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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday 4~More About You (me)

 More About You...

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4..
Let's jump right into the questions for this week....

1. What are you best known for in your family or among friends?
I don't know...you'd have to ask them! LOL.  Back in high school someone wrote in my yearbook that I always entered the hallways with a song.  That was true. I was always singing whatever the last song was that I heard on the radio on my way to school.  I still love to sing and often am singing something in my head or out loud. Mostly hymns.  They are my favorite songs to sing because they are full of God's love, mercy, and grace and hope for tomorrow.
2. Were you popular in school?
I guess by most standards, yes, I was.  But I grew up in a very small town, and I went to the same school from 1st through 12th grade.  Many of my classmates also grew up there, so we were together for the whole 12 years.  I was very active in many different groups in high school: Cheerleading, Chorus, Drama, F.H.A. (Future Homemakers of America) and I was also our class Secretary. But here's the thing, because it was a small school, there were many opportunities for everyone. We didn't have to compete with classes of 500 or more students. There were only 50 in my graduating class. So by living in a small town and going to a small school we were able to know pretty much everyone and everyone knew us. (That can be good and bad!).  

3. Would you rather take a drive in the country or shop in town on a day off?
I'd prefer a drive in the country any day to going into the city.  We only go to the city when we absolutely have to, like for specialist doctor appointments, and rarely do we stop and shop.  I don't really enjoy shopping much anymore. Too many crowds, traffic, and I don't have any money for extraneous shopping.

I'd rather be looking at the full moon on Still Waters Pond, like this morning, than going shopping in the city.  However, in a little while we have to leave for the "city" nearby so I can get my annual mammogram. That's always "fun".  Trusting God for good results.

4. Are you a member of any societies, clubs or associations or were you at any time? Did you enjoy them?
The only thing I am a member of now is our church, and yes, I enjoy that very much.  See #2 for groups that I was a member of back in high school.  I really haven't ever been involved in outside organizations much in my adult life, except for church and church groups like our Women's group and singing in the choir.  One time many many years ago I was talked into becoming the P.T.A. President for our children's elementary school.  Thankfully we moved away before I had to do it for long. LOL.   Because my hubby was a minister, being a Pastor's Wife and Mommy of three very active boys kept me too busy to join any other clubs. Plus for many of those years I also worked outside of the home, usually in schools so that I could have the same schedule as our children. Once they were out of school and moved on I did work in other professions.

The skies on Still Waters Pond now, just a half hour later from the moon picture!  We don't often get these kinds of sunrises on the pond in the morning!  Really beautiful.

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

… Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

… How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he brings;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

… Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

… And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

… Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Gloria Gaither / William J. Gaither


  1. Drive in the country every time, and I was the opposite of you in school, first 3 years, moved, 4 years later moved, 3 years later moved. my first 8 years I was fine the last was a miserable mess.
    the thing I am best known for in the family, is I talk to much. my oldest son once said to the people we were talking to after church, did you know my mom has a black belt in conversation? ha ha says it all. I write like I talk

  2. Lovely post and I am always so happy to see you join in. I really love getting to know more about you.

  3. I enjoyed reading all about you and that photo of you is cute! I agree that a drive in the country is far better than time in the city.

  4. Enjoyed learning a little bit more about you! Cheerleader captain - WoW !! I was class secretary in 10th grade and lots of other things too. I loved high school, great memories. Today's picture of the full moon over Still Water Pond is just gorgeous. AND YES, Because HE lives I can face tomorrow♥ Hope your day is happy and blessed.

  5. I'd much prefer a drive in the country. I'd be willing to shop in a town. But a city - not if I can help it! How cool you were the cheerleader captain.

  6. Love your cheerleader photo and the moonshot and the sunrise. You live in such a beautiful place.

  7. You always hit the nail right on the head with your music. That song is one of my all time favorites. When ever the Gaithers were in town for a concert we were there. Some of the best times I ever had. Have most of their albums, CD's and sang them in choir, and special groups.
    You were so lovely as a cheer leader..
    Answers... #1 I guess I would say that I was a good listener and willing to help where needed.
    #2 no I don't think I was popular in school. I got along fine with the "popular" kids but had my own group of friends. We did everything together. Our High School had about 600 kids in it so there were groups galore.
    #3 oh a Drive in the Country ANYDAY!! Shopping just isn't my thing. I do like to scope out cities and their history though. Photo ops would be my reason for going.
    #4 church, ( all the different areas that make the church run) Brownies as a child, Band in High School, Now part of a Faith Based Photo Club that meets via zoom.
    My biggest association now is being the best Grandma I can be!
    Hope your Mamo. comes out perfect.

  8. My favorite hymn. When we started a church in the 70’s, choir leader would have us sing this often. The baby verse…especially…as tears filled my eyes, she would tell everyone…we know whose favorite this is. I requested it for Mother who died at 60. Enjoy tour blog…uplifting. Continues to be…Brenda

  9. I wonder how different my high school memories would be, had I attended a smaller school. Definitely not popular, I thought the cheerleaders were akin to royalty!
    Please count me in the country drive carpool! Anytime we have to drive into Montgomery is stressful, and this morning was no different. Thankfully, Tom 'rewarded' me by grilling chicken when we got home safely.

  10. As I mentioned on Terri's post earlier, it's a country drive for me, every time. I never have enjoyed shopping much. I think my graduating high school class was at least 200 if not more. I was a cheerleader, too! Blessings always, Pam!

  11. Indeed, Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. How many times have those words got me through tough thought patterns?!!!

    I had my annual mammogram today, too! Let's pray for each other about that.

  12. Hi Pamela, I like you cheer photo. Love the moon and sunrise picture too. I think my high school had over 500 graduates my year. I need to find out. One of my granddaughters goes to a Christian school and 5 of them moved up to high school. Have a great rest of the week!

  13. Small town girls, we are!! I say often that it was easy to be big fish in a small pond. We did have fun and I think smaller towns/schools make for much richer experiences. Yes, because He lives, I can face tomorrow!! xo

  14. Hi Pamela! That is such a cute picture of you as a cheerleader. I went to two very large high schools and we moved across country my junior year, so I never got a chance to know a lot of people. I love that picture of the sunrise over Still Waters Pond. Hope your mammogram went OK and that you don't have any problems. See you again soon!

  15. Pam: Question one is a hard one for me to answer: I try to listen to those who have needs. The people at church know I am a prayer warrior. Question two: the answer is no!
    Question 3: I would rather take a drive out in the country. Roger and I would take a ride after we ate on Sunday afternoons. I only shop when I have to. This goes back to the issue of cost versus cash on hand. Question 4: I joined Latin club. My senior year I was in a class where those in it worked half days in the community. I attend a Bible study at church, just started doing this in the spring. I attend our Womens group at church when I can. Good questions. Peace and blessings to you and yours

  16. That is pretty awesome about entering with a song. I grew up in a smaller town and we all went to school together through 8th grade and I think that most of us went to the same H.S. too! How awesome that you were a cheerleader. Driving in the country is wonderful. Our drive to Montana is beautiful. I was involved with PTA, otherwise I never have joined any groups. Hope you are having a nice week.


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