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Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Foto Friends~A Model's Porfolio

Good Morning Friday Foto Friends!!  

Today I would like to present to you one of our fine feathered friends, Harriet Hawk, dressed in a most beautiful long gown of shimmering brown and white feathers...

Harriet is coyly showing off her lovely red-shoulder as she demurely glances back at the audience...

This design is truly exquisitely decorated with deep hues of brown and black and gray, mottled with rustic reds and white highlights...

Harriet is giving us a little wink as she lets us catch a glimpse of the gorgeous buff colored ruffled scarf draped around her neck and down over her bodice...

Oh! What charm and poise as she glances up at our audience in the balcony...or is that a haughty look of superior boredom as she wishes this show were over so she could fly away to some more exotic land?

Harriet wants us to see her lovely crown of tawny feathering, perfectly styled in the latest fashion...

Yes, Harriet is certainly giving us a wonderful look at her glorious plumage today...

I do believe she is bowing to her audience, acknowledging our presence...

Oh yes! Harriet has spotted us in the gallery! She's looking right at us! She knows we are enjoying her efforts to give us a lovely show today...

Another look at those on the lower level of the stage...

There's that cool "off the shoulder" look at those around her once again...

And then, with a final look at her admirers, she bids her adieu and she was gone!
Wasn't she just magnificent?
Let's give a hearty round of applause for Harriet Hawk, our lovely model of the day!!!

Here are some thoughts for the day from the  "Choose Grace" devotional:

"Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom;
Set your heart on a life of understanding."
Proverbs 2:3

And that is just what this Sand Hill Crane appears to be doing...He is in a hurry to get to church on time!

What things are you off and running to do today?
I'll be going to physical therapy again this morning.  Yesterday we started on the exercises to help strengthen my neck muscles.  Today I am wishing I didn't have to go do that again...but as I've been saying to remind myself,
"No pain, no gain!"  
It's got to hurt a little bit to make it stronger and better. 
We have to work for what we want and need in this life. 
So here I go.

Have a wonderful day, my friends.


  1. Pam: I love your commentary about Harriet Hawk. When I read about her ruffled scarf and that scarf cascading down her bodice, I thought of a fashion boa. Yes, therapy is difficult but it can actually work. How long do you have to go? Please stay with it for as long as your doctor prescribes. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you Cecelia. Right now I am scheduled for three weeks, 3 x a week. Then I will have an epidural in my neck. We will see what develops after that. Today was painful and I am trying to recover at home this afternoon, now having a cup of hot tea and a peanut butter cookie to soothe my ruffled "nerves". Have a blessed day my friend.

  2. Applauding like mad! Girl, you may have missed your true calling - becoming a runway emcee. (All the same, I'm happy you chose the path you did.)
    Thinking of you at P.T. right this minute and whispering a little prayer. BTW, what do the therapists think of MyPillow, have they offered an opinion by chance?

    1. Thank you, dahling, thank you! It was a fun show, wasn't it? Actually, as I looked at the movement of Harriet Hawk's neck, I realized that's just what they are making me do in therapy...all those special moves. I'm afraid Harriet has me beat by a mile, however. Thank you for the prayers. I need them today. Having a lot of pain. I did tell them about "My Pillow". They said they have heard mixed reviews from different people. Whatever works for you is basically what they think. I love mine. Note to the wise...don't put a zippered under pillow case on it. I normally use those to protect my pillows. It is too restrictive of the movement of the foam pieces inside the pillow, unless of course you can find a larger zippered case, maybe a king size would do. I had to take it off of mine because it held the pillow into too firm of a position for me. Okay, now I am drinking my hot tea and relaxing. They gave me quite a workout today and it was painful. bye bye for now.

  3. Pace yourself! I have never one felt "improved" after visiting the PT, but a day or so later, I would notice improvements.

    That is a stunning series of photos of the hawk. I would like a coat like that.

    1. Thank you for your words of wisdom. You are exactly right. I am in agony today. The therapist had to use the majority of the time just massaging my neck and shoulders because I was in a huge cramp when I got there. Still not feeling so good. Glad it's the weekend, but then we start all over again next week. Yes, wouldn't Harriet's cloak be lovely on a fall day???

  4. The hawk is gorgeous! Good luck with physical therapy today Pamela. Have a great weekend. :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. I love how Harriet stayed and posed so perfectly for me to get all those pictures. Actually there were more, but enough is enough! She is quite the ham. Thank you for your best wishes. I am in pain now, but I will live.

  5. I hope the therapy will work wonders and not be too painful today. Love the pictures of Harriet. She is beautiful!!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Actually today was rather hard for me. Still hurting now. But hopefully all this pain will help me get to where I don't have so much pain. I sure hope so. And Harriet says thank you!

  6. Grinning...thank you for such a lovely post, my friend. I hope you get to feeling better sooner than later, keeping you in prayer. smiles

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am glad you enjoyed watching Harriet with me. Hey, I just thought of something...I wonder where Ozzie is? LOL. I am trying my best with the PT. Today was pretty rough, but hopefully it will get better. Thank you.

  7. Pretty hawk. I pray the PT works and you'll have only pain free days from now on.
    Blessings. xx

    1. Thank you, Sparky. I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I pray the PT works too, and I am looking forward to those pain free days. They haven't arrived yet...today was pretty rough, but I survived. I just have to get tougher! LOL.

  8. Awesome shots! She is beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you, Debby. She was beautiful...and so cooperative! Harriet makes a great model! Hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend as well.

  9. Harriet is truly amazing, Pamela! You captured some lovely photos, and your narrative is great. Thanks, my friend, for the thoughtful sympathy card you sent; it arrived today. Knowing we're in the thoughts and prayers of others is so comforting. I'll keep praying about your neck, too!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. And I am surprised the card arrived so quickly! Wow! I've been thinking about you all week, and you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your prayers as well.

  10. Oh Pamela,that is so well written. I read with amazement and also enjoyed the lovely captures of Harriet. Hope you therapy will be effective .

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I am glad you enjoyed the "show". She was fun...and actually she is going through all the neck gyrations that they are trying to make me do. I never realized until afterwards how similar...I could just watch her and follow her example! LOL. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  11. How beautiful! She surely did pose for you!

    1. Thank you! Yes, she really did. I was thrilled that she sat so long and let me take so many pictures. Of course, I was inside the house, so she really couldn't see me, at least I don't think she could...but then again, she does have "hawk eyes". LOL. Have a happy weekend.

  12. I don't think I could have read a more wonderful post from Harriet to the devotional for the day! One mentioned the other day about being an author. You are so much one here on the blog to bless us. Hope this pain gives you gain soon. Thanks for brightening my afternoon.

    1. Oh, thank you, Sandy. That is so sweet of you to say. I am thankful that God blesses each of us through our posts of encouragement, fun, and words of wisdom. Everyone has something valuable to contribute here, and that is the joy of blogging!! Thank you for being one of my special friends!! Hope you are having a good week.

  13. No pain, no gain. How well I understand that! It will get easier, as you know. Pam, your photos of your gorgeous model are amazing! She certainly was a willing and beautiful model for you! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. I do hope you are right about it getting easier. Yesterday was a rough day. Praying today will be better. At least I don't have to go to therapy today, so maybe my muscles can relax a bit. And yes, Harriet was quite stunning, wasn't she? Just so long as she stays away from my baby birds! LOL. Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Oh Pamela you are so droll! I just laughed and laughed at the fashion show description, and yes, Harriet was just lovely with her beautiful feathered fashions! You hit the jackpot with the birdies, the crane rushing to church (so embarrassing to come in late) too! I hope your physical therapist doesn't have you twisting your neck around like Harriet was doing. And I hope you are getting less pain.

    1. Ha Ha! I am so glad you enjoyed the "show". Actually, after I saw her neck gyrations, I realized that is exactly what they are trying to make me do in PT. It's not working very well just yet...my muscles are rebelling and refusing to cooperate so I've been trying to recuperate today. Back at it on Monday. And oh yes, isn't it just awful to walk in to church late? But I always say "better late than never!". Thanks for joining in my friend. Did you change your blog? I'll check again, but your name above wasn't connecting to the orignal blog before. Just wondering if I missed something...

  15. What a lovely show from Harriet! She is indeed a beauty! Just glad that my chickens aren't anywhere nearby ;) Thank you for sharing the lovely closeup photos of her visit with you! I hope the PT is helpful for your neck! Many blessings :)

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. Yes, I know what you mean. I am hoping my little baby bluebirds will make it safely out of the nest when the day comes. I know Mama and Daddy bluebird will be watching closely to make sure there are no intruders...but hawks can be so swift. So I am hoping Harriet will be far away on that day. Thank you for your kind thoughts. The PT is pretty rough right now. My neck is not liking it one bit. So all prayers and good thoughts are very welcome. I am sure it will get better...but it's not going to surrender easily. Have a blessed Sunday tomorrow!

  16. Beautiful pictures and I love the devotional! Happy week to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you, Cindy! Harriet the Hawk was quite patient, wouldn't you agree? Glad you are back safe and sound and happy from your week's vacation with the family! Hope you have a great week too. God is good!!

  17. Harriet the Hawk is magnificent, I often wonder why God sends such beauty for us to see. I suppose becuase he loves us so much. I follow a lady named Kaylene Yoder, she is sp kind and always answers her prayer requests herself. SHe has lots of good info and always free although you can buy different products from her too. I like that she is such a real Christian. Just open and kind and honest. I love devotionals. Thank you for sharing here too.

    1. Thank you!! I believe God created nature to be a blessing to us in so many ways. I love to watch the birds and all of God's creation around us. It is just a tiny foretaste of how beautiful heaven will be. Wow, we are in a thunder/lightning storm right now, so I must get off the computer. Talk to you again soon.


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