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Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day Monday

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." 
John 15:13

"Oh beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more than self, their country loved
And mercy more than life
America, America may God thy gold refine
'Til all success be nobleness
And every gain divine"

We sang this beloved hymn, "America, The Beautiful", yesterday in church. That is the verse that stood out to me as we honored the memory of those who gave their all for our country. It really makes us stop and think about all that we hold dear...how quickly it can be taken away, and if it weren't for the courage of men and women standing for what is right and true and good, and being willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country...what we have could be lost forever. Something to think about, and thank the Lord for these precious heroes.

So how are you spending today? Perhaps some are having a picnic or barbeque with friends and family?  Our church is having an annual cookout at the Parsonage today, but we are unable to participate this year. Hubby is having a "medical procedure" tomorrow that requires extensive "preparation" today, and so we are staying home.  We are sorry to miss out on the fellowship with our church family, but some things just can't be helped.  We did have a nice lunch with our kids yesterday after church here at home.  I cooked a Boston Butt Roast in the crockpot on Saturday and made it into pulled pork, so we had pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, potato salad, and Rose brought some deviled eggs. We also had coleslaw and/or  a tossed salad with some of Rose and Benton's fresh cherry tomatoes from their own garden! It was all good, and there were plenty of leftovers for me to eat to today so I don't have to cook anything and tempt my hubby with tantalizing aromas while he is unable to have anything but liquids.  

The only "picnickers" at our house today are the Sand Hill Crane Family.  They pass through every so often to say hello and check the yard to see if there's anything good to nibble on.  Can you believe how big George and Abe have gotten? They are now two months old, and the are just about as tall as their parents.  I don't think they are flying yet, at least not that I've seen. From what I've read, they probably won't start flying until they are about 3 months old, so probably sometime toward the end of next month.
George and Abe, or is it Georgianna and Abby? Or George and Abby? I don't know. They are both very close in size, so it is difficult to tell if one is decidedly bigger than the other, which would indicate that it is a male. Time will tell...maybe...

Not sure if I showed you the latest pictures of the "Century Plant (Agave)."  I showed them on Facebook, but not all of you are there.  Yes, it is blooming, and the second picture shows you just how tall it really is.

As you can see, it is as tall as the electric pole! Pretty Amazing. It looks like a giant asparagus to me! LOL. 

Kind of reminds me of "The Jolly Green Giant". LOL.

Well folks, I really don't have much to share today. Thank you all for your kind words on my recent post about the "anniversary" of our son Matthew's passing ten years ago. Your kinds words were very comforting to me.  I did not take the time to answer everyone, but each and every message is a treasure to me. Thank you.  These kinds of  "anniversaries" are never easy, as many of you also know from your own experiences with the loss of loved ones.  However, I think it is important to keep the memory alive of our dear ones in whatever way is "comfortable" for us. Sometimes it is just too painful for some to do that, and that is understandable. But we each do what is most meaningful to us.  Thank you again for your understanding.

Okay, dear friends, I need to wrap this up. It is quite warm outside, about 94 degrees, and bright and sunny. I'm thankful for a cool house and that I don't have to go out and work in this heat. My thoughts and prayers go out for those who do.  And also for those who are having bad storms and other serious weather issues. I have a feeling this is going to be a difficult summer.  May God be with each one of you and your loved ones and keep you safe and sound.

Oh, in case you'd like to hear it, our choir sang a really pretty song yesterday entitled "Peace". It was very appropriate for times were are experiencing now in our world.  
Here it is: 

(be sure to go all the way to the beginning of the video to hear/see the song)

"Lord, give us peace..."



  1. Amen to John 15:13
    We are going to make some hamburgers on the grill. Mark takes off to Canada tomorrow for a fishing trip and I take off on Thursday to visit with Amber and Dylan. I'm nervous about flying alone. That's cute about the Jolly Green Giant. Hope you are having a good day and a wonderful week ahead. God Bless You

    1. Praying for your flight tomorrow. I am sure you will be fine. I hope you have a beautiful day for flying and that you have a nice window seat so you can see all the beauty around you. Have a wonderful visit with your kids.

  2. I've never tried making a Boston Butt ... is it difficult? I've a feeling we're going to be eating on that the Kiwanis made for days to come ... maybe even weeks.
    No plans here. The yard definitely needs mowed and whacked but our grass is still so wet I'm calling a field day. Love this comparison to the Jolly Green Giant. It really does look like him!
    PS - Lifting prayers for John's tests tomorrow.

    1. Thank you. The Boston Butt is not difficult. I put it in the crockpot, add a can of chicken broth and a regular size bottle of BBQ sauce, and let it cook all day, about 10 hours on low. Once it is tender, you take two forks and pull the meat apart and that shreds it to make pulled pork. There are other ways to cook it. Look it up online, there's lots of recipes, but this works for me. John's tests went fine. Results were good. He's still kind of "recuperating" from the effects, but other than that, doing good. Thank you for asking.

  3. Howdy there Pam, I just today read your BEAUTIFUL and moving post about Matthew. Brought tears. A beautiful tribute, and so true...we KNOW where he is. And that you'll be reunited. It was a sad post, and also a joyful post. Treasure your pictures and yoru memories.......till you are together again. Hope John is doing well today, the prep day is THE WORST, just the worst. We'll be thinking of him and hope it goes quickly and he can eat normally again later tomorrow. Oh that supper y'all had the previous day sounded so so good. If there's "tater" salad and deviled eggs involved........I'm there, for sure! LOL. Two of my favorites, year round, not just summer. Sometimes we see those Century plants and yes, they are so STRANGE. LOL. They do look like big tall asparagus! Those tall long-legged colts are so cute, stalking around on those long long legs! Well, it's AWFUL HOT TODAY here in the Carolina country-----but I DO HAVE TO go out to care for animals. Mr. Front Porch is taking care of the watering the gardens and he is building something today too. We are not grilling out today, we are looking forward to our left overs, I cooked alot yesterday, LOL. So I could rest today. Love ya, and hang in there, John! Y'all STAY COOL!! (mercy, I am so so so thankful for air conditioning, how DID THEY DO IT IN THE OLD DAYS?) Hugs. PS....I make our pork roasts in the crock pot like you.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. All is well. John "passed the test" very well, and is kind of in recuperation mode from the after effects. But all is well. We are thankful. It will be another hot day today...95, no rain in sight for 10 days! Yikes.Guess I'd better go do some watering. Try to stay cool!

  4. We spent the day busier than I thought we'd be. Did laundry. Cut limbs down by the mailbox because the tree had taken over the entire area (poor mailman having to dodge all that!). Then drove to Jesup to buy a window A/C, a gift from our Church to an infirm neighbor who is struggling terribly. Steve had to install that alone because my finger is still healing, plus it was miserable hot in that trailer! I don't know how the poor man was still alive living in those conditions. Irregardless, we're all rejoicing in the goodness that flows from His Holy Throne. God is always good.
    Already had supper, cleaned up and now we're both tired. Sure do run outta energy quicker now.
    Hope your Memorial Day was wonderful. 💙

    1. I saw the pictures on FB about the AC for that dear man. What a blessing that was for him! Thank you and your church folks for doing that. That is truly Jesus in action.

  5. Somehow I missed your tribute post for Matthew and just read it now. It's a beautiful post, has me crying but so thankful for the joy mixed with the sorrow - something only believers can have!
    We are having a quiet day here. Hope hubby is doing ok with that lovely prep that goes with the procedure.
    The colts are getting so big! And that century plant is really incredible!

    1. THank you, Mari. I appreciate your kind words. Yes, we are so thankful for the hope that we have in Christ alone. Hubby did fine with his test, all is good. Just kind of sluggish now, but recuperating. And it is going to be another hot day-95! Yikes! Have a blessed day where you are! Hope it isn't this hot!

  6. I've never seen a Century Plant before. Amazing! Yes, let their be peace!! The sandhill cranes are growing so fast!! Memories of Matthew are so precious and I am always happy to learn more about him. Love you and your family!

    1. Thank you, Terri. I bet there are Century plants down where you live, but you've just never seen one blooming! They only do that after about 30 years, and then they die. It's funny, my sister has one blooming across the street from her house right now too, so we are comparing our jolly green giants on FB. LOL. Thank you for your kind words regarding Matthew. I wish everyone could have known him...so that is why I keep his memory alive. He was a very special young man. Thank you. Love you too.

  7. I opened the back door to let Bitsy out early this morning and my glasses fogged up and immediate heat almost knocked me over! It was only 7:30am, so not looking forward to a hot summer. Hope all goes well for John, will certainly say a prayer for him. The Century Plant fascinates me, it's so skinny, how in the world does it stand so straight and tall, hmmmm, I guess because God made it that way.♥

    1. I know it is probably as hot there where you are as it is here. Yes, the humidity makes it even worse! We will be up to 95 again today. It's just too early to be this hot! Thank you for the prayers for John. He did very well and the test came back good. So we are thankful. And yes, God made the Century Plant very interesting indeed. I'm glad I've gotten to witness this one since it is such a rare occurrence! Have a lovely "cool" day (inside!).

  8. I'll be praying for John and his tests today, Pamela. May everything go well for him and for you!
    Overall, our holiday has been low key, even though Danny's son, Giovanni, and his wife, Hope, came to visit with us. They have other friends and family in the area, so they had to get together with those folks, too. It was enough just to see them for the time we could.
    Have a blessed week, my friend!
    Have a blessed week, my friend

    1. I hope you had a lovely day with your kids, even if only a short visit...it's just nice to see each other and "touch base". John did very well and the test results were good, so we are thankful. He's just kind of sluggish and recuperating, but good. Hope the rest of your week is beautiful! It will be 95 again here! I need some cool mountain air! LOL.

  9. Hi Pamela, I will keep your hubby in prayer that all goes well. I did read your post on my iPhone, but could not respond. My heart hurts for you and rejoices with you too. Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Thank you, Susan. I appreciate the prayers and kind thoughts. John did well on his test and the results were good, so we are very thankful. Today will be 95 degrees and sunny, so we are staying indoors! Have a lovely rest of your week too!

  10. Good Morning Pam. We took the kids to the aiport yesterday and then stopped for a bit of lunch at a Mexican restaurant on the way home. Then we ate leftovers from lunch for dinner. Otherwise a quiet day, remembering those who gave everything for us.

    1. Mexican food sounds good!! I think I'd rather have that than potato salad again. LOL. Hope you have a peaceful and blessed rest of your week.

  11. There are 2 Century Plants in my neighborhood. Very curious to look at when we walk by. I did not know the name of the plant, so thank you for sharing this.

    1. You are welcome! Are the century plants near you blooming? That means they are actually dying, but they will send out little babies to start over. Very interesting plant!!

  12. Thank you for this nice blog, Pamela. What a large plant is that.

    1. O and try to follow you on FB, see inbox. Aritha from the Dutch blog Frozen Moments (en other Dutch blogs, haha)

    2. I will check my FB. I would love to have you as a "friend". Thank you!!


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