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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Odds and Ends /Wednesday Treasures

Today was one of those days that I wasn't quite "up to par", and so I stayed home and didn't do much of anything.  I did do some scrolling through my Pinterest site...I haven't been on there in ages.  There's a lot of stuff that keeps showing up there that I guess they (? Whoever they is) thinks I would like on my pages.  This was one of the pictures that showed up, why, I'm not sure, but I did like it.  I sent a copy to my blogging friend Debbi at Debbi's Front Porch because she's raising chickens nowadays, and I could just see us having a good old time like this in her hen house.   I named it "Time for Tea in the Henhouse".  These two old ladies crack me up.  

I saw this picture of this puzzle on Facebook, and I saved it to my Pinterest page because it reminds me of a place where I would LOVE to be...I've always wanted a little cabin on a lake where the family could gather for the summer...or the fall...or whenever... Actually, I wouldn't mind living there all the time, but then I guess the uniqueness of it might wear off and it would become ordinary...Nah...I don't think that would happen.  LOL.

Here's something else I pinned not too long ago. I saw this picture of this kitchen and really loved it, so I saved it. I love the big long farmhouse style table, and I especially love the high rustic ceiling and the big windows at the end over the kitchen sink.  This looks like a kitchen where I could just settle down and live. LOL.  It would also be plenty of room for ALL the family to gather for holidays and other celebrations. (as long as they all bring food and help clean up! LOL)

I love this picture of this bedroom because it is arranged a lot like our bedroom, and I would love to have a pine wood accent wall like that behind our bed:

Here is how our bedroom looks now:

I recently bought this new bedspread because our old one was getting little tears in the quilted pieces and I didn't want to ruin it any further. This one was inexpensive at our local "Roses" store...

Here's a close-up of the pillows...The one in the middle of the Butterfly came with the bedspread and two pillow shams.  The two little side accent pillows were a gift from my DIL's sister Sherrie...she made the pillow cases for me for Christmas...they have butterflies and birds on them and say "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength",   (Strength is my One-Word for this year!), and "Under His Wings You will Find Refuge".     The owl pillow I've had for a long time. It was a gift from my sister in law Peggy because she knew I loved owls.  The teddy-bear was a gift from my hubby during my last hospital stay. We call him "Bear-Bear", and he sleeps with me every night.   The "Tumbling Block Quilt" on the wall was made by my sweet Daddy one year for Christmas. It is made out of wood, and each piece of the blocks are different pieces of wood.  He was very talented.

I didn't realize until after I had bought the new bedspread that it was named "Lavender and Lilly".  Not sure why, there are no lillies on it and it isn't lavender, but I LOVE lavender scent/flowers, and of course you all know I love "Lily".  

This is the actual design on the bedspread: Butterflies and flowers.   

Back to the Pinterest pictures, I would love to have a pine accent wall in our living room too, to give it a more "cabin-feel"... so this is just an idea of a foyer/entry wall:

And here is another idea, although I prefer horizontal boards to the vertical ones.

Here is a picture of our current living room, and that is the wall I would love to do the pine accent wall, from the wainscoting up, again, to give it that "cabin feel".

Here's the corner of that wall and back wall where the glass doors are looking out to Still Waters Pond. I took this picture the other day, I think it was Saturday, because hubby was watching FOOTBALL already! My thoughts were, "Hey! It must be almost FALL, because he's watching football!"  Oh, how I wish it was cool like fall, but alas! It was 95 today with a much higher heat index. So we still have a little wait before fall gets here...

It's funny, because just yesterday in our Tuesday 4 meme, the first question asked:

1. Do you find yourself day dreaming about your situation and things you would love to do if only...?
And I answered it this way:
"Sometimes...but I try not to think about the "if only" part so much, because I've learned in life that it is best to live in the present and do the very best you can with what you have. Day dreaming about what you would do "if only" can lead to wishing you could change your situation and sometimes that can get you into trouble. I mean, it is okay to have dreams and goals that are positive and uplifting, but the best thing to do is make the best of what you have and be thankful. Sometimes we have to be careful that we might get what we wish for and find out that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but not necessarily as wonderful as what you already have."

And now here today I seem to be contradicting what I said above.  Well, not really.  I think it is okay to have ideas and "dreams" about things you would like to do and/or change in your home if the circumstances would allow you to do so.  There's nothing wrong with self-improvement or home improvement.  It's just that if we allow ourselves to dwell on things that we can't have or wish we could have so much so that we become dissatisfied with our home or life, then that is what becomes a dangerous habit or trap to fall into.

I have found these verses to be helpful in keeping me in the right frame of mind on this subject:

Philippians 4:11-13 NIV

11 "I am not saying this because I am in need, 
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, 
whether living in plenty or in want. 
13 I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

As for all of the "pinterest ideas" above, that's all they are.  Ideas. Probably not anything that will ever happen, but it's fun to imagine how it would look if I could do that.  However, we can have that homey-cabin feel anytime just by being together and enjoying our family and friends and making memories. The walls don't really matter so much as what is said and done within those walls!
I've used this quote before:

And with that, I will say good night!

The last moments of sunset just now on Still Waters Pond:



  1. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow!
    I like to look at Pinterest and dream too. A cabin on the lake would be nice, but then I would have to clean it along with my regular house. :)
    I love that kitchen too! And the pine walls looks so cozy for your bedroom and living room.

  2. I love pinterest! I am starting to remodel my lil camper to make it look more like a cabin. Will post pics when done. I love that kitchen, but who wouldn't! I hope you feel better soon sweet friend. Love the porch/hens ect. I have a new post up! https://heavygators.blogspot.com/2024/08/hello-bloggie-friends-and-thankful.html

    1. Oh, Regina, that will be fun to see when you get it remodeled. I do hope you will share it with us...before and after photos would be nice to see. I will go see your latest post.

  3. I love the windows looking out to Still Water Pond, what a great view. I can spend too much time on Pinterest, so much to look at, it just keeps going and going and going! That cabin by the lake, yep, I would love it there too.

  4. How funny, I woke up this morning thinking about something to save on Pinterest -- realizing it's been a year (longer?) since I spent time in that playground. (Now I need to look you up. And Mary, too!) Natural wood, yesss! I can practically smell those pictures.
    Your bedroom looks lovely ... like a sanctuary. Love 'bear-bear' and of course, Baby girl in her pram.

    PS - The White Mountain puzzle image looks mighty inviting. My aunt and uncle had a "woodie" station wagon similar and I so wished my parents would just go out and buy one, too. (Maybe using bills from the 'money tree' growing out back. Ha!)

  5. Oops! I just came back to leave a 'PS' on my comment. I'll bet that nasty spam burgler ate it. Anyway, I found you on Pinterest and following. (You'll understand when you see my earlier comment, hopefully.)

    1. I found your other comment. I don't know why yours go to spam so often...are you on your cell phone when you comment? I know if I am on my phone I have a hard time commenting on the blog itself, so end up leaving comments on facebook, or I have to wait until I can get to my computer. Anyway, I got your messages and thank you for them. I will have to go back to Pinterest and see what's going on. I've never really communicated with any followers on there before. I really don't spend much time there...just once in a "blue moon". LOL. But welcome to my "world". (((Hugs))) and love.

  6. the kitchen is beautiful, but only if you have money to hire a maid to do all the cleaning and clean that ceiling that would collect dust and cobwebs and all that glass to be cleaned inside and out. the accent wall is more doable and not to expensive and would not require any more cleaning than what you have. your home is lovely and I don't see anything that needs to be changed. Love the new spread, and the pillows.
    I too love your views of the pond and all the nature that God provides for you to enjoy.

  7. I do hope you're feeling better by the time this comment comes through. You gave us lots of very pretty photographs as inspiration. It's fun to think about little things we can do to our home to make it more cozy and homey. Pinterest is a great source for that. Again, I hope you're feeling better today.
    God bless you.

  8. All of your pins are lovely. I love your home too though. Pinterest still finds me browsing. It is the magazine of today. And much like other social media they figure out what you like to look at and it shows up.:)

  9. Your home is beautiful and definitely like a [large] cabin on a lake!!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I like to think about it that way. Even when the pond went dry for a while...but thankfully it is nice and full now, thanks to Hurricane Debby! Hope you and Gary are doing well...been thinking about you both. (((hugs)))

  10. I'm so sorry that you are feeling under the weather and hope you are better now. I'm late getting to your post from yesterday! We sure have similar tastes in wishing for that log cabin in the woods with water in front, just like your photo. Wishing you a good Friday and weekend ahead!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. Oh! I just realized this is Thursday and I haven't read your post yet. I need to go check it out! I've been busy today and forgot about reading this morning!!

  11. Thank you, Martha. I just realized in looking at that kitchen picture again that my niece's home/kitchen in NC is very similar to that. She has the long farmhouse table and lovely kitchen with the island, and it has become the gathering place for our extended family for family reunions, etc. We will be going there again this October for my great-nephew's wedding! So, maybe I was not the one meant to have that kitchen...it's for the next generation to carry on the family traditions. I am thankful for that. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

  12. Such pretty photographs. Now I want a pine looking wall in the living room. Can't afford the real thing. I would have to paint one to look like that or buy the stick on type.
    Hope you're feeling better soon.
    Blessings. 💙

    1. I know, I can't afford the real thing either, unless someone dumps a truck load of reclaimed wood in my yard! but then we'd have to do a lot of work to it to get it right, so probably would be too big of a project for us. So it's a nice little dream. Maybe someday I will have a real log cabin and I won't have to worry about what the walls are made of! LOL. I'm much better now. Just trying to be disciplined in what I eat. I know you understand that. It's taking me some time to figure it all out. One day at a time.

  13. I hope you're feeling more yourself now, it's no fun being under the weather. I haven't looked at my pinterest site for so long I'd almost forgotten about it, :)
    It's nice to dream as long as it doesn't take over I think, my big dream is to travel to England to see the bluebell woods but I don't think that is going to become a reality now unless we win Lotto - and I'm pretty sure you have to buy tickets to do that :)

  14. Love the laughing ladies I. The hen house!!!--- so cute. That picture of that cabin is so pretty and peaceful. Your new bedspread looks great! And yes that other picture DOES LOOK like your alls!--- the curtains, furniture placement, colors!! I like yours best tho! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous LOL

  15. The weather is nice today at least...a little less humid! Love your pretty bedroom and pinterest ideas. Enjoy your weekend! I love football....so I'm a happy camper! Hugs!

  16. Pam: I love your posting of the Pinterest pictures. I am not thinking about anything to redo our house. Jim is not well, and I am not able to deal with the mechanics of the process of redoing out home. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  17. happy to hear you are feeling better. I love that wood backboard behind the bed. Would love it in our place but it would make everything too dark. the way our home is positioned we really have to work at getting the most light, especially in our living room/family room.
    It sure is fun to dream though.
    Just finished my 5 hour stint with my Alzheimer's friend. Every week there is less of my Lynne there..so very sad. She slept a lot today but i did manage to feed her breakfast and chat a bit with her between naps, and then on to making her a PB&J which she can feed herself. After 60+ years of friendship its so hard to see who she is now. Prayers appreciated every Friday as that's my time with her.


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