "Well, if you're just going to give it away, then could I have it?"
And he said, "Sure, take it!"  I asked if he wanted me to pay for it, and he said, "No, if you want it, it's yours!"
Well, you can bet I didn't hesitate one minute longer before he changed his mind. I asked him and my hubby to please go put it in the back of our vehicle right away before someone came into the store and wanted it! LOL. 
And so here it is in the guest room, ready for the next visitor.  It is taking the place of the two little wooden night stands that my son built for our guest room in our previous home, because that room was so narrow that anything larger wouldn't fit. 
In exchange for this little chest, I gave my son back the two nightstands he had built, because they really were too small for this room. He will either sell them in the store or do something else with them. 
So now you know the rest of that story!

Tonight I am very thankful for our family, and the way the Lord is blessing in so many ways.
Life does have it's challenges...there are many discouraging moments along the way, but God is always there to encourage us and give us hope and peace of mind when we need it most.
I am thankful for my health, and not taking it for granted. I have some aches and pains and "issues" that I must deal with on a regular basis, but nothing serious or life threatening, and I give God the praise and glory for His kindness and mercy and grace.

Philippians 4:11-13 sums up how I feel pretty well:

"11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Good night dear ones.
Be blessed...


  1. Such lovely things, as always, Pam. You are blessed to live by your beautiful pond and to work with the pretty things your son, daughter-in-law, and the rest create. I love those framed pictures of the birds and that sweet little pansy dish.

  2. The little houses are so cute! I'd like them on my tree for sure. There is nothing like a sunset to top off a day is there? And you captured some very good photos of this one. I posted my Friday photos but Blogger gave me a difficult time with them and properly placing them.

  3. The new nightstand is lovely in your room. And how nice that you gave the new your son made back to him.
    Happy Friday!

  4. Pam: As always you have a lovely post. The nightstand is perfect for your guest room. I'm sure Benton will find someone who likes, even love the ones you gave back to him. Peace and blessings to you and yours,

  5. Oh, I do love that sweet nightstand. It is so sweet of the Lord to give that to you through your son. He knew how much you wanted it. Your guest room is so sweet and welcoming to the next guest who stays with you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Good morning Pamela!
    So many things to love in this post..💞
    I would definitely have taken the nightstand too and it's perfect in your guest room. And how I love your quilt, pillow, pillowcases, bears....
    Again, I wish I could shop at Dixie Cottage. Those little houses are adorable! 🎄
    But most of all I love you sharing your thankfulness as well as that of Paul's. Both are much needed reminders and inspiration.❣️
    Blessings, Linda

  7. You did enjoy a beautiful sunset, Pam, and what you said about taking a break is certainly true. As much as I enjoy blog reading and posting, some days it is hard to keep up with both. Like yourselves, I do not keep current with watching the news because it can really be depressing most days. We need to keep looking for the positives in life because they are out there. It was nice that you repurposed that little nightstand and sure the ones you gave in exchange will find another home too.

  8. Hello. I love that scripture! One of my favorites. Beautiful sunset pictures. It's always fun to see what is at Dixie Cottage. I love those little houses. I hope you have a very good weekend. See you again soon!

  9. You'd like me to write less often than I do? 😁

    You got a good deal with the shabby chic night table. It's adorable. And it is a nice trade as well.

    Little houses have always charmed me and those are darling. Hope that they sell well.

    1. Actually, Vee, I'd like for you to write MORE than you do! LOL. Ha Ha. Thank you. Yes, those little houses are darling. They are very small, but have so much detail. I love them too. A couple have already sold!

  10. I do love that nightstand, Pamela, and loved the story about how it came to be yours. It goes perfectly in your guest room! And those clouds at sunset? Spectacular!!! God's marvels are everywhere, aren't they?

  11. Hi Pam what a fiery sunset that was!-- beautiful ! I love seeing ALL THE fun Pretty things at the store! Those little house ornaments are cute-- bet they go fast-- someone will want those on their tree. Do they have lights inside them or is that shining through from lights on the tree? The bird picture from yesterday's post--- how large is that-- frame and all? I love that one. Loved the fun pictures of miss Lily Grace too!!!--- she is always so fun and cute!! IM SO GLAD you got your nightstand!!-- I love it too and it looks great in there! We have the same taste for sure. So glad how God worked that out for you! Hugs! Love, debbi at debbis front porch

    1. Oh so many questions! LOL. 1. The little houses have a hole in the back of them so the lights from the tree can shine through. The hole is not big enough to insert a standard small tree light, but maybe one of the smaller led or fairy lights would fit. The bird picture from the previous post is bigger than 12" tall with the frame, maybe closer to 15", but I'd have to go measure it for sure. It's very lovely. We can ship items, if people want to pay the cost of shipping. Let me know if you are truly interested, and I will let you know the price, etc.. Oh, the nightstand is really for Lily Grace...to hold all her clothes and stuff, but don't tell anyone. LOL. She sends you her love, and to Tracie and Amybelle too! Have a blessed day.

  12. Before I forget! I love the idea of those wildflowers closing their petals for evening prayer. God is everywhere, isn't He?
    Another treasure that caught my eye are those 'eggs' in the birdcage with writing on them. Are those Bible verses? Oh, please tell us more sometime?
    I'm so happy that sweet nightstand has come to abide in your home. It's perfect! Wishing you a sweet Friday!

    1. Thank you, Myra. I sent you an email with the answer to your question. Not Bible verses on the eggs, but this vendor does use some music scores from hymns, etc. on some of her items. And yes, God IS everywhere for sure, and even the flowers worship Him.

  13. That shabby chic white night stand is perfect! What an interesting little story about how you were able to acquire it!

    Thank you, as always, for your encouragement to us, your readers, with scripture. God's Word never returns void (empty); His Word is powerful even when we cannot see it with our physical eyes.

  14. How fun that you got the chest you wanted!! I chuckled when you said you told the boys to get it loaded right now before someone comes in to buy it! Pam, it looks great in your guest room!! Pictures from your lovely Memorial Garden are always beautiful! Happy weekend!! xo

  15. That nightstand looks really nice. I would love to visit the cottage. When I go with my friends, we try to look in stores like that. I would love to redo some of my furniture pieces. I plan to try in 2024. Enjoy your weekend Pamela!

  16. Funny how I just focused in on your yellow flowers and your garden. I have been amazed that it is almost the end of October and the California poppies are still blooming in Ohio. I brought the seeds with me when I moved and planted them last year. They came back this year and spread more. And they're still blooming!

  17. I always love to see your photos over Still Waters Pond and Matthew's memorial garden is lovely. I'm getting excited for Christmas. I usually wait until the weekend of Thanksgiving to put up the tree but I may sneak it up early. Those little houses are adorable!. I wish I had the patience for that as well.

  18. Amén. Thank you. I need it. Regine

  19. It's a beautiful nightstand and perfect for your guestroom. I love how the Lord blesses us with the quiet desires of our heart.


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