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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday Night Review...After the Storm...

 Wow! We sure had a humdinger of a storm last night/early this morning! We were awakened around 4:00 a.m. with the rain just pouring down on our metal roof, flashes of lightning and thunder, and lots of wind. It was somewhat frightening, but actually to our ears it sounded pretty wonderful as we  needed the rain so much. We prayed there would be no serious issue with wind/storm damage, but thanked the Lord for the abundance of rain! Our Still Waters Pond is especially grateful for the refilling of much needed water for the fish and frogs and all other pond life.  Here's a few pictures of before and after levels of water on the pond, with a few photos of our Sand Hill Crane family thrown in for interest as well...

This was the scene a couple of days ago, after we had had a little bit of rain, but not nearly enough...you can see how dry the shore line is and so many of the water lilies are dying on top of a "sea of mud"...however you can also see how big "Pat and Val" are getting...they are about 6 weeks old now.

How do they twist their necks and bodies around like that?  I wish I could move my neck like that. LOL.
Uh Oh! They saw me coming around the corner of the house and decided it was time to skeedaddle out of there before I got too close...The "colts" are getting stronger and stronger with their wings, and I noticed as they flapped them they almost left the ground...but not quite ready to fly just yet.

Anyway, you can see how muddy and dry the pond looks. They can literally walk across the pond with the exception of a few deep pockets here and there...
There they go...

But today....it's a totally different picture! There is water almost up to the original shoreline...

I caught Mr. Sand Hill Crane out for a stroll by himself this evening...probably needed a break from the family for a while...or maybe this is Mrs. Crane...either way...he or she was enjoying a little time alone before the rest of the gang arrived to settle in for the night over there on the marsh island where their nest area is...
What a difference one night of good solid rain makes!!

Although you can't see her there, Mrs. Bluebird is sitting right inside that birdhouse watching every move Mr. Crane is making back and forth in front of her house.  I think she is getting anxious for him to leave so she can get a breath of fresh air...
Eventually he worked his way back over to the garden and then moseyed on out to the pond again...
And because it was still quite windy I decided to head back inside myself.  OH, btw, because of the wind our power was out for about three hours this afternoon. Apparently a large tree fell on some wires somewhere in the neighborhood. Thankfully it didn't land on anyone's home or car, etc., but still it made us have to figure out how to live without electricity for a spell. Again, thankfully the day was surprisingly cooler and less humid after the storm and there was a nice breeze, so we didn't suffer one bit...except my cell phone died so we took a ride in the car so I could recharge it. LOL. 

This morning's song that our choir had pre-recorded earlier in the week really fit in perfectly with the stormy weather last night...

Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, help me stand.
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Thro’ the storm, thro’ the night, lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord; lead me home.

When my way grows drear, previous Lord, linger near.
When my life is almost gone.
Hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall.
Take my hand, precious Lord; lead me home.

So wonderful to know that our "precious Lord" takes us by the hand and leads us through the storms and through the night, He leads us on to the light...and leads us home. What a comforting song!! 

BTW, if you listen to the rest of that video above, the pastor has a great message taken from Galatians 6:1-10 if you'd like to listen.  His sermons are always very scriptural and interesting...with wonderful messages for us to glean more of God's truth for our lives.

Speaking of church, today was the fifth Sunday, and as promised we had a potluck luncheon following the morning service. Of course there was way too much good food there to eat...what a blessing to have so many marvelous cooks! Doesn't every church have the best cooks in the land?
Here's a few pictures I took at the dinner.  

Oops! I caught this dear soul by surprise when she was trying to take a bite of food!  She probably wouldn't approve of this photo, but I think it's cute and she's a dear 90+ year old lady who is very precious!
Oh, I think I know these people below:

Yes, that would be my family...and looks like grandson Noah is deep in conversation with Grandpa...

Oh yes, there was a LOT of good food...and such sweet people...
That cake above with the blueberries on top was baked by my sweet DIL Rose. It was a lemon cake with blueberries and a white frosting over a lemon glaze. It was so moist and delicious...I want the recipe. She's a very good cook, btw.

It really was a great time of good food and fellowship, and the best part was the skies were bright and sunny this morning after the storm in time for everyone to make it to church on time without having to traipse through the rain with their covered dishes for the dinner, etc. God is good! All the time, God is good! And we are blessed.

Speaking of being blessed, this is our grandson mowing our front yard for us before the stormy weather crept in yesterday afternoon.

What a blessing to have him volunteer to take care of this for us! Yes, we are very thankful!

I guess that about sums up our Sunday in review.  And now I can settle in for the night and sleep peacefully...I don't think there are anymore storms on the horizon, but even if there are, I know Who is watching over me.

Psalm 4:7-8 NKJV
"7 You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.
8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."


  1. I had to laugh at that one photo of the old lady with her mouth open - Too funny.
    Well it all sounds so nice except for the fierce storm - good that it rained and the pond is starting to fill once again. I'm sure your bird population, as well as the fish and the frogs (and I am sure there are snakes as well) are thrilled. The food looks great.

    Nice Sunday post

  2. I remember how good all the food is at your potluck lunches!! Your crowd is a bit bigger than the time I was able to join you! I love how the good rain helped to fill up the pond and it is exciting to see the colts growing and surviving!! I love the photos, Pam! Have a blessed week ahead!! xo

  3. I am thankful that you didn’t suffer any seriou damage from the storm. The refreshing rains sound like they were welcome. Your church potluck looked much like my church this morning.We have a potluck on the last Sunday of each month.Too much food but good fellowship.

  4. Hi Pamela, I'm so glad you are getting the rain you need. Lately it seems like it has been raining everywhere (when I check in on YT or other places on line), including here. It's great that your grandson mowed the lawn for you. What is the white-ish looking stuff on the lawn? It looks like a bit of snow or hail though I don't think it could be either of those.

    1. Good Morning dear Penny. I had to chuckle when you asked about the "white-ish looking stuff on the lawn." That is good old Florida sand! We have plenty of it and enough to share! Our soil here is very sandy and our yard isn't very "thick with grass". But the grass does grow, especially now that we are getting more rain again, for which we are very thankful!

  5. Just looking and thinking about that food made my mouth water. Yes, a good old fashioned church has good cooks. I have tried to keep up the tradition. While I don't do it everyday at home, I can cook.
    The rain was much needed here too. We were lucky and just got rain. I thought of all of you over in the peninsula as it went in. Glad you had no tornado.

  6. Whew! I'm so thankful you were spared serious damage from those storms! (Well, aside from the power outage, that is.) I'm afraid we missed our 5th Sunday brunch, but yours looks delish! How neat, the 'Steiner 6' had their own table! I hope your new week is ah-mazing!

  7. Good Morning Pam! I read your post last night and wanted to comment but I was so tired I fell asleep typing! So I reread it this morning and here I am. Who knows what I would have said last night. Ha! Loved the photos of the pond and Mr. Crane out for some fresh air alone. I'm so glad you got rain to fill up the pond. We've had howling wind here for several days. I just took Zoey out for her morning walk and she almost blew away, seriously. She kept losing her footing in the gusts of wind!
    God is SO good. The potluck photos remind me of our own church. We have such a wonderful church family and church potlucks are always the best.
    We're looking forward to being in Spokane for several weeks in June and July where we can spend time with our church family there. We still do a Zoom Bible study on Thursday nights with them every week. Dennis has led it for over 30 years and they wouldn't let him go when we moved! How we love those people. God's people.
    I'm so glad that Noah and his sweet fiancee are there with you. What a blessing in your lives. I hope your Monday is a wonderful one my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Beautiful post. And yes, church ladies are the best cooks. Unfortunately, I'm the exception, but I can do clean-up pretty well. lol

  9. Church potlucks are the best, Pamela! And I'm so very glad you got that blessed rain without too much inconvenience that stormy weather can bring with it. The pond is once again full as it should be.

  10. Pam: Our church is a satellite voting site for our city elections. Since April 22, except the
    Sundays, a staff of poll workers have been working there. The feeds them their lunch. Each time we have had an election, the workers have said they want to come back and work the next time because they have eaten well. I love your pictures. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  11. Pat and Val....adorable as always, I love seeing how much they've grown! they're getting TALL!! Wow, y'all had a bad storm, but at least I can tell where it's refilled up your pond alot, so that part is good. Loved the church dinner pictures, looks so much like ours! Nothing like a good church dinner or church supper or lunch! lots of good food. That lemon/blueberry cake sure is pretty, guess it tasted as good as it looked? She's a great cook. Hope your Monday has been nice. I have ALOT TO TELL YOU, i will try later, ok. Hugs!!

  12. Hi Pamela. Looks like your grandson is a lot of help to you. I love the pictures of the little Sandhill Cranes. They are growing so quickly! Your church pot luck looks great. Glad you got some needed rain. Have a good week!

  13. What a blessing your grandson is!
    I saw that you were getting hit by a storm (and so did my cousin). A solar powered phone battery would be a good help for you. We use it when we are camping.
    We are having four days of RAIN. I'm hoping it will abate so I can get back to planting my garden.

  14. Always wonderful to see the crane family updates, Pam, as well as the updates of your own family. The church potluck did feature some delicious looking food! We have been getting rain on and off for about a week. Glad your rainstorm was beneficial and aside from the power outage didn't cause much damage in your area.


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