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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday 4: Your Kitchen

 Your Kitchen

Per our hostess Annie: "Howdy friends and welcome back for another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
I need renovations throughout my home and that includes the kitchen. So, I've been collecting pictures with ideas on painting my cabinets, replacing my 1957 kitchen window, my cracked tile floors and my rusty sink and damaged counter tops. Could be talk about kitchens for a bit?"

1. Is this kitchen in the photo one that you would enjoy working in? Did you have one of those step stools in your home growing up?
I love the homey-ness of that kitchen, although I would not like that stove in the corner like that without any countertops around it. (I love the old fashioned vintage stove, just not in the corner!)  And yes, we had a step stool just like that, except it was red, in my family home growing up. Or was it yellow? Now I'm not sure. Maybe I had a yellow one at some point, oh I don't know now and I can't find any pictures, but it was the same style! LOL. It's tough getting old and not being able to remember things. That's why I rely on pictures so much!

2. What appliances are absolute necessities in your kitchen and what can you do without.
Well, of course we can't do without a refrigerator and stove. And I am quite attached to my microwave too. I don't have a dishwasher anymore and since it's just the two of us, we get along fine without it. When we have company there are always volunteers to help wash the dishes, and it is a good time to stand at the sink and visit while we wash and dry and put away the dishes together.  Of course, we have a coffee pot and a toaster and a toaster oven, a mixer and an electric can opener. I am a lefty, and I cannot use the hand-type can opener at all. Oh, and I have an electric tea kettle for heating water. I used to always use a teakettle on top of the stove, but I burned up too many of them, so hubby bought me the electric one, and it shuts itself off when it boils. 
It's fun to watch it light up as it comes to a boil!

3. What items are always in your pantry?
Well, besides the usual spices,  flour, sugar, brown sugar, confectioner's sugar, I also keep things like cooking oil, vinegar, molasses, and other baking necessities...oatmeal, shortening, baking soda, and baking powder. 

 There's always tea bags of many varieties, and coffee.

And of course we keep things like canned vegetables, soups, chicken broth, beef broth, dried beans and canned beans, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, cereal, pasta, and rice, peanut butter...all the basics.
My Pantry closet that my son Benton built for me when we moved to this house.

4. How about your counter tops... filled with things or empty?
Well, my countertops are pretty full. So are my cupboards. I like to keep things that I use often handy.

I shared these photos of my kitchen in a recent post, but here they are again. I didn't bother to take any new pictures, because it still looks pretty much the same! LOL.

My Little Kitchen Prayer
"Bless my little kitchen, Lord
I love its every nook
And bless me as I do my work,
Wash pots and pans and cook.
May the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
With Thy Blessings and Thy Grace,
But most of all, Thy Love.
As we partake of earthly food,
The table Thou hast spread,
We'll not forget to thank Thee, Lord
For all our daily bread.
So bless my little kitchen, Lord
And those who enter in,
May they find naught but Joy and Peace
And Happiness therein. "

Author Unknown

Proverbs 24:3-4 NKJV
"3 Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
4 By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches."

I hope you enjoyed this Tuesday 4 post about my kitchen. Now let's go see what others are sharing about their kitchens, shall we? Have a blessed and beautiful day, my friend.


  1. I have almost exactly the items of food that you have and the small appliances are the same, and I would like to have electric pot. I don't heat on stove because I burned up the last two tea kettles. I put of the glass measuring cups like your two, with a cup of water in it and heat 2 minutes in microwave. its only for one cup of tea so not a problem. I do not keep things on the counters except I have to with toaster oven, coffee pot, toaster.
    no dishwasher ever in my long life.. so pretty much the same. the picture I love it and would be happy but the stove was the first thing I saw and not because its in the corner but because it is no centered in that corner and I would not want it in the corner either

  2. I like your kitchen; it's cozy and inviting! The electric tea pot is very cool - I've never seen one of those.
    We had a step stool like that when I was a kid. I like the stove too, but agree it needs counters near it.

  3. Your kitchen is enormous compared to ours! It's so nice, very cozy and looks like a home. The one in the photo is pretty too. I like "homey" looking places, not into the sterile and boring look that's so prevalent now. We removed our dishwasher too when it broke down. Turned the area into more storage. I don't miss having a dishwasher at all. It's so easy to wash, dry, then put away the dishes right then. Haven't missed it a bit. A good drip coffee maker is essential in our kitchen. I must have my coffee! I'm such an addict. LOL Have a lovely day. 💙

  4. The kitchen in the photo is dreamy. Reminds me of my Grandmas kitchen with a table in the kitchen. I could live with the stove - it isn’t ideal but it’s so cute.
    I can’t stand having messy cluttered counters but my husband likes having things out. So it’s back and forth - I put them away and they always find themselves back on the counter.
    Your kitchen is way bigger than mine! There was a time, when my husband and I lived full time in our 34 foot motorhome. I had a one-butt kitchen! We made it work and I even was able to cook a 18 lb turkey in the oven. Fun times!
    I enjoyed this post. The kitchen truly is the central part of any home.

  5. Thank you for sharing all these photos, Pam .... it's the next best thing to being there! I'm mighty envious of that pantry closet Benton made. What a talent! Your oversize mugs remind me, I need some of my own. The 8-oz.-ers just don't do the trick anymore.

  6. I love your kitchen, so warm and inviting. I don't have a dishwasher either, this little house had one but I had them take it out and put in more cabinet space. I don't miss not having one, we don't do much in the kitchen anymore. We're good. That is a sweet kitchen prayer, I copied it and hopefully will get it printed and framed for my kitchen. ((hugs)) and blessings!

  7. I love your kitchen, Pamela, and especially the pantry Benton made for your new place. He is so talented! Believe it or not, we have some huge shelves in the garage on one wall where we keep our overflows of needed items close by. We started this practice during the pandemic, and it works!

  8. Hey Pamela my lefty friend! I love being a lefty. Your kitchen is wonderful and the electric kettle. Ah...a favorite. Your son Benton is very talented. ah... to have such a talented son. You are very blessed.

  9. If I used my electric can opener, Vinny thinks I am going to feed him. I use the hand opener most of the time, just to keep him from running! I love your kitchen, Pam. I also have an electric pot and use it for lots of things other than tea. It boils water so fast! I enjoyed your post!! xo

  10. I answered these over on Mary's blog, but I have to say that I love your cozy kitchen. I do miss having a gas stove, having cooked on one for the majority of our marriage. I have a smooth top stove that came with the condo and one of the burners doesn't work anymore. I would love a gas stove, but since that's not possible, I want to get an electric one with the "old-fashioned" burners, NOT smooth top.
    We had that step stool in yellow and it was MY seat at the kitchen table for meals. We didn't have enough chairs and since I was the youngest I was assigned the step stool. Our kids in London use their electric kettle all day, every day because according to my dear DIL, tea fixes everything. Spokane like a true Londoner. :-)
    Benton did a fantastic job on your cupboard. The cool is wonderful. What an act of love.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I forgot to put the microwave oven. I like your electric teakettle. I need one of those. I have been drinking more green tea. We don't use our dishwasher on a daily basis. Maybe a few times a year. We both wash when we are finished eating.

  12. Everyone seems to love the blue light in that kettle. It was attractive to me but I didn't buy it. I have a bright red electric kettle which I rarely use anymore. I think your kitchen is great . Nice a roomy and so pretty too.

  13. Enjoyed reading your answers. I wouldn't want that stove in the corner either. I love the photos you shared of your kitchen. I run our dishwasher once in awhile but we have also been doing dishes by hand for the two of us.

  14. I enjoyed your answers and your kitchen as some nice space to it.


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