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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends

Happy First Day of August!
Who can believe we are already here? Doesn't seem possible! July was certainly a month full of surprises...some good, some not so good, some unbelievable! I won't go over the list as I know we are all well aware of all that transpired during the month of July. It was a very long, difficult, and somewhat frightening month.  Therefore, I think it is good to start out the month of August with these words from God's Word:

With the LORD guiding us with His light, we can see our way clear through the storms and clouds and uncertainties of the days ahead.  With God leading us, we don't have to fear ANYONE or ANYTHING.

Joshua 1:9 is a favorite verse to remember and write down in our hearts so that we won't forget when times get a bit scary or dark.  God is with us wherever we go.

Yes, this is the monthly roll call of calendars. That was from the Thomas Kincade calendar, one which I always appreciate because of the messages included on each month's pages.  We keep that one in our bathroom where we also write down our important appointments for the month.  It is good to always be reminded of God's presence with us no matter where we go or what we do.  

Speaking of monthly appointments: Hubby and I both had follow up appointments with our PCP today to go over labs taken last week.  We both got very good reports and were very pleased. That is a definite praise item!!!

This is my next favorite calendar, the John Sloane Country Seasons calendar.  And I love this painting for August of  the young woman sitting outside in her pajamas and bathrobe, looking at the many stars on a starry August night.  Even though I also love to go outside and look at the stars in the sky, I rarely go in my pajamas, and sadly here in Florida the mosquitoes would be biting us so much we wouldn't be able to sit there and enjoy them for long. but it's sure a lovely thought.

I also love this Teapot calendar, with a different style of teapot for each month.  Isn't this one beautiful? So ornate and elegant.  I noticed the man in the background, and it reminded me of some figurines I have in my curio cabinet that were given to me by my mother in law.

Here they are now:   Aren't they beautiful?  And that plate behind them came from my Grandma Mursch. The crystal parfait dish was from my mother. Just some special treasures that I cherish.

Oh, August wouldn't be complete without some beautiful sunflowers smiling up at the sun!

And I saved the most fun one for last:  This is the Susan Branch calendar that has such cute drawings and sayings each month, and this one really caught my eye:

So much so, that I thought I would try to imitate it in a selfie:  LOL LOL LOL

Just having a little fun to bring a smile to your face.  

Also, I forgot to mention that quote above from Ralph Waldo Emerson about dogs respecting it when you dress well and they won't attack you...Well, I do have a praise report about that! Although I wasn't dressed quite "this well" as above, but one day last week when we went walking I heard some panting and running sounds coming out of the woods behind me. I turned around just in time to see three large dogs running out of the woods directly towards me! I stopped in my tracks and yelled at them to "Stop!" "Get out of here!", and they took one look at me and turned around and ran back the way they had come! My hubby was about 20 yards in front of me and didn't hear them or see them and so I started hollering for him, which, because of the outdoor atmosphere he really couldn't understand me, but came back to see what was all the commotion about. We were both quite thankful that the dogs had gone away. Now I carry a whistle and also I keep our car keys with the fob on it handy. I could press the alarm button on it and hopefully, if I'm not too far away from our car, the alarm will start blaring and get the attention of the dogs AND hubby!! LOL.  Actually, we think these were friendly dogs from someone's house not too far away on the other side of the woods, but still, they shouldn't be allowed to run free and scare the living daylights out of elderly women! LOL.

Speaking of selfies and smiles...tonight our kids came over for supper and brought a new game to play. (New to us anyway)
Have you ever played "Deer in the Headlights"?  It was a lot of fun...

Sweet Rose won the game.  (she's trying to smile with bite of that ice cream cone in her mouth, LOL)

Son Benton just went ahead and looked goofy with his ice cream cone...

Hubby declined the ice cream cone so he could smile nice and big for us...
I also declined the ice cream cone, but still wanted to hide behind my cards and take a selfie...

So there you have it!  We had a good time.  Now that I know how to play, maybe I'll win next time. LOL.  We are very thankful and blessed to have our kids nearby to enjoy doing things with.  It's fun to put our food together and enjoy a meal and play a game too. Yes, another blessing!

Well, I promised you some pictures of the house next door when the other half arrived. It didn't arrive until today after I waited for it all day yesterday. I was finally surprised when I looked out the window at 11:00 this morning, and there it was!

It was amazing how quickly they were steering it onto the property to line it up with the other half.

I was trying to take pictures as fast as I could, but they were really moving so quickly I couldn't believe how fast they could move that huge building.
And then they came to a screeching halt.

When he tried to make the turn to swing that end around and line it up with the other half, there was a small tree in the way on that end and he couldn't go any farther.

He tried and tried, but just didn't have enough room to make the full swing.
And so, after looking the situation over, they decided they would have to leave it like this for today and come back tomorrow with a saw or something to remove the tree and limbs that were in the way.
Here's the picture of the front of the house anyway. I think it is very pretty. I do love that color. and I think it will look very nice on this lot once they have it all lined up and settled in and do the leveling and hook up the water and septic and electric and put the skirting on...yes, still quite a few steps before it is ready for occupancy, but at least they've made progress!

This is a copy of the floor plan, in case you are interested in how it looks inside:
As I've said, it will make someone (or family) a very nice home.  I continue to pray for whomever these people will be.  

Well, I guess that's all for tonight.  I am thankful also that we got another good amount of rain this afternoon. Actually, it was quite a loud thunderstorm with lightning very close to us, and I am thankful that, to my knowledge, nothing was hit in that storm. Our power did blink off for a moment, but thankfully that was all. According to my weather app on my phone (which isn't always that reliable), it looks like we will be having some rain almost every day for the next week.  That's fine with me. Still Waters Pond will be happy too!

Speaking of Still Waters Pond, I was blessed to capture this photo of Mr. Great Blue Heron yesterday morning, fishing for his breakfast. He seems quite thankful to have the fresh new water in the pond:

The 23rd Psalm is a great way to close out this evening's post from beside Still Waters Pond:

1 The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Amen,  and Good Night Everyone!



  1. You’re so funny! Love it.
    That will be a nice home! Maybe a friendly young family with little ones will be your new neighbors! That would be fun. It will be interesting to see when it’s all set up. I’m sure you will show us!

  2. I so enjoyed the pictures of you all playing the new game. I have never heard of it, but it sure sounds cute. The new house looks lovely. I'm sure that when it's all together it will look nice in the woods and blend in well.
    It was a frightening month for sure and it looks like more to continue for August. I pray daily for Jesus to come take us home and away from all of the evil and violence in this world.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Cute photo of you with the rose. *lol* Such pretty calendars. I've been handling dogs of all kinds all my life. That's the right way to handle anything aggressive, even humans. Stand your ground and act bigger and meaner than them. Well done. 'Course with humans my hand goes right to my weapon and they get the unwavering stare with the raised eyebrows. That always stops 'em dead in their tracks. Hope the dogs stay away now. 💙

  4. Oh! I really, really want to live in that stone cottage on the cliff (first image). I don't know that I'm going to order the 2025 calendar, but this image needs bookmarked; maybe I can find it on a coffee cup?
    Your selfie with the rose cracked me up ..... personality plus!
    I've not heard of that card game but will Google it, always on the lookout for stocking stuffers.
    Scary stuff with the dogs! I'm a dog lover, but still bear ugly scars on my left leg from a dog attack back in '08. We need some of Sandra's walking sticks.
    Have a blessed day!

  5. if you have not looked at the weather, invest 97 is on track right now to hit us and go visit you. of course that can change, but I am betting we will both get RAiN out of it. the path this morning sweeps both you and I..
    I was surprised to see 4 BR in the house. it is pretty and will look nice when done. best laid plans of mice and men, don't forget CHAINSAW pics today. ha ha
    glad the dogs stopped when you yelled. that is what I got the stick for, the neighbors pit was chasing us every day for a month. the good news was it would run and bark at us but if we stomped our feet and I yelled stay she would stop. I finally had enough of it and used my hateful voice on her and told her is she could not control the dog then stop walking it. she would come out of her house with it on leash, the dog would go berserk and start to pull her down and she would scream and throw the leash down.
    she has not walked it since then. walking my dog had become a fear filled chore.
    the good news is Beau is so sweet and he just stood and looked at her like, what is wrong with you. we had 3 other dogs that would not have done that.

  6. Oh that must have been frustrating trying to get that house lined up and together. I am glad I was not in charge of that project. I really like it when a plan (and a house) come together!:) I like your calendars and I actually have the John Sloane one that I purchased for this year after one of your recommendations! We have really enjoyed the turn of the page each month! Congrats on good lab results - woo hoo! Have a wonderful and blessed August ahead!

  7. Hi Pamela! Good lab reports from the doctor are always something to be grateful for! Wow, that is a nice big home that is going in next door to you! I hope that you get some lovely, kind, new neighbors! You always have beautiful calendars with positives quotes. I love the plate and figurines. What a lovely treasure! That game looks like a lot of fun. So glad you had such a fun time with your family. It's always nice to see what is going on with you. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

  8. You look quite sassy in that calendar-pose photo!! I enjoyed every photo and every word, Pam!! Glad for your good doctor reports and that Ben and Rose are back from their travels. Have a blessed weekend, and I hope the tropical storm doesn't reach you up there in your area! I think we are going to be wet and wild here. xo

  9. The highlight of any new year for me was buying a special calendar. I stopped doing that and I'm not sure why. My last one was a Susan Branch. She is amazing.
    So, it looks like the new neighbors are moving in! Years ago, back in Florida, my late husband and I watched as our double wide was delivered and set up. Amazing to watch!
    Your game sounds like fun. It looks like the gang was having fun. I saw one on Amazon the other day called Exploding Kittens. Makes me want to buy it!
    I've got you in my prayers for the coming storm. This morning it looks like it's tracking more north now. I have friends in Citrus County and family in Sarasota and Venice so I watch closely.
    Have a good weekend.

  10. Love all of your calendars. I usually get a cheap one or one that the businesses give out. I rarely see the photos but just write on the squares..they have got to be big ones so I can put everything on them. Kind of a journal too.
    Wow, the dog situation is really scary. Hope that doesn't happen again. Hope you get some fantastic neighbors in that cute home.

  11. Pam: I never heard of "Deer In the Headlights" as a card game. Glad you and John got good reports on your labs. Our calendar in our kitchen is from our insurance agent and shows vista scenes from across our nation.

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhh I can't wait to hear about your new impending neighbors, smiles. Have a beautiful day, Pamela.


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