Special Pages About Special People and Places

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Treasures, a Sequel, and Celebrations

First of all, let me thank you for your kind comments on yesterday's post, "Dark Academia", seen HERE.  If you haven't read it yet, you might want to go back there and read it first before you finish reading this.  It really was a lot of fun coming up with that story, but I thought afterwards that I wish I had ended it differently.  

My new ending would be that I kept feeling someone shaking my arms and telling me to wake up.  I was astonished to open my eyes and see Miss Scarlett standing over me with a worried look, and practically in tears because she was afraid something had happened to me.  Apparently while I was reading my book I fell asleep in that cozy spot in front of the fire, and somehow I fell off the couch and bumped my head.  As I groggily came to, I looked around the room and saw Mr. Green standing next to Miss Scarlett, also looking rather concerned but more so looking rather admiringly at Miss Scarlett. Next to him was Mrs. White, and she brought a cool wet washcloth to bathe my forehead and check for any bumps and bruises.  Colonel Mustard stood next to her and kept giving her advice on what to do. Even Professor Plum was there,  looking concerned but still rather frustrated that his studies about the Egyptian Pharaoh's tomb was interrupted yet again.  

I finally sat up and looked at Miss Scarlett and shouted, "You're Alive!" And she responded, "Well, of course I am! What did you think?" Good Gracious, Mrs. Peacock! We thought YOU were dead!!  Then I realized that I must have dreamed the whole thing!  I sat up and gave Miss Scarlett a great big hug and told her how thankful I was that she was okay, and that from now on I would try to be a better friend to her and to everyone else in the house.  They all scratched their heads and looked at me rather peculiarly, but all in all they were happy that I was okay, and I was VERY happy that this story finally had a very happy and much better ending!  And we all lived happily ever after.  The End. (Maybe...who knows? There might be another sequel! LOL)

So now on to a new day and a new story!  Just kidding! No new stories today...just moving on to new things...

We went for a walk last evening and I saw these flowers blooming along the roadway where we walk in the woods.  They were so pretty I decided to pick some and bring them home.  
I looked them up on the Google Lens feature in my phone, and found that this is called 
Dogtongue Wild Buckwheat!  Have you ever heard of that before? It's a new one to me for sure. But it's very pretty and looks nice on the kitchen countertop, so I will enjoy it until they start to droop and die.

Finally some good news on the next door home front!  Some fellas came today and delivered a load of concrete blocks so they can start the blocking and leveling of the house, along with installing the tie-downs underneath the house.  They still haven't joined the two sides together, but I expect that will be happening soon or else they can't continue the blocking and leveling!

So little by little it is finally coming together.  I know the person who is building this house will be happy to see some progress being made.

And today is our #1 son's birthday!!
Here he is with his sweet wife.

I had to find his baby book and this announcement so I could remember what time he was born. All I remember was it was a VERY LONG and HARD labor, and that he was 2 and a half weeks late, in the hot summer heat here in Florida! And he was a very BIG BABY, especially for my first!
But I was sure happy to finally see who it was that had been kicking and rolling around inside of my tummy for the past 9 and a half months!  Back then we didn't have ultrasound, and so we had no way of knowing if it was a boy or a girl.  If we had of had that option I don't think I would have wanted to know anyway.  I like surprises.
And he sure was a BIG surprise!!  When my mother first saw him as they brought him out of the delivery room, she cried, "Oh, my poor Pammy!"   LOL.  

Here he is at 3 1/2 months!  Yes, he was a big boy, and still is! 

(This was taken last year on his birthday)

I am writing this early in the morning so I don't have any pictures yet of him blowing out his candles. So I may have to wait and finish this post after that!  We are taking them out to lunch and then we will come back to the house for brownies and ice-cream (his choice!).  I will wait to bake the brownies when we get back home because we all want them warm! LOL.

Ephesians 2:10  NIV

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do."

We thank the Lord for our son and also for his dear wife.  They are such a blessing to us and to all who know them. May the Lord continue to bless Benton (and Rose) and guide them and keep them going in the path that He has planned for them. Amen.

I think I will go ahead and post this now...if there are any updates they can always be added to tomorrow's post, right?   Y'all have a great day!  I'm getting ready to go out and celebrate!!



  1. Love the new ending. Happy Birthday to Benton and I hope you all have a great celebration today.

  2. Happy Birthday to your handsome son. Yes indeed, he was quite a big baby ... but there's more to love that way.
    Love the ending to your story..fun read.
    Enjoy your day and keep on celebrating.
    Thank you for the kind words on my latest blog post. We are still trying to wrap our heads around our friends passing.

  3. Family birthdays are such fun! He looks like such a happy baby.
    I love that birth announcement, too. Went to look at that of my son, then realized I gave him his 'baby book' last year. Are those (books) even a thing anymore?
    I hope your warm brownies and ice cream are super delicious, and wishing Benton a most blessed "New Year"!

    PS - Your revised ending is great!

  4. Happy happy birthday Benton from your South carolina friends!! 🎂 🥮 🥳 Gosh Pam, he WAS a big baby, especially first time! Yep, I remember-- no sonograms and you found out at birth if it was a boy or girl! 👶 I liked it better that way

  5. (above)--- debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous lol!!

  6. Happy BIrthday to Benton, hope it's a great day for him. You can sure tell who that baby is, he hasn't changed that much, just a little older! lol

  7. Happy Birthday to Benton! It will be a nice day because of the love in you family.

  8. Happy Birthday to Benton!!!

    As for your return to Dark Academia, all I can say is, you've got an amazing imagination!

  9. Happy birthday to Benton!! I saw your Longhorn Steak House photos on FB so you gave him a good celebration!! Your first ending was fine but I also liked your second version from yesterday's Tuesday 4!! Hugs!

  10. I do like your newer ending better and sure wish I go write like you do. Happy Birthday to Benton. He was a big boy wasn't he. My sister had a 13 lb 1 oz boy! He came home in size one clothes and he's still a big boy. He's around 6'5" and looks like a football player. He went to a Christian College and then became a guard at a juvenile detention center. Those boys do respect him and listen to him, I expect it's because of his size but he's really a great big teddy bear. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Hi Pamela! Happy Birthday to Benton! I am sure you had a nice celebration for him! It was fun to see his birth announcement and baby picture! Looks like you will soon have new neighbors! I hope they are nice people. It's always fun to check in and see what you are up to. Have a good day!


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