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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday 4: Wedding Questions and Memories

Tuesday 4: Weddings

Thanks for joining in. Note from Annie: "I hope you find them fun to do and if you have any ideas for questions please let me know in comments here or on my personal blog, Cottage by the Sea."

This week let's talk about engagements and marriage okay?  Well, since yesterday was our 52nd Anniversary, and I already wrote about that HERE, I might as well tell you how it all began!

1. If you are married would you share how your husband proposed to you? How long were you engaged before you got married? If you aren't married, what would be ideal for you?
  See my answers below...

2. Did you receive an engagement ring? Would you show us or describe it for us?  See answer to both #1 and #2 below:

We met at the Community College we were both attending.  I was a freshman and he was finishing his sophomore year.  We had been dating for about 4 months when  one evening we were on our way to a basketball game at the community college we both attended. I noticed that his shirt pocket had something in it that looked like a box. So all the way to the game I kept teasing him and asking him what was in his pocket, but he kept saying you'll have to wait and see. But I could not wait and I kept reaching for his shirt pocket while he was trying to drive the car.  So finally, instead of possibly having a wreck, he very wisely decided to pull off the side of the road right there on the highway. He pulled out the little box and gave it to me, and I opened it, and there in the dim lights of the dashboard of the car I saw what appeared to be a very beautiful little diamond ring.  I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I asked, "Does this mean what I think it means?" And he said yes it does...and of course we kissed and I was so excited and he was kind of like, "well, I've done it now..."... Anyway, he told me a little story about how when his father proposed to his mother, they didn't have much money. His dad was in the Army and about to be shipped overseas for WWII.  He gave her a little ring that wasn't really a real diamond ring, but it was all he could do at the time with a promise to do better later.  He further explained to me that because he was still in college and so was I, he really couldn't afford a real diamond ring at that time, but this was a promise for something better in the future just like what his father did with his mother.  Of course, I was thrilled all the same, and couldn't wait to tell the world that we were engaged.  However, when we finally got to the basketball game, I was able to get a better look at the ring in the light, and all of a sudden I realized that one of the tiny little "diamonds" on the ring was loose, and almost immediately it fell out into my lap.  Of course, I scooped it up and never said a word to my dear betrothed.  As soon as I got home I found some glue and glued the little stone back into the setting and never said a word .

The next day he came over to talk to my parents and ask for my hand in marriage.  My parents were elated and my mother wanted to see the ring right away.  I proudly put out my hand and showed it to her, and I could tell that she could tell what the real story was, but she wisely didn't say a word but happily congratulated us and we began talking about when we would get married.  I later told her the little story about the ring, and she told me to wear it proudly and be very happy, which I was.   I never told her or my beloved that I had to keep replacing that little stone several times before we were actually married.  However, when we decided to shop for our real wedding bands, we both agreed that we would just get plain gold bands at that time as that was all we could afford. And the little "diamond ring" set became a lovely souvenir of our engagement period.  

Years later hubby gave me this lovely braided gold band to add to the wedding band, and then before his mother passed away, she told me that she wanted me to have her diamond ring that she had had custom reset from her real diamond wedding rings after my father in law passed away, because she remembered the promise that was made to me years ago and she knew that we just never ever had the means to buy a "real diamond ring". 
There was always something else that we needed so much more.

So I love to wear it when we are dressed up for something special, but I am very happy to have my regular gold bands to wear all the time, and I never take them off.
Oh, back to question #1, how long were we engaged before we were married?  Well, let's see. We were engaged in January of 1969 and married on August 16, 1969.  So about 8 months.

3. What kind of wedding did you have? Was it big or small, formal, informal, religious or justice of the peace. Inquiring minds want to know!

Our wedding was medium sized, I would say. Maybe about 75 people attended. It was what I would call semi-formal, an afternoon wedding, at the church where I grew up. Our reception was in the church fellowship hall, with cake and punch and nuts and mints. 

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Steiner

My Daddy and me, walking down the aisle.

This is our wedding party:

And here are the parents and grandparents who were living at the time:

4.Was there a honeymoon? Where did you go, how long did you stay?
Yes, we had a short honeymoon to Daytona Beach. We stayed two nights I think, at the Americano Beach Lodge.  Then we moved to our very own apartment, and John started back back to college about a week later to complete his senior year, and I went to work at an insurance company as an accounting clerk. And the rest is history....52 years and counting, three sons, two sweet daughters in law, one handsome grandson and many wonderful memories.  We thank the Lord for His goodness and grace and love. We are blessed beyond measure.

Thanks again for participating!

Thank you, Annie, for coming up with these questions.  It's fun to learn about our friends! So now, go check out other people's answers at Tuesday 4.  Have a blessed and wonderful day!


  1. I loved looking at the pictures from your wedding. I almost started laughing at the pictures of the grandparents. In our wedding pictures two of the grandmothers were in the photo with their purses (though they called them pocketbooks) hooked to their arms. Lives though different can be amazingly similar.

  2. Such a wonderful story. I'm so happy for y'all. God is so good to allow us to still have our spouses with so many that are widows or widowers. I feel especially blessed too.
    Blessings. xx

  3. You tease, you! I smiled throughout ... and didn't want it to end! I think the story of the 'diamond ring' is so precious. Reminds me a little of that 60's movie, "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" when Harv Presnel's character proposes with all he had on hand -- a cigar band. I seem to remember he later replaced it with an exact replica with gemstones, but 14-year-old me thought the original was terribly romantic.

  4. That was a fun P.S. to yesterday's post. 💍

  5. You had a lovely wedding and I love the story of the original engagement ring! Congratulations on 52 years and counting!! God is SO good! xo

  6. Hi Pam, I enjoyed your story and pictures too! I need to print these stories out. Do you type yours out?

    1. Thank you, Susan. Because of the high cost of printer ink I do not print my stories anymore. But I try to save the better ones to "my documents" and then to a flash drive so they won't be lost if something happens to Blogger. I haven't done that in a while, and now you make me realize I ought to do that with these wedding stories. I don't know if anyone will ever print them, but maybe I will print the ones that are of genealogical value to my descendants.

  7. Loved the story of the engagement ring, Pamela, and enjoyed seeing your wedding photos once again. John and you have certainly been blessed in your marriage!

  8. Pam: I love the story of your wedding rings. I still wear my engagement and wedding rings from 1968. The engagement ring is a solitaire. For our 30th anniversary, Jim got me a beautiful ring that was not practical. A few years later, we were able to trade it in for one that was better for me. For our 50th anniversary, he surprised me again with a ring with two diamonds and diamond chips on the band. Peace and blessings. Happy Anniversary.

  9. I love the wedding bands that you wear! How beautiful they are together. I updated my blog this morning with the Rain lily ID! Thank you SO much for letting me know what it was! Hugs!

  10. Beautiful. BTW, I love those rings. You were such a lovely beautiful bride (and still are, smiles). Thank you for the many smiles my friend.

  11. what a beautiful story, reminds me of my first husband when we got engaged, its not about the money! Beautiful wedding photos, Many more to come!

  12. Perfect timing for this post. I absolutely love your story with the box in his pocket. Love the photos. Daytona Beach is lovely and then starting in your apartment is wonderful. Congratulations on 52 years!

  13. A beautiful story, Pam. My engagement ring has a story, too. All of it is precious to our collective stories of what it takes to make a marriage work.

    You two made a cute couple 52 years ago and are still very handsome these many years later.

  14. Ah yes--the white-jacket tuxedos! We were married in 1970; my Dad, my husband-to-be and his groomsmen wore white jackets too. Our wedding started late, even though the bridesmaids and I were ready on time, and no one would tell me why. Later I learned that my brother, John, who was assigned to transport a borrowed coffee urn to the church, ended up with coffee on his white jacket. Someone had not cleaned out the urn before turning it over to John. He rushed to the dry cleaners and one man happened to be there, though the shop closed at noon on Saturday and it was about 1:15. Though he wasn't able to get John to the church on time, we were able to start just ten minutes late, at 2:10. As far as wedding mishaps go, ours was rather minor! P.S. Loved reading your story, Pam!

  15. What a wonderful story! I am sorry I am missing so much fun here. My big sister would have been married 65 years today. She passed away so young in 2001. I was just a tiny toddler back then. I love oyuer story and what a beautiful bride you were.

  16. hi there my sweet friend Pam...I love this post and yesterday's too! I loved seeing your wedding pictures and your dress was so so pretty!What a pretty wedding. Ours was very very much like yours! thats how it was back then....marry in church, reception in the church basement/fellowship hall and serve cake coffee and punch, usually nuts and mints---no big elaborate meals for 100 people! LOL Our wedding was so small and "simple" by today's standards, but PERFECT FOR US. Loved reading your engagement story too and about your ring. I am constantly stunned seeing some of the wedding dresses brides wear nowadays---LORDHAVEMERCY!!!---they are things we would've only worn on the honeymoon! HA HA. Well, to each their own---but I was more the modest type. My wedding dress had long sleeves like yours....and a high neck and lots of lace of course. I love the old fashioned dresses best, how bout you? I don't think wedding dresses should have the whole back cut out, or the midriff showing, or ALL THE PUSHED UP BOOBAGE!!!---ha ha LOL! Just my own opinion. We get those cardinals here too....I swear sometimes Pam they will sit there and STARE AT ME SO INTENTLY like they are trying to tell me something, LOL! I don't beleive in re-incarnation or things of that nature, but there are mysteries in this world that maybe someday God will let us in on!? Or maybe NOT, and I'm fine with that too. LOL It's entirely possible God sends those beautiful birds with soothing messages of comfort and joy for us? At any rate, He did put the beautiful animals and birds here FOR US to enjoy.....and I do enjoy them for sure! Hope your day is going great! So glad Lily Grace got her little package, Tracie sure had fun stamp stamp stamp STAMPING all over the envelope, she got into my rubber stamps! ha ha!! LOL hugs!!

  17. Thought I responded but guess I didn't.
    I love your wedding story and your rings.
    Thank you for sharing your memories and lovely pictures!


  18. Oh my goodness....what a romantic story about the rings. I just love that! I am like you. When I need a new band a few years ago Tim wanted to get me something big and flashy since I'd never had that, but I didn't want it. I work with my hands and would most likely catch a big stone on something or knock it on something and end up losing it. No thanks to that worry! And our honeymoon....a week staying with his parents and the 4 sisters who still lived at home in Orlando. lol At least we got to go to Disney World!


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