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Monday, June 26, 2023

Tuesday 4: Summer Solstice


Summer Solstice

Welcome, it's Tuesday 4 time. I keep it up in memory of my friend Toni Taddeo who really enjoyed her blogs.

The Summer solstice arrived and some got hot weather and some got chill and rain. But summer is the time for holidays or vacations, summertime activities and being outdoors more. It's also a time, like winter, for complaints and we realize that people in Texas, Arizona and Florida stay inside in summer.

1. How is summer treating you so far this year? Could things improve? How do you make summer fun in your neck of the woods?
As most of you know we started out our summer with our AC breaking down and having to be replaced.  
Thankfully last week when it broke down the weather was cooler and rainy.  This week we are already having high 90's each day and no rain in sight, so we are very thankful to have our new AC unit keeping things cool. We live in Florida, and this is just the beginning of the summer heat. We mostly stay indoors in the summertime here, and try to stay cool. If we take walks, we try to go in the early morning or later in the evening when the sun is going down behind the trees. Summer fun in our neck of the woods now at our age is when we can be together with our loved ones and friends for a meal, either at our house or at a restaurant.  We sometimes take rides to neighboring communities just to get a change of scenery, but again, because of the heat we mostly stay inside wherever it is cool.

I love to watch the birds and wildlife outside our windows and keeping cool beside Still Waters Pond. Here's a few pictures I took just this morning:
Mrs. Ruby Throated Hummingbird says good morning!

Mr. Daddy Bluebird is bringing food to Mrs. Bluebird and the new brood of babies in the nest now.

Mr. and Mrs. Dove are preening and keeping cool in the shade of the pine tree...

And also taking a drink and/or a dip in the bird bath to cool off...

Mr. Sand Hill Crane has been showing up alone lately. I am not sure where Mrs. Crane and the two colts Pat and Val are these days.  Perhaps they are off on vacation. I hope they are okay, but I don't really understand why he is alone.

It seems very strange. I keep asking him to tell me where they are, but he hasn't given me an answer. Maybe they have found a better place to spend the summer where it is cooler. The last time I saw the whole family the "colts" were both able to fly just as well as the parents...so perhaps they are off exploring and he's here to hold down the fort.

I recently bought this new Log Cabin Bird feeder to replace a wooden one that was beginning to fall apart.  

I've been waiting for the birds to discover it, and finally today they showed up. Mr. Cardinal seems to approve...

But he still likes to stop for a cup of tea before he heads back to the trees...

And then Mr. Carolina Chickadee discovered it and kept coming back for more seeds.

I am glad they approve of the new log cabin diner. 

That would be my choice too, if I were a bird...

2.We give you magic powers! You can change the climate, the surroundings, even your house and anything you like. Tell us what you are doing to make your summer or your entire year better..... GO!
Oh wow...to be able to change the climate, surroundings, etc. for summer would be amazing!! If I could, I'd be in that log cabin somewhere up in the mountains where it is cooler,  perhaps with a little lake or mountain stream right outside to enjoy.  The weather would be perfect for swimming in the lake and/or kayaking down the river/stream.  We'd have a firepit and enjoy sitting around the campfire each evening, roasting hot dogs, making s'mores, and just enjoying the cool, fresh mountain air with friends and family telling stories around the fire.  It would be the kind of place where everyone would love to gather. There would be a hammock to nap in or lay there and read a good book, and a porch to rock in the rockers or a swing where you can just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. That's my ideal dream of a place to spend the summer.

3. The puppy on the boat up above is your new friend. He wants a name. What name will you give him and would you like to be in that picture (if you can't sail we will provide someone for you!)  That puppy is so cute. She looks a lot like Lily Grace's puppy Bailey.  (You all remember Lily Grace don't you?)  So, maybe I would name that cute puppy Bailey.  As far as would I like to be in that picture, well, I know I can't sail, but if there is someone who can take care of that very competently, then that would be fun. I'd prefer a small rowboat in a small lake as opposed to being on the ocean, however.  

4. It's friendship pot luck day at your house this month. Everyone is coming. Please assign us what dishes each of us are to bring to make for a great day.(by the way, you needn't use names. Just name some dishes you would like people to bring along)
Oh,  that sounds like so much fun!  I won't assign names, but here's what I would like others to bring:
Potato Salad, (or a Pasta Salad, if you prefer). Deviled Eggs, baked beans, Watermelon, homemade pies, either cherry or peach for summertime, and we will make home made ice-cream together. I will provide the barbequed chicken and/or hamburgers/hotdogs, corn on the cob, and iced tea and/or lemonade and rolls. We will have such a great time! I can't wait to see all of you!!

I hope you enjoyed this little summer solstice dream time!  But even if we can't do all the things we wish we could do, I hope we will all have a peaceful and blessed summertime right where we are, doing whatever we can do to bring joy to others in some special way.  

"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8

Thank you, Annie, for coming up with some fun questions once again! I hope others will join in and share your summertime dreams!!


  1. Oh that was really fun. I would join you in the mountain cabin since it's so hot and humid here. Then, in the winter I would go somewhere that it stays around 70F. Maybe your town in Florida!
    Your potluck sounds like a lot of fun too. I could bring a Boston Cream cake. Is that okay? :-) Tomorrow is Dennis's post-op check with the surgeon. If all goes well, we'll be off on our trip, (in the car this time, no camping), on Thursday. Would you please pray that his hand is healing well and the custom cast goes on with no issues?
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Praying for Dennis's check up and complete healing of his hand with no issues. Praying you can take off on your trip with no problems and enjoy the time you have planned with your friends/family or if just the two of you...enjoy it and be safe!! And yes, come to our little town here in Florida for the winter! That would really be fun!!!! Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. We'll be praying.

  2. What a fun post and I loved the photos of the birds! Such cute birdfeeders you have!!

    1. Thank you, Linda! We do enjoy watching the birds. That's one thing we can do during the summer from indoors. I do feel sorry for Mrs. Bluebird right now stuck inside her bird house waiting for the babies to fledge so they can be free! That little house has to be very hot! Hope you and Louis Dean are staying cool in that brutal summer heat where you are. Take care and God bless you both.

  3. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Regine. Would love to have you join us!

  4. I would love to come and I can bring a cheesy potato casserole or banana pudding. But if I come, you'll find me in back watching all the birds and critters around Still Waters pond.

    1. Oh, I love that cheesy potato casserole. Is that the one made with hash browns? And my hubby's favorite dessert is Banana Pudding, so I know that will be a big hit! Y'all come!!!

  5. Oh dear, I pray the Mrs. Sandhill Crane and the twins haven't come to harm! I'm right there with you on that log cabin; we try and do as little as possible outside this time of year. I'd stand in line for some deviled eggs; maybe I'll try my hand at doing that this week. Have a blessed day!

    1. I am sure the cranes must be out exploring their world. Daddy Crane only shows up here at night and then he leaves again, so maybe they have a "vacation home" somewhere else around here and he's just checking on their territory here to make sure no one else takes it over. 'Tis the season for deviled eggs and all other yummy summer treats!! Hope your week is blessed as well.

  6. Thanks for joining in. I love reading everyone's answers. Your get together sounds lovely. Count me in. I'll bring some German casserole and some cinnamon rolls topped with orange frosting.

    1. I am wondering what "German Casserole" is? Sounds like something good!! And I love Cinnamon Rolls with orange frosting. This should be fun.

  7. Your dream-place to be in the summer sounds like mine, Pamela! I do love your new bird feeder, too, but all we can have are ones that keep squirrels out. Your choice for pot luck is perfect, too.

  8. I'll bring deviled eggs!! I'm with you on the rowboat!! Love the new bird feeder!! Annie gave us another fun Tuesday 4! On to Wednesday!! xo

  9. Pam: Summer is treating us differently. The sky looks all gray and cloudy, almost like fog. The temperature is in the 60's but it feels like in the 50's. If I had magic powers, which I don't. I would want either a mountain cabin or a cottage on a beach somewhere. Both have their pluses and minuses. The puppy would probably be called Scamper. because I can just see him scampering about when he would get excited. Potluck dinners are interesting. One time I went to one and arrived late because no one told me they changed the time. I took ham and dressing. I found out later that everyone else who took meat brought fried chicken.

  10. Ill bring the *German* potato salad. I love the new bird feeder, I have 5 ruby throated hummingbirds visiting my feeders right now. I agree to the rowboat as well. We have been in the upper 90's with index over 110 so I agree cooler would be nice. I hope you will stop by and visit my new post. Have a blessed week!

  11. I fully agree that it's good to stay indoors when it's so hot. It's especially nice when you have air con I'm so glad you were able to resolve that issue do you can ge comfortable during the rest of the summer.

  12. Loved this post and all the outside pictures! Oh my goodness....it's SO HOT NOW. Not as hot as I read it is in Texas though so I'm grateful for that. How is that new air working for y'all??---hopefully your house is nice and CHILLY!! LOL Love that cute new bird feeder!! What HAS LILY GRACE been up to ??!! LOL. Hope you can take her for an adventure real soon. If you come to visit me today, you'll see I put Amybelle and Tracie TO WORK. ha ha ha LOL just kidding.Our hummingbirds are quite active, we have cardinals and blue jays and chickadees,, etc.....but the bluebirds have been so scarce since the babies fledged!! I sure miss them. We do have a new flock of house finches moved in, on the other side of the house. I think they are so pretty. They are eating the seed in the feeder so quickly! Hope your week has started real nice. Hugs!

  13. I'll gladly bring deviled eggs. I enjoy cooking eggs in my Instant Pot. Your menu sounds perfect!

  14. I enjoyed your answers...love the birds!! High 90
    s is just too hot for me! I make a yummy pasta salad.


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