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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends

 It's that week in between Christmas and New Years Day, when we try to play catch up on the "normal stuff" after the Christmas rush and activities, and prepare our minds and hearts and bodies for whatever may lie ahead in the New Year.  2023 is soon becoming a "Closed Door", and 2024 is now an "Open Window", with a brand new blank slate waiting to be filled with whatever adventures God has in store for us.  Peering through the window right now I can't see too far ahead.  There's still a kind of a veil between now and then...

Scenes from my walk to the shore of Still Waters Pond through the woodsy veil.

But soon the veil will begin to open and we will be able to see what new adventures await us...

(I enjoyed a little walk down through the woods to the pond...the foliage is dying out and it is easier to get through now without having so many branches and vines in the way)

Still a little challenging, but isn't that the way life is?  There will always be challenges in our pathway, but "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Much better view!
Looking around in another direction, toward the little island in Still Waters Pond:

 One of my favorite Scripture passages for the New Year:

Isaiah 43: 18-19
18 "Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."

Today was rather cloudy all day, with intermittent bouts of light rain. It was in the low 60's most of the day, but cooler weather is on its way. The next few days will see lows in the low 40's/high 30's and highs in the 50's and low 60's.  So for us here in Florida, winter is upon us.  It seems as though the birds are well aware that change is on the way. There was a LOT of bird activity out on the feeders and in the trees around us. Here's a few of the visitors we had today:

Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird stop by periodically to check on things at "their spring and summer home".  They seem to still lay claim to this house even though they are not staying in it during the winter.  But whenever any other bird shows any interest in it they somehow swoop in from somewhere and drive them off...

Like this unsuspecting Carolina Chickadee. He likes to poke his head in the house and look around once in a while,
 but the Bluebirds always manage to drive him away pretty quick...
It's like they are standing guard over the house from somewhere in the treetops even though they don't need it right now...but they are not about to rent it out to "strangers".

I don't know if you can see him or not, but there is a "Yellow-Rumped Warbler" in that tree below. How do I know? Because I can see the yellow spot on his rump!  Look very closely:

Mr. Bluebird is checking things out in the house...making sure there are no squatters inside.

Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird are having a conversation about their house...
After a while they took off for wherever they are roosting in the trees in the meantime.

Sometime later there was another visitor coming by to check out the house:

A female Red-Bellied Woodpecker must have heard the news that this house was vacant and came to see for herself:

She seemed to like the roof top patio...
But soon she noticed there were some juicy bugs on that pine tree just beyond, so she decided to go check that out:
She inspected the trunk up and down and I am sure she found some good afternoon snacks...

After her snack she also took off for other trees in other places around the pond...

And Mr. Carolina Chickadee flew back in for a short visit before he took off again also...
There were other birds flying in and out all afternoon, like Cardinals and Doves and Tufted Titmouse, but these were the only ones that I managed to get pictures of. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten anything else done today!  

So, what else did I do? Not really a whole lot.  Well, this morning we drove into town to Walmart so I could do some shopping for our upcoming weekend family Christmas event here on Saturday. Just as I was finishing up our shopping I got a text from my sister that if at all possible it would be better for everyone else there if we could do it on Monday, New Year's Day, instead of Saturday.  So I checked with our family members on this end, and it appears that will be okay for them, so the "party" has been moved to Monday!  Thankfully the food I bought will keep until then.  We will be doing mostly things like finger foods and veggie and/or fruit platters, Charcuterie style, if you know what that means.  It's a new term that I've been learning about in the past year.  I am anxious to use one of my Christmas gifts:

"Bless the food before us, the family beside us, & the love between us".

Isn't it beautiful?  It was a gift from Benton and Rose, and no, they didn't make it. (I asked that question right off, LOL). It really is amazing, and it will be such a joy to use! I intend to put crackers around the edges in that indented area, and cheeses/sliced summer sausage in the middle. 

And now that we will be gathering on New Year's Day I guess we will have to have some black-eyed peas too...it's a southern tradition.  So I will probably make the usual "Hoppin' John"., which has the black eyed peas and rice combined. Now that I think of it, we probably need some Collard Greens and Cornbread as well. Might as well do it up right.  LOL.  So much for simple "finger food" and platters,  etc.  But it will all be fun and good...it always is when family and friends gather in love and harmony.

We will also be celebrating Rose's birthday on Saturday, but that will just be the immediate family. We plan to go out to eat...Rose's choice...so we shall see what she decides!

I guess that's enough for today's Thursday Thankfulness post, which is also for tomorrow's Friday Foto Friends. Maybe I didn't say what all I was thankful for...but if you read between the lines I think you can see that I am very thankful for all of the above events and people and God's creation all around us. I am also thankful that our family has made it safely through 2023, even with a few health issues here and there, but we are arriving on the doorstep of 2024 with renewed health and strength and so much to be thankful for! God has been very kind and good to us and we are very thankful indeed.

I'll try to check back in after our Saturday event and then again after our Monday event.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I never knew there was an island in your pond. How cool. Have you ever been on it? I’d love to live beside any body of water!

    We’re not doing anything for new years that I am aware of right now although you never know when the spirit moves and we’re off exploring. No I believe it’s supposed to rain and why not , it is our rainy season. It was a rather gloomy dark day with heavy mist.

    I like your new charcuterie board and yes I thought your son made it.

    Looks like you have a lot of fun coming up. Take care and Happy New Year

    1. Thank you, Debby. No, I have never been on the island. It is very small and covered with trees. I have kayaked around it back when I didn't have so much arm/shoulder issues, but there is no good place to land and get out of the kayak gracefully w/o falling in the water...with a very mucky bottom, no thank you! LOL. Yes, we will be having a busy and fun weekend. I look forward to having the family all together again here. It's been a while since my sister and her hubby and family have been up. They live about 2 hours away and like us, they are getting where they don't like to drive so far in one day, especially as the road goes through a long stretch of national forest and no places for pit stops. LOL. I hope you and yours will have a wonderful New Years, whether or not you do anything on that night/day...the whole new year is before you...so be blessed and enjoy!

  2. Hi Pamela! I am behind on reading blogs, so it was fun to catch up with you and see some pictures of your Christmas celebration. That is so nice that Linda and her husband could join you for Christmas. Those orange cookies your son baked sound really delicious! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful new year! See you again soon.

    1. Thank you, Deb. I hope you have been having a good Christmas holiday away from work for a while. I remember when my husband and I worked in schools how nice it was to have that break! And yes, we had a wonderful time with Linda and Dave. They are very special people and we are happy they are close enough to us to be able to visit with throughout the year. And I wish I could send you some orange cookies! But if you found the recipe, they are pretty easy to make and are sure to be a hit with your family! Have a blessed and wonderful New Year!

  3. I enjoyed seeing all of the bird photos. Mr & Mrs Bluebird are very protective of their home. It's their "summer place". I wonder if they watch over their "winter place" in the summer like they do this one?
    That board is beautiful and the message is perfect for your loving family. How blessed you are to have your two sons and Rose so close.

    I'm staffing the nursery on Sunday morning, (New Years Eve), and then we have a potluck after services. There is a young family at our church parents and their five children who are members at our church who went to the mission field in Kenya about 2 1/2 years ago, right after we moved back to Omaha. They have been back in the States on sabbatical for the last 6 months, mostly visiting other churches. They will be with us this Sunday before leaving again for Kenya next week. So it will be a happy/sad time with our church family.

    On Monday I think it will most likely just be Dennis and I so I'll make a big pot of chili as is our New Years Day custom and we'll choose a movie or two to watch. We used to have big movie marathons when the kids were home. We would watch all of the Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings trilogy, etc. In between each movie we would grab a bowl of chili. :-) Usually our minister and his wife joined us. He has now passed on to Glory and we miss him. His wife is still in Spokane.

    Wishing you a wonderful New Years weekend!
    Blessings and love,

    1. Your new years plans sound good. A good pot of chili is always welcome on a wintry day! And how wonderful about that family who are missionaries to Kenya. Believe it or not, there was a time (many years ago) that we seriously prayed and considered going to Kenya as missionaries, to work in a school there, but God closed that door and kept us here in the states to minister in churches and schools here. I've often wondered how different our lives would have been if He had allowed us to go to Kenya. I will pray for your friends. Can you tell me their names? What mission group are they serving with? How long do they stay over there before they can come back home to the states on furlough? I know in many mission groups it was 4 years, with a year at home. Kind of hard on grandparents! May God bless them as they go and keep them safe and use them mightily for His kingdom.

    2. Their names are Taylor and Bonnie Clinch. The go for 2 years and then 6 months at home, I don't know what missionary group they are with. Taylor works with street kids and Bonnie works with the ladies at church.
      Dennis and I seriously considered serving at a an orphanage in Romania. He used to travel there for work a LOT. Ultimately, that didn't work out but we did send a lot of supplies with him each time he went. They couldn't get childrens tylenol, baby supplies, etc., so we would send suitcases full with him. It was very appreciated.

  4. Sounds like a good weekend ahead. We are working on my bathroom. Everything is torn out now, new toilet is in, new subfloor and floor is down. Need to order the shower surround and pan and replace the vanity. The toilet was falling through the floor, the result of my roof damage. So now I have a new roof and the beginnings of a new bathroom. This is my daughter's gift to me for Christmas and she is doing the work herself. She did her own 2 bathrooms and kitchen and now is doing mine! The girl is a born carpenter. What a gift!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

    1. Oh, Annie, what wonderful news about your new bathroom, and that your daughter is actually doing that for you! What a marvelous gift! I am so happy for you to finally have that new roof that you needed for so long, and now your bathroom will be comfy and cozy and SAFE! Imagine falling through the floor while sitting you know where! Not a happy thought, so I am very happy for you to have this done finally. Happy New Year!!

  5. What a super analogy -- 2023's Closed Door and 2024's Open Window! The thought of the veil gave me goosebumps!
    As always, I enjoy your birds' commentary; they're really entertaining, aren't they?
    That wooden bowl/board is beautiful! I've seen so many attractive charcuterie board creations and my mind gets to going ... then I remember I'm not at all creative. Mine would probably be a hot mess. I'd love to see a photo of your final board! Enjoy!!!

  6. It will be fun to have your after-Christmas gathering on New Year's Day, Pamela. A wonderful way to ring in the New Year together! We don't have any special plans for that day, with the exception of calling FaceTime with daughter, Sarah, and her family. I'll probably talk to my son and his wife, too. I might not be able to see them in person, but FaceTime is the next best thing.
    May the New Year find you with abounding blessings, my friend!

  7. The bird photos are great. Like I've said before, your place is lovely and tranquil. We're so blessed that God allows us to live in such tranquility in this troubled world, aren't we?!
    The gift from Benton and Rose is nice. My favorite snack is speciality cheeses and summer sausage. Yum!
    We haven't had Hoppin' John for over 5 years since giving up sugar/carb's. This year I might "splurge" and have one dark beer. It's been that long since I've enjoyed that tasty treat. I'll be thrown outta keto for awhile but can fast leading up to it so it won't be so bad. I miss that flavor.
    Happy New Year my friend! Keep looking up.
    Blessings. xx

  8. That is a beautiful wood tray Pam!-- great gift. Ever since " charcuterie " became such a trend a few years ago, every time I see it mentioned all I see in my mind is " char-too-sir-ree board"-- ha ha LOL. we just always called those " cheese plates" or cracker/ cheese plates, LOL, in the old days, ha ha. Love all the bird pictures! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous LOL

  9. Pam: Thank you for the new word in my vocabulary- charcuterie board. We almost do that without the meats. cheeses, crackers, and veggies. Jim has already purchased the cheeses and the crackers, and veggies. I have to find a platter big enough for all this stuff. I love that. I like that wooden platter you got for Christmas. Happy New Year to you and yours. Peace and blessings.

  10. Hi Pam, I enjoyed the bird pictures. I like that plate too! Have a wonderful time with your family. Happy New Year!!!

  11. Did I miss your word for the new year? I have journaled mine and even included on one of my columns…it works…prayers and Happy 2024…it will be 01-01-24 soon….Brenda

    1. No, you haven't missed it yet, as I have not fully decided on it as of this moment. There are two words I was thinking about and then discovered that I had already used a version of each of those words in earlier years! Maybe I need to have a "do-over", because apparently it didn't stick! Or maybe there is something new that I still need to learn and one year wasn't long enough! Just stay tuned...you and I may both be surprised to learn what it is! I usually don't announce it before January 1st. Happy New Year!

    2. I have to try mine for a few days before the 1st…to see if it fits…happy 2024…prayers. Brenda

  12. I always love your photos, Pam, and did see the yellow spot on your Yellow-rumped Warbler! How handsome! I think it is so fun that the bluebirds "own" that birdhouse and take offense when another bird tries to move in! Happy birthday to your sweet Rose. Let us know where she chooses to go!! You will have a lovely celebration on New Year's Day!! Happy New Year!! xo

  13. A peaceful post to almost end the year, Pam, and I also liked your comparison about the current year closing and the next one soon opening. And the wooden board will be wonderful to use for the family gathering. I smiled at the use of the word charcuterie as my husband likes to call it a "cutchie" board when we spread out some cheeses and mets on one of our wooden boards, which we will be doing too this weekend. Our plans are to stay at home and watch films dealing with New year's in some way and we have several selected from our own DVD collection.

    Thanks for all your posts this past year, which have been read, even if I haven't commented on all. I hope that you and John and your family enjoy a wonderful and happy gathering and wish all of you a Happy New Year πŸŽ‰ and happy πŸŽ‚ birthday to Rose as well.


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