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Monday, February 21, 2022

Tuesday 4: Pondering Odds & Ends

Pondering Odds & Ends

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 kept up in her memory.
We offer 4 questions for you to ponder and consider each week. Hopefully they make you stop and think and even get to know yourself and other Bloggers a bit better.
Here we go discussing some personal thoughts this week....

1. Do you have a favorite gem stone? Why is it a favorite.
My favorite is a Blue Sapphire. Why? Because it's my birthstone (September), and it just seems to fit my personality and my color palette.  My hubby has given me some lovely sapphire rings and bracelets over the years. 
I enjoy wearing these two different sapphire bracelets...one is silver and the other gold, so I can wear one with whichever other jewelry I am wearing...
And this sweet ring he gave me many years ago, and I always loved it because it has 4 little diamonds, one for each of the "men in my life", hubby and our 3 sons, and the sapphire was for me.

But then he gave me this ring, and I started wearing it all the time.  The other one is a little snug for me, and this one fits better.  But I love them all.

2. Do you know and understand the doctrines of your religious faith?
Yes, I am a born again Christian...and my religious faith is a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  My faith is not based on any one denominational creed or doctrine, however I do believe my faith is pretty well summed up in the Apostles' Creed, which is used by many different Christian denominations.  *Please note that the word "catholic" in this creed does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church, but refers to the universal church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic* Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. " 

If you are not religious, do you have a personal doctrine you believe and live?  See above.
If this question is too personal.. tell us about your pet or favorite pastime. 
My faith is very important to my life...it is the basis of my existence, and I look forward to the day when I will meet Jesus face to face in heaven. Until then I will do my best to live for Him and serve Him as He directs me through prayer and reading of His Word, the Bible.  My husband and I, along with our three young sons, spent many many years serving in the pastoral ministry.  It was not an easy life, but very rewarding in so many wonderful ways.  Even though we are now retired, we are still very active in our local church. My husband teaches the adult Sunday School class and I sing in the choir and am active in the women's ministries of the church.  I am very thankful that God called us to service and that we, like the Prophet Isaiah, responded "Here am I, send me."

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
“Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8

Here is the video from this past Sunday's service at our church. This was pre-recorded to have available for those who cannot currently attend church services in person.  If you start at the beginning you will hear the choir singing one of my favorite old hymns, "Wonderful Grace of Jesus", and then our pastor has a wonderful message from Romans 6:1-14, which also further explains what I believe.

Here's the words to the song:

Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin
How shall my tongue describe it? Where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden, setting my spirit free
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus; deeper than the mighty rolling sea.
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain. All sufficient grace for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions. Greater far than all my sin and shame.
O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His Name!

Wonderful grace of Jesus, reaching to all the lost.
By it I have been pardoned, saved to the uttermost.
Chains have been torn asunder, giving me liberty
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus; deeper than the mighty rolling sea.
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain. All sufficient grace for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions. Greater far than all my sin and shame.
O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His Name!

Wonderful grace of Jesus, reaching the most defiled.
By its transforming power, making him God’s dear child.
Purchasing peace and heaven for all eternity
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus; deeper than the mighty rolling sea.
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain. All sufficient grace for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions. Greater far than all my sin and shame.
O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His Name!

Also, one more thing, I respect each and every person here and understand that not everyone will agree with what I've shared above. I certainly do not base my friendship on what others believe or do not believe, and I would not want this to become a reason for anyone to find fault or cause any kind of disagreement. We should honor each other's right to express their own personal beliefs without any cause for critical review. Thank you so much, and I look forward to reading what you share as well.
Okay, moving right along to the next question! 

3. Do you have a favorite décor style... as in classical, traditional, modern, mid century, colonial, etc?  What do you like about it?

Oh my!! My "favorite decor style" would be whatever I happen to have! LOL.  So much of our furnishings have been given to us via family heirlooms or gifts, and to be honest I have not really had much say in the overall design of our decor...it is what it is because that is what we've been given. We have rarely ever purchased any new furniture, except for a few recliners over the years and appliances. But the bulk of our furnishings came from family.  Now, don't get me wrong, I actually love what I have and have grown quite attached to it.  I've written extensively about some of the furnishings in our home over the years. If you look at the "Some Special Topics" listing in the right hand column of this blog, you will see the category for "Family Treasures". That should open up a list of blog posts that tell about different special items in our home that mean a lot to me.  Here's a picture of a few favorite items...

However, all that being said...if I had the opportunity to have a nice little cabin vacation home, I would furnish that with country rustic style, comfortable furnishings that would be considered cabin style/or lake/coastal/somewhat shabby chic...does that make any sense? That's kind of my "dream home"...Here's an idea I just found on Pinterest...that's just an idea...and probably mine would be more rustic.

Maybe more like this....well a girl can dream, can't she?

4. Are there any books or movies you want to see this summer?
To be honest I cannot think of any book or movie that I am looking forward to.  I haven't been doing as much reading as I used to...just kind of got out of the habit and spend more time here on the computer writing or reading, or watching special series of programs with my hubby on TV. I like it when we find a series that we both like and we can enjoy it together.  Otherwise, he's usually watching sports or something on YouTube, and I am doing whatever I can find to do here on the computer, if I'm not doing other stuff like cooking, cleaning...you know the routine.  And I hope to get outdoors more now that the weather is getting nicer and maybe do some more flower gardening, sitting in the swing, and taking walks or rides.  (until it gets too hot to do much outside...then it's back indoors in the A/C. )

Okay, this was fun. I hope you all participate as well over at the Tuesday 4 Linkup (HERE).  Thank you, Annie, for setting this up each week.  
Have a great day my friends!!


  1. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your answers as always. I see we share a love of sapphires and you have some beautiful, gifted pieces from your husband. I also like the photo you've posted of the living room over looking the waterfront. That is something that also appeals to me. Your own home is filled with many, personal treasures and I think that is what makes a house a home and comfortable to live in each and every day. I share your fundamental faith believes and the idea that we don't all have to believe in the same things to get along. I hope you will be able to find a 007 movie with Daniel Craig to watch. Enjoy the week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I appreciate what you've written and also the other message you sent me. I'm going back to read that again as I read it quickly before I went to bed last night, and I kept thinking about it all night, so now I need to read it again! LOL. God bless you dear friend. I appreciate you so much!

  2. I want your rocking chair!! Oh my, it's so beautiful! My decor style is... cheap or free. LOL! Nothing matches, we own very little, and I don't care. As long as we can sit and sleep, we're good! //Wow, Pam! EVERYTHING you said about your Christian faith is EXACTLY - nearly word for word - what I have written in a document on my hard drive for when I die so my kids can print it and share. I was so stunned that our words were so alike that I actually had to go reread mine just to make sure! Ooh ooh God thing! 😁

    1. Wow, that is amazing, Diana!! We are sisters in the Lord! I love that. And yes, our home is a place to eat and sleep and enjoy living with the ones we love while we can. This life is much too short to hang on to things, but I am thankful for the things I do have while I am here. God provided them for us and we are very grateful. I'm so glad you stopped in for a visit today. Thank you. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day.

  3. In total agreeance in regard to the Christian Faith. Such a lovely post, well, they usually are, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. You are sweet. I hope YOU have a beautiful day today, and I am PRAYING!!!

  4. Not surprising in any way that your entire life revolves around your faith in Jesus, Pamela. I so hope mine reflects the same! Speaking of rustic furniture, you might want to look up Watershed cabins on the internet - we've stayed in so many of their cabins, and the vast majority of them are decorated in that rustic style you featured here. Yes, we can dream!

    1. Yes, Martha, your faith shines through beautiful in all you do and say and write. I love how God has gifted you with such writing ability, both in stories and poetry. That is truly a gift from God. Oh, the "Watershed Cabins" sounds like a good idea...I will check that out. It would be cheaper to rent one for a week than to try and buy one! My problem is I may never want to come back home! LOL. Yes, we can dream! But mostly we need to be thankful for whatever God gives us and use it for His glory! Hope you are feeling better and having a good day.

  5. Good morning! For me, I'm not especially fond of gemstones, but I love that your John is so sentimental. And yes, my faith is the cornerstone of my existence, my all. Sometimes I want to pinch myself, at our Lord's doing -- bringing you and others of similar belief into my life. (I won't belabor the point, but in my past worklife, talk of God was usually done in a ridiculing manner.) I'd be hard to define my home's decor -- maybe eclectic? Pretty sure I could live happily in either of these rooms you've shown, but then I'd fret over who's going to scale a ladder to dust or clear the cobwebs. We even learned our lesson in Arizona about trying to sufficiently cool a room with cathedral ceilings. Even ceiling fans didn't make much of a difference ... the electric company loved us. LOL.

    1. It is refreshing to be able to express our faith here without fear of remonstrance. And I know everyone is different and has some differing views, but for the most part we are a very congenial and loving group of friends. I am so thankful for you all. I like "eclectic" style. It is an expression of whatever makes you happy and comfy. That is most important in a home. And yes, I agree about the dust and cobwebs in the high ceilings. Good point. May have to lower that roof a bit...and I don't really need that kind of chandelier...that would attract cobwebs for sure! LOL. But anyway...the dream is in the beauty and comfort of the home...and to me it's more about location, location, location! I need some kind of beauty outside to look at or I'll go crazy! Maybe I already did. LOL. Have a blessed day my friend.

  6. A very interesting read! Amen! And I like your rustic dream very much. It would be like living outdoors in a forest. You have some very nice family treasures. When I look around my home, I am the same way you are. Most items are gifts, including the furniture. I have very little to do with what is here other than allowing it to be here. I am blessed.

    1. I love your attitude regarding your furnishings. Your home sounds much like mine. I started doing a little mental list of what we have and where it came from, and I was amazed at how little we had purchased ourselves! And the things we have bought are mostly utilitarian or just for comfort, like recliners and appliances. But those don't last long and have to be replaced more often than all of the other very old antique stuff that has been handed down through generations! Oh, yes, "living outdoors in a forest" would be my dream, as long as there was some kind of water to look at. I've gotten rather attached to my pond and all the activity out there, but where we live is in a noisy place with a highway on the other side of those trees and lots of traffic noise day and night. Other than that, it would be perfect...but heaven is our final home and that will be the ONLY perfect place. Yes, we are blessed too. Thank you so much for visiting. I would love to visit your place sometime. It looks so homey and inviting! And it's in a state that I love!! Have a blessed day.

  7. what a fun way to get to know you better Pamela. I love that cabin look with a big fireplace, especially since we are snowed in a lot in northern Mn. I am with Diana we don't own much either. Our daughter and son in law redid an old hunter cabin and added on to it so we live there but they own it. We do own our car and few pieces of furniture. Our kids will not fight over what we leave and they told us they only want our bibles, nothing else. We are totally blessed and have never done with out food, clothing, a place to lay our head. Owning something here in light of what is already bought and paid for carries very little weight with us. Heaven is our home.

    1. I would love to see pictures of your "old hunter cabin". It sounds cozy and warm and homey. I love that your kids only want your Bibles. That says a lot right there about what is most valuable in your life as well as in theirs. And yes, "Heaven is our home"...our eternal home, where neither moth or dust or rust can destroy...and I am very much looking forward to entering that home when Jesus calls me there. Until then I will carry on doing whatever He directs us to do. Thank you so much for joining in today. I love hearing from you.

  8. I have not blogged since Friday but I need to catch up there too. This cold, dreary weather makes me sleepy. I am ready for Springtime. It will give me the opportunity to rearrange our garage and shed and have a yard sale too. I love all your answers. I was raised Catholic, but I did learn the very basis of my faith even today in my golden years, everything good comes from God and Jesus is the way, the truth, the light. Second grade I learned Saints can not answer my prayers and neither could Mary although I have the utmost respect for the mother of Our Lord. My dad read his bible as all his teaching to us was word for word from the bible. :-) I miss my folks terribly but would never wish them back and look forward to a reunion with them someday. My house is quirky, I get ideas and then need new ones heeheehee. We have light gray walls in the bedroom and our living room too. I had lots of b/w canvas art, Denver in the early 1900's, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the twin towers in NYC. Now I need change. Not a fan of modern minimalism. I am who I am and do not worship things but enjoy them. I worship God and Jesus. Grateful for my gaith. Thank you for this beautiful share. LOVE & HUGS

    1. I enjoyed your comments and yes, "Jesus IS the way, the truth and the Light". Praise God for His truth that lights our way! I love the sound of your "quirky house". I am not a fan of modern minimalism either. Even if I was, I wouldn't know how to go about it. I love the things we have because they have a history and many memories attached to them from the loved ones who left them to us. I feel like we are keeping their memory alive by using the furnishings that they also loved and used. But when we leave this earth we leave all that behind. We are going to a much better home in heaven, where moth and dust and rust cannot destroy. Praise God!!

  9. Pam: I enjoyed reading this blog. My home is a mixture of a couple of antique pieces of furniture, a restored book case in out living room. A coffee table that a neighbor made for us,(solid hickory, with the initial L in the end pieces.) In our kitchen, we have the cabinets that might be original to the house, and one that was made for us and an island that gets plenty of use. My faith has the same facets that your does, except all my service to the LORD has been voluntary. Husband is an retired auto worker.

    1. Oh, that coffee table sounds lovely...I love hickory wood..and the "L" makes it really personal. You should share a picture of it! I would love to see the kitchen cabinets that are original to the house too. How old is your house? I love old cabinets! And I love that you are serving the Lord now and have also done so in the past. And even when we are "paid" to serve the Lord, much of what we do is voluntary. It is a calling and a way of life, and it continues on for all of our lives. Trust me, we never went into the ministry because of the "money". My hubby often had to work two jobs and I had to work too just so we could survive because we chose to serve in very small churches who could barely pay us. But God always provided what we needed in one way or the other. We never went hungry or were without shelter. We are very thankful for His provision for our lives and our family.

  10. Your faith shines through in every post and I love that. It is my desire that I too can shine the light of Jesus to all who read my posts.

    1. Oh, Thank you, Ruth. That means more to me than you know. And YES, the "light of Jesus" always comes through your posts, both here and on Facebook. You and your camera have quite a gift and a way of blessing us all. Praise God for giving us the eyes to behold His majesty in His creation! Thank you for being faithful to His "call" on your life to share His beauty.

  11. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed my visit here today. I grew up in church and loved Sunday School. I do miss singing hymns. I am so happy my grands are all in church!

    1. You are blessed to have your grands in church. That is a wonderful gift! Yes, I love old hymns. Our church sings a lot of hymns, but we do have some contemporary style worship songs too. But our congregation is mostly older folks like us and we enjoy the hymns so much. We are a happy group who love the Lord...that is what matters most. Thank you for visiting! I always love to see your smiling face!

  12. Blue Sapphires are so beautiful. I have a mixture of old and new furniture, I love it all. Your pieces are beautiful. Wish I could go to the show but still am not ready. We do enjoy several TV programs. We don't watch everything together. We both have DVR's to record our favorites so we don't have to watch commercials. Take care.

    1. I love new and old furniture mixed together as well. We just seem to have a lot more "old" than new...but if it still works, why fix it? I haven't been to a movie in a theater in many many years. Hubby doesn't care much to go, and honestly, there haven't been many decent movies worth going and paying money for. Yes, we watch a lot on TV...and try to avoid commercials when we can. But sometimes even with the DVR recording, you can't get past the commercials. They are sneaky! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful day.

  13. Hi Pam. I said blue sapphires too and your rings are beautiful!! I enjoyed reading about your beliefs and I'd say we agree most of the way. Hope you have a great day and I'd love to live in one of those rooms too...both are beautiful!

    1. Thank you Cathy. The most important part of our belief is who is Jesus and what does He mean to me personally? Everything else is pretty much secondary to that one key issue. Oh, I think sapphires won the day in this questionnaire! I saw a lot of others agreeing on that one. I hope you are enjoying a beautiful day doing whatever you enjoy doing the most! God bless you my friend!

  14. I would love to decorate in a rustic cabin style...in a cabin in the mts! I like seeing the tropical styles here in Florida too. You have a beautiful home filled with collected things that mean something to you! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you, Diane. I was thinking you did have a place in the mountains? Maybe I misunderstood. But yes, a cabin in the mountains, but for me it must be on some kind of water. I've gotten attached to my pond view and love it so much. We just don't have the woods here that I would love to have to go along with it, but we go walk in the woods every day and that satisfies my longings a bit. I hope you have a wonderful day today too. I wonder where you'll be "wandering"? Can't wait to see!

  15. I love your decorating style. It makes me feel at home because it's just like my grandmother's home. She kept all kinds of things and just kept finding spots to put them and somehow it all worked and created a cozy space. Your ring is pretty! It looks like Princess Diana's engagement ring. Have you heard the Newsboy's song "We Believe"? It is pretty much a singing of the Apostles' Creed.

    1. Yes, I have heard that song and appreciated it so much when it came out. It is perhaps an old creed, but it is tried and true with all the basic tenets of our faith. A lot more could be said, but the most important thing is faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Without Him, there is nothing else of value. My ring does look like Princess Diana's but it isn't as expensive I can assure you. It is not the pure quality of sapphire that hers is, but to me it is the most beautiful ring ever because my hubby bought it for me. I hope you are having a wonderful week. Thank you for visiting.

  16. Your home is warm. Any décor style has to be on you are comfortable with. In the end no one lives there but you and your family. Your sapphires are lovely How nice that your hubby gave you things like that. Christ adorns his church.. your hubby adorned you

    1. What a beautiful thought..."Christ adorns His church, and your hubby adorned you." I love that. Thank you for blessing me with those thoughts! That truly made my day! I never looked at it that way before. The "value" of my sapphires just went way up!

  17. I will be back to comment more tomorrow, God willing. I wanted to join the blog hop and my usual ones with Sandy & Brian too. I love your words here. You have such a beautiful way of laying these important faithful words out. THANK YOU. Take care xo

    1. Thank you so much. I am running behind in commenting too. But this was so nice to connect with others in personal ways. God bless you my friend.

  18. Toni must have been such a sweet person. Her questions show that she had a kind heart and a keen interest in others. I loved your answers to the questions. And yes, catholic with a "little 'c'" doesn't mean Roman Catholic! Some people get alarmed. I love your home full of treasures from family and friends. It is so warm. And I love the "dream cabins" you found on Pinterest!

    1. I only knew Toni through blogging and then on Facebook, just like you and so many others. She was a very sweet and special lady and those of us who were privileged to be counted among her friends were very blessed. She very sadly died from breast cancer at an age when most of us would think we were "home free". It was very sad for everyone who knew and loved her, and there were many of us. She used to do the Tuesday 4 meme and also one called "Toni's Creative Adventures". I loved that one and wish her old "adventures" were still available to read. I did participate in a few of them, but I was kind of late to the "party" and missed out on a lot. You just don't know what an influence you may have here in "blogland"...it really is a special place. I count you as one of my treasured friends, and I am so very happy you and I "connected". I hope you are doing well. Thank you for visiting. Have a blessed day my friend.

  19. You and I both share a love for sapphires, as we also share the same birthday month :) I just love their beauty! And my style is very ecclectic... whatever strikes my fancy. I have a variety of things from antique, to teaware to farmhouse style to new and modern. A home decorator would be at a loss with me, lol! And most of our furniture is acquired through thrifting, or someone giving it to us. It all brings joy though... and that is what is important! And I enjoyed you sharing your faith and love for the Lord. How wonderful to have served in ministry to the Lord so many years! May the Lord continue to bless you and your husband :)

    1. Ha Ha! Yes, a home decorator would be at a loss with me too. I agree, if our home furnishings bring us joy, that is what is important. That is why I have hung on to these "heirlooms" through many moves. Yes, they are heavy and "old", but they have so many memories attached to them from the loved ones who used them and loved them as well. I feel like I am carrying on their legacy in more ways than one... Thank you for your kind words. We are blessed by the Lord and are VERY thankful!!

  20. I also love sapphire; however, my favorite is Amathyst my birthstone is Emerald, I have the same bracelet in Emerald with matching earrings. I had a similar Sapphire ring, but my ex-husband stole all of my jewelry that I didn't have hidden or on when he left. I love that farmhouse and would love filling it with the rustic look. Right now, it would be the more contemporary look until I decide to remodel my travel trailer. PS I posted new bw pics and on the bagworm told you what they are. My shoulder is doing horrible, so many things I can't do now that I could do before I fell :( *CRYING* The dr has my name on a cancellation call list. hope you have a great week.

  21. Love those photos of if you could have a vacation home. I think we all have mixed taste. I tend to get lost in reading blog posts and comments and am working on reading my books more. I'm not a big movie watcher. It has to really catch my attention.


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.