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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday 4~ More Questions

 Tuesday 4

We've Got Questions

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Here are questions to ponder for this week...

1. Are you happy with the way your life is going?
Yes, I am very thankful for the life that I am enjoying right now.  We are retired, living in a nice small town near our kids.  We have a wonderful church and church family.  We enjoy spending time with our church family and our own family, and helping our kids at their local store, Dixie Cottage, where we are meeting so many nice people in our community.  I am thankful for good health and all the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.  Oh, and our Ladies' Bible Study started back up yesterday after taking the summer off, so that is an added blessing!

2. Are you planning any trips in the future?
Not that I am aware of at the present time.  There is one trip that I have been wanting to make for a while and we keep talking about it, but I'm not sure when or if it will happen, and that is a trip to Pennsylvania. There are several reasons why I want to go there.

 #1. It is the state where I was born and where my father grew up. After the genealogical research I did a couple of years ago regarding my paternal grandmother's ancestry, I uncovered a lot of family history that I would love to go and see in person. 

 #2. And probably this should be the first reason for going, but it is going to take some work and cooperation to make it happen:  When both my parents died, it was their wish to be cremated and be buried together back in Pennsylvania in my mother's family plot.  The burial space has been paid for and all we need to do is take their "cremains" there and have them buried.  Well, first of all, my mother died and then  five years later my father passed away.  We were to wait for both of them before we did this. After my father died all four of us children were not in a position at that time to make a trip to Pennsylvania, as we all live in different places far away from there, and it just wasn't a good time to do that. As time has gone by, my oldest brother has now passed away, and he was the one in charge of the estate and all of those details. So now there are three of us siblings still remaining, and we aren't getting any younger, and I would very much like for us all to meet in Pennsylvania and follow through with our parents' wishes.  (My parents' urns currently are being kept at my sister's home).  There has been some thought about planning a trip in the spring, perhaps for our parents' wedding anniversary on May 16th, which this next May would be their 81st anniversary.  I would very much like to do this to honor our parents before we are all too old and unable to go. I guess I just need to start planning and maybe the rest will fall in line... (I'm the baby of the family).  

3. Are you reading anything at the moment or do you plan on reading something interesting?
For some reason I have just not had much interest in reading lately. It's all I can do to keep up with reading and writing blogs and then also keep up with daily Bible Devotions, etc.  I used to be a voracious reader, but after having neck surgery and shoulder issues, I think I just can't find a comfortable position to sit and read anymore...plus my new glasses are not just right for reading. I need to go back to the eye doctor and have them checked or adjusted or something...So that's my excuse for not reading much right now. Maybe in the winter when it gets dark so early I will start reading again...

4. What's for supper tonight at your house?
Tonight? I have no clue.  Last night we had baked BBQ chicken, potato patties made from leftover mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli.  We may have leftover chicken tonight made into quesadillas.  Our choir begins practice again tonight after taking off for the summer, and we will be working at Dixie Cottage today, so supper will be something quick and easy.

So that's it for today.  Now I need to get ready to get on over to Dixie Cottage for the morning.  Tuesdays are usually kind of slow days, so why don't you just hop in your car and come on over and visit a while?  (Actually, I am expecting a couple of special guests on Thursday from our blogging family, but you will have to wait and see who).

  Have a blessed and wonderful day wherever you are and whatever you are doing!!


  1. I will respond to three of your questions.

    1. Are you planning any trips in the future? We have two trips planned for next year. We plan to make return trips to Surfside Beach NC and Chincoteague VA.

    2. Are you reading anything at the moment? I am reading “The Fire and the Ore” by Olivia Hawker. This novel is about three spirited wives in nineteenth-century Utah. One husband. It is a compelling novel of family, sisterhood, and survival. I have read about half of the book. The book captured my interest from the first page and has held it!

    3. What’s for supper? The main entree will be grilled steak. I have t decided on the side dishes yet.

    Enjoy your Tuesday and the week ahead.

  2. Hope you take the trip for your parents…

  3. I certainly hope you will be able to make that trip to Pennsylvania in the spring. Our lady's Bible study starts back up tonight. Looking forward to it! Have a great day Pam and can't wait to hear about your upcoming visits.

  4. Oh, I hope you can do the trip in the spring. I'm sure it would give all of you peace of mind to carry out your parents' wishes and how perfect if you can do it on their anniversary or at least close to it. As an aside, I hope if you come all the way up here we can meet up for lunch or something, too. I would love to meet you in person, sweet lady!

  5. Wheeee ... company's coming! I've a hunch but will try to keep my lips sealed. (lol)

    Okay, you didn't ask for my opinion but I'm praying you and your siblings do make that trip. I think God has put this on your heart (and in your mind) for a reason.
    Oh, look who's talking! I'm the one itching to go somewhere -- then think of a hundred and one reasons not to. You're right, we're all getting older. Despite his mobility challenges, I'm thankful God has given Tom a second chance. Spontaneity's not my strong suit. (*sigh*)
    Wishing you two a most blessed day!

  6. I didn't get a chance to pop in on your last post, but I am so glad you and Terri got to meet up and have a nice chat. I don't have great travel plans. I am a homebody and honestly nothing makes me happier than my family nearby. I do hope y'all can get to Pennsylvania this spring. I always loved to read, but lately not as much. I read more nonfiction than fiction. Mainly because anything new just has too much stuff I don't like. My stitching keeps me company though:)

  7. Pam, I will keep praying for your neck. I am quite sure it gives you a fit at times. I have chronic neck pain from osteo and it's surely a pain in the neck. Keeping up with neck exercises helps a lot but ice is sure my best friend. I love to read but haven't gotten interested in a book of any kind. I do several different devotionals daily along with participating in an online bible study. Doing another bible study on my own at home too in the book of Psalms so honestly, I've found no extra time to read. But, after listening to live interview with Lisa Harper and Max Lucado this morning, both of which I adore, I am thinking of buying Max's latest book. "Help is Here". Supper tonight is air fryer boneless chicken thighs, peas and butterbeans with ham hock, brown rice and cornbread. And...if Marty and his daddy are nice I might let them have some ice cream. LOL! Hugs and blessings to you sweet friend. Cindy

  8. I hope you can organize the trip to Pennsylvania. It would be so nice to get that done and fulfill their wishes. I haven't had BBQ chicken in ages as I have to really restrict my sodium and so much food is too salty for me lately. I miss it all lol.

  9. I enjoyed your post, Pam, and I think I might know who is coming to visit on Thursday!! I hope you and your siblings are able to make that trip to Pennsylvania. It is important. Keep us posted, please!! Love & hugs!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that your neck pain and eyesight are affecting your ability to read comfortably, Pamela. I do hope you can get that addressed by your doctors; I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't read!
    Yes, start planning that trip now, in conjunction with your siblings. My thought is if you don't take the trip, you will regret it for the rest of your days. God will help to make a way!
    Blessings, my friend!

  11. Yes, life sounds pretty sweet right now with the store and now the Bible study. Your dinner last night sounds good and that's a great idea for tonight with leftover chicken. Wow, you have choir too, you are very busy.

  12. Your dinner for last night sounded yummy!! Have a great Tuesday!

  13. I love reading about your days.....

  14. I always enjoy reading your answers to Tuesday 4 and I hope you and your siblings get a chance to honour your parents wishes soon. I'm actually taking an 8 week course on end of life issues. Who knew there was so much to learn.

  15. I certainly hope that you'll be able to take your trip to Pennsylvania. I know how important that is.
    I also have the same trouble with reading. My glasses just don't seem right to read. I don't know what it is. I do, however, listen to books on the Libby app. I just borrow the books from our local library and listen while I'm doing other things.
    I hope you had a wonderful Tuesday and that Wednesday is a blessings too.

  16. I can answer your questions:
    1. My life seems to be on hold. Jim's surgery and his overall health has me concerned.
    2. He wants to go down to where he grew up.(Roger lives there, also.) We ayere planning to go the end of this month. His best friend called yesterday and shared that his niece's husband passed away. Also, his brother-in-law had surgery
    3. I would like to get back to my Tozer book. I started it several months ago and had to put it down.
    4. For supper last night, we made tacos. We use small tortilla shells. We began having problems with the hard corn shells. I get to have the left-overs for lunch today.
    I hope you get to take your trip to Pennsylvania. Spring would be a nice time to go. Peace and blessings

  17. Blessings. Regine


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