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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Evening Spring Stroll

Good Sunday Evening, Friends! I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying a peaceful evening.
I've been enjoying some lovely evenings out by Still Waters Pond, watching the sun go down. 

Also enjoying the spring flowers that are starting to really bloom...namely, the Azaleas!
This particular azalea bush was a gift from my sister last year, but we got it planted too late for the blooming season last year.  Thankfully, it has grown and developed into a lovely bush full of blossoms this year!  It's still small, but you can see it is loaded with buds. It's making me smile for sure!

Something else that makes me smile is this patch of wild Sky Blue Lupines that is growing where we take our daily walks. I wish I could transplant it to my yard, but I'm not sure it would grow there. So hopefully it will continue to grow in this area where we walk and I can enjoy seeing it there.

And bring some home to enjoy as well:

I'm also enjoying these little wild purple "fairy flowers" (that's what I call them). They are a weed, but they are so delicate and sweet and I love to see them  growing.

In case you've missed me, I've been a little bit busy. Thank you all for your comments on my previous post, as well as those of you who have been visiting over at The Adventures of Lily Grace and left such sweet comments there. I apologize that I haven't done much answering of your comments, but I do appreciate each and every one.
Anyway, if you visited Lily Grace on Friday, then you know that I went to help out at our son and daughter in law's store on Friday, "Dixie Cottage".  They've been so busy trying to keep up with all the orders they have for painting furniture as well as custom orders, etc., and it's difficult to work on projects and keep up with the customers in the store at the same time.  So, since I was feeling a lot better I said I would love to try and spend one day a week helping them out at the store. Not sure if I will actually be able to do it every week due to other commitments, but I will do my best. The store is an hour away from where we live...in St. Augustine, and so it isn't that easy to just run in and help out for a while and go home.  It's an all day commitment.  But I do enjoy talking to people who come browsing around, and hopefully encourage them to buy something at the same time! 
Here's a few pictures I took of a few of the current items in the store:

Isn't that a lovely little desk, with all the interesting decor around it?

"Be Our Guest", won't you please?

I love the upholstery on these dining room chairs. My daughter in law selects the fabrics and does the re-upholstering of the dining chairs that they refurbish.  She does a great job!

Here's another cozy and lovely dining room setting. I wish I had a place for this:

Here's a cute little drop-leaf table and chairs, plus many other interesting items surrounding it.  They do custom painting of furnishings...you can pick your own colors.  But all that refurbishing, painting, and finding good solid used furniture to refurbish takes a lot of time and energy.  Thankfully they are young and able.  I wish I could do more to help out, but I'm afraid my painting and refinishing of furniture days are pretty well over. But I can ring up the sales! That's the fun part! Praise God!
It was a fun day...but I was glad to get back home to my own recliner (and bed!) that evening! "The old gray mare she ain't what she used to be..." LOL.

Today it was wonderful to able to be back in Sunday School and Church, after missing last Sunday due to a bout with vertigo.  If you would like to come along with me, here is the pre-recorded video of our choir singing an old favorite hymn, "Tell Me The Story of Jesus",  followed by a wonderful message from our pastor from Psalm 51, "Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God", click on this video link below.

Here are the words to this familiar song so you can sing along:

"Tell Me The Story of Jesus"

"Tell me the story of Jesus; write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard.
Tell how the angels in chorus sang as they welcomed His birth
God in the highest! Peace and good tidings to earth.

Tell me the story of Jesus; write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard.

Fasting alone in the desert, tell of the days that are past.
How for our sins He was tempted, yet was triumphant at last.
Tell of the years of His labor; tell of the sorrow He bore.
He was despised and afflicted, homeless, rejected and poor.

Tell me the story of Jesus; write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard.

Tell of the cross where they; nailed Him, writhing in anguish and pain.
Tell of the grave where they laid Him, tell how He liveth again.
Love in that story so tender, clearer than ever I see.
Stay, let me weep while you whisper, love paid the ransom for me.

Tell me the story of Jesus; write on my heart every word.
Tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard."

I can remember singing that hymn as a little girl, especially the chorus. I loved to hear the stories of Jesus then, and they have stayed with me all these years. I am very thankful to have been brought up in a Christian family that took us to Sunday School and church every week. But you know, it's never too late to start if you didn't get to go as a child.  Find a good Bible believing church and start going right now!  I was so excited to see that we accepted eleven new members into our little church today! That was really a blessing! 

 God is working in our midst, even in the midst of so much turmoil in our world today...perhaps even as a result of the turmoil in our world.  People's eyes are being opened to the truth that this world is not our final home, and we need to be ready for our eternal home.  Actually, today was also an amazing day in the life of one of our oldest members of the church, as she passed from this life into her eternal home at 6:00 a.m. this morning, following a brief illness. I believe she had just turned 92 in January. She was very ready to go and anxious to see Jesus face to face.  I couldn't help but think about her this morning as we were singing praises to the Lord...she was right there with Him in person, and I am sure she was rejoicing as she bowed before His presence.   

"We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body 

and to be present with the Lord."

2 Corinthians 5:8

Well, I guess it is time to close this for the night. I look forward to hearing from  you and also to try to get caught up with you and your events. May God bless each of you and give you peace...Amen.



  1. Thanks for sharing the photos of your day at the store. Your son and d-i-l do lovely and amazing work! I have no doubt if I lived near there the store would be a favorite that I could get into "trouble" in. lol I like your "weeds." They are so pretty and delicate. I also like seeing weeds in bloom. I love an autumn field filled with the royal purple of iron weed and the deep gold of goldenrod. Terrible for allergies, but oh so pretty from the car.

    1. I wish you could come and visit and "get into trouble" here! We could get into trouble together. Ha Ha, I am glad you like my "weeds". I call them "God's Garden", because He takes care of it and I don't have to do a thing but enjoy them!! And yes, I am taking allergy meds every day right now. 'tis pollen season in Florida! Have a blessed day my friend.

  2. Rose and Benton are both so talented, Pam, and it's a blessing that their business is thriving. Wonderful that you could help them out, even if it was only for a day.
    Yes, in this day and age, we need Jesus more than ever. Trusting in Him who has overcome the world . . .

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, they are both very talented, and we are very proud of them. They just need to "clone themselves" to get all the work done! LOL. but God is blessing them and we are thankful. Yes, we need Jesus more and more in this world. Yes, He HAS overcome the world, but the world just doesn't know it yet. He will show them in good time. Meanwhile, we pray.

  3. That's a beautiful song and I too have been singing it since I was a child. It's a favorite I like to play for offertory. Thank you for sharing and also for sharing all the pictures of your flowers and Still Water Pond Hope you have a great day.

    1. Oh, I am glad you enjoyed the song...and I'd love to hear you play! You are the "perfect pastor's wife!" You can play the piano!!! When my husband was being interviewed for his first pastor's position, the wives sort of were interviewing me...and the first question asked was "Do you play the piano?". When I said no, they informed me that the pastor's wives have ALWAYS played the piano! I told them that unless they liked singing "Mary had a little lamb" they probably didn't want me to play the piano! My husband still was called to be their pastor, and someone else very competently played the piano! LOL. I hope you are having a great day too!!

  4. Pam: Your suggestion about my computer seemed to do the trick. Thank you. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful flowers. We had tornado warning sirens go off around 3:00 A. M. Sunday morning. That went on for 45 minutes. This morning, actually through the night, we had ice and snow. On Saturday, we had temps in the 70's. Not quite time to get out and see God's beauty, but it will come. Peace and blessings.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you were able to get back on to commenting! Good news! but not such good news that you had tornado warnings in the night, and now ice and snow on top of it! what a mixture! Yes, I guess that is spring's way of warning you she's coming!!! Take care and be safe!!!

  5. So enjoyed seeing the shop. Yes, your dil does a wonderful job with fabric selection, etc.
    Glad that you were able to get back to church. Vertigo—bah! I woke up with it both yesterday and today. Thankfully, I know the Epley Maneuver and I have meds. Still, it's a misery.

    1. You may have to show me the "Epley Maneuver". I guess I can look it up. I am sorry you are having this issue as well. do you have allergies/sinus issues? Is that what brings it on, do you think? I think that's what was wrong with me last week. I've been on allergy meds all week since and am doing better. The pollen is quite high here right now, so that triggers it. Take care and I hope you are feeling better.

  6. I wish Dixie Cottage was closer to me. I would love to wander through it.

    1. I wish it was too!! Then we could wander through it together!!

  7. What a beautiful shop they have! I would love to browse and see what's there. I don't need furniture but it sure is nice to get new throw pillows and pretty things. LOVE the flowers you've shown. We saw some beautiful Blue Lupine this week too. Two different bushes are blooming the white blooms and I don't know what is what. Oh and the cherry trees are in full bloom. I'm glad you're feeling better! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I hope you can visit Dixie Cottage sometime! Oh, aren't the blue lupine flowers so pretty and interesting? And I bet what you are seeing are the wild plum trees with the white blooms, unless you are near orange blossoms, but you'd know those by their scent. When you say cherry trees do you mean the big tall wild black cherry trees? I am not aware of any regular real cherry trees in our part of Florida, unless they are just the ornamental kind. Just wondering. Thank you, yes I am feeling much better. So very thankful. Have a wonderful week. We might get some much needed rain!

  8. Those azalea blossoms are spectacular! Our Bible study leader wore a blouse that exact shade this morning and I was coveting it. (jk, lol) Like Ruth, I'd love to visit Dixie Cottage. I'd love to throw our dining room chairs in the back of my Camry and have Rose reupholster the seats like you've shown!

    1. Well, come on down, and bring your chairs! LOL. Stay awhile and maybe Rose can get them done for you. Ha Ha. Yes, the azaleas are very pretty everywhere right now. It's amazing to see them suddenly appear where I thought it was just a green bush of some kind, but come spring it suddenly turns hot pink! Such beauty!! Thanks for visiting. Please do come again.

  9. Oh my goodness, your talented children!I want to visit there. Such cute areas that they created. I sure needed your words today. A few days, a rough patch, I suppose. Thank you, always for your kind heart. This cold weather is getting me down. I saw a few of my tulips popping through the snow. I suppose that is a great sign that SPring will eventually arrive. :-) I am grateful I am not alone visiting and commenting. SOmedays the day just runs away from me and this ole grey mare...she ain't what she use to be either! Thanks for the smiles & laughter Pamela. You are a gem. God Bless You!

    1. Thank you so much! Wish you could come and visit! That would be great! I am sorry you are still suffering in the cold weather. It has been so nice here, but almost too warm! Oh, I am glad you are seeing some tulips! Yes, spring is coming. Somehow it always does!! Praise God. Please come back and visit often.

  10. Thanks for sharing your walk, Pamela, and sure wish the snow and ice would melt faster here. We did get out on Sunday for a walk downtown, but our favorite trails still had melting snow that had re-formed as ice, so no park walks until a steadier warmup happens. Thanks for the photos of Denton and Rose's store and too bad we were not able to get there on our recent FL trip. It looks like a delightful place and sure they are very busy.

    1. Oh, goodness...by all means do not walk on the icy walks!! That could be disastrous, as I am sure you know! Best to walk indoors wherever you can until spring! It won't be long. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that since you do live in NH, but still, it won't be THAT long. (Smiles). Take care my friend, and yes, next time you come to Florida I do hope we will meet. Blessings!

  11. Your photos are beautiful. Oh my, I love the store and would definitely shop in it!

    1. Thank you, Debby. I would love for you to come and shop here! That would be such fun to meet you!! Hope you are having a blessed and wonderful week. Take care.

  12. Glad you are doing well and sounds like you are staying busy friend. The store looks so nice. What beautiful flowers. I am ready to start repotting, replanting and getting some pretties going but the weather is suppose to be really yukky starting Thursday of this week with rain and cold temps. GRR! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Yes I am staying busy, which is a blessing. Oh, and yes, today it is supposed to rain all day, and the rest of the week as well, and getting cold again on Sunday! But we know it won't last long here in Florida! We DO need the rain, however, to make those flowers grow! Hope you are having a wonderful week no matter what the weather does! xoxoxo

  13. oh how I love that old desk. If I am not mistaken I do believe mom said they were used to do make-up and your hair. I am planning on doing some traveling later and may end up in FL. I hope you have a great week. PS bw photos are up and some ones I think you will really enjoy Gina

    1. Thank you, Gina. Yes, that desk could also have been used as a "vanity". As a matter of fact, they had a couple of different "vanities" in the store, and people came in and wanted them to be used as a desk! I guess more people need desks than vanities today! Oh, if you come to Florida you must let me know. If there is any way we can meet, that would be so wonderful. I will go check out your photos now. Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  14. Your post is full of lovely things, pictures of rooms, tables, decoration. Beautiful pictures, you are good at taking them. I love the old desk especially too. Good post Pam

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you came for a visit here today! Yes, that desk seems to be catching the eyes of several of our friends! I love it as well, but just don't have room for one more thing! Have a blessed and wonderful day.

  15. Rose and Benton have a wonderful store filled with beautiful things. I'm glad you are able to help them a bit.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I was happy to help as well. It's good to get out and meet new people too!!


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.