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Friday, August 4, 2017

Friday Foto Friends..."Little Is Much When God Is In It!"

I wonder how many of my other "Friday Foto Friends" get to Thursday night and wonder, "Now what am I going to post for Friday Foto Friends tomorrow?"  Sometimes I get over zealous and show all my pictures during the week, and then don't have anything special for Friday.  This week it has rained quite a bit and so I really haven't gotten out as much to go places and see things!  So I think I will just scan back through my last several pictures on the camera and see what is there worth sharing.  Maybe the Lord will help me put it all together....He usually does!  Isn't that the way life is?  When we think we don't have anything worth sharing or we feel like our best just isn't good enough...doesn't God always show us that He loves us just the way we are...and that "little is much when God is in it?"

Matthew 14:17 
"And they (the Disciples)  said to Him (Jesus), 'We have here only five loaves and two fish.'"

And what did Jesus do with those five loaves and two fish?

"And He took the five loaves and the two fish, 
and looking up to heaven,
He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; 
and the disciples gave to the multitudes.
So they all ate and were filled, 
and they took up twelve baskets full 
of the fragments that remained.
Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, 
besides women and children."
Matthew 14:19-21


So, Lord, I thank You for the blessings you have showered upon us this week...both in rain and in substance. And I give You praise for your goodness and kindness...and ask that you will take
these little offerings of thanksgiving and multiply them to bring smiles and joy and blessing to all who join in this event today! May my offering be pleasing unto You, Lord. 
In Jesus' Name I pray.

Okay, here are my photos from this past week. If you have already seen them on Facebook, just pretend you haven't already seen them and enjoy anyway and be blessed! 

Last Saturday morning we woke up to discover this very large Barred Owl on our back fence! If you've been a friend of mine for very long, you will understand why this owl is significant to me. 

And HERE is another similar story about that season of life with the owls...

Since moving from that home to the forest about 5 1/2 years ago, we never saw another Barred Owl after those earlier encounters that meant so much.  We could often hear them calling in the woods, but never until this past weekend have we ever seen one here. So this was a big blessing and joy to discover him sitting on our fence. Sorry the picture is kind of blurry, but it was early and still not much light outside. I keep hoping he will come back, but so far we have not seen him again.

Later that same day we went to visit my mother in law at the nursing home, and were joined there by some other family members from out of town. This picture below shows my MIL on the bottom right, and her cousin by marriage on the left. The four people standing are her niece, her two sons in the middle, and her nephew. This was a very special time as it is not often that the "cousins" can get together anymore...and now that my MIL is 94 years old, we don't know even if we will be able to get together like this again.  A few days later we found out that my MIL has an infection in her colon, and even though it is being treated by strong antibiotics and she seems to be responding well to treatment, at her age we just never know what the next day will bring.  So we count our blessings and make every moment count!

Another blessing arrived in the mail this week:
My blogging friend Cecelia Lester ("Following My King") has written a book:
Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy ~ 
Thoughts of God and His Word
It is a wonderful devotional/Bible Study guide...and I am enjoying reading through it. I will do a book review soon! 
(And you can order this book HERE from Amazon.com)

My little "Baby Elva" turned seven years old this week!
You may have already read more about this beautiful baby-doll HERE earlier this week, but I added the following postscript after most had already read it:
"My friend who created "Baby Elva" started making these dolls as a way to work through her grief over the death of her daughter, who was 8 months pregnant when she was killed by her husband. So my friend lost not only her daughter but her grandchild at the same time. She started making these babies and giving them to people as a way of bringing comfort to those who were grieving. She gave this gift to me when she first heard that our son Matthew was diagnosed with cancer. She knew that I would need something to hold and rock and love during that time, and she was right. I've never actually told that part of the story before, and I guess I should, because "Baby Elva" became a real comfort to me when we didn't know what was going to happen with Matthew. Plus, she became a sweet little "baby" to enjoy and she brightens our day. A lot of people, especially the men, don't quite understand it...but that's okay. "Baby Elva" has accomplished her mission with us...she makes us smile...and sometimes cry. But tears are cleansing... Interestingly, our "Baby Elva" arrived at our home on July 31. I didn't know it at the time, but that is also my friend's daughter's birthday. So now, when Elva's "birthday" comes around, I remember to pray for my friend who is still grieving over the loss of her beautiful daughter and grandchild. So now you know the "back story" behind Baby Elva."

Today, since it was a rainy afternoon, I got busy and did some baking. I had two overripe bananas sitting on the counter...not quite enough to make my recipe for Banana Nut Bread, so I made some banana muffins instead...and then I also had some blueberries in the fridge that needed to get used before they got overripe, so I baked "Aunt Audrey's Blueberry Cake"
Click HERE for another time I did almost the exact same thing: http://pamelasopenwindow.blogspot.com/2012/06/things-to-do-on-rainy-day.html
My younger son was home and said he wished there was an "app" on his phone to capture the aroma of fresh baked goodies so he could smell it again later...it smelled so good in the house! LOL!

And last but not least, I now know where we got the idea of using"cones" for Ice-Cream Cones. 
I noticed this cute little squirrel up in the tree enjoying his "ice-cream PINE CONE"...just like it was a real sweet treat! He didn't even try to scamper away as I stood there watching him and taking his picture many times.  He was so engrossed in eating that pine cone you would think he was hurrying to eat it before it melted...like we do with our ice-cream cones!

(To my friend Martha Jane Orlando who writes the "Adventures in the Glade Series"... Here's a good prototype for "Racer"...who loves to eat a LOT!  Ha ha)...and yes...I still have two more book reviews to write about her last two books...coming soon! 

Do you know this song?  If so, sing along with me (and David Phelps from The Gaither Vocal Band):

"Little Is Much When God Is In It" 
by Kittie L. Suffield

In the harvest field now ripened
There’s a work for all to do;
Hark! the voice of God is calling
To the harvest calling you.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name.

In the mad rush of the broad way,
In the hurry and the strife,
Tell of Jesus’ love and mercy,
Give to them the Word of Life.


Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.


Are you laid aside from service,
Body worn from toil and care?
You can still be in the battle,
In the sacred place of prayer.


When the conflict here is ended
And our race on earth is run,
He will say, if we are faithful,
Welcome home, My child—well done!

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name.

Thank You, Lord...for putting this "Little bit" together...In Jesus' Name!  May it be a blessing to many.  Amen.  

Now, my friends, please skip over to Bev's place at "Breathing in Grace" and see what our Friday Foto Friends are sharing...and be blessed!!!


  1. Your MIL's nephew bears a striking resemblance to VP Pence!

    "When we think we don't have anything worth sharing or we feel like our best just isn't good enough...doesn't God always show us that He loves us just the way we are...and that "little is much when God is in it?"

    This is why I come here...You say things like this!

    And the owl... that is just so cool.

    1. Oh Sandi! You always are so affirming! That's why I love to see your "face" pop up here! Thank you for your thoughts...and I'll have to let our cousin know who he looks like! I never noticed that before...but I can see why you'd say that!! He'll feel honored by that comparison I am certain!! Have a blessed day my friend. You ARE a blessing to me!

    2. A weird thing happened to me today, Pamela. I read this blog post in the morning. Around 11:00 I took my kids to the pool and, while floating happily in the deep end, I heard an owl. An owl! In the middle of a sunny day. At the pool. It made me think of this blog and I thought I would share that with you because...well, it is weird.

    3. Oh wow, Sandi!! That is SO cool! I am glad that owl brought a smile to your face as you thought about how special they are! I'll bet he was telling you that he wanted to go for a swim too!!! They sometimes do!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh, oh, oh...where do I start. Your pictures are AWESOME. I'm soooo slack in visiting, even on Facebook sometimes, but I did see a pic of the owl. I'd be so excited if one landed on our fence! Sometimes, mostly in the winter, if I can't sleep and I'm up in the wee hours, I'll hear one calling, but have never been blessed to see him/her up close and personal. I'd love to sit down with you and share some of that blueberry bread...blueberries are my fave!!! And, DAVID PHELPS....we're going to see him in concert next month with some friends of ours. I rarely get to go anywhere like that and I'm sooooo excited! We truly are Kindred Spirits, sweet Lady. HOPE you have a wonderful day! (and my eye doctor mentioned "age" to me, too...I tried to ignore that part of the conversation...LOL)

    1. I would LOVE to share this blueberry cake with you, over a cup of coffee or tea or whatever you like best! Come on down! Oh, you get to hear David Phelps in person? That should be great!!! I rarely get to go anywhere either...we live to far out to make it worthwhile to go to concerts, etc., unless I know someone who lives close and will let me stay over...but that's not gonna happen! So enjoy it for me! Next time you hear an owl in the night, open your window and call him back with the same call...you might be surprised just how close he really is! (and your hubby will think you've gone nuts, but it would be fun! ha ha)

  3. I always love coming here, and seeing what is going on in your life...helps me know you even better and thank you for sharing. I do see the resemblence to VP Pence...lol Also, the squirrel eating his 'ice cream cone' is so cute. I pray you have a blessed Friday and upcoming weekend.

    1. I'm so happy you enjoy coming here for a visit! I would so love to have you pop in anytime!! Maybe we could find that silly squirrel! Have a blessed day, my friend. I hope it has been a good day for you.

  4. I really like how Foto Friends lets us get to know everyone so much better. I really enjoy having a look into people's lives and the things that are important to them.
    There is a big barn owl by me that I see on my porch sometimes. Wonderful to see owls isn't it? So many different kinds.Your cake and muffins look so good! I agree about the scent app but it would make me too hungry all the time.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Annie. Yes, I feel the same way about our "Foto Friends". I love this camaraderie we have here and look forward to seeing where we've been throughout the week. Yes, Owls are wonderful creatures! I love to watch them, when I get the opportunity! They are often too elusive to view, unless you are a "night owl"! LOL Hope your weekend is full of joy and blessings.

  5. I do know that song because my boss used to sing it often and I love the idea of the smallest thing being greater in God's sight if He is in it. That little squirrel with his treat is so cute. I want some of that blueberry cake.

    1. Please come on over and have a piece of blueberry cake with me this morning! We need to finish it up!!I've got the coffee and tea ready! Yes, little things do become great with God in the midst. Our humble offerings can accomplish big things when blessed by the Master's Hand. Have a blessed day my friend.

  6. Yes, Pamela, that squirrel is the PERFECT prototype for Racer! Such amazing photos you managed to get, especially considering how much squirrels move around. I guess this one truly was too engrossed in eating to be bothered by anything else. If you want to email me these photos, I will share them (and of course, give you credit) on my Facebook page for The Glade Series. Thank you, too, for the mention here once again. :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing "Racer" in action, eating action that is! I just thought how much he was acting in character here for us to enjoy! May your day be filled with God's amazing grace and blessings!

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, I thought so too! We'd be drooling on our phones, however! LOL. Have a blessed day!

  8. Pam, as always your photos are amazing. Thank you for sharing your heart through the photos and words. Yes, little is much when God is in the mix. Oh...I like the thought of a smell app (even though I don't have a smart photo). How about scratch and sniff?

    And the squirrel? Oh, yes, I thought of Racer.


    1. Ha ha! Scratch and sniff would be good! I've often thought of that when I see pictures of lilacs or other beautiful flowers online, and I wish I could just "smell the roses" again. Yes, wasn't "Racer" acting quite in character for us? I will be keeping my eye on him to see if he has anything else to "say" to me! LOL

  9. I am always blessed by your posts!! That squirrel looks healthy and plump!

    1. Lots of tasty pine "ice cream" cones for him to enjoy around here! LOL. Thank you, Terri! Are you tired of being retired yet? LOL>

  10. Thank you for this post. I did not read your other posts because we were on holiday to Germany. I'll read them later because I love your blog. Maybe first follow the links :-) Nice owl! Last week, I fooled my son by imitating an owl. He really thought that there was an owl in the tree.

    1. Thank you so much Aritha. I need to check into your posts again as well. Owls are such fun to watch and imitate. If you listen carefully, you might hear one respond to your call!!

  11. Pam: I always enjoy coming to your blog. Thank you for your thoughtful appraisal of my book. I do so appreciate it. The baked goods look scrumptious. Peace and Blessings to you and yours.


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