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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Saturday Wanderings and Bright Ideas

 Good Saturday Evening from Still Waters Pond!  

I was outside this morning doing some yard work, and the Crane family came ashore, not realizing I was in the yard.  It was a great photo op for me, although I only had my cell phone with me and the quality isn't as good because I had to do the zoom lens and they just aren't quite as clear as I'd like, but you get the idea!  Look how much "Little Abe and George" have grown in three weeks!! 

They still stay close to Mama and Daddy, and one of the colts started to go in one direction and the others went the other way, and he turned around and found himself all alone. I literally heard him say "Mama!"  And Mama came running back to him and made sure he stayed with the group from then on.

I had to stay pretty still until they moved on. I didn't want to get Mama or Daddy riled up at me for being too close.

I finally decided to go around to the front of the house in the other direction and go in the front door, since they were pretty much blocking my passage to the back door. LOL. Glad we have two ways to go!

This evening hubby and I went for our walk in the woods, and I came across these bushes that were blooming profusely! I had never seen them there before!

I used my "Google Lens" feature on my cell phone is find out what it was, and it is a Sparkleberry bush (or tree)

It will get berries on it that resemble a kind of blueberry, but they are seedy and even though they are edible, they are probably better left for the birds to enjoy! I love these little white flowers and would love to have this growing in my yard! I may have to go back to the woods and see if I can dig up a small one to transplant.

Of course, I had to bring some home with me to just enjoy! Who doesn't need a little "sparkleberry" to brighten up their day?

Speaking of brightening up my day...

LOL...When I sit in my recliner next to hubby to read, I turn on the lamp that is between us. However, the bright light shines in his eyes and bothers him, so today he tried this remedy:
He said it helped a lot, so I guess it will have to be okay for him to wear a hat in the house if I want to keep reading! LOL.

And more things to brighten my day:
Actually, this was last night...Yes, these are the "kids",  kidding around in my bathroom!  They just finished installing something extra special that they created for me, but Benton is being silly acting like an old man...that's my cane in his hand that I use occasionally as needed, mostly nowadays to close the bathroom door when I forget...it's the perfect reach and hook to push the door closed from the throne! LOL.  TMI.   

Here is what they had just installed for me:

I bet no one else in the world has a super duper toilet paper holder like this one!  Here's the scoop:
The original toilet paper holder would not stay attached to these very thin manufactured home walls, even with the mollies in the wall to hold the screws in place. Every time I'd pull on the TP, the roller thingy would fall out and the paper would go rolling across the floor...you can visualize how much fun that was. Because the studs in these walls are 24 inches apart, in order to fasten something to a stud board, it would have to be at least 24" wide.  Hence, you see the creation above!  That board is a little over 24" wide, and they fastened it to the studs on each end, and then fastened the toilet paper holder to the board so it won't keep coming loose! Benton did the carpentry, and sweet Rose did the painting...even the sweet little Chickadees and flowers! That part was a real surprise! I love it!

Here's another couple of items in my bathroom that they created for me over the past few years:

They know I love bears...we used to see them regularly at our last house, so this is to remind me of them.

And this nice little shelf/towel rack. No, I didn't take that photo. It was a gift. But I have seen a Little Blue Heron like that here on Still Waters Pond and do have a picture of it. Some day I think I will start framing some of my own photos...but I do love this one.

I am certainly blessed to have such talented and thoughtful "kids".  

Now, you can blame this part on fellow blogger the Mad Snapper  (a.k.a. Sandra), who recently posted a post on her blog about toilet paper roll art, (Part 1 is HERE) and she blamed it on Myra, of Respice, ProspiceSo, since they were talking about toilet paper rolls, I thought I might as well keep it going...so these pictures were taken through the "lens" of a toilet paper roll...blame it on the eclipse, Mad Snapper said.

It's good to be silly and have some fun, don't you agree???

I like the Old King James version of this verse:

Proverbs 17:22

22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

I hope you have a "merry heart" today...we don't need those old dried up bones!
Good night!


  1. Your Ben and Rose are so talented!! The little colts are getting bigger each day, I think! The white flowers on the at bush/tree are so pretty. I hope you can get a start next time you are there! Happy Sunday!! xo

  2. I am howling with laughter at the tp rool photography, there are several that have said they would try it and you are the first one so far. I love the two creations on your wall, making something you can use and it looks great while being used. those baby cranes are growing an inch a day or so it seems. ha ha being forced to use the front door because the back is blocked by cranes. that too made me laugh.

  3. OHHHHHH love that toilet paper roll, grin. I had forgotten you met Gary before, see, old age is creeping up on me: forgetfulness, LOL. Have a beautiful day friend.

  4. Laughter is a wonderful gift from God and I love seeing it happen over at your place.
    The TP holder is great - they did good!
    Hubby is smart with that hat. :)
    Sparkleberry bush is pretty and what a great name!

  5. Wow, I'm so impressed by Benton and Rose's solution to the toilet-paper roll. The holder-thingie in Tom's bathroom does the same thing ... and at 2am I'm hardly inclined go chasing it. I'm so tickled you joined in the TP tube challenge, and in fact, have wasted too much time today, trying to replicate a selfie. (They make it look so easy on Google!) ANYway, I'm going to try again and will share the results (Good/Bad/Hideous) on an upcoming post.

  6. Sparkleberry — how pretty! I think lI have seem some of this around, somewhere. Love the shape of the white flowers!

    The bathroom improvements are clever and attractive! Yes, you do have talented and thoughtful kids!

    We look forward to lunch with you SOON!!!

  7. The Sparkleberry Bush is lovely. I wonder if we have them here. I'll have to "google" it and see.
    Love the decorations. I tend to go for the Farm House look. Those would fit right in.
    Love & Blessings. 🤗

  8. Wow, it's Sunday evening here in the Netherlands, and before going to bed, I enjoyed this moment. Very nice. I wish you a blessed week and hope you enjoy watching the birds grow. They have such long legs!


  9. It's simply amazing to see how fast those cranes are growing, Pamela! God's designs in nature ever point to His care for all His wondrous creatures.
    The toilet paper holder crafted so appealingly by those talented "kids" gives such a homey, country-living feel to your bathroom, too, not to mention that rustic crafted towel rack. How thoughtful they are!
    I loved seeing the Sparkleberry Bush blossoms, too, and I think you should try to dig up some to plant in your Secret Garden. :)
    Blessings to you and yours!

  10. Pam: You have the most fun at your house. You even passed that gene onto your kids.
    I love the toilet paper roll hangar. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  11. I needed to see that verse. My heart has been burdened by things of which I have no control. Regine

  12. Here it is Sunday night at 10:00 and I'm just getting around to reading your blog from yesterday. Whew! A busy day here. That sparkleberry busy is really pretty. I've never heard of it before. I laughed at the little one calling his Mama. Kids are the same no matter what species they are. They know Mama will be right there to take care of whatever is wrong. They are growing SO fast! I knew that from the kids last year, but it seems impossible to grow that fast. :-)
    Your kids are such great ones. I LoVe everything they've made for you in your bathroom. The tp roll holder was brilliant. You are certainly blessed with them both and able to share in the talents that God has blessed them with.
    Yes indeed, we do need to laugh often, especially with the world as it is. Praying for Israel and everything happening around there. The days are getting shorter for all Christians. So exciting!
    Blessings and love,

  13. Rose and Benton make nice things! Useful as well as pretty! Love your new toilet paper holder--- that solved THAT problem and in such a cute way! They are such a cute couple too. Love seeing the colts!!--- my goodness they are growing so so quickly! Long necks and long legs! I don't think I've seen any of those white bushes here, but they're pretty. Our hummingbirds are slurping down the nectar about as fast as I can make it-- maybe they're extra hungry from their Long journey. Thar blue heron picture is pretty and yes!-- you should frame some of your photos--- you have some really good ones. It was a beautiful day here-- up in the 80s and sunny. Didn't get as much done in the gardens as I'd hoped for though--- took a nap after church. A couple from church stopped by and brought us some dahlias and cannas-- a very nice surprise! I've never grown dahlias. We sent them home with a dozen fresh eggs! Lol. Debbi at debbisfrontporch-- not anonymous!! Ha ha LOL. Hugs

  14. Hi Pamela. Fun pictures from your bathrooms. I love the latest decorative additions to your bath! It's nice that Rose and Benton could help you out with the fun additions. Wow, those baby Cranes are really growing. Those are fun names you have given them. That sparkle berry bush is so pretty! I haven't seen anything like that around here (in Utah) where I live. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!


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