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Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Foto Friends: The Storms of Life

It's Friday morning....after a rather tempestuous and turbulent week for so many in our country...terrific thunderstorms and rain here in our part of the country, and frigid, sub-freezing horrific winter storms in parts of the country who have not seen such wintry weather in more than a half century...leaving many folks without power, heat, water...a terrible wintry mix of  suffering and sorrow. Our hearts go out to so many who are still suffering even though the temperatures may have risen, the damages done will take some time to recover from.  It has been a difficult week in the lives of some dear friends as well, with the loss of loved ones from Covid, Cancer, and other terrible illness.  It leaves us all feeling a bit helpless and could be hopeless if it were not for one thing, Jesus!  As we began the journey of Lent this week, looking forward to the "Light" out of the darkness that comes with Easter sunrise...we have hope in our hearts and praise on our lips, because we know Jesus will carry us through the storms of life and bring us safely to the other shore.

Perfectly timed, God showed us His glory this morning in the skies, with this glorious sunrise in the east...

and it's rich beauty reflected on the face of Still Waters Pond in the west...

But with the old adage, "Red skies at night, sailor's delight, Red skies at morning, sailors take warning!", we know that another storm is coming....

And within minutes the clouds begin to roll in, covering up the glory of the morning sun,

snuffing  out the beauty of the reflections on the waters, 

and preparing us for what is blowing in through the skies in a matter of minutes:

and then it begins...the rains come pouring down, lightly at first, 

but building in intensity as the waters burst out of the clouds...

and soon we are having another major rain storm...

But even that is beautiful in its intensity...

And we are even thankful for the rain that is replenishing the earth and restoring the waters of the pond

But the message that came to me this morning was about being at peace in the midst of the storm because we know our God reigns! (not supposed to be a play on words, but it does fit)

The important question to ask ourselves in the storm of life that come and go frequently just like spring rainstorms, will your anchor hold in these storms of life?   Do you have yourself firmly anchored to the One Who will keep you safe in any storm of any kind...weather, personal, national, physical, emotional, financial?

Do you remember this old hymn?

1 "Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift or firm remain?

We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.

2 It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy the blast, through strength divine.

3 It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,
When the breakers have told the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.

4 It will surely hold in the floods of death,
When the waters cold chill our latest breath;
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the veil."

"When our eyes behold through the gathering night
The city of gold, Our harbor bright,
We shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore,
With the storms all past for evermore."

We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.

That "Anchor" is Jesus....He is the ROCK that cannot move...and when we are "grounded firm and deep in the Savior's Love", there is NO storm in life that can uproot us.  He will give us the strength and hope and grace to carry on and keep moving forward even when everything seems bleak and without any hope. He IS our hope and peace and comfort.  I pray that we all have that Anchor that keeps our souls during these storms of life.  Brighter days are coming...it is Lent now, but remember, Easter is coming!!!

Please be sure to check out what Lily Grace has been up to this week. She has some more interesting Friday Fotos for our friends!


  1. Jesus is my sure anchor through every storm! Such beautiful photos you've shared with us today, Pamela. A sunrise is breathtaking, but so is the rain that falls.

    1. Yes, if it weren't for the rain, we would never grow!! (Remember that song?)

  2. What a stirring story-board you've crafted, Pam!
    While I'm not familiar with that hymn, I'm counting on being carried safely through this season of fear. Indeed, Jesus is our rock. And you know what? For no particular reason, "Rock of ages" has been running through my mind all this morning.

    1. Oh, I LOVE "Rock of Ages"...one of my favorite old hymns!!!Perfect imagery for these times as well...

  3. Beautifully written. The news out of Texas and the loss of life has been hard this week, but yes, we have Jesus to hold us through the tough times.

    1. Where would we be without being anchored in the Rock that cannot move???

  4. Lovely photos (I love a good rainy day...as long as I don't have to go out in it) and a good reminder of who our anchor is. I just said the other day, if we keep our eyes on the storm we'll lose sight of Jesus, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus we'll lose sight of the storm. Have a blessed day, Pam!

    1. Wonderful thoughts...Yes, keep our eyes on Jesus and we can walk on the water!! Hope your day has been blessed as well.

  5. That was an amazing series of photos you shared, from first light to storm.

    1. Thank you so much. It was just as it happened, all within a few minutes of each other. I had to keep going outside and taking more pictures while I was writing because it kept changing! Such is life!! But we are blessed to have that anchor in the Rock that cannot move!!

  6. Beautiful old hymn-have sung it as long as I can remember. We always had this as the last verse:

    "When our eyes behold through the gathering night,
    The city of gold our harbor bright.
    We shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore,
    With the storms all past for evermore."

    1. Thank you for reminding me that the last verse was somehow left off. I just went back and added it above. Too late for most everyone else to see, but at least it is there...and it is a good one! thank you!

  7. What gorgeous photos of your pond! We are getting some rain today too but it's a good day for me to catch up on things inside! Enjoy the weekend! Sweet hugs!

    1. It has been a nice day to stay indoors and just enjoy a good rainy day. Very thankful that it hasn't been too turbulent...just nice steady rain. We need that! have a blessed and beautiful weekend!

  8. Beautiful photos of the sunrise and the storm. How do people survive life's storms without Jesus? I wouldn't even want to try. I've never heard that hymn. Thank you for sharing.

    This song by Ray Boltz came to my mind while reading your post.

    I have journeyed
    Through the long, dark night
    Out on the open sea
    By faith alone
    Sight unknown
    And yet His eyes were watching me

    The anchor holds
    Though the ship is battered
    The anchor holds
    Though the sails are torn
    I have fallen on my knees
    As I faced the raging seas
    The anchor holds
    In spite of the storm

    I've had visions
    I've had dreams
    I've even held them in my hand
    But I never knew
    They would slip right through
    Like they were only grains of sand

    The anchor holds
    Though the ship is battered
    The anchor holds
    Though the sails are torn
    I have fallen on my knees
    As I faced the raging seas
    The anchor holds
    In spite of the storm

    I have been young
    But I am older now
    And there has been beauty
    That these eyes have seen
    But it was in the night
    Through the storms of my life
    Oh, that's where God proved
    His love to me

    The anchor holds
    Though the ship is battered
    The anchor holds
    Though the sails are torn
    I have fallen on my knees
    As I faced the raging seas
    The anchor holds
    In spite of the storm

    I have fallen on my knees
    As I faced the raging seas
    The anchor holds
    In spite of the storm

    1. Oh, that's a good one! I haven't heard that song. I need to go look it up and hear it. Thank you for sharing it. wonderful words!!

  9. Those pictures really do show peace in the middle of a storm. That calm is always there we just have to seek it out sometimes. God bless you- Diana

    1. Yes, there is a calm in the middle of the storm when we are safely moored in the ROCK that cannot move!! Praying for you and your hubby as you weather some difficult storms.

  10. Amen. I wish I could think of more to say, but that's enough.

    1. Thank you, Sandi. Sometimes AMEN is all we need to say!

    2. What gorgeous photos and beautiful post! Have a great weekend :)

    3. Thank you, Martha! It was a beautiful way to start the day, and it has rained all day long, but nothing severe, so thankful for that! Hope you weekend is peaceful and restful after your busy week...

  11. Beautiful photos. The sunrise is so pretty, but even the rains are lovely. Thanks for reminding me of this old song. We used to sing it in church when I was a young girl. Now that is very long ago.

    1. I love that old hymn too. I can still hear the men on that part of the chorus, "Grounded firm and deep" in the Savior's love. It always thrilled me to hear it sung!

  12. Thank you Pamela. I am trying...truly I am. Have a beautiful day, friend. smiles

  13. Beautiful post! You are right....Easter is coming! It reminds me of when I attended the Episcopal Church years ago. The Thursday before Easter was called Maundy Thursday. At service that night, all the trappings on the altar were removed leaving it bare. The crucifix above the altar was draped in a cloth. It whole thing looked bare and forlorn. But Easter morning, all the pretties were back and there were Easter lilies and all looked fresh and new. Jesus did that for us when He rose from the dead. A new beginning.

  14. Beautiful photos!!! Love that old song. thank you for sharing here is my link to the color photos https://heavygators.blogspot.com/2021/02/color-photos-of-day-42-48.html

  15. Just popping back over with the blog back up info just in case you don't make it back over to see my reply.

    It's super easy! Just go to your blog settings, scroll down to manage blog, and click back up content. It downloads your whole blog to your computer in one document within minutes, comments and all! :)

    1. Thank you. I checked it out. I saves it in a format that I can't really read...is that how it looks to you too? Just wondering.

  16. Oh Pam I love these pretty pictures, rain and all! I especially love the rain, all misty and fresh looking, and the pine trees there by the water. Looks so calm and peaceful. You get great pictures! how are Pamela and Sunshine Joy doing this week? Loved seeing your hubby's b/day celebrations and the CAKES!!--yum. So glad y'all got to go and see family! And a drive is always good for the soul....seeing new sights and enjoying a little time away. We love to go for drives out through the country. Hugs,my friend!

    1. Thank you, Debbi! It was quite a morning when I was able to get those pictures! I was happy it all developed just as I was sitting here writing. I haven't been able to see "Auntie Pamela and Sunshine Joy" this past week, but I believe they are doing fine. I hope we can see them again soon. Yes, we had a great time with the family...it was a very special day in every way. Thank you so much for your messages on email from Tracie! We have had so much fun reading them this morning!! Love ya ALL>


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