Special Pages About Special People and Places

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday Treasures - More Discoveries

Welcome to Wednesday's Treasures, where I try to share something from my treasure trove of memories, or the treasures that have memories...whichever way you want to look at it. Someone called it "Stuff with a Story", and I kind of like that description as well.  Well, yesterday our friend Annie over at Tuesday 4 , asked us to share memories about fun times at amusement parks or other special places. I started to join in and share such memories yesterday, but kind of got bogged down and busy and never got around to finishing the post. After reading what many others shared I figured I didn't really have all that much to share anyway, except this one special picture that I found in my old album:

Yes, that is me on the Merry Go Round when I was about two years old, and by the looks of my tongue hanging out I must have been having a really good time! My mother is watching close by, and she looks like she is having a good time too...  I am thinking this had to be somewhere in Pennsylvania, possibly up near Lake Erie, but I don't know that for certain. Maybe my sister Doris will read this and tell me what she can remember. So there you have my happy amusement park experience as a very young child. Although I love to go to country fairs and carnivals and such, I am not much for the rides. I've been plagued with motion sickness issues since a little child, and so I avoid anything that might spin or turn me upside down or go too fast.  I prefer to watch everyone else having a great time and that way I can "eat my cake and KEEP it too".  LOL.

While looking through my old photo album I came across this picture of me, again probably around age two, as a budding classical pianist.  Too bad it never developed beyond this stage:  

(I am probably better with using that hammer than I ever was at playing the piano! LOL)

But I still have my "Baby Grand" piano to show for all my wonderful talent:

Yes, this is that very same piano, a bit worse for the wear and barely plays a note anymore, but somehow I managed to keep it for ALL these MANY years! 


So there you have pictures of my great piano concert debut! 

Several weeks ago in my Wednesday Treasures post "Baby Me", I shared some things from my childhood that were special to me. a couple of the items were things that were found in a box of things from my parents' home when we were cleaning it out.  However, I no longer had the box, just a plastic zippered bag contained various items. Well, this afternoon my son called me and told me he had found a box among his things while cleaning out their shed that had my mother's handwriting on top and he wondered if I knew what it was about. The box did not contain these items, but some other things that were actually from my father's workshop. But the lid of the box had this written on top:

"Old Crocheted table cloth- round- Mama's?"
Pink Baby Bunting-Pam's
Old crochet/knitted booties
Russell's crocheted crib blanket - Mother Mursch 1943"

Well, here is "Pam's Baby Bunting" if you recall from the previous post:

And here is the crocheted baby blanket apparently made by my Grandma Mursch in 1943 for my brother Russell:

Or maybe it is this one, which was also in with the others:
This does look more like a "crib blanket"...a little well loved...but after all, it is about 77 years old!
This would have belonged to my oldest brother Russell, who sadly passed away a little over a year ago.

And here are the crochet' baby booties!

(Thank you again to "Baby Elva" for being our model today)

The only thing not in this batch of things was an old round crochet' table cloth. Not sure what happened to that or who may have it. But I was happy that my son discovered that information on the lid before he threw it into their bonfire while they were cleaning up around their property!  Speaking of bonfires...last night we had the "kids" over to our house for a Hobo Stew supper here, and then we went over to their house to sit by their fire pit /bonfire and make s'mores!

The fire got quite big and hot right off the bat.

Our sweet DIL Rose and her sister Sherri enjoying the fire

My hubby and son Benton also enjoying the fire

And yours truly enjoying the fire.

And yours truly enjoying a s'more. This could become a nice habit!

Once the fire died down enough to roast our marshmallows:

So thankful for a few chilly nights here in Florida that actually made that fire feel pretty good!

Not to be left out, among my "Wednesday Treasures" are these two sweet grandpuppies,
who really wanted to come join us by the fire:

Spice on the left and Sugar standing up watching

Who could resist that sweet face?

And Spice always wants to play ball.
And yes, they did finally get their way and came outside their little pen area to join us, but I didn't get a picture of that. They were quite content to each sit in their "parents" laps and watch the fire with us.

Thus ends another segment of my "Wednesday Treasures". I hope you enjoyed these new little "discoveries" along the way.  
And now for a thought for today from God's Word:

Psalm 16:5-8
5.  "O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
6.  The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance.
7.  I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
8.  I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand 
I shall not be moved."

I hope that you can find a place of peace and comfort today knowing that the Lord is right here before us, and because He is right here at "my right hand", I hope you can also say with confidence, 
"I shall not be moved."

No matter what this old world throws at us, when we know we have God in our hearts and lives, and when we recognize that He is still on the Throne and in control, we can stand firm in our faith and confidence in Him.


  1. That old box contained a lot of useful information. Then he burned it. 😉 I have been holding onto a box sent to my grandfather before I was born. It has the label for his street address and that's all I know. My grandmother seemed pleased that I wanted it one year long ago. Anyway, it should have been burned. Perhaps I'll keep the label. I enjoyed the stories about piano playing and merry-go-rounding...very cute and funny.

    1. He only burned the bottom of the box, not the lid, where the writing was. I have it, and have taken a picture of it and will probably end up destroying it because it is old and messy, but then again, maybe I will just cut out the part with the writing and save that...that's what I'll do, and put it with the bag of baby things. Thank you for helping me make that decision!! LOL.

  2. That little piano is just precious! I know you are happy to still have it and the pretty things for your dollie. Love the outdoor photos! It sure has been beautiful weather this week! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you, Diane. I am amazed that my little piano has survived many many moves and years. I have had to repair it a bit, but it is still a special "treasure" to me. And yes, the weather has been gorgeous. I hope you are taking lots of hikes.

  3. Replies
    1. I am glad you enjoyed this! Thank you so much. Blessings to you today.

  4. Another great post, smiles. You guys are wearing shorts here it is jackets, mittens and scarves. We had snow yesterday and overnight and the real temp is holding steady at 15*. smiles

    1. I had on jeans, long sleeves and a hoodie. It is going back down in the low 50's tonight, but nothing like what you are having. I do remember those days, however, having lived in Michigan, NH, and Maine in winter. That is why I am back in Florida now! LOL.

  5. I think it's so special that you have so many photos/items from your childhood, Pam. I can't believe that tiny piano survived all your moves throughout the years! And smores? I'd love one of those about now.

    1. Thank you, Martha. I can't believe that little piano survived either. We have moved SO many times, and somehow it managed to get stashed in a box and survive the move. I've had to make several repairs on it and it barely can play a note anymore, but it still represents a special time in my childhood that I cherish. And s'mores? Come on down...we will definitely make some!! Of course, you could make some there too...I am sure you have cool enough weather for some kind of outdoor fire...a grill perhaps? Live a little!! (((hugs)))

  6. Something else you and I have in common...motion sickness! Most family vacations in the car, I was asleep from taking Dramamine! I would even get sick accompanying my nieces on the merry go round. Lol. Your photos are great. I saw an episode of Property Brothers where they saved a section of old wall paper and framed it for a family, Good idea to save the writing from your box. The bonfire and s’mores look fun, have a blessed day.

    1. Not something I like having in common with anyone, but it has been my nemesis all my life. I never had a Dramamine as a child...not sure if they had it then...if they did, no one told me! We had to make many emergency stops alongside the mountain roads when traveling up that way when I was a child. And you know there aren't always good places to pull over, so sometimes any bucket/bowl would have to do. LOL TMI. I think I am saving the picture I took of my mother's writing on the box as opposed to the box lid, as the cardboard is old and dirty from being in a shed. I'm just happy my son saw it and didn't destroy it. We did have fun with their bonfire. And the s'mores were so good. (((hugs)))

  7. Such cute pictures of you when you were little. Of course I always love seeing your treasures. Love that you were able to have a bonfire, so rare here in Florida. I am loving this beautiful weather we are having right now. Enjoy the rest of the week Pamela :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. It seems as though all my childhood memories revolve around these pictures because that is what I have to remember them by. That's why pictures are so important...to trigger memories when we get older and can't remember anything else. Yes, we are loving this cooler weather also. Such a wonderful thing in Florida. We take full advantage of it while we can! I hope you are having a great week as well.

  8. Thanks for sharing these special memories. I don't think I have ever set foot on any amusement ride and at this age, I think I can safely say, I never will. Somebody has to watch and get the pictures.

    1. Wow, you missed out on getting sick on all those rides! LOL. That's why I had to be very choosy about what I did ride. I am not interested in doing any today, that's for sure. My kids love them...yes, you are right, "somebody has to watch and get the pictures!". That's my job! have a good rest of your week.

  9. Oh, that sweet Sugar baby's face! Tom's been talking about a firepit, and while I've been reluctant -- citing our precious few cold months -- your pictures may change my mind. Besides, I've never tasted a s'more. That should be a prerequisite before I die, don't you think?

    Love your wee baby grand. I think it was about my 2nd Christmas as well, my parents gifted me a red plastic piano. Unfortunately, it soon suffered a fatality when I sat on it. LOL.

    1. You have NEVER tasted a s'more??? Oh my! I guess you weren't a Girl Scout. That is where we learned them first, and I've never forgotten them. I can't wait for the first bonfire of the season to have my annual fix of s'mores! LOL. Yes, it should be a prerequisite for living if you ask me! LOL. Oh how funny that we both tried our hand at being concert pianists at the tender age of two! Did you ever learn to play? I never could sit still long enough to take piano lessons. I was too busy playing outside in the dirt and other less girly things, although I loved my baby dolls too. Just wasn't interested in playing a piano. I wish I could now, but not enough to take lessons. LOL. Take care and go get a firepit and make some s'mores!! Life is too short to miss out on all the good stuff!!

    2. Well, yes. I was a Girl Scout, and a Brownie before that. I'm guessing that wasn't a 'thing' in New Mexico? Funny. My mother used to play the piano, my dad the violin. An 'only' child, I had to take lessons on both ... and hated it with a purple passion. LOL.

  10. Yes, indeed, God is still on the throne. Tough times for many right now, but for God's people, this is a growing experience and it will get better.

    CUTE CUTE CUTE grand puppies you have there! And a sweet hug for baby Elva for such a fine job of modeling the clothes!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. We are all having to learn some new things these days. But we are not alone. God won't leave us on our own. I am glad you like our cute grand puppies. They are the sweetest grandpuppies I've ever had (the only ones too). We love them. And yes, I will give Baby Elva a hug. She's such a good baby! Never an unhappy moment with her!! (((Hugs))) to you too.

  11. Pam, the pictures of you as a young child are simply precious. And the toy baby grand piano is a true treasure.

    I understand the motion sickness--I get motion sick quite easily. Even if I'm a passenger in a car, I'd better not be doing anything like reading.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh my, Kim, yes you and should never travel together unless we can sit perfectly still and not have to read a thing. That is my problem exactly, especially if I am in the back seat. I am better than I was as a child, but still have to be careful. This last little trip to the mountains was a good test for me. I did okay as long as I didn't look out the windows sideways too much or turn around and look backwards. I guess it is something we never truly outgrow. Thank you for enjoying my baby pictures. Those are my memories of my childhood based on those pictures. Most everything else is pretty much a distant fleeting memory. That is why I believe so much in taking pictures of everything. Our brains can't be expected to remember everything without some kind of help! Especially the older we get. Glad you enjoyed this. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

  12. I'm looking at your carousel photo...I don't think it's the one at Conneaut Lake Park, though Conneaut Lake is in northwestern PA. There is an amusement park in Erie, right near the entrance to Presque Isle National Park. It's called Waldemere. I've been there a couple of times, but it's been years and years so I don't know if that's their carousel or not. The western half of PA used to have lots and lots and lots of amusement parks. A lot of them closed up in the 80s. Had to smile at your little piano. I had a red one that had lost one of its legs. I love that toy and every year I smile at the Charlie Brown Christmas special when Schroeder plays his. Love those cute wittle puppy faces! Hope your week is going well, Pam.

  13. What wonderful treasures you have!! I have a quilt that was made for me when I was born but I don't know who made it or which side of the family it might have come from. These days, none of our younger generation seem to be interested in "family heirlooms" and that is just so sad.

  14. "Stuff with a Story" ... I LOVE this concept! I believe story lies everywhere ... with people, animals, inanimate objects, charts and graphs. I also love the idea of setting aside a day a week to tell these stories. Perhaps I will join you for Wednesday Treasures in 2021 :)

    1. That would be delightful. I don't do a "linky" thing for this...just something I do on my own, but I would love to have more people join me. I believe we all have those special "things" in our world that have meaning to us and have stories that need to be shared! Thank you!!


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