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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends and a little whimsey

Remember when I first told you about this Purslane/Portulaca plant HERE and HERE and HERE?

Well, I also found this Pink Purslane growing in various places throughout our yard, and so I pulled a few little plants up by the roots and stuck them in the same pot with the other plant, and they are growing very happily together!

The original yellow Purslane is doing fine still even after the disaster of the Sand Hill Cranes rooting it out of the pot.   And so I enjoy seeing these happy little flowers blooming in the pot on our front porch, away from the prying and prodding beaks of the Cranes.  I just have to get out there while the early morning sunshine is making them bloom because they will hide their faces once the sun gets too hot and bright until the next morning.  Again I want to thank Sandra at Madsnapper for encouraging me to pursue the Purslane!  

Speaking of the Sand Hill Crane family...they still love moving about the sand "dunes" on the property next door. I caught this picture of our young Abe wandering over the dunes this morning. His family was nearby.  

And speaking of the property next door...that is as much progress that has been made since the last time I talked about the new house next door.  Unfortunately, Hurricane Debby interrupted the progress being made until things are safe and dry again to get back to work, which ought to be very soon.

Speaking of Hurricane Debby, yes, someone asked if we were okay and safe from the effects of the storm, and yes, we are very fine and very thankful that all Debby left in her wake for us was a lot of fresh new water in Still Waters Pond and a few branches blown down from some trees, but nothing serious. We are VERY thankful indeed.  

Oh, and all that rain from Debby did cause a few more "toadstools" to pop up in various places both here in our yard and next door in that yard.  If you remember my post last week  where I mentioned about the toadstools all lined up so the toads could play "leapfrog" on them...and I also mentioned that one of my Facebook friends, Connie,  who also used to blog HERE at Nonnie's Random Thoughts, had said that she used to think that fairies lived under the toadstools when she was a child, and I had replied to her, "You mean they don't???  Well, guess what?  When I took a little walkabout in the woodsy areas around our house and the next door lot, you'll never guess what I found there:

Oh my goodness! There were little fairies everywhere!

They were sitting under every toadstool (mushroom) in the woods!

Little ones...

And even some very big ones large enough for a picnic on top!

Or maybe taking a little nap underneath...

They certainly were having a lovely time out there in "Fairyland"...

I sent our friend Connie some of those photos so she would know that she was right about the fairies living under the toadstools when she was a child, and this is what she sent back to me:

Isn't she lovely?  I absolutely love everything about this photo.

And lest you think that I am the only one that's a little bit bonkers about the fairies....wait until you see what my other friend Debbi over at Debbi's Front Porch posted today HERE, totally unbeknownst to me, nor did she know what I was doing either!  Debbi just came through Hurricane Debbie as well at her home in the Carolina's, and she discovered all those toadstools and fairies in her yard as well! 

I know you you think I've totally lost it by now!  Not really...just having some fun in my second childhood! LOL. After being cooped up for a few days with all the rain and storming going on, something had to break loose! LOL.  

Sing along with me: All Creatures of Our God and King

1 All creatures of our God and King,
lift up your voice and with us sing,
"Alleluia! Alleluia!"

Thou burning sun with golden beam,
thou silver moon with softer gleam,

O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

2 Thou rushing wind that art so strong,
ye clouds that sail in heav'n along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!

Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice,
ye lights of ev'ning, find a voice,
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

3 And all ye men of tender heart,
forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
praise God and on Him cast your care;
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

4 Let all things their Creator bless,
and worship Him in humbleness;
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
and praise the Spirit, Three in One;
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Well, that concludes this post for today.  I hope you enjoyed the little bit of whimsey and our journey into fairyland, but also the journey into singing praises to our God and King for ALL the wonderful things HE has done for us.  We survived a storm this week, and we survived many other assaults on our world and in the realms around us that we cannot see with our human eyes.  God is with us every day, guarding us and keeping us safe.  We have so much to praise Him for!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

The kids are coming over tonight for spaghetti and more of that card game "Deer in the Headlights". We share the preparation of the food and enjoy having a good time together, so I need to get cracking because they will be here in a few minutes and I've not done a thing to get ready!  Thank goodness it's family! LOL.



  1. I always loved that hymn! So beautifully posted here with your photos of Stillwater Pond. Family time is the best! Have fun. So glad you're all okay. My Florida family and friends were okay as well.

    1. I'm so glad your family/friends here in Florida are all okay. I know they were in the path of the storm much more than we were. That is a miracle that they are doing so well! Praise God!!

  2. Hi Pamela! You have some beautiful pictures in this post. Spaghetti and a good rousing game sounds like a recipe for a fun evening! I am thinking of getting that game for my daughter's family. They enjoy fun games! I am glad that you are safe after Hurricane Debbie's visit, and also that you didn't have any damage. Stillwater Pond looks beautiful. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. We did have a wonderful evening. The spaghetti turned out great and then we had fun playing our game as long as we could sit up and keep our eyes open. LOL. It would be a fun game for your family. It's a different kind of card game but easy enough for kids as well as adults to enjoy.

  3. Glad you are all ok and that the effects of the hurricane are not too great.
    I love all the fairies. My granddaughters would have such fun with that.
    Your photos and that song are just perfect together!

    1. Thank you, Mari. Yes, your granddaughters would have fun finding all the fairies in the woods. Might make for a good scavenger hunt! LOL.

  4. I love that Ben and Rose come over nearly every week to share dinner with you and John. What a great blessing that is for all of you!! I enjoyed your sweet post today, Pam, and the song lyrics you chose to share with us. Happy Friday & weekend!! xo

  5. I have been keeping up even though I have not commented. I have had the little ones and little time. The fairies got me though. How fun! I can’t believe that home survived with all the rain. I a, guessing that plastic is stronger than I would have thought.

  6. Oh l love fairies, too! And gnomes!
    As I read the words to that hymn, I was singing along. The melody is wonderful, too.
    I'm glad you were safe from the storm!
    (am just finally getting back into rhythm of normal life so I can pop over and read all your posts)

  7. Hi Pamela! I wrote a long, long comment on your last post on Tuesday and last I checked it wasn't posted. Maybe blogger said it was too long for a comment. Be assured though, that I did visit and wrote you a long letter too! :-) Although I don't remember anything I said except the story of Dennis and I meeting in Sunday school.
    Now...on to today's post. I love your photos and I'm so grateful you didn't have any negative effects of hurricane Debbie. Your photos go with the old hymn so well. I sang right along with you. It's been years since I heard it and how I miss these old hymns. This afternoon I went over to the place we lived while we waited for a condo, the "Over 55" building. Today was the twice a month prayer meeting. We always sing a few hymns too and they asked me to keep coming when we moved, probably because I'm the only alto! They always invite me to the Sunday afternoon hymn sings when they have them too. It's great fun and I get to see our old friends from the building too. That's the same place I go on Tuesday afternoons to crochet sleeping mats for the homeless shelter. It's the same mission that Dennis volunteers at Tuesday and Wednesdays all day.
    Take care and I hope you had great fun with your kids this evening.
    Blessings and love,

  8. Love the song and it is perfect for your photos with the words. the faires are so sweet. we saw a lot of toadstools on our walk today but did not see a single fairy. love the graphic your friend sent you.. headed over to see the other fairies as soon as the song stops playing.

  9. I loved getting lost in the land of the fairies with you, Pamela. Life lived without whimsy isn't half as fun as living with it. And a life lived without praising our God in song isn't worth much either.
    Thanks for the gorgeous photos and for sharing that hymn here today. Blessings!

  10. Awwww, I love the fairy garden. You could be a best-selling children's author. (Or, for 'some' folks 2nd Childhood.) Like Sandra said, that's a perfect musical accompaniment. Abe looks pretty curious; I wonder how long before he tries to get inside to take a look around. Wouldn't that be a hoot?!
    Happy Friday blessings!

  11. Spaghetti supper?---I'm on my way!! Lol debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous lol

  12. The Fairy Garden is so cute! I tried to do that with gnomes but the sun and weather destroyed it. Guess I'll have to try again. Great photos. 💙

  13. Pam: We had toadstools in our side yard until the lawn mower man cut them down. No, I did not go out to look for any fairies. So thankful that you and your family managed to survive Debbie. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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