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Saturday, August 17, 2024

More Family Celebrations!

 As I promised you yesterday, I am back with more exciting times of celebration with the rest of our extended local family.  I say "local", as we gathered in the middle of  our two hour radius, so we each only had to travel about an hour or so to get together, which makes it easier for all of us to make the trip.  Our car's AC has been acting up lately, so thankfully our kids were able to take us in their big quad cab Dodge Ram truck.  Rose and I rode fairly comfortably in the back seat, but we both decided that we wouldn't want to travel very far in that position.  

So anyway, we all gathered at a nice restaurant that we have used many times before for such gatherings. They were very accommodating for our large group of 11 people today, even though they had a "full house" with a poker tournament going on! (Pun intended).  Thankfully they did allow us to make a reservation ahead of time, so we had no problem getting a table.

So here's the roll call of family, some of whom are also celebrating August birthdays and/or anniversaries:

We start out with my sister Doris and me, with her husband Art, of course.  The reason being, it is because of my sister and I that we join these various families together to celebrate.   

So here comes my side of the family...My hubby John and his brother "Billy".  "Billy" really goes by Bill now that he's grown up,  (and he just celebrated his 70th birthday earlier this month)

Well, maybe he's grown up...

You see, that's "Billy" on the far right, when he was just barely 15 years old and my hubby's Best Man at our wedding 55 years ago.  And that's my sister Doris on the far left, who was my Matron of Honor.  
And that's her little daughter Debbie, my niece, who was almost 3 years old when she was our flower girl.

And here Debbie is now, with her handsome hubby Darrell.  Debbie will celebrate her birthday later this month, and they just celebrated their anniversary a week or so ago as well.

Now this might get confusing...This is Peggy (below) on the left, "Billy's wife", and they will also celebrate their anniversary later this month.  And you know Rose, our sweet daughter in law, below:

And even though Rose isn't seated next to her hubby, our son Benton, you know they belong together.  And Benton will also celebrate his birthday later this month!

And last, but certainly not least, this is our nephew Nicholaus, the son of "Billy" and Peggy.  "Nick" will also celebrate his birthday later this month, on the same day as our son Benton.  It's interesting to note that our first child and Billy and Peggy's first child were both born on the same day, but 31 years apart.  Some people just take longer to figure things out than others I guess. LOL.  Just kidding.  
Nick is starting his senior year at college this week! So please say a prayer for him!

So that's the birthday and anniversary roll call for August! I hope it wasn't too confusing for you!

A couple more "outtakes" just so you know how much fun we were having...
some people never do grow up it seems. LOL.

I think I will close this happy family celebration with this card that my sister sent me one year for Christmas:

Proverbs 17:22  NKJV

"22 A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones."

Good Night!


  1. AWESOME! Happy birthdays and anniversaries all around...smiles

  2. this is a fun and happy post and how wonderful that all of you are close enough an hour will put you together. my brother and his family are 10 hours away, my son is 12 hours so even half way is more that we can do..... your have a beautiful and Happy and loving family.. God bless all of you. I enjoyed the wedding pictures

  3. What a blessing y'all are to one another, Pam! The b/w photo of your little flower girl (now wife) gives me all the feels. Like the song I shared on my last post.
    Billy's shirt is spot on ... I need one of those!

  4. Just too much fun! Good food and great company...nothing better.
    Love the pictures of you and your sister and your hubby and Billy. Those smiles say lets get this party started..

  5. What an amazing gathering, Pamela! I can tell your family all wants to have fun when they get together. And yes, just because we're adults doesn't mean we have to throw childlikeness out the window. Blessings and Happy Birthday all around!

  6. Family is so important and I think you are so very blessed to be able to gather for celebrations!! I loved seeing all the photos!! Have a blessed week ahead!! xo


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