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Monday, August 23, 2021

"Monday Monday..."

 Who remembers that song by the Mamas and the Papas?  "Monday Monday...so good to me...Monday Morning it was all I hoped it would be..."

Step back in time with me to 1966 and the Ed Sullivan Show, with Mama Cass and the rest of the group and sing along...(and if you let this video go on to the next one, "California Dreamin" will come up next...can't forget that song either!)

This was a fun little walk down memory lane from my teen years...it just popped up in my brain because it's Monday morning and I know I need to write something...so this is what you get today. LOL. Actually, this Monday morning may not be so wonderful for many people who are suffering from the various storms and crises of this past weekend...you are very much in our thoughts and prayers... more about that later...

Nothing too exciting to share from my neck of the woods. It's been so hot lately that we spend most of our time indoors, trying to stay cool. We did take a little ride on Saturday morning down to the town where we used to live in the Ocala National Forest.  One of our favorite places to to stop is the boat ramp park on Big Lake Kerr.  Two reasons, the view is always beautiful, and they have a clean public restroom! LOL.  Here are a few pictures from our visit to the lake (not the restroom! )

Just a peaceful Saturday morning, out fishing on the lake!

It really was a beautiful day...not a cloud in the sky, and the lake was calm and smooth as glass...

until this big boat came flying in, leaving quite a wake in its path...

But not even that could distract this honeybee from having his breakfast on this lovely wildflower along the shore:

Love to see these busy pollinators out doing what they do best:

Just so long as he doesn't mistake ME for a flower! LOL.

The waters of Lake Kerr are pretty clean and clear, so clear I could see these fish swimming about...

They are still too small to have to worry about being caught by a fisherman, so I hope they enjoy their freedom to swim wherever they please...

Back on land I managed to "capture" this dragonfly while he rested on the grass...

And I guess that was all the pictures I managed to get!  Oh, until we took our walk later in the day at our usual walking place, and I saw this lovely hawk up in the tree:

Not sure if he is a Red Shouldered Hawk or a Red Tailed Hawk, and actually there were two of them in the tree when we first arrived, but the other one flew away as soon as he saw us. This one stayed put and kept a hawk-eye on us!  They were both quite large! I am glad that I am also "quite large", so they won't come preying upon me!

I know that all of us who have been watching the news this past weekend have been heart broken for the good people left behind in Afghanistan.  Our prayers are with them for their safety and peace and safe deliverance from the evil forces that are there seeking to destroy those who are believers in Christ, as well as anyone who has supported or assisted the American government. May God cover them with His strong arm of protection and shelter them in His mighty wings. Psalm 34 is a favorite Psalm of mine. The following verses in particular stand out to me this morning as I pray for the people of Afghanistan:

Psalm 34: 15-22
"15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
20 He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned."

I am also praying for the people in Tennessee who have had such a horrible flood over the past few days...many have lost their lives, homes, and livelihood, and there are still quite a few people missing. Also many have suffered from the flooding in upstate NY this past week, and now many are enduring heavy rains and flooding from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Henri along the north east coast and further inland.  May God be merciful to them and lift them up out of the floodwaters to safety.  Also praying for the many who are truly suffering from Covid right now, and there are many here in our area. Sadly our hospital is full of patients and even sadder,  I understand our funeral homes are full as well...that is a very sobering thought.

I am quite humbled as I contemplate all these who are suffering so much in our land and around the world. My heart goes out to them, and I wish there was more that I could do. I am not financially able to help, and not physically able to go and do any kind of rescuing...but I know WHO is able to do all of the above, and the best thing I can do is pray. Yesterday our pastor delivered a wonderful sermon from the book of Isaiah, chapter 38, about  King Hezekiah's prayer and healing from the Lord.  You can listen to the sermon here on this video.  This message was one of hope and faith that God does hear our prayers and yes, He does answer our prayers!  I hope you will enjoy this message...as well as the Praise Team singing "Through it All" at the beginning of the video.

Through It All
by Andre Crouch

"I've had many tears and sorrows
I've had questions for tomorrow
There's been times I didn't know right from wrong
But in every situation
God gave blessed consolation
That my trials come to only make me strong

Through it all, through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God
Through it all, through it all
I've learned to depend upon his word

I've been to lots of places
And I've seen a lot of faces
There’ve been times I felt so all alone
But in my lonely hours
Yes, those precious lonely hours
Jesus let me know that I was his own

Through it all, through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God
Through it all, through it all
I've learned to depend upon his word

I thank God for the mountains
And I thank him for the valleys
I thank him for the storms He brought me through
For if I'd never had a problem
I wouldn’t know that He could solve them
I'd never know what faith in God could do

Through it all, through it all
I've learned to trust in Jesus
I've learned to trust in God
Through it all, through it all
I've learned to depend upon his word"

So, I hope this "Monday Monday" will be a good day for you.  May the Lord lift you up out of any deep waters in which you may be treading, trying to keep your head above water today. May He deliver you safely to the shore and take care of your every need.  


  1. That song was so popular when growing up. Mama Cass had such a lovely voice.
    You live in a beautiful area. Wonderful photos.
    Blessings. xx

  2. Pam: Beautiful pictures. I loved the lyrics of Andre Crouch's song. Those words speak the truth. Peace and blessings.

  3. Good to see the Mamas here. You know, Chynna Phillips, Michelle and the papa's daughter (can't remember his name), has a You Tube channel in Christian ministry. Love her.

    Afghanistan, Tennessee, the world now... Lord help us.

  4. Looking at all the sadness in this old world can be overwhelming, but our God is bigger than all of that. I hope you have a good week.

  5. I have such wonderful memories of that song, Pamela. Now, you have the tune rolling around in my head!
    Like you, though, I'm devastated with what is happening in Afghanistan that could have so easily been avoided. Now, it's an unmitigated disaster, and I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel. But God does, and yes, we can continue to pray that the righteous will be vindicated and saved. Praying, too, for all those victims of the storms and flooding in our country. Such a tragedy! Lord, comfort the hearts of these suffering families!
    Blessings, my friend!

  6. I loved the Mamas and Papas, too! Why, Ed Sullivan was appointment TV!
    These are great photos, Pam. I do hope Tom gets his days and nights straighted out and will consider going on little excursions -- once the weather cools, that is.
    Humbled. Yes, that's the perfect word. Like you, I've no financial or physical ways in which to help all those in harm's way. Praying!

  7. I enjoyed your post, Pam! Great photos, wonderful memories of years gone by! I loved the Mamas and Papas! That lake is so pretty! Though each day, we know who to rely on!! xo

  8. Such a beautiful post, my friend. I hope you are having a lovely Monday evening...oh the flooding cost our county $30 million. yep.

  9. Thank you for the benediction blessing at the end of this blog post. Yes, the Lord has blessed me today with success on some challenging things. He is a good, faithful God.

    The picture of the dragon fly is my favorite.Those wings are beautiful.

  10. Such beautiful pictures from you area of Florida. I haven't thought of that song in such a long time. It was a favorite.

  11. I sure needed to read your beautiful post this morning! Thank you for your words and for sharing your photos and your beautiful outlook.

  12. Yes girl....I sure do remember that song! Beautiful pictures Pam. Yes, it's been so dang hot that we just try to stay cool don't we. Give me the beach all summer and I might can make it. But....I am ready for Fallish weather now! We too are praying for so very many. Trying to keep our eyes focused on the Lord for sure. I hope that you have a wonderful week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. I loved the Mama's and the Papas too! Andre Crouch and the Disciple singers were good too! Happy Tuesday!

  14. Hi Pam that looks like a real nice lake and we like to visit lakes too when we are not at the beach! LOL The lake water there is so clear, that's neat! Love to see the fish. I loved your previous post too....with the BEARS!!---oh my!! Wow, I would be afraid to go out AT ALL if we were in a bear path/area, yikes! You got some great pictures tho! We used to see black bears in the Smokies alot when I was a child. They would be out walking right along/in the roads, and up in the trees too, they were pretty easy to spot. Hope your week is going along great so far and how is that neck?? Hugs my friend!

  15. PS....OH MERCY!!---I forgot.....I sure did love to listen to/sing along with the Mamas and the Papas, such pretty pretty voices! I loved most all their songs, sure brings back memories doesn't it? All the cool CLOTHES AND HAIRSTYLES AND SHOES we had!!! Remember the mini dresses with the puff sleeves, "baby-doll dresses" I think they called them? and BOOTS??!! Love beads,SIDEBURNS!!!, fish-net hose, fringe vests for the guys and girls too. Bell bottoms. I guess I am really aging myself here........LOL!!!!

  16. My teen years too in High School. Love that song. Enjoyed your photos.

  17. Beautiful photos and I loved the Mamas and the Papas. Michelle Phillips is the only remaining member still alive. Mama Cass had such a beautiful voice. I hope you are having a wonderful week. :-)

  18. The events in the world are sobering, for sure. I keep praying and get out in nature when I can. I love seeing the photos of this lake and all the beautiful things you saw like the hawk. Enjoy your week. (I hiked this morning and it wasn't quite as hot! lol Less hot...for the first time this week!) Hugs!

  19. PS I think it's a Red Tailed Hawk...beautiful!


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