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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 I don't exactly follow the weekly meme for "Thankful Thursday".  I just kind of do my own thing. Been kind of wandering around the house looking at this and that and thinking about things that I am thankful for.  

Of course I put at the top of the list my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...without Him I'd have nothing, be nothing, and have nothing to look forward to.   Next I list my family, my husband, my children, extended family, and then my friends...friends near and far, and especially including my friends here in "blogland".  I thank the Lord for each of you...and for your kind and thoughtful comments, as well as your beautiful and well written blog posts of your own. You are each a delight to me, and I thank the Lord for you!  I may not always get around to answering your comments, but I do read each and every one, and I try to get around and read your posts, but I know I miss some good ones.  I can't always keep up due to life in general, but I think you all understand this, having your own every day limitations.  But overall, we try, and we try hard to keep up with each other and encourage one another with words of kindness, thoughtfulness and sometimes just good old fashioned laughter!   

As I wandered around a bit, I noticed little "signs" here and there that made me think of the blessings of good friends, and so that is what I wanted to share with you today.  I hope you enjoy the journey with me...because I share them with you in mind...  Why not fix yourself a cup of tea (or coffee if you must), and sit back and just relax for a few moments as we "thank God for small blessings..."

Perhaps you'd like to pick up a little book and sit down and read while you sip your tea?

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." 
Hebrews 10:24

"Love grows in happy hearts".

So let us be happy hearts today...so that love will grow and we can be a blessing to one another and to others we meet along life's pathway.
Thank you for spending this time with me today. 
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Tomorrow I will be spending the day at the hospital for my pre-op appointments, in preparation for surgery on Monday. So I won't be around much tomorrow, but hope to visit again before Monday.  Thank you for your continued prayers.

Oh, one more thing...for those of you who had been praying for our niece Shannon, I wanted to give you an update.  She had her follow up appointment with her surgeon this week, and everything seems to be healing quite well. I'd say so, because she has been back at school since the first week after her accident, and instead of staying in a wheelchair she is managing to get around using a walker, and she is already driving herself to school!  So...thank you for your prayers for her! I'd say her healing has been quite miraculous! However, prayers are still appreciated for her emotional and spiritual condition. May the Lord do as beautiful a work in her heart and mind as He has in her body. She's a lovely girl, but  she needs to find God's direction for her life. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.   We know God is able!!


  1. What s perfectly lovely post. I needed this today!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. Sometimes we just need to sit down and reflect on God's blessings that surround us every day. And I count you and your thoughtful words as one of those gifts...

  2. Oh Pam, I love how you surround yourself with sweet reasons to give thanks! I see you, too, have Ann Voskamp's 1,000 Gifts. (Isn't she the best?) Say, that distressed white cupboard behind your rocker ... is that one of Benton and Rose's works? Love it!
    Great news about Shannon; and of course, I'm holding y'all in my prayers -- both for tomorrow's travel mercies and smooth appointments.

    1. Thank you, Myra. You are a gift!! (and yes, Ann Voskamp is a blessing. I love her books and posts). And yes, that "distressed white cupboard behind my rocker" is actually one of Benton's works...he built it from scratch and I helped him paint and distress it several years ago. It's a very special piece made with much love. And thank you for the prayers. I know God's got this...

  3. You have such pretty things - and displayed so nicely. LOVE that rocking chair. I have dining room chairs like that. Sorry to hear of your nieces accident. I hope her continued success on her road to recovery.

    1. Thank you so much, Debby. God has blessed me with so many kind and thoughtful friends/family members, where most of these "pretty things" have come from over the years. I love every one of them because they remind me of sweet people who have shown their love in so many ways. Thank you for your kind words regarding my niece. She has come a long way in a short time. We do pray for her continued complete recovery. Thank you.

  4. I am glad to hear the good news about your niece. I pray the other will come too. I have found that praying people come into their lives that they will respond too is my approach.
    I am praying good things for you as well. I will have you in my thoughts early next week.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. I agree with you regarding praying for people to come into lives who will have the right kind of influence/approach. God knows and He is certainly able to do what is best. Thank you for your prayers on all accounts.

  5. Thanks for the update on Shannon. Still praying. Praying for you as well!! I really enjoyed this post packed full of thankfulness!! It really is the little things that fill our hearts!! Love & hugs! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. I appreciate all the prayers and for your friendship.

  6. Pre-op ... yep, been through lots of those. I hope yours go easily and quickly. You know me, I'm not the least bit shy, especially when sharing the Good News. I used to witness to all who would listen in waiting rooms, pre-op, etc. I even witnessed for Christ to another lady going into surgery before me. I never got to hear how she did but I hope I planted some "seeds" for Jesus and that's she's doing well. Like the woman at the well, I NEVER want to get over what Christ has done for me and all of us.
    Yes, God answers prayer! Pray without ceasing.
    Sending Love & Prayers For You All xx

    1. Amen, Sparky!! We have the Great Physician as our Healer and Guide and Savior, and that is something worth sharing and celebrating! I pray that God will give me opportunity to share Christ with someone during this event. Thank you for making me stop and think about that and pray that God will be glorified in this surgery. Yes, He does answer prayer. Amen!

  7. What wonderful news about your niece's progress! I will add my prayers for you...I seem to have missed this news. For your neck?

    Loved your tour as always. I so like the "feel" I get from what you share. It would be wonderful to one day get to sit down for real over a cup of tea with you. I will continue to hope...you never know!

    1. Thank you, Stacy. Yes, my neck...fusion of the C5 & C6 to repair a herniated disc and hopefully correct the nerve pain in my arm. I do appreciate the prayers! And yes, it would be wonderful to sit down with you and all our friends here for a real cup of tea and a marvelous visit. Yes, keep hoping...you just never know! I still have PA on my bucket list to get back up to for a visit...so you just never know. Have a blessed day.

  8. What a wonderful thankful Thursday! Sweet friends are such gifts from the Lord! And I just loved the look around at so many of your treasures and sweet reminders. I do enjoy a good Emilie Barnes book!! Thanks for sharing....and happy Thursday (although it is almost over!!) :)

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I am so glad you were able to stop in for a visit. You are always welcome here! And yes, Emilie Barnes is one of my favorites as well. Now it is Friday morning, but we can still wish each other a happy day!

  9. So glad to hear the good news about Shannon, Pamela. I will continue to pray for her and for you as you head toward your surgery on Monday.
    Thanks for showing us around your cozy, inviting house, and giving us so many reasons to be thankful. I know I'm thankful for our friendship!

  10. Beautiful photos a reminder of a kinder, gentler world. Sending prayers for you and shannon

  11. I am simply in awe of your niece, wow. Thank you for the many smiles and keeping you in prayer for Monday.

  12. Wonderful news about your niece. Prayers for her and also for you and your upcoming surgery and recovery.

  13. I see that Emilie Barnes has been a strong influence in your gift of hospitality. She has been an inspiration to me, too.

    I'm praying your surgery on Monday goes well, accomplishing what needs to be done, and that you heal up quickly and well afterwards.

    Good news on your niece. Praying for her as well. We all need Jesus!

  14. Praying all goes well with your surgery today!!


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