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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Little Nervous Energy...And It Isn't Even Spring Yet

 The past few days I have been expending an enormous amount of energy...and it isn't even spring yet!  Although, here in Florida it has actually felt a lot like spring...cool nights and warm, sunny days...perfect days for opening the windows and letting in the fresh air!  And, since there will be a special ladies' gathering at my house later this week that has been planned for quite a while...I decided to take advantage of this beautiful weather and get some early spring housecleaning done.

 So, one of my sons helped me to do some planting and cleaning up in the "Secret Garden area...preparing the space for the new bench (when it is done...hopefully soon!)

And we also planted some Viburnum along the property line between our back yard and the neighbor's yard.  These plants will grow into a tall, bushy hedge, providing a natural "privacy fence" eventually.

Next we cleaned out a lot of dead palmettos from this cluster in the back of the house, which is also a part of the "secret garden".

Then I discovered this little cedar tree alongside the road, right in the path of where the road grader would be spreading dirt, etc., so I rescued it and transplanted it in our back yard. Hopefully someday it will be big and tall and shade a very sunny, bare area in our back yard...

Next, my hubby and I burned all the leaves, palmetto and tree debris that had accumulated...I only wish I had thought to roast some marshmallows and have some s'mores.  Oh well, we'll save that for a cooler evening...

Then I decided to wash some windows...actually over the past few days I have washed a total of 16 out of the 24 windows in our house....

And also washed our bedroom curtains, the bedskirt and all the bedding including the quilt bedspread and blanket...in addition to already having washed all the bedding from "Nanny's room" a couple of days ago...

Why all the frenzied cleaning and planting and working overtime...I guess it is a way to keep my mind off of the "loss" of my mother in law from our daily lives...

It seems that since my mother in law is in the hospital...and knowing that she will be going to a nursing home when she leaves there (click HERE for that story), I am trying to stay busy and not worry about her situation.  The hospital is a little far for us to travel to every day, so keeping busy seems to soothe my mind and conscience.  
For those of you who have been through this, you probably understand what's happening. 

I'm not sure how this frenetic pace equates to my idea of "REST" in 2017...But actually
I must say that I have truly rejoiced in the Lord during this season of activity...praising God for the strength, energy, beauty of God's creation all around me while working in the garden and also while making the windows shine for His glory.  

"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
My soul shall be joyful in my God;
For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation,
He has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments,
And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."

"For as the earth brings forth its bud,
As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth,
so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to 
spring forth before all the nations."
Isaiah 61:10-11

It is encouraging to me that God is at work in our midst...especially in the situation with my mother in law.  There is something beautiful and good coming out of this...perhaps even more than we know at this moment.  So, thank you for your prayers, concern and any words of wisdom you can share during this time.  


  1. Hi Pamela, Your secret garden must be beautiful when in full bloom. That is still one of my favorite books and movie. I always wanted a secret garden but alas living in an apartment complex I can't have one. My prayers are with you and your family especially your mother in law.

  2. Oh I understand that one...working to keep the mind busy and all the while praising God for all that He is doing. It helps so much. I even have found myself talking out loud to the Lord as I worked. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. I know in our own situation God healed relationships that had been torn apart for many years. xx

  3. Pam: How big will your garden be? It sounds like it will be something comforting and calming. I understand your concern about not being able to see your mother-in-law on a daily basis. I planned to see my husband's half-sister at each mealtime to see that she ate. The facility was less than a mile away from our home. But, no, I got completely worn out from the stress and the other things going on in our home. I did manage to get there regularly, about once a day. God will guide you through all these things.

  4. Ooh, a secret garden sounds so wonderful! Girl, I wish I could have some of your energy right about now! And I understand all too well what you mean by keeping your mind on other things by staying busy! Prayers for you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. You are really moving along with that garden. I applaud you for getting after all those windows. I keep saying I am going to do that, but when the weather permits, I have other things going on. And when I am home with time, it's just too cold or rainy to do windows. Maybe keeping yours of busy with other things is a type of rest for your mind.

  6. I hear you, Pamela! Sometimes staying busy (with a purpose, of course) has done much to relieve any worries or anxiety I might have at the time. Praying for you MIL and that God's will be done.

  7. It feels so good to get things cleaned and to clean out and work on worthy projects! Your secret garden will be amazing and I know your house feels clean and bright with so much spring cleaning done. Good for you!

  8. I've not been as energetic as you, but this weather here in east Tennessee has given me an extra boost of energy, too. Prayers for your situation and family. Slow down today and rest from your labor!

  9. You have been a busy lady...it's a great way to deal with things that are on our mind and heart. Not only are you busy with your secret garden you are busy sorting your emotions and accepting where you are in life. It's a journey, sometimes smooth and sometimes very bumpy. The wonderful thing about it all is God is always walking with you, lifting you up when you fall. Everything is going to be okay, God has it covered!!


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