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Thursday, April 6, 2023

Wonderful Easter Surprise!

I cannot even begin to tell  you what a blessing and joyous surprise it was to get a call from our grandson (our ONLY grandchild) Noah this morning, telling us that he and his fiance' Dawn were here in Florida all the way from Maine, and that they were headed our way!!

To say I was surprised would be a great understatement! We haven't seen Noah since his graduation from high school about 5 years ago. And we had never officially met Dawn, except for a fleeting moment back at his graduation party, before she was his beloved fiance'.  The fact that they live in Maine and we live in Florida has made it difficult to plan any get togethers, and I was beginning to lament that we may never get to go up there again to see them...and I believe God heard my heart and decided to give us a very special blessing, totally unexpected. Wow! I can't begin to tell you just how thankful I am...and what an answer to prayer this is. Literally.

Anyway, of course we had to get together with Benton and Rose...especially since Noah was Benton's Best Man at their wedding almost 6 years ago.  That was a very special time indeed, as Noah was a senior in high school and had no experience in being a Best Man, and he did such a great job, giving a toast that sounded like a professional "toastmaster". This was very special especially because Noah was actually standing in for his father, our son Matthew, who had passed away in 2014 after a 4 year battle with cancer. 

Of course, in true Steiner man fashion, "Uncle Benton" couldn't let his young nephew stand so much taller than him, so here he's trying to measure up to Noah's 6'4".  Benton is about 6'1".  
We are especially so pleased to have this opportunity to get to know our future "grand-daughter in law" Dawn.  Our first impression is that God has chosen wisely the lovely young woman who is to become the newest Mrs. Steiner.  May God bless their union with His love and grace and peace.  No exact wedding date has been set yet, but I am told that it might be this summer...in Maine...so...we will be preparing for that possibility and looking forward to that wonderful occasion whenever it may be.

And so dear blogging friends, this is where I will be this weekend, enjoying our dear 'grandkids' and praising God for His unexpected blessings.  I am still pinching myself to be sure it's not a dream!

"17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
On those who fear Him,
And His righteousness to children’s children,
18 To such as keep His covenant,
And to those who remember His commandments to do them."
Psalm 103:17-18

Happy Easter everyone!



  1. Oh, Pam, what a truly wonderful surprise! I know your heart has often been heavy that it had been so long since you had seen Noah. This is a very special blessing. Enjoy every moment of your time together to the fullest!

  2. Pam, I am just so happy for you. Three of my grands live so far away from us, only Miss Piper is close. Two are in Montana and one in London. The times we're together are very cherished. The photos are so precious and will be cherished.
    I hope you have a very blessed Easter with your sweet family.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. What an awesome surprise! And just look at how tall Noah is. Too cute, Benton trying to one-up him. I'm so happy for you all ... and in the words of Sean Dietrich, I'm "grinning like I just discovered teeth."

  4. That is a great surprise and I hope you have a lovely time with them.

  5. That is awesome. I know you will cherish every minute with them.

  6. I am so happy for you. What a wonderful blessing. Love the photos. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

  7. What a WONDERFUL surprise!! This Easter will have so many extra good memories attached to it now! They make a handsome couple!! Have fun and tell us more as you can!! xo

  8. Pam: I am happy for you. This will probably be THE nicest Easter surprise you will ever, ever receive. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  9. Oh what a happy surprise! Have a blessed Easter weekend.

  10. WOWOWOW...I still cannot believe this is Noah--how much he has changed from the photos you have shared. Such lovely photos, my friend. Wishing you a beautiful Easter Sunday.


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