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Friday, July 24, 2020

Peaceful Journey on the Pond

Are you ready for a little trip around Still Water Pond with me?  I think it is about time, don't you? I haven't been out on the pond in over a week, and this morning I decided I didn't care how warm and muggy it is out there, a little voyage around the pond was just what I needed.

So come along with me and enjoy the ride. I will caution you, however, the rowing was rather difficult today. The water lilies are so thick in the pond that it is almost impossible to work our way through them.  But once out there on the water, there was no turning back. It was a kind of spiritual challenge to keep going until I found a sense of peace and calm enveloping my soul.

Philippians 3:13-14
13.  "Brethren (sisters!), I do not count myself to have apprehended;
but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind 
and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

14.  I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

I am not sure what that is in the picture above...some kind of egg sack for some kind of insect perhaps? Anyone have any ideas? I may have to look it up.  Whatever it was, I let it stay right there. Didn't look like something that I wanted to bring home with me. So I kept paddling onward...

Ah, this is more like it!! This lovely lily was turning her face toward me as if to say, "Here I am, take my picture please! I am posing just for you!"    One of the little "prizes" of this journey today...

I was surprised to discover this blackberry bush growing up through this old post from a long ago forgotten dock in the middle of the pond.  Talk about perseverance!  How is it growing there? Perhaps some bird left the seed while sitting on that perch eating some blackberries?
Reminds me of this verse also in Philippians 4:13~~

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

While I was laboring in my efforts to paddle around the pond today, I was praying for a sense of peace from the stresses of the world. And I also asked the Lord for something extra special to see today...and all of a sudden a duck flew up and away over on the other side by the bank. Of course I was too slow to get a picture of him, but then I looked again, and this lovely female wood duck swam into view:

She lingered a little while, contemplating her next move. I could tell she was anxious to join her mate who had flown away, but she seemed to be reluctant to join him too quickly. I wonder if they are nesting in that area and perhaps she was distraught about leaving her nest? I don't know, and I didn't want to get too close to disturb her. So I sat quietly in my kayak and thanked the Lord for allowing me to see her and that she sat still long enough for me to get a few pictures...

However, she could see me out of the corner of her eye and right after this picture she flew up up and away to join her mate.  

So I rounded the bend in the pond and started my homeward stretch. The reflections were lovely here in the shadow of the trees of the little island, so I sat and reflected upon their beauty for another moment.

Philippians 4:4-7
4.  "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say rejoice!
5.  Let your gentleness be known to all men.
The Lord is at hand.

6.  Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God;
7.  And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

I hope you enjoyed this little trip around the pond with me today. I must say that even though my arm muscles are tired from rowing against those lilies, the sense of peace and joy that I feel in my heart now is well worth the effort.   And that is how it is in our journey through this life.  We will face many challenges and struggles throughout our days, but when we reach  that "goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14), it will be worth it all.  We will forget those things that were behind us, and we will rejoice in the Lord carrying us through to victory.

Have a blessed and peaceful day my friends.


  1. Love the lily pond pictures. Well, all except that egg sac. Could it be spiders? Makes me shiver. lol

    1. I don't think it was spiders, but maybe some other kind of water bugs or critters. I may have to look it up. I'll let you know when I find it.

  2. Beautiful post, Pam...so quiet, serene, and relaxing. All of creation praises its Creator.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, it does...that is why I love to be out in nature so much, because the trees and the woods clap their hands for the Lord...and the lilies turn their faces to the sun, which is their gift of life from God. The birds praise their Creator too. It is a happy place to be.

  3. Those flowers are SO pretty and I'm glad you duck sat still long enough for you to get her picture! Hope someone knows what the egg sack is. Interesting!

    1. I'm going to try and figure it out and will let you know when I do. It was such a pleasant day, but it was hard work too. I'm sore in my back and shoulders tonight!

  4. The lilies may be thick, but they are extraordinarily beautiful, Pam! So glad that God gave you that serendipitous visit from the wood duck, too. He works in marvelous ways.

    1. yes, He certainly does work in marvelous ways. He heard my cries and answered me and gave me peace. Our God is an awesome God!

  5. Oh how lovely to see the wood duck. The lilies are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the comforting and uplifting Bible verses. Wishing you a very enjoyable weekend.

    1. Thank you, Mildred. I was so thrilled to see the duck. That was such a delight. It was God's gift to US today!

  6. I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday. I think most said it as well I can. I am so bothered by the hate speech for anything conservative in our country. Completely sad. I take comfort in being outside and pondering how special the Lord's creation really is. I pray our country has enough of us and that silent majority is indeed out there to give us some more time to turn things around. Thanks for your uplifting posts.

    1. Yes, there is so much hatred going on, I had to get away today and just soak in the beauty of God's beautiful creation and rest and be restored to His peace.

  7. I love going with you around the pond! The flowers are beautiful and how wonderful to see such a variety of birds. The wood duck is so unique and beautiful. I'm glad we live in a place we can enjoy the outdoors and nature. It is truly calming and peaceful. Enjoy your weekend my friend. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Diane. Yes, we do live in a wonderful place where there is something beautiful to see year round! I am glad you came along for the ride today!! Have a blessed and peaceful weekend!

  8. Thanks for the excursion. I am happy to go along, as long as I can keep my feet on solid ground.

    1. I am so glad I could take you along with me virtually, since you probably wouldn't feel too comfortable in my little kayak. And the paddling was so difficult because of all the lilies, I know I couldn't have managed to take you with me any other way...besides it only holds one person. LOL. I need the Canadian Ducks to come back and pull some of these lilies. They are getting too thick! I think they did that last winter when a whole flock of them came and spent the day and the pond looked like something had come in and harvested a bunch of them. So please send them back down here soon! LOL.

  9. Hi there, I surfed in through somebody's blog, not sure whose, but somebody's---ha ha LOl!! Just wanted to say howdy and letcha know I'd been here and that I'm sure enjoying your posts and love the pictures especially those GORGEOUS water lilies and your trips around the pond. Do you go by Pamela or Pam? Well, nice to meet you and hope you have a lovely weekend and stay cool!

    1. Thank you so much for popping in to introduce yourself! I love meeting new people and making new friends. I just stopped in over at your front porch to say hello! I go by Pam, but Pamela sounds so fancy and I try to live up to it sometimes...but everyone knows me as Pam. Hope you will come back and visit again. You never know what I'll be up to next time. Have a blessed day.

  10. Oh, I really DID enjoy this trek around the pond. So verdant, so pretty. That mystery thing is kinda creepy. And the blackberry post is incredible. (Also, liked your reference to daughter in love)

    1. Thank you Anni. I am so glad you enjoyed this little voyage with me. I still haven't figured out the "mystery thing". Can't determine if it is some kind of seed sack or creature sack. I'm not paddling back out there today to see it again. I'm still recuperating from my hard rowing yesterday! LOL.

  11. These are wonderful scripture principles you've shared today. Hard as they are to row through, those water lilies are sooo pretty. Such a pure white.

    1. Yes, the lilies are worth the trip to enjoy their fragile beauty. I love to see their reflections on the water too. I love how God always gives us something to "reflect" upon when we are paying attention!

  12. I definitely did enjoy the trip around the pond with you. You are quite the photographer! You remind me that I have promised myself to get out that expensive camera my husband gave me and learn how to use it properly!!!! You left such a sweet, caring comment on my last blog post. I replied to it there but was afraid you might not see it (so please do go back and read). Your words meant so much to me and helped me to feel I had a good friend right beside me understanding every word I wrote. What a special blessing your words are to me!

    1. Oh, thank you, Cheri. I just went back and read your reply to my comment on your blog. I am glad that what I said helped you...we truly do need each other during these days of so much turmoil and confusion. It's good to have friends who understand our angst and our need to get it out of our system by writing it down. Sometimes it is even good to write it down on paper and then destroy it if you don't want anyone else to find it and perhaps misunderstand. I tend to only write what I wouldn't mind someone else finding because that way I don't have to worry about explaining it. LOL.Anyway, thank you for visiting here as well, and yes, get out that expensive camera and start using it! It will open up a whole new world to you. Mine isn't expensive...it was given to me used, and it is simple to use, but I don't leave the house without it. There is always something to see out there when we start looking!! Have a blessed week!!!

  13. Pam: I enjoyed seeing the pond again. It's too hot here to get out from under the fans and AC. I enjoyed seeing the wood duck and the lilies. That tree growing out of the old timber is very interesting. Peace and blessings to you

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. It has been very warm here as well and I don't go out in the middle of the day at all. We try to do everything early in the morning, or after supper before dark. The rest of the day is spent inside with the AC. Fall can't get here soon enough for me!! Thank you for enjoying the ride around the pond with me. Happy to have you come along anytime!!

  14. Gorgeous photos!! Hope you have had a nice weekend :)

    1. Thank you. It has been a lovely weekend. We were able to attend church again today, and that is such a blessing after months of no church. We don't even mind wearing a mask and sitting apart from each other, just so we can be there. Very thankful. Hope you have had a great weekend too.


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