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Sunday, October 11, 2020

"Floods of Joy o'er My Soul..."

Happy Sunday everyone!! I hope that you have been having a beautifully blessed day so far! It is a lovely day here in our neck of the woods...sun shining, nice breeze, only 84 degrees, but it's going down to 66 tonight and the rest of the week looks like it will continue in a cooler trend, so that makes me happy!

I know most of you have your own churches that you attend either in person or online, but I do hope you don't mind me sharing our pastor's weekly message and our praise team's song with you. Certainly if you aren't interested you are free to skip over this, but I continue to share it because it may just be what someone out there needs to hear today. We never know what others may be going through and that they just may need a special message or a song to lift their spirits.  So thank you for allowing me to share this with you each week.  I think you will enjoy the song especially at the beginning.  I've included the lyrics for you below so you can sing along:

 Since Jesus Came Into My Heart

What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought
Since Jesus came into my heart!
I have light in my soul for which long I had sought
Since Jesus came into my heart!

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.

I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure
Since Jesus came into my heart
And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure
Since Jesus came into my heart

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.

There’s a light in the valley of death now for me
Since Jesus came into my heart
And the gates of the city beyond I can see,
Since Jesus came into my heart

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.

I shall go there to dwell in that city, I know
Since Jesus came into my heart
And I’m happy, so happy, as onward I go
Since Jesus came into my heart

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.

This little chickadee in the holly tree doesn't really have anything to do with what I've written above, but it just made me smile as I was sitting out in the Secret Memorial Garden yesterday afternoon, and so I thought you'd enjoy seeing him too. He was scolding me for sitting a little too close to the bird feeder, but eventually he overcame his timidity and decided I wasn't posing any threat to him and so he quickly grabbed a few bird seeds and flew away, to come back time and again for a little while. I love watching God's little birdies fly to and fro, gathering food for their families. We really aren't all that different, are we? Sometimes we have to get over our fears so we can move forward and put our family's needs ahead of our own uncertainties. That takes faith...faith that God is bigger than any perceived threat or enemy out there, and faith that God is with me and will never lead me to places where He has not already gone before me.   This goes along with our key verse for the Ladies' Bible Study we are doing in the book of Joshua:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9 ESV

I am looking forward to going through this study with the women from our church. Perhaps I will be able to share a few things with you from time to time as we go through it. The first week was about 
"On the edge of uncertainty: facing our fears". 
One subtitle was "Be a warrior, not a worrier."

These are some things for me to work on. 
You know, we are never too old to learn something new from God!

How about you? Perhaps you can share something new you are learning!

Have a blessed day and week my friends. Let us try to be "strong and courageous" no matter what this old world may throw in our paths this week.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Pamela. It was nice to "go" to your church today. 😊

    1. So happy you could join us!! You are always a welcome visitor!!! :)

  2. I am constantly learning my job--always something new...and I am afraid my old brain will explode (not a pretty sight, I assure you, LOLOLOL). In all seriousness, I wish you could see my smile, I hope you had a beautiful Sunday my friend.

    1. I would definitely not want to see your brain explode...I can only imagine how messy that would be! I know the feeling...having had to learn a few new jobs in my life that were always challenging. I know God is giving you what you need for each new day, but I also pray He will soon lead you to a more pleasant pasture. I would LOVE to see your smile. You keep your pretty face hidden from us and that's not fair!! But I can imagine how lovely your smile must be. Yes I did have a beautiful Sunday, and I hope you did too. Maybe you just needed a day of rest. (((hugs)))

  3. That verse from Joshua is one of my absolute favorites, Pamela. We all need that encouragement to move forward, knowing that God has our backs, and we need not be afraid of what might come. Like the little chickadee, we can overcome our fears with God's help.

    1. Isn't it neat how God put that together? I had no clue about where this post was going when I started it...but God knew, and there was a good reason I took that picture of that little chickadee!! I love it when God's plans come together!!! Just another example of how He is always with us.

  4. Always a lovely Sunday post. Thanks for sharing your church and your secret garden with us! Wishing you a great week ahead!

  5. We are indeed never too old to learn something new. In fact, I feel like I have been learning a lot lately. One was I was one of many who got way too unnerved by this virus or even the current events, but the Lord has all this and we are so blessed here in America. Now, I hope we don't lose those blessings by being idiots but either way the Lord will get me though it.
    I always love your bird pictures.

  6. Floods of joy o're my soul like the sea billows roll, since Jesus came into my heart. I love that song. It has a happy tune and words to support that. Love the little Chickadee.

  7. Hi Pam, No I had not read your blog yet, so I didn't know you and I were both led to use the same verse in our posts today. Perhaps the Lord wanted this verse to be really emphasized today??? It's always a good one for whatever we are facing.

    Your Holly tree is just all popped out with red berries. Mine must be a different variety -- it's just leaves right now, as are all the holly trees on my street. We've got what the builder planted in our landscaping packages. Maybe later in the season. I think that's what happened last year.

    I remember singing, "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" with such gusto many years ago. It's got wonderful words.

  8. Oh I remember singing that hymn with great gusto many years ago. And it seems that I also remember that the pastor would ever so slightly pause after "the sea billows roll" and then begin again with "since Jesus came into my heart." Perhaps it is written that way...I should check.

    Learning new things every day makes life ever so much more interesting.

  9. Pam, I am familiar with the hymn the praise team sung--it has been years since I sang it! God's Word is so precious. Thank you for sharing your pastor's messages--I may not always listen at the time you post but know I can come back and view them. (Since I'm either in church on Sunday or live-streaming my church's service and listening to at least one other message, I'm getting some good "food".)

    Love and blessings!


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