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Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday Foto Friends-Signs of the Times

I can't believe it is Friday already! This week has truly flown right past us! But it's been a good kind of "flying"...  Thank you all for your many kind words and anniversary wishes and sweet comments. I treasure them all, and one of these days I am going to get better at responding. But it seems that my free time is getting gobbled up and I am having to catch up on the "fly".  Thank you for your patience!

You see, "Skippy" the Squirrel is demanding more and more attention.  Yes, that is  what the Dixie Cottage mascot has been named. When I asked my daughter in law Rose what she thought he should be called, she said the name "Skippy" just seemed to fit. And so "Skippy" it is.

And as we are spending more and more of our days at Dixie Cottage, you may be hearing more about "Skippy" and his friends.  I hope you don't mind that my photos this week are primarily from Dixie Cottage, because, as I said, we are spending more and more of our days there.  Our one day a week has now grown into several mornings a week as well, which really isn't a bad thing. We actually enjoy being there and even when we aren't necessarily supposed to be there we find ourselves gravitating toward there anyway.

So yesterday while there was a lull in the action I took some pictures of a few signs that were "speaking" to me.  Hey, if you are a dog lover, and I know many of you are, we have some cute signs and items you might like.  Now, don't think this is a sales pitch. It isn't.  It's just that when this is where I am, this is what I see, and so therefore this is what I have to share with you.

I thought these mugs and leashes were a cute gift item for the dog lovers around us:

Oh, and there's even a door mat to wipe your doggy's feet on when you come back from your walk!

Now, over here are a couple of Skippy the Squirrel's friends. One is a bunny rabbit and the other is a  squirrel, and they are each holding a rain gauge.  Speaking of rain, we had a humdinger of a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon! I wish I'd put one of these rain gauges out, but I bet they would have been overflowing! It was a gully-washer for sure. But we needed the rain and Still Waters Pond is a little happier today to have some more water.  We still need more rain to fill it up, but every drop counts!

Speaking of signs and water..."The Lake is Calling", and "Life is Better at the Lake"...but "The beach is my happy place", and you should just "RELAX and accept the CRAZY"...because my "FAMILY is a little bit LOUD, a little bit CRAZY, & a whole lot of LOVE".  Some "FAMILIES are like fudge...mostly sweet with a few nuts!"  LOL.

Meanwhile, you are "Welcome to our neck of the woods"... where you can "Eat, Sleep, and Fish", and you are also "Welcome to our firepit, where friends and marshmallows get toasted at the same time." LOL.  Just a little bit of fun to brighten someone's day.

And speaking of "fun" to brighten someone's day...a couple of mornings ago we did manage to take a little walk in the woods.  But we were startled to find an alien sitting there waiting for us:

Well, it looked like an alien to me...even has a little face!  Apparently someone has been getting their "marshmallows" a little too close to the fire out there. LOL.
And with that thought I will just have to close this crazy post down.

I do need to have some words of wisdom or more meaningful food for thought to share with you...
How about this...


Have a blessed and beautiful Friday!



  1. Relax and accept the Crazy! 😁 That's about right for most of us I'd guess.

    1. Isn't that the truth? LOL. Yeah, the "crazy" is all around us these days, for sure! There is some I cannot accept, but that which I do and people I know do, well...we just all accept one another as being crazy and happy. LOL. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Love this…enjoy the pictures from the store…a new adventure…a new lease on life…

    1. You are right, Brenda. It does feel like a "new lease on life". I enjoy meeting people and this is a good place to do it. We are having a good time! Thank you so much for your encouraging words here and on previous posts. I am not able to get around to answer every one, but I sure do appreciate the comments. I liked that you thought I should write a newspaper column. That would be fun, but I just don't think people read the paper much anymore, do they? We don't have a town paper here in our little town, but if we did, I might think about doing that. I don't think they'd appreciate me in the big city paper. But you never know. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

    2. I meant an article about the store…sorry…I started writing for the state paper in my home in 1999 while teaching and going to grad school. I quit after a few years. My little local paper asked me to write…every time I quit as it is just a little column of not much, I am asked to continue…I have a following…it is called The Way we were…the way we are…it has never been negative ever ever…I avoid politics and denominations…I did finally write a column wondering why people won’t vaccinate, mask, isolate…with so many dying.I keep thinking Imwill quit again…then I get emails, letters, texts…

  3. I love so much of your stuff in that store. If I lived nearby, my house would be full of it. Take care my friend and have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I am glad that you like the items we have for sale. I am hoping many more people here will feel the same way! LOL. I hope you have a blessed weekend and enjoy your daughter when she comes!!

  4. I love the cute knick-knacks at Dixie Cottage, Pamela! Yes, Skippy is a perfect name for the "pet" squirrel. Rose named him well.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I just sent you an email. And "Skippy" sends his love to Racer! LOL.

  5. Pam: I thorougly enjoyed reading this blog post. I especially loved the collection of signs. Thank you for sharing them with us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. I'm glad you enjoyed the signs. They are some fun ones that Benton painted some time ago and we hope they will get sold. You never know what people will buy! LOL. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day too.

  6. Cute, cute accessories, Pam! I'm so taken with the picture frames (left and center). I used to collect them, but now that we've a smaller home (and I no longer work in an office), there's only a few remaining. I hope the 'alien' mystery is solved sooner rather than later; I'd hate to think you've a vagrant camping out in there.

    1. Thank you, Myra. Regarding the "alien" camping there...this is out in the woods, not near our house, but actually across town. There probably is a vagrant camping out there somewhere...they show up in the strangest places. They even had those little solar lights around there to light up the path and area where the grill was. Strange that they just left it all there. But these are strange times and you just never know what you might discover next! LOL.

  7. I love Skippy! The store is set up so cute. I would definitely enjoy shopping there. I'm so glad you now have this in your life.

    1. Thank you, Debby. I would love to have you come and shop here too! It is a lot of fun to meet new people and hopefully see them smile! Blessings to you and yours!

  8. I would really love that store - I hope their business flourishes!

    1. Thank you, Debby! It is a fun place. We pray it will flourish as well...still trying to find their real identity in this new location. The culture/style is a bit different here than it was over at the coast, so they are having to make some adjustments little by little. But so far so good. We are very thankful.

  9. I love all the signs but when I visit I will be looking for cat signs!! LOL I don't get tired of Dixie Cottage photos, Pam! I am happy for Ben & Rose and it is great that you and John are able to help out as much as you can/do. Have a blessed weekend!! xo

    1. Oh dear, "cat signs"... I will have to mention that. Since they are dog lovers they probably just haven't thought much about the cat lovers in our midst! But I know there are many...so I guess we need to acknowledge them as well! Thank you for your kind words. I hope you can visit sometime soon!

  10. It is good to hear that you are enjoying your time at Dixie Cottage. Glad you also got some much needed rain.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. We are having a good time, and yes, the rain is much appreciated. We still need more, but we will be thankful for whatever we can get! Still Waters Pond is appreciative too! LOL.

  11. What a fun post! I really enjoyed seeing all of the photos of the store. That is definitely the kind of store that I gravitate toward, especially when we are vacationing. The cups with the leashes are particularly cute.
    I'm glad you're having fun working at the store. I'm sure that you're a huge help to your kids and they appreciate all that you are doing.

    1. Thank you, Betsy. I'm so glad you came by for a visit here! You are always welcome to come for real!!

  12. Dixie Cottage has so many lovely things to browse and/or purchase. I know what you mean about spending more time there. That's what folks do for loved ones and it is such a blessing for your family to all be together now where it is much easier to help one another.

    1. Thank you, Penny. It has been a blessing for all of us to have the store here locally. And we are enjoying meeting people in our little town that we never knew before...and also meeting some that we do know who drop in from other places! It's been a lot of fun and is good for us "old folks" to get out and about! LOL.

  13. Replies
    1. Oh, so nice to see your smiling face again! I've missed you!!

  14. You're making me wish I had a dog. We don't have a fenced in yard though so I don't think it's fair to have one. I sure miss them though. Love the signs and all the pretty things in the shop. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I know what you mean about a dog and a fenced yard. We have faced similar thoughts and reasons for not having a dog. I love dogs, but just can't quite allow ourselves to be tied down/committed at this point in time, not to mention the expense of vet bills. We really aren't in a position to do that, so it's best that we don't. But we love our grandpuppies a whole lot!! They are precious! Thank you for your kind comments. Maybe sometime you can venture up this way and take a hike around Dixie Cottage! LOL. There's lots of wildlife there too! LOL.

  15. Grinning...you know how much I love Dixie Cottage, hey has Ms. Lily Grace met Skippy yet? Just wondering, smiles. AND wishing you a Happy Belated Anniversary.

    1. Thank you, Linda. We can't wait for you to come back and bring Stephan and the George Family, etc., and let me know when you do and Lily Grace will be there will bells on to greet them! LOL.

  16. In Ruth's blog I read your comment and giggled...delightful to have such a good sense of humor ..."I love especially how the cows lined up to have their photo taken!. Maybe they really are just a bunch of "hams" instead! LOL."

    1. LOL. I just couldn't resist that, being a bit of a "ham" myself...I guess I could identify with them. LOL.

  17. howdy there Pam, hope y'all had a great weekend! Has the pond filled back up any yet? I loved those pictures of Colt and his family....my my MY!!--he grew up SO FAST. Love all the pictures from the shop.....so fun! Lots of fun things there to see! Sounds like y'all are meeting lots of new people and of course, the friends who have drove in as well--it's all fun! I know you're enjoying it. We've had summer thundershowers pretty much every day all summer, they come and they go. Usually in the afternoons, our gardens sure love it. Lots of thunder. Hope you have a great week ahead my friend!

    1. Good Morning dear friend!! Thank you so much for popping in for a visit. Would love it even more if it were 'for real'. LOL. As far as the pond goes, it needs a LOT more rain to get filled up. Our afternoon showers just aren't generating enough rain to replenish how much has dried up. But it will get there eventually. It always does. Thinking of you and your family. Hoping to hear more about what's happening in your "neck of the woods" soon. Love Ya!


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.