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Monday, January 10, 2022

Christmas Remnants

Well, another Christmas has come and gone...and here it is all packed up and ready to be put away...except for the tree...still waiting on someone to take off the lights and take apart the tree limb by limb (yes, it's still that same old tree, but we love it). Oh, there's my helper...sitting in his recliner having his morning cup of coffee! Well, that's fine...I'm having my morning cup of tea while I write.

Actually, while I write and walk around and check to see if I've missed anything that needs to be packed up. Not this tree! It's a real live little Norfolk Pine that our sweet daughter in love brought to us way back in December. It's still happy and growing strong. I guess I should take off the red balls so that it doesn't look like a Christmas tree...maybe I need to add some Valentine hearts? That's an idea!

And I can't pack away this amaryllis, that did finally get it's 4th blossom (and then the first blossom fell off, leaving 3), but isn't it still beautiful?

And if you look a little closer you will see another stalk growing up on the side, so it will eventually bloom again! Now that's a gift that keeps on giving!

I hope someone will come eat up all this Christmas candy that is sitting around here tempting me...

You may not be able to see it, but the cups are full of Hershey's kisses and Dove Christmas candy...remnants of a very sweet Christmas indeed...

Maybe I'll just sit back and have another cup of Christmas tea...and reflect on how good God's been to me...and how blessed we are to have Jesus here with us..."Emmanuel, God with us!"
You know Jesus doesn't leave us when Christmas is over. Let us be careful not to pack Him away with our decorations and forget about Him until next Christmas...no...He stays right here with us, blessing us with His comfort, peace, and joy...

Remember when I shared THIS POEM WITH YOU HERE?

Well, that message still holds true.  I like what the last paragraph says:

"If God gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
Cause my cup has overflowed."

Author: John Paul Moore

I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse of the Christmas Remnants from my house this morning. Yep, you can find me right here if you need me, 'cause "I'll keep drinking from my saucer,  cause my cup has overflowed."  

Have a "DELIGHT-ful" day my friends!

"In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul."
Psalm 94:19


  1. What a DELIGHTFUL post, grin. Thank you, Pamela, have a beautiful day friend. (p.s. Hey John, get to work, grin)

    1. Ha Ha! Yes, John Did help me take the tree apart and pack it away and clean up all the needles on the floor, etc. It feels good to have the house cleaned up again. Hey, it's 39 here this morning!! But the sun is shining! Can't wait to see you soon!!!!!

  2. What a wonderful post Pam. Love your amaryllis and your Norfolk Pine. Just beautiful! I'm drinking from my saucer also, because my cup has overflowed. God is so good to us and I know I certainly don't deserve it. Blessings to you today Pam!!

    1. How are you enjoying your retirement? I know you are loving every moment! Yes, keep drinking from that saucer...God is good!!! Have a wonderful week!

  3. I see that you and I and probably many others have been involved in this pursuit. Your amaryllis is definitely going to keep on giving. Mine has been binned and has left the building. Apparently, I overwatered it. I'd like to try again next year.

    Your room looks cozy and pleasant. Oh, I always liked the trees that required building branch by branch because one could create such a realistic tree by slipping a larger or smaller branch in a different slot.

    Happy homemaking!

    1. Hmm, I never thought about switching the branches around to make the tree look more realistic...I might try it next year and see how it looks...but then again my "OCD" might not be able to handle the lack of symmetry! LOL. Oh, I am sorry about your amaryllis...it was SO beautiful. Did you try to let the bulb just dry out? Well, yes, try again next year. They are such fun to watch grow, and if you put the pot outside in the spring, you might be surprised that it would grow again and bloom. I hope you are enjoying some snow and beauty around you! It's a chilly 39 here this morning, and not expected to rise above 62 today. That's a chilly day for us! But no snow! Blessings to you...

  4. I loved this post Pam! You have such a gift of sharing words which in turn bring joy and memories and love to so many others. Happy new year to you and your special family. We love you!💕

    1. Thank you so much, Nana, and welcome to my place! I am not sure if we have met here before or not, but you are certainly welcome to come anytime! Thank you for your very kind words. I hope you will have a blessed and beautiful day.

  5. Good morning Pam and thank you for a beautiful post! God has given you such a gift with words as you share your thoughts, heart and life with others. We love you! Happy new year!

  6. How organized you are! It always makes me feel a little blue when the Christmas decor gets put away. Never one to rip off the band-aid, I've been doing a little here and there. Come to find out, I've half-and-half boxes -- some to save, others headed to Goodwill. The little Norfolk pink is so cute, the amaryllis stunning! We bought a Norfolk pine our first Alabama Christmas; and Tom's still nursing it along in a sheltered corner of the backyard. I think a Valentine's tree sounds great. Remember that old song, "Come along with me, to the sweetheart tree ..." ?

    1. I don't feel very organized, but I am glad the clutter is removed and our son carried all those boxes out to the storage shed last night and reorganized the shed so we can find things again! That was a blessing!! It was SUCH a MESS!! Could barely get in the door. He said now we could do a square dance in there! I kind of doubt that, maybe a two-step would be better. LOL. Oh, I do hope our Norfolk Pine will survive. I need to get a larger pot for it. NOt sure about planting it outside as it gets too hot here...but we shall see. I may need to study up on it first. "come along with me to the sweetheart tree?" I need to check that one out...not sure I remember it and you and I should both remember all the same stuff. LOL. Have a blessed day my friend.

  7. Christmas tea - that looks delightful! I have been enjoying some different Christmas coffee blends (which were super tasty) but only had one Peppermint Bark tea. It was also yummy but should have branched out a bit more. I love that little Norfolk Pine and, yes, I think it would look lovely with some Valentine hearts!! Here's to all those bins getting stored away. Ah, it feels nice, doesn't it?? Happy Monday -

    1. Oh, yes, it does feel nice to have all the Christmas bins stored away again. Thankfully our son took them out to the shed for us last night and reorganized everything so we can find stuff again. That was a GIFT!! And yes, the Christmas tea was delightful. I tried several different ones this year, and I must say, they all taste pretty much the same, but still good. LOL. I don't do coffee in any form, but they do smell good...just can't drink it for some reason. Yes, I am going to be looking for some Valentine hearts or something to decorate my little tree. Then I must think about repotting it in a larger pot so it can grow. Have a blessed and wonderful week.

  8. the boxes...........awww yes, the BOXES. Sure looks familiar! LOL We put ours all away last night. Living room looks somewhat bard, but it's a neat and clean new start. I love your little Christmas tea pot....the one with poinsettia blooms on it. So pretty. I see miss Lily Grace over there behind the big amaryllis with her little friends! Wow, the blooms on that thing are so big and pretty! Dont think I've ever had one of those. Have you ever done paperwhites? Guess we are all recovering from all the hustle and bustle of the busy busy holidays! Rest is good. Hugs!!

    1. Yes, our house does look kind of bare right now, but I kind of like it, although I am missing the lights, and Lily Grace keeps asking where's the tree with the pretty lights? LOL. Oh, you must get an amaryllis plant and grow it. They are such fun to watch grow. I've tried the paperwhites, but I prefer the amaryllis because I just love the beautiful red blossoms. Plus, it seems like the paperwhites have a strong smell, right? I don't like that so much in the house. And yes, rest IS good. My body says YES!!!

  9. I still have Christmas candy too, Pam. Hate to throw it away but there will come a time, soon. I love the poem! Thanks for posting it again! xo

    1. Yeah, I keep hoping someone will come and eat this candy. I really can't eat it, maybe just one little piece of dark chocolate now and then. Maybe I need to bag it up and take it to church or someplace. LOL. It's a bit chilly here this morning...39! winter came back! LOL. We are certainly blessed to live in Florida! Have a wonderful week.

  10. I really like that poem. Truthfully, we all have so much, our cups are overflowing .

    1. Amen to that. Yes, our cups ARE overflowing, and we are blessed. So very thankful. Have a wonderful week.

  11. What a precious sentiment in that poem! I love your Norfolk pine. My mother grew one from that size to 10' tall on the front porch. I have seen huge trees of them in Corpus Christi, just growing outside, la di da! Keep one Christmas storage tub within reach because somewhere, there is an ornament or decoration that you will suddenly spy in a day or so! At least that happens to me.

    1. Oh, yes, I know, Holly, about that "one ornament or decoration that you will suddenly spy..." that does happen to me...and that is why I have walked around the house several times looking and double checking, and so far I am good...but give it a day or two and something will pop out of nowhere! It always happens! LOL. Wow, a 10' tall Norfolk Pine on the front porch?! That would be awesome! I know I need to repot this one in a larger pot so it will have room to grow. That will be my next "project". Thank you for visiting...hope you are doing well. (((hugs))) to you this morning.

  12. Glad you are all packed up. I hope to be doing that this weekend. I hate to see Christmas go but it is time!!! Just a few minutes ago I took the small ornaments off of my little Norfolk Pine. It has been on my table for 4 Christmases now. I love your beautiful little settings.

  13. Enjoy your blog. You are a fantastic writer...

  14. Pam: I always look forward to reading your blog. I love the ease with which you tell your stories. My decorations are not as elaborate as yours but they work for us. Peac and blessings to you and yours.

  15. My husband did all of that for me, due to my surgery. I don't like doing it year after year but this year, I felt guilty even though I had a legitimate excuse. I just felt left out of everything this year due to the surgery. The husband never complained about packing it all up - now we have nothing placed out which drives me nuts - hopefully soon, I can start moving my arm and do some decorating.

  16. always love your posts. I put up a 3 ft tree this year even found some really cute camper ornaments :) I took my tree down Jan 3 it was cold and nasty outside, figured a good day to take it all down. I have one of those cute little fir trees that I put a few decorations on. I love the Heart idea. hope all is well. Sarah, has some new friends (post coming soon) Lillie Florence the farmer, and Maddye Diane the storm chaser.

    1. Oh, I can't wait to meet Sarah's new friends! I love the name Lillie Florence! Interestingly, that is similar to my husband's Grandmother's name...Lillian Florence (I think). And Maddye Diane sounds cute!! Can't wait to see them!

    2. Very cool!! Lillie Florence (my grandmother was florence, one of my friends grandmothers was lillie, maddye diane was just a very random name


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