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Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Little Bit of Christmas

 "We Need A Little Christmas"...

(by Johnny Matthis)

This old song popped into my head a few minutes ago as I sat down to show you what I've been up to today...I guess I needed a "little Christmas", so I just did a "little" bit of Christmas decorating. This is only the beginning...got a long way to go, but  as I said, "we need a little Christmas right now!"

Yesterday I had this vision of covering our multi-flowered sofa with something more cozy and in keeping with the season.  The picture below shows how it normally looks...mauve and blue and hunter green on a taupe background. Very 80's/90's. We've had this sofa for over 20 years,  and actually had two identical ones, (and they were a gift from a friend who was moving and couldn't take them with her) but we left one at the church parsonage last summer when we moved here because we didn't have room for two.  My goal is to replace this sofa eventually, but it has to go on "the list" below other things that are more needful.  It is still in good condition structurally, but to reupholster it costs as much (or more) than a new one...and I haven't found a slip cover that would fit properly yet, but that is now on my list to search for.

And so I got busy trying this and that and scouting out my sheets, blankets, bedspreads for ideas that might work to make this sofa more cozy and "wintery" for the season:
How's this?

This is how it really looks from the front...I know, it still needs some tweaking here and there, but you get the idea...

The idea is to provide a cozy cabin feel for Christmas, with a sofa where one can lie down and enjoy the "fire" in the fireplace and take a little snooze if needed.   I am happy with the results, but I am still looking for a real slip cover that isn't made up of sheets, blankets, and quilted pillow shams. LOL. 

Next I tackled the Guest Room. Not that I am expecting any overnight guests that I know of, but then again, you never know who may show up at our door needing a place to stay...So I flipped the decor from spring/summer white with blue and yellow spring flowers to a country quilt with reds and greens and other more wintry shades...and put a green and red plaid throw blanket on the foot of the bed in case one gets a little chilled in the night! (It does happen here in Florida, trust me!)

The little bear and puppy dog welcome "Chris-Moose" for the Christmas season. He comes with jingle bells and snow shoes and a basket of holly berries, 

which is good if he wants some holly berries because those robins and Cedar Waxwings totally cleaned our holly trees by Thanksgiving, just as my sister said they would!
Hard to believe just a few days ago this tree was loaded with bright red berries:

I was hard pressed to find these few remaining berries today...and no sign of those voracious robins or waxwings anywhere now! They are off in search of "redder" pastures!

So, while we are looking outside, let me show you what I did out there today as well:

These are the doors to our shed. I know, that one wreath on the left looks a little lopsided on one side. I will have to fix that. It takes looking at these pictures to see what needs to be fixed as I look at it through the eyes of my beholders...

Almost looks like snow on the roof. But it's not, trust me...

This is how it looks out there right now...

Up on the front porch we have some bright red poinsettias ready to greet our visitors...

And I love this little white church Christmas flag by the front steps:

And there's a Christmas lantern flag in the garden area:

I hope the birdies enjoy it!

Down by the pond and next to the bird feeder is this cute snowman, feeding the birds:

Up on the back porch is a "Christmas cactus" that is blooming for Thanksgiving. My sister with the green thumb was here and she confirmed it is actually a Christmas cactus and not a Thanksgiving cactus...there is a difference and she says you can tell by their stems/leaves whatever you call them...so this one is just confused and is blooming early.

On the front porch I set up our grapevine Christmas tree. We made that several years ago from our wild grapevines at our last house in the forest.  It was quite a job to do it...I'm glad it has lasted all this time because I wouldn't do it again! LOL.

Here is the view from outside. I can see it is also lopsided, so I need to tweak it a bit too. I haven't put any ornaments on it yet either...just the lights so far, and they should be redistributed to mix the colors a little better. I just pulled it out of the bag and put it on the porch and plugged it in to see if it still lights up. The rest of the work will get done eventually. I am waiting for my son to get the rest of the boxes from the shed with all of the Christmas decorations for the tree and house.  One day at a time..."Rome wasn't built in a day", and neither are my Christmas decorations every done in a day...

Found the Christmas wreath for the front door. 

So, that's all for now! To be continued later...

Meanwhile, tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent.  I am looking forward to the beginning of the Christmas/Advent season.  We will have the lighting of the first candle of the Advent wreath at church, and I am excited that our son and his wife are going to do the first readings and candle lighting. 
I will share more about that tomorrow.
After all, this is what Christmas is all about...

Isaiah 9: 2, 6
"The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
Upon them a light has shined."

"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Let us not forget the real meaning of Christmas as we scurry around getting things dressed up for Christmas. May we never lose sight of that Babe who was born in that manger...Who came to earth seeking each of us, that we might be saved from our sins and have eternal life in heaven...
"And that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown"...


  1. Oh my! WHat you have already done, looks just lovely. i'm beginning to think, that i should do more decorating . I used to, but I may have gotten lazy.

  2. Everything looks great so far. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! :)

  3. I love what you have done so far. You are way ahead of me, but we did get the decorations down today (with the help of our former Assistant Pastor (and friend), Brian. He got coffee and pumpkin bread in thanks. Anyway, I got started but have a long way to go.

  4. You've been very busy. My decorating will have to wait until about the middle of December. Then, I don't know to what degree I can do this year. Hubby has to get the boxes out of our yardbarn and then we go from there. Peace and blessings to you.

  5. Pam, your preparations for Christmas are both comforting and inspiring. I started my decorating today, and it felt so inspiring. I'm so tired of this year filled with uncertainty and hopelessness, and I refuse to admit or succumb to any of it. Let us be filled with the hope and the light of God's eternal love and grace!

  6. You have been busy Pamela and I love what you've done both indoors and out. I thought to decorate early but now it seems like I'll be lucky to get things done by Christmas, lol. No matter. I enjoy myself when I go slowly. Enjoy your fireplace.

  7. You have been busy! I actually started with my decorating last week...decorated for 3 whole days and I was whipped!!! It's all done now and looking a "lot like Christmas":) Shopping is done, presents wrapped and under the tree. I like to have everything done by Dec. 1 if possible and I made it this year! Hopefully will have pics on my blog this week:) Your sofa, by the way, looks very comfy and inviting...great job!

  8. Beautiful decorations! I bought some tomato cages a few years ago and wrapped a few strings of lights around them. Up close they look ridiculous but from the street they really look nice! I like your grapevine tree!

  9. I will get the pumpkins and autumn leaves put up Monday and then I'll start thinking about how I want to decorate this year. Looking forward to getting the tree up!

  10. I enjoyed my visit here tonight. I like how you made your couch so comfy. I like the stuffed animals on the bed. I like them too. I also put a lot of flags in my yard too. I am starting Advent tomorrow too. Our church does not do Advent. I bet your service will be nice. Happy Sunday!

  11. As always, everything is looking merry and bright. I am slowly pulling mine out as well. I did get my tree done yesterday and if is quite different than some of my trees of the last few years, but it fits my mood. I wasn't sure I liked it last night, but I knew if I walked in the room this morning I would knew if I had it right and I did. I spent many decades in a church that really didn't do Advent. I like it and embrace it. I don't necessarily light the specific candles, but I do choose my Advent readings each year in advance although I did a quick switcharoo this year. I think that my previous church is wonderful, but the same happens at Easter. It all just pops up and I really like focusing those thoughts a bit deeper before Christmas and Easter.
    Enjoy decorating this week and we will look forward to seeing it.

  12. Beautiful. I love that grapevine, I know of a woman in North Hornell who has a grapevine tree on her front porch and she decorates it according to seasons. I need to get by there and see how she decorated for the Christmas season, smiles.

    Have a beautiful day friend.

  13. Your living area does look cabin cozy! As much as I'd love to have a fireplace, there's simply no room. Hmmm, our poor OLD sofa could sure benefit from a slip-cover, too. When our pups were babes I ordered something on-line, but for the life of me I can't recall where. Happy SONday!

  14. Everything looks wonderful, I love the tree on the porch and you can see it through your windows. And the sofa looks great with it's new look, so warm and inviting. Yep, Christmas has come to the Steiner Home.

  15. Pam, I really like your Christmas decorating. This year, we all need a little bit of Christmas!

    Love and blessings!


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