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Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday Monday and More Blessings

 Gosh, I am so far behind!  Where has this past week gone?  I looked on my "reading list" of my blogging friends, and I see so many wonderful posts waiting to be read...I hope to get caught up with you soon!  I feel like this "Great Purple Hairstreak" butterfly!    I couldn't tell if this butterfly was coming or going!  (you can click that link for more pictures of what it looks like in flight).

I thought it was two butterflies stuck together, but it turns out it was just one very unusual butterfly! 

Or like our young Sand Hill Crane Colt, either Abe or George, I don't know which...when he realized the rest of his family was going on without him he had to hurry up and catch up with them!  

Look how long those legs are now! He and his brother (sister?) have both gotten SO big!

Or, I feel like this Bluebird couple who can't decide whether or not they should build another nest in the birdhouse, or just give it up since it's getting so hot outside and the thoughts of sitting inside that hot house again are just not that appealing...
And their indecision could keep them from making progress in moving forward with their family...

Mrs. Bluebird seems to be turning her back on the whole situation and leaving it all up to Mr. Bluebird...

Well, why not take the plunge? Time's a wasting! LOL.

So anyway, I want to get caught up and thank you all for your wonderful comments on my previous posts.  You've all been so kind and thoughtful and I appreciate you all so much!   So I do hope to get caught up with you very soon. Your posts are very important to me and I don't want to lose touch by being too busy or just lazy.

First off, for those who offered kind thoughts and prayers regarding my CT Scan  last week...I did get results...and they were very good...no signs of any blockages or other "issues" that could be harmful to my health. For that news I am extremely thankful to God.  But my question to the Dr. was, "So what am I supposed to do?  I still have these issues that are unpleasant and uncomfortable, to say the least." She made some recommendations regarding my diet and other supplemental assistance to keep my system "running smoothly".  So I am working on that.  However, I already have a rather limited diet that I follow, and her best recommendation was to add things like sauerkraut...so maybe some of you will understand what I am up against without saying the words...Therefore, one step at a time.  And again, I am very thankful that this is something that is fixable.

Meanwhile, speaking of food...yesterday was Mother's Day! I truly hope and pray that each of you had a wonderful day, whether you actually "celebrate" or have a peaceful day of being kind to yourself...  I do understand that Mother's Day and Father's Day are both days that can be very difficult for many people for various reasons.  For us, both days can be hard for us since the passing of our sweet son Matthew in 2014.  We are thankful to have our other two sons Benton and Scott living nearby us and to be able to spend good times together, but there is always that empty place in our hearts and minds where Matthew should be.  I was thankful for this little blessing in the Memorial Garden blooming for Mother's Day:

Oh, and today there are actually two of these lovely Easter Lilies blooming...

John 10:9-10
"9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 
10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. 
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

It's the little things like this that bring a smile to our hearts.

Back to food and Mother's day...this is what we had yesterday...BBQ chicken, baked potato, salad, glazed carrots, rolls, and a little bit of leftover pasta salad from a church luncheon we went to on Saturday.
Our meal was a collaborative effort on the parts of our sweet kids and yes, I did some of the cooking too, but I don't mind when I have such sweet company...
Hubby enjoyed it too...

There I am with our two sons who are here on earth with us...

I did bake this strawberry cake...and Rose helped by making the frosting...

It was very good...

Good to the last bite!

Love these sweet kids...
Scott did our grilling...it was wonderful as usual...
Benton and Rose gave me this sweet little birdhouse decoration. It is really sweet.

All in all, it was a wonderful Mother's Day. I am very thankful and blessed.

I posted this picture from the past on Facebook yesterday.  This was taken on Mother's Day in 1980, with "my three sons", Matthew, Benton, and Scotty.  Those were happy days when our little boys were so sweet and innocent and healthy and happy.   Sometimes I think how much I wish I could go back and enjoy those rascally little boys all over again. I would certainly cherish every moment...but truly I wouldn't want to bring them back to that age and have to live life all over again. God knows best! But I am thankful for those precious memories.

Moving along...

Here's our choir hymn and message from Mother's Day yesterday if you would like to listen:

Sing along with our choir as we sing "Happy Our Home, When God is There"

Happy our home when God is there,
Binding our hearts in love,
Blessing each day with moments shared,
Drawing our thoughts above.

Happy our home when daily prayer
Bears every daily need;
When parents share God's Holy Word
And daily let Him lead.

Happy our home when children praise,
Lifting our Savior's name;
When parents speak and show His love,
Faithful each day the same.

Father of all, our God of Peace,
We look to You alone;
Come with Your precious gift of love
And make our house Your home.

Well, I guess I'd better close for tonight. Tomorrow is another day. I did get my new glasses this past Friday, but by yesterday I was experiencing a very strained right eye and found that I wasn't seeing very well from that eye. So I went back to the eye doctor today and they checked the glasses and said they were correct to the prescription. So they said for me to come back tomorrow to see the doctor again and have him check the eye to see if they got the prescription wrong. Which means I will end up having to wait again for my glasses to be fixed. So we shall "see" what develops.  That's one reason I haven't been doing as much reading and writing lately as my eyes have been bothering me a lot. Hopefully we will get this resolved soon!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day...evening...week...See ya later!!


  1. That's such a unique butterfly! The colts really are getting big.
    Glad you had a nice day yesterday. I can imagine that there is always that shadow because Matthew isn't there. I really like the picture with all 3 boys.

  2. Dear Pam, I loved this post and am so happy for your health news. Just praise God from Whom all blessings flow!! I looks like you were celebrated well by your sweet family!! Have a happy week!! xo

  3. Hi Pamela, belated Mother's Day. I enjoyed your pictures and your meal looks yummy! I hope you get the right glasses soon.

  4. the baby bird is so BIG, growing at high speed and adorable. your day sounds perfect. Hope the suggestions the doctor made will help.

  5. Happy Belated Mother's Day! I'm so glad you have kids close by to celebrate. I see the adventures of your sand cranes is till entertaining you. I would love to be able to watch all that. I'm glad to hear that your test results came back good. And I understand dietary limitations. I'm trying to control diabetes with minimal medication and no insulin, so my diet has to be carefully monitored. All the family looks happy and well. And your bird house is so cute! Have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. Yes, I am thankful to have our kids close by. I know you understand that too, since you moved to be closer to your kids. Oh, I do hope you are able to continue to control your diabetes with minimal medication. Diets are not always fun, but if they can save our lives and help our quality of life, then it is worth the effort and sacrifice. I just need to figure out exactly what diet works best for me. Thank you for writing...I hope you are having a wonderful week.

  6. Glad you had a good Mother's Day.
    Since I've been eating keto (no sugar/carbs) 90% of my health problems disappeared. Isn't that wonderful?! I give God the glory for showing us how to eat to protect us even further. Saves money too.
    I want a birdhouse like that! Pretty.
    Blessings. 💙

    1. I still don't understand the KETO diet. Maybe I should study up on it. Does that mean I'd have to give up potatoes? Not sure I'd like that too much. I do love potatoes! But if it really helps keep you healthier, it would be worth a try. Oh, I do love the little birdhouse too. They bought it at Dixie Cottage, but I don't know who made it. It's really cute and matches my current decor on the table so nicely! I hope your finger is healing well. Praying...

  7. Gosh, I can't get over how fast George and Abe are growing! Oh, I love the yellow flowers on your table. Simple pleasures. Pam, I can't begin to imagine the emotions you and John experience each Mothers and Fathers Day. Even tho' my parents were blessed to enjoy many years, each 'holiday' hurts my heart. Your faith and strength is powerful, my friend. What an example you are!
    Be well and eat your sauerkraut! 🤭

    1. You are very kind, Myra. I do miss my folks and also our son, especially at holidays/birthdays, etc., but we stay busy here and that helps, and we have heaven to look forward to , and that keeps us going! One day at a time. (((hugs))) to you dear friend. I still need to buy some sauerkraut. One can only eat so much of it, or one might become a "sour kraut". LOL.

  8. Pam: I am sorry that you are still having "issues". Eyesight is precious. I love seeing the pictures of your Mother's Day dinner. Roger was under the weather and didn't come home. The plan is that he comes this coning weekend. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Oh, I am sorry Roger wasn't able to come home for Mother's Day, but you have this weekend to look forward to. I hope everything goes smoothly and that he is feeling better. Thank you for your kind words. I will be fine I'm sure. Just having to figure some things out. Eye dr. said to wait a week and try again...we'll "see". Take care and have a lovely rest of your week.

  9. Hi Pam. I enjoyed your post. I can't believe how big the sand hill cranes are getting! I also love the bluebirds. I also love the birdhouse decoration. Dinner looks delicious and I'm so glad you were with your kids. Take care my friend and I hope you get the glasses situation taken care of quickly.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Yes, the cranes are really growing fast! They are still such fun to see. The bluebirds keep me wondering what they are doing. Time will tell. I am still trying to figure out the glasses. Dr. said to wait another week, and then we'll try again... but so far I don't see any improvement. Time will tell. Have a good week!!

  10. Hi Pamela! So glad you had a nice Mother's Day. Your Mother's Day dinner looks delicious. That is such a sweet picture of you with your little boys. So glad you got good news from your doctor after your CT scan. It's such a relief to know that all is well. Have a good week. See you again soon!

    1. Thank you, Deb. It is always good to hear from you. I know you have been busy too. I don't know how you manage to keep up with writing blogs, reading, and teaching school too! You are amazing! I know you are probably looking forward to the end of the school year soon! Busy days in the meantime, I am sure. Take care and have a blessed rest of your week.

  11. Your Mother's Day guests, food, and the cute birdhouse -- what a nice time you had! Speaking of eyes, my 2 cataract surgeries are coming up, so I may not be seeing straight for a little while, either! We are in good company, aren't we?!!!

    1. I will be keeping you in my prayers as you have your cataract surgeries. Hope everything goes well. You should be seeing just fine when that is over with. Doctor says part of my problem is that I have a little cataract, but it's not big enough to do surgery on yet, so I just have to deal with it. Take care my friend and don't forget to use those drops when you have your surgery!!

  12. Hi Pam! What a wonderful Mothers Day post. How blessed you are to have Benton, Rose and Scott so close to you. I enjoyed seeing your lovely luncheon and how your wildlife is getting along.
    Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday night. I haven't been online much lately because of camping and houseguests but I'll try to do better.

    1. I just read your post and commented. You are keeping quite busy with camping, but it sounds like so much fun. Especially to have other friends to camp with and play games and eat together, etc. That would be so much fun! It's good to hear from you when you are able!. I enjoyed your post too.

  13. Lovely Mother's Day post. I am like you- I am so far behind that it isn't even funny. I am glad you have family living close and that you can spend time with them. I am blessed like that, too. I haven't been blogging like I used to---just too much going on all the time! xo Diana

    1. I know you are going through a lot with your hubby's illness, etc. Life just gets complicated sometimes and we can only do so much. But I am glad when we can connect here and keep up with each other. Take care and know that we care and are praying for you and your hubby.

  14. You are so blessed to have passed your scan with flying colors. Hopefully you'll be able to overcome the reason for your discomfort. It was also good to see you enjoying Mother's Day with your family. I almost came over for a piece of that dessert. lol

    1. I wish you could just paddle your boat across the gulf and come on over! LOL. I'd gladly bake another cake just for you! Thank you for your kind words. Hope you are having a good week.

  15. Loved this post Pam, and those flowers in the Memorial garden are so so pretty! They bloomed at the perfect time. Loved all the fun family pictures too, always enjoy seeing your family and the meal looked delicious! Love the pretty cake. And I love your birdhouse present-----that is so cute! Perfect for you! I'm behind on blogging too, trying to catch up. I don't even comment every day, but I DO READ everyday. Your Mothers day looked special and I'm glad you had a good day. Did you go back about your glasses yet? Hope they get that resolved quickly.....and CORRECTLY! I have brand new glasses too, and never wear them, they are very weird, the bifocals seem stranger than usual. Too much like trying to do things with reading glasses on or something. That colt is getting so big!---wow, those long legs! I bet he can RUN FAST if he needs to! PS---did y'all ever get to go meet up with your sister? The daffodills in these pictures reminded me of her. PSS......I love that big pretty bowl you have the salad in, that is GORGEOUS! Hugs my friend!!

    1. So good to hear from you...thank you. My glasses were checked, the Dr. says they are "fine", and to try them for another week. I'm not convinced, but I will give them a week. And re: my sister, no we haven't been together yet. They've had so many things going on...house issues, her health (is better now, PTL), and then her brother in law passed away and they had to travel to GA for a funeral. I don't know when we will ever get together. Just seems like there's always something going on in both of our lives. The daffodils are silk, and they will keep until we do get together! LOL. The bowl is from Walmart, Pioneer woman. LOL. Take care my friend.

  16. Glad to read that all went well with your scan, Pam, although it must be frustrating to not be feeling better with the dietary changes, maybe sauerkraut will help. Belated Mother's Day wishes to you, my blogger friend and it looks like you have a wonderful day with family. Thanks for showing hoe Abe and George (?) are growing...humans and animals do that.

    1. Thank you Beatrice! Yes, I am trying to figure out the best course of action dietarily. Also following the doctor's direction in using "Miralax" regularly. OH, TMI. LOL. I can only eat so much sauerkraut before I turn into a sour kraut. LOL. Take care and have a wonderful week.


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