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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ St. Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick

It's time once again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Since Saint Patrick's Day is March 17 it might be nice to talk about it.

1. Do you celebrate the day and is it more secular or religious for you?

I would say it is more secular for us and just a fun day to wear green so we won't get pinched.

2. Americans eat corned beef and cabbage but it's not traditional in Ireland at all. (Per our hostess Annie:)In my house its Colcannon and Beef Stew or Cottage pie (shepherds pie made with beef instead of lamb).. which is more realistic and far less salty. Do you make special meals for holidays? What will you make for St. Patrick's Day?

Well, I had planned on making Corned Beef and Cabbage with potatoes and carrots.  We are expecting some special company that day, coming in from Georgia to spend a couple of nights with us.  So my original plan was to make the corned beef, etc. to enjoy with our company. However, I discovered that our friends have some special dietary needs, and this would not really be good for them.  So, I went ahead and cooked the corned beef and cabbage this past Saturday and took it to our church "Agape Pot Luck Luncheon".  It was actually a big hit and there were some very appreciative folks there who haven't had that in a long time...in particular one older single man who came here from upstate New York, and he said he used to always have this for St. Patrick's Day and he hadn't had it in years. He was very happy and just raved about it. That made me feel very good and I knew that it was the right thing to have done.  I will come up with something else for our company that will be more suitable for their diets.  

This is not my picture. I forgot to take one of mine, but it looked a lot like this.  It was very good, but I really didn't get to eat much of it...as I said, it was a big hit with everyone else at the dinner. Thankfully there was plenty of other food to choose from!

3. Do you have much green in your wardrobe? Does the color look good on you?
I wouldn't say I have a LOT of green, but I do have some. Yes, I'd say it is one of my colors. Being a natural redhead green seemed to be something I should wear (even though my eyes are blue!) I did wear a Kelly green top to the luncheon the other day. Again, no pictures...

4. In school we put up giant green shamrocks and Leprechauns. We made green paper chains to decorate our classrooms. What do you do to decorate?

This year I haven't done hardly a thing. Just can't quite get in the groove. Even my front door "wreath" is pathetic. LOL.

This is a modern day version of a green paper chain with shamrocks on it...LOL.

And this wreath inside the house has a lot of green in it.  Normally I do a lot more, but like I said, I'm just not quite with the program this year.

Here are a couple of links to previous years' posts about St. Patrick's Day. They are much more in keeping with the spirit of the day, so perhaps you'd enjoy reading them again, if you already have in the past.

Link to a previous St. Patrick's Day post that was full of fun! (and bears! Oh my!)

And THIS one was one of Toni's Creative Adventures for St. Patrick's Day, with our special friend Lily Grace and some of her friends!

By the way, we are keeping a close watch on the Sand Hill Crane family these days. It's been almost 30 days since we first saw that they had eggs on the nest...so the eggs should be hatching any day now.  The couple keeps close watch on the nest and on each other. This isn't the best picture below, but the crane out in front had just chased away some wood ducks who were getting too close to the nest.  Anyway, since there are two eggs, if both of them hatch this week I've decided I will name them St. Valentine and St. Patrick, because we first saw the eggs on the nest on Valentine's Day, and if they are born this week St. Patrick should also be honored by one of them. We could call them "Valley and Patty" for short. LOL. So stay tuned for further developments!

Again, not a great picture, but this was the male wood duck the crane had chased away:

Okay, let's head over to the Tuesday 4 link up and check on our friends.  

I  hope you have a Happy St. Patrick's Day, whether or not you choose to celebrate!


  1. "Do you celebrate the day and is it more secular or religious for you?"

    I did not know some people celebrate it in a religious sense!

    Beautiful colors on the door. 🙂

    1. I guess they do if they are Catholic, hence the fact that he is a "Saint", and I guess they celebrate/remember the saints who did special things. Not sure what they do religiously about it other than just honor his memory on that day for what he did. (drove out snakes in Ireland, I believe).

  2. It's not a religious day for us either 'cause we're Christians. It's just a fun day for us.
    I forgot about the being pinched! I'd better wear something green. *lol*
    Not a fan of corned beef. I wish I was. I does look yummy.
    Your decorations are so pretty, like always.
    Love & Blessings. xx

  3. Catholics, traditional Lutherans and Anglicans celebrate the day as a feast day for the saint. I like your yellow wreath, its very pretty. Corned beef and cabbage was my Mother's go to for St. Patrick's Day also. I don't eat corned beef because its far too salty for my heart. But, luckily I love cabbage, potatoes, carrots so much! Pot lucks are a lot of fun. I also make cabbage and potatoes with sausage, but not so much anymore because of my heart. Have a wonderful day Pamela!!

  4. I don't know what happened to my earlier comment (poof!), but I'll start over. If it should show up on your end, please just disregard.
    Never observed a traditional meal or religious service, but St. Paddy's Day's my favorite holiday -- my birthday. (lol) I'm SO touched by your telling of that older man's enjoyment of the corned beef and cabbage. One never knows when a little gesture means all the world to someone. Gosh. Thank you for telling us about him. Not sure why, but this is the first year I've not put out any decorations. Thanks to your sweet comment, I did put out some of my mother's china service on the table top. I think she would be happy. Have a blessed day!

  5. I love seeing the pond and hearing about the activity! I hope we can get out this afternoon. It's so nice and cool. Enjoy your day!

  6. Can't wait to hear the eggs have hatched.

  7. Your corned beef dish looks so good. My Mother-in-law used to make it every year and Dennis loves it. I like it too, but not like he does. Exciting news for you with the cranes about to give birth. I like the names you chosen. They're perfect. Now lets hope they cooperate and hatch this week. :-)

  8. Boy that dish looks yummy! I love corned beef but Marty no so much. I often fix pork and rice, cabbage and corn bread for St. Patrick's day. But, that is one of our favorite meals to fix anyway. I don't decorate for the holiday but I used too. I used to do a lot more decoration seasonal than I do now. Christmas is my main decorating season. But I need to do more because I do enjoy it once I get it all done! I do not have a lot of green in my wardrobe but I do like the darker shades of green and I think it looks okay on me. I hope that you have a lovely rest of the week dear Pam. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. "Top of the morning to ya" At church, this past Sunday, we had "Irish Sunday". Everyone was encouraged to wear green. Since green is one of my colors, I was ready for that day, Last year at our women's group meeting in March, we each got something for St, Patrick's Day, Mine was a hair thing that holds hair away from a woman's face, In the middle of the top it has a leprechaun's top hat. I saved it and wore it this year with my green sweatpants and green top. I do have some Irish blood in me

    1. Oh, I wish you'd taken a picture of you in your special hat and green outfit! Sounds like you looked like a pretty leprechaun! Have a wonderful week!

  10. Love your post and your sharing of the corn beef cabbage meal. Many good folks born on this date, my niece Carrie, Myra from Alabama. I was raised in the Catholic church but I love the story of Patrick as well as Nicholas and many other saints. I knew them well as a child. Your photos are beautiful and your answers are great. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Anne. Sounds like you know more about "St. Patrick" than I do, although I've heard the stories about him driving the snakes out of Ireland. It's funny that most of us only know we should wear green on his day so we won't get pinched! LOL. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day.

  11. "May the road rise up to meet you....." (smile) I've come to realize that when the road rises up to meet me, when I'm on my bicycle, that means I'm having to pump the pedals harder because I'm on a hill!!!

    As for wearing green, in years past I've found it hard to even find a kelly green to wear unless it's some silly T-shirt I'd wear only one day out of 365. So when I do see a truly nice green top, I get it. I now have two sleeveless green print blouses, one short-sleeved T-shirt, and one 3/4 sleeve length T-shirt (both of those in a solid green). And I have a green print dress, too, for when St. Pat's day falls on a dress-up day (such as Sunday). Green is in my "personal color palette", so that's helpful, too.

    As newlyweds (10 months today!!!) we are still discovering things about each other. We had a talk recently about Corned Beef and Cabbage and decided neither of us want it, so something else will be on our lunch plates that day (yet to be determined).

    1. Wow, 10 months already!! I just made myself laugh thinking, "that's long enough to have a baby!" LOL. I'm sure you'd agree you are thankful that's one thing you don't have to worry about being newlyweds at this stage in life. LOL. Congratulations on your 10 month anniversary!! Wow, time sure is flying fast. Actually we aren't huge corned beef fans either, but once a year it's something different. I don't think either of us had more than 2 bites of it on our plates since it was a pot luck luncheon and by the time we got to it it was almost all gone already! LOL. Oh, that "may the road rise up to meet you": for me it would probably mean if I was on a bike I would be falling off my bike and hitting the road face first. LOL. I'm glad you can do it...I'm afraid my general clumsiness would make bike riding a disaster for me at this stage of life. I have too many spinal fusion issues already to risk having more. LOL. Enjoy your week and don't forget to wear green!

  12. I love that Irish blessing!! Another fun post, Pam! I love my visits here!! xo

    1. I love when you visit here too...and especially when you visit in person! LOL.

  13. Love your names for the Sand Hill crane babies, Pamela! Yes, I'm anxious to see them hatch, too. You're having guests from Georgia? Are they blogging friends? I look forward to reading about your visit with them.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. Yes, our guests are from the Clarkesville area. No, they aren't bloggers. We've known them for over 40 years...retired Pastor and wife. We served in a church near them in Ohio many moons ago and we became good friends and have stayed in touch ever since. We always have a great time together.

  14. Don't really recognize the 17th around here. When I worked at our children's school, I would usually wear green but no one was allowed to pinch either way:) Have never been a corned beef fan - however, my husband really enjoys it. I should try making some for him but, truthfully, have no idea!? Enjoy your company....always fun to have some guests!

    1. I looked up a recipe online. I didn't cook it in a crockpot, but in a dutch oven on top of the stove. You have to "boil" (simmer) the corned beef brisket until tender (2 or 3 hours) and then add the cut potatoes and carrots and cook until they are almost done, then add the cut cabbage wedges and cook until tender. I actually was in a hurry so I cooked the potatoes and carrots and cabbage in a separate pot while the brisket was cooking and then added them to the corned beef and let it all simmer together for a little while to get the flavor in the vegies. It all turned out perfect! Not something I would do more than once a year. Corned beef is kind of expensive, but it was on sale for this week!

  15. I am sure you will tell us when the chicks hatch and we can be excited with you.! My mom had green eyes, but they looked bluish when she wore blue clothes. She was beautiful! We did not celebrate other than wearing green as a child. I did not want to get pinched!

    1. Yes, the wearing of green was the only thing we ever did when I was growing up also, for the same reason you stated! Somehow we all knew about that "getting pinched" part! LOL. I can imagine your mother was beautiful, as you are also very lovely! My mother also had green eyes, but I have blue like my dad. My mother was also very beautiful...a green eyed brunette. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  16. I LOVE GREEN and wear lots of green. Cant wait for those eggs to hatch, keep us posted! I love the cute names you picked out for the baby COLTS!! Love your St. Patricks stuff on this post and wow that corned beef/taters/carrots/CABBAGE supper looks so so delicious! Wish I'd been there! Hope your week is going well. It sure has gotten COLD again here, we had to cover up our kitchen garden. It was in the TWENTIES here this morning....very cold for us! LOL Looks to remain cold here another day or so. No porch sitting for us, ha ha. Although we DO PORCH SIT on cold days, it's a bit TOO COLD this time. ha ha I love to porch sit on a rainy day, wrapped up in a blanket. I love your porch there, do y'all porch sit alot?

    1. It has been quite chilly here today and looks like it will be in the high 30's tomorrow morning, but should warm up to the 70's. We don't porch sit as much as I would like because our back porch faces the west and in the afternoon it gets quite hot and bright and sunny back there. We aren't home much in the mornings anymore, but when we are we are always looking outside at the pond and watching for those babies to arrive any day now. I will let you know. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and St. Patty's day. Lily Grace sends her love!

  17. I don't do anything special for St Patrick's Day except occasionally cook corned beef and cabbage. I skipped it this year though. I have a special love for Ireland and the Irish. I love their music and the green of their Emerald Isle. I think I have Irish ancestors on my grandmother's father's side, but I can't trace that lineage because there is so little known. As far as wearing green, I have green stripes on my socks. Does that count?


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