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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Public Service Announcement and Morning Reflections.

PSA:  Hello fellow bloggers, I wanted to repeat this message below in case you didn't see it before. 

 If you notice up in the right hand corner of the sidebar, I have added a button for a new way to  follow this blog by email, called:

If you currently follow my blog(s) via email notification only, starting in July the previous method (Feedburner) will no longer be sending notification of my new posts to you by email.  In order to receive this notification, you will have to resubscribe using this new link to "Follow It."  I do hope you will continue to follow my posts via email by using this new method. If you also follow me on The Adventures of Lily Grace  via email, you will have to go over to that blog page and select the "Follow this blog" icon there as well.

 I've noticed that several of you are still wondering what to do about the follow by email (Feedburner) issue. This is what I did...and you can also go to follow.it to set up your own new email subscription service for your blog. It was pretty easy to do, even for me.  I have noticed, however, that it takes about a day for the service to update and notify readers of the new posts.  But, better late than never!

Meanwhile here at home, here's what's going on:

Mr. Great Blue Heron showed up for breakfast:

I love watching him hunt his way along the shoreline of Still Waters Pond, ever alert for that ripple of water from a fish swirling around in search of insects on the surface, 

and for the croaking of the frogs among the lily pads and reeds...

And even stopping to scratch his own face with his foot (below)...I kind of laughed and said, "Is that little itch trying to tell you something?"  But he didn't hear me and paid me no mind...just kept on hunting for breakfast...

He started to go back that way...

And then changed his mind and headed this a-way, where the fish must be biting more vigorously...

I know these are a lot of pictures, but if you take the time to enjoy each one for its own beauty, you will see why I couldn't stop taking pictures. I love the reflections on the water...

And the changes in the shadow and light,
as the morning sun filters through the trees and reflects more of the surrounding grasses and trees upon the water...

I hope you aren't bored. I just didn't want you to miss any of these pictures...

As Mr. Heron moved more into the sun he began to fade out a bit, and soon was on his way around the bend where I could no longer follow him. It was time for our breakfast as well, so time for me to come back to reality...

Thank you to all of you who have been so kind in your comments regarding my "neck" situation. I wanted to update you to let you know that I have requested a referral to a different group of neurosurgeons at the University of Florida/Shands hospital, and am waiting to hear back from them. Hopefully they will have something available sooner than September. I am doing fine with the medication as it has calmed the nerves and muscles so that I am not having those spasms in my neck, but if you've ever had a muscle relaxer before, you know how I feel...very relaxed...and I know I can't stay on this medication forever.  So hoping for some answers as to whatever the next step is, and praying for wisdom and healing.  

Here's some good thoughts to reflect upon today from the devotional "Choose Grace":

Yes, I choose to live in peace today, no matter what comes my way. How about you?  Thank you for visiting.  I am slowly but surely trying to work my way around to everyone else. I'm just a bit slower than usual...


  1. I'm following on Blogger. Guess that will be OK.
    God healed me of terrible neck / shoulder pain back in Oct 2012. He sent me to a good neurologist who diagnosed me properly (finally) and then on to a vascular surgeon to fix it. I praise Him for His mercy. I had given up. I was in SO much pain and doped all the time. I had given up. He took great mercy on me. I had thoracic outlet syndrome on the right side from a fall. Very rare. I still suffer from all the shots and such the misdiagnosis had put me through.
    I pray your healing is quicker and a lot less trouble.
    Wonderful photos, like always.
    Blessings. xx

    1. Thank you for the information about your neck issues. I am so sorry you had to go through so much pain before they figured out the problem. I am very thankful God sent you to the right doctor who helped you in the healing process. Of course we know that it is God Who ultimately is the Healer, but He uses chosen vessels to help us along the path to healing. I am praying for healing and trusting God to provide the right methods to complete that...He could choose to heal me outright, or He could choose another method. I will trust Him to figure out what is best for me. Thank you for the prayers. They mean a lot to me. (((hugs)))

  2. Sometimes just relaxing the neck with those meds can "fix" the problem. I missed that post about your neck and will go read it. I loved the photos of the blue heron. They look like Impressionist paintings to me, like something painted by Monet! Beautiful!

    1. I am praying that perhaps a season of relaxing the muscles and nerves might be the method God uses to heal my neck. I know He knows best and will trust Him to work it out for the best. I am glad you enjoyed the photos of the Heron. I agree that they have that kind of "Monet" look to them. I am glad you could see that. It's just the way God arranged the pictures...I was merely the one snapping the button on the camera when He said to. At least that's how I feel about it. God's instrument to share His beauty with the world. Thank you for enjoying with me.

  3. I have you listed on my sidebar under reads. The newest post go to the top. That blue heron is so pretty! I hope you get to be seen sooner than September. I have been on muscle relaxants in the past. They do help you relax and helps with the pain. But it is hard to concentrate with it. Hope you feel better soon Pam!

    1. Thank you, Susan, for being a friend and follower already. I also follow you in my reading list that is on my blogger dashboard. It alerts me to new posts. I am slow to always read and comment I know. Sometimes I just can't keep up, but I do enjoy reading your posts and hearing about your lovely family. Thank you for your words of encouragement regarding my neck, etc. I am praying for God's best to be done, whatever He chooses. Thank you again, Susan.

  4. I am glad your medications are helping, Pam, and that you are looking for a quicker appointment through Shands. I have heard good things about Shands. Your photos are beautiful, as always! So much of God's artistry right out your back door!! Rest and take care!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, the meds are helping, but I know I can't stay on them forever. I am hoping they are helping the frazzled nerves to heal and maybe things will get better. But I am anxious to hear what the neurosurgeon has to say about it, and if he can give me an alternative to surgery. Praying. I am happy you enjoyed the photos. I am thankful for God's beauty right here while I am "resting beside the still waters..."

  5. Beautiful photos Pamela. I hope you are able to get an earlier appointment and hope they will give you options. My neck is a hot mess too and has been for years now. The only option is live with it or surgery for me. I've somehow learned to live with it without meds. I taught myself to move differently if that makes any sense.

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, I am hoping they can give me some reasonable options. I really don't want to have surgery unless that is the only option, but if there is proper therapy that can help, I would appreciate knowing that. I don't want to stay on the meds even though they are helping. Perhaps just having this time to rest and heal the nerves/muscles will help it to heal...and yes, I do understand about moving differently. I was trying that, but it only worked so long and then it would flare up again and go into very painful spasms. So I pray they will be able to help me learn how to cope with it. I am sorry that you also suffer from this malady. I know it comes with age and also some genetic predisposition to degenerative disk issues, etc. Like my daddy used to tell me, "Oh Pammy, don't get old!" And I'd reply, "What's my alternative?" and then he'd smile and say, "Oh, I see your point." We had that conversation many times...LOL. Have a blessed day.

  6. You and I had the same bird on our mind today. I also just made a blog post about the Great Blue Heron. I hope you can get answers about your neck problem soon.

    1. Oh, I must go look at your pictures and see if your Great Blue Heron looks like ours! Ha Ha! It's amazing how they do all look pretty much the same, wherever they are! Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a blessed day today.

  7. Lovely photos of the heron. I follow you in my blogger reading list so I think all will continue. I'm glad to hear you are taking some steps forward concerning your neck. I'm sure you will find a quicker appointment somewhere soon.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures. The heron doesn't come every day, so I am always happy to see when he does come to our side of the pond and hangs around long enough for us to enjoy! Thank you for the good words and thoughts regarding my neck. I'm still waiting to hear...one day at a time. God is good. Have a blessed day.

  8. I haven't the foggiest idea about the FeedBurner. Keeping you in prayer, friend. My brothers wife is a nurse at Shands. grin

    1. Really? What department is she in? It's a good place...already been there once last year for surgery. Hoping I don't have to go for another, but we shall see. I have an appointment July 8th. Thank you for your prayers. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. (I didn't know you had a brother!!)

    2. I have two brothers; one is a paramedic in Lake County (his wife works at Shands as a nurse and nope, I don't know where) and my other brother works at the Orlando Airport for the fed.gvt as a DEA agent. I better leave it at there.

    3. Very interesting! I grew up in Lake Country, but it has been a while since I lived there. And of course I've been through Orlando airport many times, but thankfully never met up with a DEA agent. LOL. Happy 4th of July!

  9. As ever, I'm so taken in by these photos. They look like something a high-end law firm would have on its walls. Or better, a hospital -- calming, you know?

    ANYway. I, too, have heard wonderful things about Shands. Praying you're able to be seen sooner, rather than later. Too, I'm praying your grandson thinks a trip to Florida is a great idea. (I didn't realize Noah was 22 y/o!)

    1. Thank you for your kind words about my photos! I am glad you found them calming. I will look at them that way from now on as well. I have an appt. next week on July 8th!! And thank you for praying for Noah to think about coming to Florida. I hope he will because I don't know when I will ever make that trip again. It's just a huge undertaking to figure it all out...

  10. I do hope you can go to Shands. There are so many new things. Jeff has a bad knee and he has had his own blood taken and put in a spinner and then the platelets are put back in his knee. It has half off surgery for a couple of years thus far. I say the less cutting the better. I will keep praying for it.
    I love the heron pictures. I am one of those that can't stop looking. The little group of ducks have kept Gus and me entertained. We just watch from the upper deck. Of course, Gus would probably chase them if there wasn't a gate holding him back.
    I don't usually use the feed services. I just use my blog list or go to the blog, BUT even the blog list on Blogger doesn't feed them instantly. I have noticed many times a delay in those. I will go to the blog and find they have a new post.

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for your words of encouragement. I have an appointment at Shands next Thursday, July 8th! God is good. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures. I know you enjoy the birds like I do. Always so entertaining to watch them. Oh, I usually use the blogger feed too, but I know there are some followers who use the email because they don't have a blog of their own. So it is good to have this other option for them. Wow, it's raining again! Welcome to Florida summer afternoons!

  11. I am praying earnestly for you. I love these photos. So peaceful and I love the shadows and light. From my recliner today I saw a butterfly pass by the door..a gift from God to brighten my day.

    1. Thank you so much, Mildred, and I am praying for you. Oh, that butterfly truly was a gift from God. What a wonderful gift indeed! God is so good. (((hugs)))

  12. Wonderful photos, Pam. I enjoyed every one, reminiscing about the herons who fished in a pond behind our house in Lake Worth, FL. The can nab their meal so quickly, you mustn't blink or you'll miss it! I too am so sorry you've had such trouble with neck pain, Pam, and pray with others you are able to see a doctor SOON who knows exactly what to do.

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I am so glad you enjoyed the heron! And yes, I just found out that I have an appointment next Thursday at Shands, so that is an answer to prayer!! Thank you.

  13. I'm glad to hear that you've inquired about your neck at a different place, Pamela. Hope they can see you soon! As for the photos, I found them so cheerful and soothing. Mr. Blue heron is a handsome gentleman.

    1. Thank you, Martha. I have just found out that I have an appointment at the new place on July 8th! So very thankful! Thank you for your kind words. Praying for you and your family.

  14. Beautiful photos. I'm really concerned with what is going to happen with blogging. I read you in Feedly and this post was there but I will have to see if new ones come in.

    1. You may want to connect to the new Follow by email button on the right side above to make sure you get future posts. I'm not sure how long the Feedly will last. However, if you add the blogs you follow to your blogger dashboard, you should still be able to get all the ones you follow. You just have to add each one individually. Let me know if you have any issues and I'll try to help if I can figure it out.


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