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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Wanderings...Some of Us need Rain, and Some Don't!

 Happy Saturday Morning everyone! (it was morning when I started writing this post, but it's been a long day! LOL)  No, we are not "wandering" all over the state of Florida, but I wanted to share this map to give some perspective on where we live as opposed to where all the flooding is going on in our state.  Many people have expressed their concern for us and those living in Florida this week, and we do appreciate it greatly.  However, where I live, we have not had any rain except for one nice rain shower early one morning this week, but that was it. Other than that it has been dry as a bone and there are even brush fires in the area because it has been so dry!

You may wonder how that can be when you've seen all the horrible flooding going on in our state this week.  Well, that's because all of the rain has been mostly in the southern third of the state, mostly south of the Tampa area.  We live in the north central portion of the state, east of Gainesville.  (see my circled area below on the map).

The state of Florida is very long, 447 miles from top to bottom. HERE is a link to the Wikipedia page on Florida for all the details.

We do pray for any of our friends who live in the flooded areas or who have loved ones there. And although we certainly do need the rain in our part of the state, we are thankful not to have it in such an overabundance.  However, the risk of fire is real, and so we pray for at least enough rain to stem the tide of drought that is creeping up on us.

I started writing this post this morning, and then got busy with other things and am just now getting back to it at 6:00 p.m.  Our blogging friend Linda at Just Linda, lives about an hour south of us. She wrote on her Facebook page a few minutes ago that they were finally getting some rain. I asked her to please send some up to us.  And within a 1/2 hour it started to rain here!  Not very heavy, but at least it is trying!  Thank you, Linda! LOL.  And thank You, God, for hearing our prayers!

Still Waters Pond, you can see how dry it is getting.

Rain clouds rolling in!  Praise the Lord for even a little bit!

A few minutes later it was coming down in earnest! Yay! Praise the Lord!

We truly are thankful for the rain!

So what did we do today? Well this morning before it got too hot we took a little ride back down to the boat ramp at Kenwood.  Here's a few pictures from this morning:

The Pickerel Weed seems to be in full bloom in the water now.

Isn't it pretty?

That bumblebee was checking out every flower. Sorry it's blurry, but he was in a hurry!

The Yellow Water Lilies were also popping up everywhere.

All shades of green reflecting in the water...so cool and pretty on this warm humid day...

And these are hatched turtle eggs!  These freshwater turtle eggs were buried in the dirt probably about two months ago, and now they are hatching and the baby turtles head for the water...
There were a lot of these all over the shore along the water canal. I wish I could've seen the baby turtles!
Oh, here comes a boat back into the boat ramp. He was coming quite fast...I'm glad he was able to slow down and stop in time!

I love this big old Live Oak tree. I posted this on my Facebook page today with this verse...

Psalm 46:10 NKJV
10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

So after that we headed back home for the rest of the day.  I had bought some fresh peaches at the grocery store yesterday and decided to make a peach cobbler to have for tomorrow after Sunday dinner. The kids are all coming over after church so we can be together for Father's Day.
However, hubby said he wanted sample it tonight, and so we did. It is very good! And there's still plenty left for tomorrow. LOL.

HERE's a link to a previous post about Father's Day.  Maybe I should wait and repost that tomorrow, but in case I get too busy and forget, here it is tonight.

Praying that tomorrow is a blessed day for you and yours and all the wonderful fathers out there.



  1. Glad you received desperately needed rain. The fires are a bit unnerving. Are you near any of them? How much rain do you need to break this drought?

    That peach cobbler looks scrumptious. I like anything with peaches. Pies, pandawdys, crumble, turnovers, cobblers - I can’t think of anymore. Yum. We drove out to Hawes farm and bought some peaches yesterday but we ate them all up already.

    Hope you have a wonderful Fathers Day tomorrow. God bless.

  2. Here's hoping you get all the rain you need. There was a huge storm at sea here which was so bad there was a major warning for ships. We got thunder but nothing else here on land but I understand it was pretty bad at sea. I love peaches and your cobbler looks so good! I wish I could have some :). Enjoy Father's Day.

  3. The flooding in parts if FL was unfortunate to see on videos and glad to read, Pam, that you did get some needed rain that was not destructive. It would have been amazing to see the baby turtles. Best wishes to your husband, John, on Father’s Day and the peach cobbler dessert looks delicious and now I have an idea to make one as well.

  4. this flipped me back in time to mama making peach cobblers with fresh peaches in Savannah. she made cobblers from black berries, apples, pears, any fruit. yum. so glad you got your shower, I thought of you yesterday when I saw the radar storm was close to you. I know exactly where you are and thought you were getting some of it. it was odd the 12 inches stopped only 10 miles south of us but I sure was happy... we are still in need of rain while just a half hour away they are under water. everything here loved its drinks of rain water. hope you and I both get more, there are storms in the gulf and in the Atlantic, you might get some from either one.. enjoy your fathers day lunch

  5. It poured/thunder stormed for nearly 3 hrs. Of course, it did NOT cool things off, LOL. I am glad it rained up there by you. I feel for those folks south of us, but like my husband said, "Linda, you do know we live on a Peninsula, right?" I hope you have a beautiful day.

  6. Rain?! What's that?! We need some of that please. The wildfires have started in SE Georgia and that is scary. At least it is cool (70*) in the mornings but golly we need a good storm.
    The food looks good. Yum!
    Have a blessed Sunday my friend. 💙

  7. I'm so glad Mom Nature didn't unload on y'all like what happened in Sarasota! I'd have loved to see those baby turtles taking their first steps. Your cobbler looks soooo good; I had to smile about John 'needing' to do a taste test. Normally we don't make dessert --opting instead for the occasional frozen pie -- but I saw something on FB yesterday where a lady was making peach cobbler in her slow cooker. In for the win!

  8. Pam: It is nice to know that you are north of the flooding. We are looking forward (not really) to temps in the 90s this next week. We had Roger overnight last night. We went out to eat, Bob Evans, and then just lazed around and watched television. Had a snack later in the evening. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  9. Yummy peach cobbler. I don't blame your Hubby for wanting a taste last night. I'm also SO happy to hear that you're getting much needed rain. I hope it rains every day for you to put out fires and replenish Still Waters Pond. Dennis's brother lives just north of Miami and they have had a lot of rain but no flooding that we know of.
    Today we went to church and then drove an hour to a tiny, tiny town called Malmo, NE to have lunch with our daughters' family-in-law. Both of Brad's brothers, a wife of one and two kids plus aunts and uncles. It was a fun time and was at a little bar & grill there. We were the only customers and the food was fantastic. On the way home our Montana son called and talked for nearly an hour. Then our London son called while we were talking to him so I held the phones up to each other and the boys talked for a few minutes! So fun! And I'm so grateful to God for giving someone the idea for this technology so we can all talk with each other.
    We're meeting friends at Culver's for frozen yoghurt after dinner. They just got back last night after spending two weeks camping at the Grand Canyon. We're anxious to hear all about it.
    I hope your day was a wonderful one by friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Hooray for the rain!!! I know you all needed it so badly, Pamela. Still Waters Pond finally got a good dousing for a change. I enjoyed all your photos but especially the ones you got of the Pickerel weed and turtles' eggs. There is never a dull moment in your neck of the woods. :)
    I hope John had a wonderful Father's Day!

  11. We have a lot of rain forecast for this week, we do need it, I just hope it doesn't flood. Nothing like fresh, homemade peach cobbler....yummy. Hope you enjoy a very blessed week ahead.


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