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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Persisting, Creative Love


I told you recently about receiving this little devotional book back again on my birthday after it being missing for over 50 years...

This morning I was needing a little bit of encouragement in my faith-walk, and I decided to pick this book up and randomly open it to see what God would say to me today, and this is what spoke to me from the page where I turned:

"Being in Christ puts taste into everything. It puts faith in our work, for we are doing it for Him; love into our labor, for we labor for Him Whom we love and steadfastness into our hope, 
for we hope in Him."

"O Jesus, Lord, Thou art working a work of faith, laboring a labor of love, steadfastly hoping--give me Thy persisting, creative love. Thou dost not fail nor art Thou discouraged. Make me like that. 
In Thy Name. Amen"

"Affirmation for the Day: I shall not fail nor be discouraged until I have set love in my situation."

In Christ, by E. Stanley Jones

I love how God knows exactly what we need, and can speak to me from pages found in a book that I had not seen for over 50 years.  Perhaps it will be encouraging to you as well today.

And now for some other interesting and encouraging pictures...most of you who have followed me this past year will remember our Sand Hill Crane family and their youngster that I named "Colt" (because that is what a juvenile Sand Hill Crane is actually called, a "colt".)  Anyway, they spent a good deal of time in our Still Waters Pond and also foraging around on our yard.  They also would fly away for days and sometimes weeks at a time and we would not see them, and then all of a sudden they would fly back in as if they'd never left.  
We watched "Colt" from the time he was this small (above), until he was as big as his parents and it soon became difficult to tell which was which!

And then one day this past week (after the hurricane was over), only two cranes showed up in our yard:

Apparently the time has come for "Colt" to move on to his adult life and find a mate for himself, and his parents are returning here to their home to begin the ritual of mating again and hopefully setting up another nest out on our pond/island to bring the next new offspring into our world!

How do I know this? Well, as I was watching Mr. and Mrs. Crane walking around, they suddenly starting breaking into this dance they love to do when mating season has begun:

I should have taken a video, but it was happening so quickly I didn't have time.  They start hopping up and down and flapping their wings at each other and just having a good old time!

I watched until they grew tired of the dance and went back to foraging for food again...but this will go on for a while until they settle back down on a new nest to begin the cycle of life all over again.

Although I miss seeing "Colt", we know he is off pursuing his own destiny and God's beautiful creation continues to do what He intended it to do:
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,"
Genesis 1:28
(of course that command was given to Adam and Eve, but apparently it was also intended for all of His creation, because that is what they've been doing ever since the beginning of their creation)

Okay, that's the encouragement for today...
Even when we may feel a little down or discouraged, God has words of hope and love for us, and the beautiful cycle of life continues all around us.  Let us have hope and faith and most of all,
LOVE, no matter what the world throws at us.


  1. What a blessing to be able to watch all this from your back yard!

  2. I was just thinking the same thing a few days ago! -- When I least expect it, I'll open my daily devotions and there's a message/vignette perfectly tailored to what's going on in my head. Off-subject, but I like how folks used to write inside books' front covers. I've a few of those which belonged to my mother and father when they were children.
    Thanks for the update on the Sand Hill crane family!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. I was encouraged by this word from your devotional. I was also encouraged reading about the progress taking place in your corner of the country. Still so much to do, but seeing that temporary bridge up and at'em that connects Pine Island to Cape Coral made me happy. I've never been there in my life, but am encouraged from afar.

    Looking forward to seeing the next generation grow up at your place. Many blessings...

  4. Loved the words in the old devotional, Pam, and your own encouraging words in this post. And what a gift to see the two cranes engaged in their mating ritual! Once again, your photos have brought me so much delight.

  5. Yes, I needed these words of encouragement today. Your blog is a blessing and I am going to purpose to visit more often. I have to go my reading list to find you so I am going to make that more of a habit! Have a blessed Thursday! I am going to meet my friend Brenda for tea at 5:00. God is in the details of Life and I love that.

  6. "Even when we may feel a little down or discouraged, God has words of hope and love for us, and the beautiful cycle of life continues all around us. Let us have hope and faith and most of all,
    LOVE, no matter what the world throws at us.

    Amen too!

    I wonder if the cranes recognize eachother when they run into their son in the wild? I wonder if they visit?

  7. Thank you for sharing those beautiful, encouraging words Pam and also for the photos of the crane family. Looking forward to seeing their new baby. Have a great day.

  8. I just love Sand Hill Cranes. They are so beautiful and they are so LOUD! How great that your couple is back and there will be a new life or two coming to Still Waters Pond! I know you will keep us posted! Thank you for sharing the devotion from your cherished book, Pam! Love & hugs!

  9. Prayers...this is a lovely blog. God is certainly in control of our lives. I have lived long enough and through many valleys...on the mountains...He is the answer to it all. "Because He Lives..." I always try to make sure my life is simple...I am all about the ones in it...the family...not the things...I don't sweat the small stuff...thank you for your uplifting words...GOD IS GOOD...

  10. Thank you for sharing the devotional. I am always amazed how god sends us messages when we need it most. We just need to listen. Sending hugs to you.

  11. Aww! Colt was certainly a little cutie! I’ll bet he returns with his mate someday as well. My dad and I used to watch doves in my parents’ backyard years ago. It was so sweet to watch them teaching their babies to fly.

  12. Some days, we all need a bit of encouragement, Pam. Glad you found that book after so many years and that it spoke to you needed it. The crane dance must have auite entertaining and maybe you will see a new colt sometime in the future.


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