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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Friday Foto Friends-Framed Beauty and other thoughts

The morning after Hurricane Elsa flew through our land, dumping buckets and buckets of water on our lovely state and refilling our own Still Waters Pond, this was my view in the frame of the pine trees on our little island...The Great Blue Heron came for a visit...

He stood there regally posing for his portrait, a little demure and shy it would appear from this frame:

And he must still have that little itch that's trying to tell him something, right under his chinny-chin-chin:

Ah, that's more like it! A very striking pose, wouldn't you agree?

Soon he flew down to begin his search for his breakfast in the swollen waters of the pond:

And after stalking about for a few minutes

He up and flew away to try his luck in another pond...but he'll be back!

Meanwhile, I spent the bulk of my day (Thursday) traveling to and from my Dr. appointment at the neurosurgery department at UF Shands Hospital.  I met with the doctor of anesthesiology/pain management to review my MRI and discuss methods of pain management.  A neurosurgeon had already reviewed my results and this was his recommendation at this time...to begin a series of physical therapy and also prescribed epidural steroid injections to reduce the inflammation and help alleviate the pain/spasms.  After much discussion and questions being answered, I agreed to this plan of therapy and hope to get started on it very soon. If these methods do not help to reduce the inflammation, then surgery would be considered as a last resort. They don't like to do cervical spine surgery on a person my age or older unless there is no other option.  That's fine with me. And thankfully, my prayers were answered. I will not be taking any kind of muscle relaxers or pain meds. So all in all I am relieved and very thankful for this plan. God is in control, and I know He is working it all together for my good. Thank you for your prayers!

Now, just for the fun of it, one of our blogging friends, Martha at Seaside Simplicity posted these questions today for us to answer, so here are the questions and my responses. You might want to answer these as well:

1. Morning or Night -Morning. I love to hear the morning birds and see the sunrise.

2. Coffee or Tea - Tea...hot with a spoon full of sugar or honey or iced unsweetened with lemon and plenty of ice

3. Text or Call – Texting is okay for a quick message, but I love to talk to real people and hear their voices. *

4. Small town or Big city – I am a small town girl. Always have been, always will be. That's just who I am.

5. Beer or Wine - neither

6. Messy or Tidy – Tidy, but not to the extreme. I tend to have a bit of clutter about, but I try to keep it "tidy", if that is possible. LOL.

7. Introvert or Extrovert - extrovert who still likes some peace and quiet and solitude now and then

8. Cats or Dogs - love both, but don't have either.

9. English or Math - English. Never liked or was very good at math, but I was a bookkeeper for the majority of my working days. Go figure.

10. Sweet or Savory - Savory, but I won't pass up a piece of homemade pie...

11. Beach or Mountains - Probably more of a lake girl with a mountain view...and beach within a close enough drive to get there at least once or twice a year.

12. Predictability or Excitement – I love excitement and spontaneity, but it's good to have a routine as well. 

13. Time machine or Magic wand – Magic Wand ~ "Presto-Change-o".  Wouldn't that be fun???  Probably not a good idea...

Okay, *Back to number 3.  I wanted to expound on that response for a minute.  Just yesterday one of my dear friends called to find out what was going on with me, and we ended up talking for over an hour. She lives in Ohio and we try to connect at least every few months.  Even though we could do Facebook and stay in touch that way, there is just something about the human voice and real back and forth conversations that is so much nicer.   And then today, another friend called whom I hadn't talked to in several months, and it was so good to hear from her, even though she was calling to tell me that one of our mutual friends' mother had just died after a lengthy illness of dementia.  Again, it was good to be able to share back and forth about our lives and what's been going on...real conversation...there is just no substitute for it.

Our blogging friend Myra at Respice, Prospice, had also posted thoughts about whether or not to call some old friends to catch up with them, and worried that she might be too late.  The title of her post was "Just Do it!", and I totally agree. As a matter of fact, in my comment back to her I told her a personal story about this very thought. Here's what I said:

"I enjoyed this post so much. When my dad was in his early 90's I usually spent Sundays with him to give the caregivers a day off. One of the things he loved to do was call people on the phone and talk to them...old friends (those that were still living were getting fewer and fewer), distant relatives, cousins...anyone he could think of that he wanted to keep up with. He'd have me place the call and we'd put it on speaker so I could help him as he had Parkinson's disease and sometimes it was hard for him to get his words out, but I usually knew what he was trying to say so I would fill in the blanks. Plus some of his friends were hard of hearing, and I'd speak louder for them and then try to decipher what they were saying because sometimes it was hard to understand them too. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon, and I learned so much about my dad and his love for his friends and family. I need to keep up that tradition with my own friends before it is too late. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. Don't wait too long, and if you miss the person you intended, have a talk with whomever is there who knew them and loved them too. It's worth the effort."

When my mother was still living and I was living quite a distance away, we'd call each other every Saturday morning without fail. That was the highlight of our Saturday! I couldn't wait to sit down and visit with my mother and tell her all about what our kids were doing and hearing about what she and daddy were doing, and just enjoying that time of sharing mother/daughter  stories.  Oh, I have missed those conversations so much! So often on a Saturday morning I find myself wishing I could pick up the phone and talk to my mother again.  How many times have I thought to myself, "I wish there were phones in heaven. I sure would love to talk to my mother again."  I've added some others to that list as well, sadly.    

So, yes, like Myra said, "Just do it!"  Make that call! Hear those sweet voices while you can. Texting is nice in a hurry, but it is NO substitute for the human voice. Trust me. I know.

Now...who do you want to call?

Have a blessed and wonderful Friday and weekend. And yes, we thank the Lord for bringing us safely through this week and driving Elsa away from us without harm.  Amen. Good Night!


  1. Pamela, I'm so glad to hear that the Lord has answered our prayers over your neck situation. I think it's a great solution since surgery can be tricky at the best of times. I love the story and advice about keeping in real, live touch with family and loved ones.

    1. Thank you so much, Penny. I am so thankful for my praying friends here. I truly believe God has answered prayer in this situation. I felt very comfortable with the Doctor I met and she took her time and answered all my questions and calmed my fears regarding what to expect, etc. And yes, I believe in real live conversations whenever possible. Facebook and texting are nice ways to stay in touch, but they can never take the place of having a real voice to voice conversation with someone. Even better is face to face, but that's not always possible, so talking on the phone is next best. Whatever we do, we need to stay in touch one way or another and not let too much time go by. Life is just too short. Thank you for your visit and words of encouragement today. I hope your day is blessed.

  2. I am so glad to hear the better news on treatments. I do hope one of those injections does the trick. Inflammation can really make a joint or area feel bad. I know...I have rheumatoid arthritis and took awful meds for years. I don't take them anymore, but I know about inflammation.
    I am terrible at calling people. I did call my mother every Saturday all the days she lived in another town. Now, I have her close by so I see her:)

    1. You are blessed to have your mother close by you. Enjoy those precious moments while you can. Your presence in her life right now is very very special for both of you. I am glad to hear you don't have to take the strong meds anymore for your RA. I pray you are better and that God gives you the comfort and strength you need each day. Amazing that you can do the cross stitching with RA! That is a gift! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  3. God is so good. I'm thankful we can't talk to or see into Heaven yet. He does give us enticing glimpses of His generosity and might in His Holy Word, but if we could do see into eternity, I think we'd be too anxious to leave this veil of tears. That's not His will at this time. We have a job to do. This is a lost and dying world. Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ are going to Heaven and we're supposed to bring as many people with us as we can. Sometimes I lose sight of that and must be reminded.
    Enjoyed your answers and photos. I do hope that your neck is completely healed. Having been trapped in an uncooperative body myself, I know how frustrating it can be. May the Lord hold you close. May He heal you (and all of us) soon. And all to His glory forever and ever.
    Love & Prayers xx

    1. I agree with you, Sparky. I am glad we can't see into heaven, but it would still be wonderful to be able to talk to dear ones who've gone on before us...just to hear their voice again. But I know we will have all of eternity for that. And yes, we DO have a job to do here. The time is drawing close when every man will have to answer to God, and he best be thinking about what he will say if he doesn't have Jesus for his advocate. Yes, there are many right around us who are lost and dying without a Savior, and any way we can give them a glimpse of Jesus Christ here and now, we are doing the work He has asked us to do. Some of us plant seeds, others water, and then others reap the harvest as God gives the increase...we all have a part in that divine plan. I like to think our blogs are a way of doing this if only in a small way...it's another seed being planted. Thank you for your prayers for my neck. I am also praying for complete healing. I know God is able to do this even without man's intervention, but I am thankful for those who have skill and wisdom to help us find relief along the way. They are also God's ministers to us. Thank you again for your kind words and thoughts and prayers. I do hope we can meet and hug in person one of these days! God bless you, my other "Pamela"...

  4. I am so glad the doc recommended a plan that works for you and not more meds or surgery, I hope the physical therapy and steroid injections will do the trick. Thanks so much for playing along on my This or That post. Have a wonderful weekend Pam! :)

    1. Thank you, Martha, for your kind words, and also for thinking up the "This or That" post. That seemed to hit a chord with a lot of people...simple and fun. That's my style! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend too, now that Elsa is out of the way!

  5. These are such wonderful pictures. I always love your pictures of the birds. I answered those same questions on my blog today too. I enjoy doing these types of memes and reading others so I can get to know them better.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Pam and that your health issues get better soon.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I am happy you enjoy my bird pictures, because it seems like that's all I have anymore, but I am thankful for that! And I enjoyed reading your responses to the questions. It is fun to share thoughts and ideas back and forth and get to know each other better. This gives us an outlet for communication that we just don't seem to have in "real life" anymore. People are just too busy to sit down and have a decent conversation. And our younger generation is missing out on knowing us "older folks" and what makes us tick. Maybe that's not such a bad thing...lol. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  6. Oh, thank God for a great treatment plan ... no more dopey pills! I was so touched by your response on my blog and now, this shout-out. You know, after I posted that I had misgivings, it was too self-serving/philosophical/whatever. People like to read cheery stuff, I get that. Your words washed all my doubts away; I just wish I might express myself as eloquently. Oh, and you've no idea how I, too, long to call my mother once more. We spoke each Saturday, then she wanted to do Wednesday nights, too. I don't think I realized at the time how lonely she was. Have a beautiful day down there!

    1. I am so glad you have those memories of talking with your mother so often. Nothing can take that away from us...those are precious memories, even if we can't remember what we talked about...it was just a special time of sharing our love for one another. And I believe you express yourself quite eloquently, my dear!! I enjoy your style of writing. I know I would enjoy knowing you in person just as well. Who knows? Maybe someday! Thank you for being a wonderful friend...and I know you were an amazing daughter!

  7. Such great news about the treatment plan, Pamela! I have a feeling you'll be better in no time.
    Asking for more prayers for Mom and all of us. She is back in the hospital and things don't look good. Thank you, my friend!

    1. I will keep praying for your mother, and for you especially as you travel this difficult journey. I know how hard this time is, but I also know that God is there for you and He will stay with you all the way. (((Hugs))) to you along with my prayers.

  8. I'm so glad you got the results and pray that the steroids and physical therapy will do the trick. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I talked with my dad everyday and it was so special for both of us.

    1. Thank you, Debby. I am praying for the same. Hopefully this will keep me from having to have surgery. I am glad that you had that special bond with your father. I am sure he appreciated hearing your voice every day. There is nothing like the human voice to give us comfort and peace and joy in our hearts. I'm glad we didn't have texting when my parents were still living. They would not have liked that at all and I would have missed so much if that is all I ever did. Have a blessed day.

  9. That heron knew exactly the right spot to pose. tHese are amazing pictures. Glad to hear that you at least have a plan for helping alleviate the pain. I will try to answer some of the questions. i am a morning person, prefer my black coffee, will text or call as is needed. i live in a smaller town, which I like, don't drink any alcohol ,like to believe that i am neat. I like to think of myself as an extrovert, but enjoy quiet time. Like animals, outside.i have not found a sweet i don't like and mountains all the way for me.

    1. I think we would get along just fine! As long as you have tea for me and I have coffee for you! LOL. We can get up early and go watch the birds! Would be so much fun! Have a blessed Saturday!

  10. Glad to hear you got some answers for relieving your disc problem. God is good. He answers prayers. I called a church friend who lives a few blocks from me. She had cataract surgery this week. She will have her second one next week. As usual we got onto other subjects. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. I know your friend was happy to hear from you. Wow, they are spacing those two surgeries pretty close together, but I guess they know what they are doing. Anyway, I hope all is well for her, and also for you. Thank you for being a good friend.

  11. I am keeping you in prayer, Pamela...thank you for the many smiles.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Thinking of you today and hoping you are having some time off to "play" a bit. You've been working way too hard!! But I know you are thankful for the job and that people treat you much better there. Enjoy your time off.

  12. This is a good reminder to love those close to us. Make the call, tell them how we feel. My mom passed away in 2005 and I wish there were phones in heaven too!

    1. Oh yes, Cindy! And mine passed in 2006, so yes, you and I have been without our mothers a long time. Someday we will all be together again, and we won't need phones at all! Looking forward to that day!

  13. I'm so glad you found a good doctor who has some good options for you. Blogging friend Linda get epidural shots every three months for her back pain and it works great for her. I hope they work that well for you! Looking forward to hearing your voice in person in a couple o weeks!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, I am hopeful that this will be a good plan and that it will keep me from having to have surgery. Neck surgery is not something to be taken lightly, and I don't want to go there if I don't have to. So yes, I am very thankful for God leading me to these Doctors. And yes, I can't wait to give you a big old hug soon!!!

  14. Isn’t it fantastic that God provides us with doctors who help us? Faith and prayer and medical help.

    1. Yes, the best combination...faith, prayer and medical help that God provides! Amen! Thank you, Brenda!

  15. I agree with your number 7. I hated math! Even changed my major. Got a job at the Post office, got hurt, got retrained and end up doing big spreadsheets. I never wanted to work in an office, but I learned so much that end up helping when I served in Women's ministry and even now. Yes speaking on the phone is so much more personal! I had cortisone injections and they helped. So did acupuncture!

    1. Thank you, Susan, for sharing your experiences too. We never know just how our "injuries" can lead us to knew places of work...that happened to me too...I ended up as a school bookkeeper after being injured on another job in the school district and I was reassigned to the bookkeeping job and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened for me professionally! Oh, I am glad to hear of your experience also with the cortisone injections. No one has mentioned the possibility of acupuncture yet...hmmm, somehow I never thought I'd like that...but who knows??? Whatever helps! Thank you, and have a blessed day.

  16. Thank for this good reminder.
    Text of call?
    I prefer text :)


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