Special Pages About Special People and Places

Sunday, October 30, 2022

It's Sunday...A Day of Rest

 It's Sunday, and I am home instead of being at Sunday school and church.  Had a bit of a "bug" yesterday and today, and I just needed to stay home and let my body heal.  I've been taking a lot of little naps...seems like that is what is needed most.  This morning after hubby left for church I decided to treat myself to being a "guest" in my own house and went and laid down on the bed in the guest room to see what it would feel like to be a guest here. LOL. 

I pulled Nanny Martin's restored quilt* up over me, and I went to sleep pretty quickly, so that is a good sign that the room is cozy and comfy.

Then I made the bed back when I got up so I wouldn't be tempted to lay back down...

I am enjoying the new little shabby chic nightstand that was given to me by my son at Dixie Cottage, and am very grateful to have it.

It will be a nice spot to put a cup of tea and a good book when I feel like reading...

And when I awaken from my nap I can refresh myself with a pitcher of warm water...(or I could just go across the hall to the bathroom where there is real running hot and cold water! LOL)
*(That photograph is of my hubby's "Nanny Martin", who created that quilt originally. See this link for the story about this quilt being restored)

Speaking about being restored...

Anyway, I am thankful for the comforts of home when I don't feel up to being out there in the world. Sometimes we just need to "retreat' and let our body be restored.

Interestingly the sermon today at church is from the 23rd Psalm. How do I know? Well, our Pastor records his messages ahead of time to put on the church website so that people who are shut in at home can go online and hear the message and also sing along with the choir on one of the hymns.  Our choir pre-records the song at our practice time earlier in the week, so that is why you will notice that I am singing in the choir when I am not there at church today. LOL.  Here it is for you if you want to listen to a good message and hear us singing "Oh, How I Love Jesus!"

"There is a name I love to hear; I love to sing its worth
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth.

O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me.

It tells me of a Savior’s love, who died to set me free
It tells me of His precious blood, the sinner’s perfect plea.

O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me.

It tells me what my Father hath in store for every day
And, tho’ I tread a darksome path, yields sunshine all the way.

O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me.

It tells of One whose loving heart can feel my deepest woe
Who in each sorrow bears a part that none can bear below.

O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me."

While I was sitting here writing this to you I was blessed by a little visitor out on the porch. I couldn't get a good picture of him while he was sitting on the porch rail right outside my window, but he soon moved out to perch on the post that holds one of our birdhouses, and there he posed for me so sweetly so I could share him with you:
Isn't he sweet? This is a little Eastern Phoebe, and he is a welcome visitor since he loves to catch flies and bugs.  You can often hear them calling "Phoebe, Phoebe" as they sit and watch for the bugs to appear.

This was a sweet gift to see him today. I love the ways God blesses us when we need little reminders of His Presence.

This little bird sits "Beside the Still Waters" here at our own Still Waters Pond...,
very fitting with the sermon today from the 23rd Psalm, where God leads us beside the still waters...where He restores our soul...

A Psalm of David.
Psalm 23

 "1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

I hope this has been a refreshing and restorative retreat for you today. May the Lord bless you and keep you in peace.



Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends Combined again...

 Good Evening my dear friends! Thank you all for so many sweet and thoughtful comments on my previous post. I am trying to get around to either replying or visiting you on your posts...little by little I am getting caught up...well, sort of! Sometimes I think we all need to take a breather and not write for a day or two so we can get caught up on reading! But I know we all have things we want to share, and if we wait too long we'll forget what they were! LOL.  I do appreciate you each and every one!

Let's see, what's happened since I last wrote to you (yesterday!)  Well, no more UFO sightings here...so that's a good thing.  But we certainly did have a gorgeous sunset this evening:

Amazing almost like fire dancing in the skies above Still Waters Pond...

And even the sun was reflecting on the clouds in the east from our front vantage point. We were surrounded by bright and beautiful skies...an evening gift from our Creator.

While I was out walking around the yard and into the area we call the "Memorial Garden", I couldn't help but notice the red holly berries getting redder and redder...preparing for the winter season. The birds and squirrels are already enjoying them...

It was a lovely evening on Still Waters Pond
There are many of these bright yellow wildflowers blooming all around the pond. They were closing their petals for evening prayers...

So I came back inside and thought it was time to sit down and write to you and share whatever else has been happening...

It has actually been a much more peaceful week than last week. I am very thankful for that.
Little by little the fall items in Dixie Cottage are starting fade into the background, and little bits of Christmas are starting to appear here and there. These tiny little paper houses were created by one of our vendors. The detail is amazing. This particular vendor donates the majority of her profits to local charities.  She also creates beautiful stained glass pieces.

I am impressed by the abilities and patience of the people who share their talents with us...

They can take simple things like small pictures or paintings and put them in refurbished frames or add other special touches to make a lovely grouping of items and end up with beautiful accent pieces for any home...

Again, I have to control myself to keep from wanting to take these things home with me. However, I may be able to do some Christmas shopping here...

But speaking of taking something home with me...well...this happened today:
I may have mentioned HERE a couple of weeks ago that I was tempted to take this little chest of drawers (nightstand, really) home with me and put it in my guest room.   

Well, lest you think I gave in to temptation, let me explain!!
This morning my son said that he was going to just take this little chest home and probably give it away because it hadn't sold and it needed to be repainted or something else because its shabbiness wasn't too chic! Anyway, I said, "Well, if you're just going to give it away, then could I have it?"
And he said, "Sure, take it!"  I asked if he wanted me to pay for it, and he said, "No, if you want it, it's yours!"
Well, you can bet I didn't hesitate one minute longer before he changed his mind. I asked him and my hubby to please go put it in the back of our vehicle right away before someone came into the store and wanted it! LOL. 
And so here it is in the guest room, ready for the next visitor.  It is taking the place of the two little wooden night stands that my son built for our guest room in our previous home, because that room was so narrow that anything larger wouldn't fit. 
In exchange for this little chest, I gave my son back the two nightstands he had built, because they really were too small for this room. He will either sell them in the store or do something else with them. 
So now you know the rest of that story!

Tonight I am very thankful for our family, and the way the Lord is blessing in so many ways.
Life does have it's challenges...there are many discouraging moments along the way, but God is always there to encourage us and give us hope and peace of mind when we need it most.
I am thankful for my health, and not taking it for granted. I have some aches and pains and "issues" that I must deal with on a regular basis, but nothing serious or life threatening, and I give God the praise and glory for His kindness and mercy and grace.

Philippians 4:11-13 sums up how I feel pretty well:

"11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Good night dear ones.
Be blessed...

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday Treasures

Happy Wednesday! This is how our morning started out:

I thought it was quite an unusual and beautiful sunrise. My hubby thought all those reddish colored clouds looked like alien UFO ships coming in across the skies, but he said further that if they were it probably wouldn't make the headline news...they are always too busy talking about politics and other issues that no one in power will do anything about... 

We waved the American flag at the aliens and they soon faded away into the bright morning sunlight:

So on that note, let's move on to something else beautiful or interesting for Wednesday!  (And now you know why we don't even bother to watch the news anymore. Our make believe aliens in the skies are more interesting!)

Speaking of strange lights in the skies:

We woke up early the other morning around 5:30 a.m. to see these lights flashing through our windows. 

Looking out through the window blinds from our bedroom I could see at least three if not more police vehicles over on the highway, apparently working an accident or some other crime.  They were there a LONG time, directing traffic around the scene. We never did hear what it was all about. I prayed whoever was involved was not injured seriously...

My concern is with the new Dollar General Store being constructed at the entrance to our neighborhood that the traffic issues are going to just get much worse out there where we have to drive in and out.  I voiced my concerns on a Facebook group page for our community, and was soon put down for suggesting that we will need a traffic light at that intersection when the store is completed. I was told that people just need to learn how to drive and that a traffic light is a $@#*!!% stupid idea.  I quickly took my post off of that page and learned my lesson.  Often times these so called group pages become sounding boards for all the nut cases in the area, so I will refrain from becoming one of them. LOL.

So now on to more pleasant subjects...My "Wednesday Treasures"...
Most of you will recognize the hat on the left, but the other items were a lovely belated birthday gift that arrived in the mail from one of my dear blogging friends (one whom I've actually had the joy and privilege to meet in person).  She sent me the beautiful fan and vintage looking coin purse, along with that delightful little card. It had gotten lost in the mail and finally found its way here, and just in time to make my day and bring a huge smile to my face and heart.  She knows who she is, and I thank her whole heartedly for such a lovely and thoughtful gift. 
And this dear friend never forgets sweet Lily Grace (because she is the person who gave her to me in the first place!)  A fun blue and green haired little unicorn, a miniature Breyer's horse, and a couple of pretty marbles to play with, along with a tiny fairy ornament for her hair made for a fun and happy package!  Even Lily's puppy Bailey thought they were fun gifts and wants to play with them.  So much fun we have here!  We are truly blessed and thankful for sweet friends.

And no post would be complete without showing you some of the fun and pretty things going on at Dixie Cottage:

Here are some of my favorite items for the week:
Such a beautifully painted and decorated little miniature jelly cabinet or whatever you want to call it...it's really lovely.

And two beautiful bird cages, although I don't like to see birds in cages, these are so pretty perhaps an imitation bird would be okay...

And speaking of birds, these gorgeous bird baths are created from vintage glassware! No two are ever alike! 

A very unique and colorful necklace...

And these have to be my favorites of all...Three Boyd Bears all decked out for autumn, sitting in a lovely white chair (which is sold, btw...the chair, not the bears)

But then again, I do love this pretty picture of a bird...

And also this little redbird sitting on a next in a small chest:

Speaking of sitting...why not come and sit a spell on our front porch?  Ben and Rose said their storage shed was full of too many odd chairs, so they must go...

Anyone need any odd ball chairs? We've got them!

Oh, and here's a lovely oak table and chairs...this is a different one than I've shown before...the other one has been sold, and actually so has this set...just waiting for its new owners to come and pick it up in time for the holidays...

But if you still need a dining room table and chairs we have another one...These can be sold as is or may be painted to any color you wish for an extra fee of course...

These three little bears will soon be needing a new chair that is "just right" when the purchaser of this chair comes to take it away...or maybe they just need to come home with me and sit on my guest bed, which also would be "just right"...it's very tempting...(but if I give in to every temptation to buy something in Dixie Cottage I will soon be looking for a "real job")

My own little Boyd Bears, who are already sitting on my guest bed, are reminding us of some positive thoughts as we close out this post today:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Philippians 4:8

And with that I will leave you for today and pray that God will bless you with true and noble, right and pure, lovely and admirable, excellent or praiseworthy thoughts to fill your heart with joy and peace.


Monday, October 24, 2022

Tuesday 4: The End of October


Tuesday 4
The End of October

Welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and thank you for joining in and helping to keep it going. It is very much appreciated.

                                                                                                                                                                  In the Catskill Mountains/Hudson Valley of New York

October is fast slipping away though it seems to have only just begun!

Columbus Day is over but it will end with All Hallows Eve or Halloween.. the night before All Saint's Day when Christian martyrs are remembered and honored. All hallows eve really means, the night before the holy martyrs day but somehow it became associated with spooky happenings. Let's talk about the end of October.

1. Do you give out candy on Halloween to neighborhood kids? Did you ever.. have you always?

Yes, we always give out candy to the neighborhood kiddos on Halloween. It's a lot of fun to see them show off their cute costumes.  
This picture below was two years ago...hubby on the deck, and me with our friend Sherrie were waiting for the kids to arrive...

This was one special family who came by that year...they are the grandchildren of some dear friends from our church:

And this was a funny kind of dune buggy full of trick or treaters who came by last year:

2. We must dress up this Halloween.. Yes, you have to ! What will your costume be this year?
Well, if I must...maybe it will be something like this: 
Hobo Pam, many moons ago

Or Beatnik Pam (on the far right) many many many moons ago

3. Have you ever carved pumpkins? Have you visited the gorgeous Hudson Valley in New York state?
Yes, we usually have carved a pumpkin most every year.  Although in the past few years I haven't carved them. I drew a face on them, but didn't go through all the mess of carving it.  I haven't gotten a real pumpkin yet this year. I guess I need to go find one soon or they'll be all gone!

Regarding the Hudson Valley in NY State, yes, I have visited the area and it was beautiful. We didn't spend a lot of time there, but from what I remember it was lovely.  And yes, we did visit Sleepy Hollow many years ago and some other historic sites around there.

4. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving takes place in Sleepy Hollow a town known today as Tarrytown, NY. a lovely town in the Hudson Valley not far from the Catskill Mountains, site of Rip Van Winkle. The Hudson Valley is considered one of the most beautiful places in America. The Hudson separates NY from New Jersey.*      Do you know the Legend of Sleepy Hollow? How about Rip Van Winkle? Do you believe either could be based on true stories as some believe? Why/ why not?   
I guess I'd need to go back and re-read the stories to remember the details.  They could well be based on true stories.  The Headless Horseman was really a guy with something over his head and he threw a pumpkin at Ichabod Crane. Probably based on a true story, but embellished to make it more dramatic.  And Rip Van Winkle? Again, I need to go back and re-read the story. Seems like I remember him being asleep for 20 years... People do stay in a coma for many years and wake up after so many years and everything has changed...so it certainly can happen.

Well, I guess that's all the questions for this week. I hope you enjoyed coming along on the journey with me through the Halloween  tales and fun.  We do like to have fun on Halloween. Nothing creepy or scary, just good clean fun.  HERE is a LINK to a post I wrote a few years ago about how I feel about that.

If you want to see what others think about this, CLICK HERE and go to the Tuesday 4 link up!

Happy End of October!!!  October has been really beautiful here in Florida this year! We've had real fall weather for a change! Very delightful!!

An Autumn Sunset
Good Night! Sleep Tight!
Don't let the bed bugs bite!!