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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Why Do We Bloggers Blog?

Good Question! Why DO we bloggers "blog"?  I ask myself that question almost every time I sit down here at my computer.  Why am I doing this? Who is this really for? Is it for me? Or is it for YOU, my faithful "followers" (readers)? Is it some kind of personal "therapy"...or perhaps is it for "posterity" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/posterity:

 "Definition of posterity:
1: the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation
2: all future generations
 As I have written in my opening statement at the top of the page, here is my original purpose and intent for writing this blog:

"Welcome to my "Open Window"...a place of hope, encouragement, and adventure as we journey down the road from "Closed Doors" to the new opportunities God places in our pathway. I hope you will take the time to go back and follow the trail of mixed blessings and fears, failures and triumphs from the past and side-trips in the present. Perhaps it will conjure up some of your own special memories, and be an invitation for you to share with others. 
I look forward to spending this time with you!"

In my mind, as I began to write this blog almost ten years ago, it was my hope that this place would be a place where friends could come together to share hopes and dreams, joys and sorrows, tears and laughter, and hopefully be encouraged in the process. I didn't start out with the idea of always sharing so many photographs, but then my brother gave me a digital camera, and that opened up a whole new world to me...and to you...for better or for worse! LOL.  Now I view the world always looking for something that will make a great picture! 
  Like this squirrel in the tree just above the bird feeder. He was scolding me this morning when I stepped out on the deck because all I put in the feeder was "safflower seed", and he does not like that kind of seed!!
He just sat there and scolded and scolded.  I can't help it if the store was out of the other kind of birdseed that he likes.  I promised to go back and get some soon.  Although I reminded him that the birdfeeders ARE for the BIRDS, not the squirrels! They have PLENTY of acorns and pine cones to eat around here...

This "Lonesome Dove" doesn't seem to have a care in the world...

"I'm sitting on top of the world
Just rollin' along, just rollin' along
And I'm quittin' the blues of the world
Just singin' a song, just singin' a song"

 (song by Al Jolson)

Maybe we bloggers blog because we see life through a different kind of lens, and we want to share it with everyone else.   We also like to warn people about the "webs" of life, before they happen to walk through them and get tangled up in a mess...

I guess it wasn't too windy on this foggy morning, and Mr. Spider was able to make his web right there under the rooster's tail on the weathervane.   Or maybe this rooster has been in "quarantine too long" and  needs to get back to work...he's collecting spider webs! LOL.
  On this particular morning I just wanted to step out on the deck and look at the fog on the pond. There's something interesting and enchanting about a foggy morning.  I really wasn't expecting to see anything but the fog....and then these two Sand Hill Cranes came flying out of nowhere and swooped down across the water (I know you can barely see them, but they are there in the middle if you look hard enough.
 And then they swooped back up and around and flew right back around the bend behind the island and up, up and away and out of sight.  I know you still can't see them, but they are up in the air in the middle of the screen, very faint...but they are there. They totally took me by surprise, and I was lucky to get these two pictures... I'm sorry they aren't better for you to see...but again...you are looking at the world through my lens now...so just humor me and pretend you can see them.

One thing about blogging and social media that I've loved is that I've made so many new friends in many parts of the country and even the world. Some of you I have even had the great joy and privilege to meet in person...Like our dear Terri D'Orsaneo from "Your Friend From Florida"  , who just had a knee replacement done yesterday, and she is doing great and hoping to go home today. So wonderful that our thoughts and prayers were answered on her behalf!

And recently on Facebook, one of my FB  friends (and actually a very dear "old" friend that I've known since high school days) had asked the question if anyone else had read the book, "A Land Remembered", which is a kind of historical fiction account of how life was in the early pioneer days of Florida.  I stated that I had not read the book yet, but would look for it at our library when it opens back up. Others also talked about the book and how great it was, etc., etc.  Well, lo! and Behold! This book arrived in the mail the other day...totally unexpectedly, in a box from Amazon!  Some dear soul actually ordered this book and had it sent to me. I think I know who sent it because she's the only one who had my address as far as I know...but of course no one is confessing to this surprise gift...and I can only say, "Thank you, Lord" for Your blessings on me, and for good friends who do neat and sweet things to bless me.  I am now reading the book each evening (I try to discipline myself to reading books in the evening after all my other "work" is done, unless I just can't help it and have to take time out of my so busy schedule to read it all day long...LOL)  It is very good, and I am enjoying it! I am enjoying it even more because it was so unexpected and another wonderful blessing.

I really do love stories like this one, because I enjoy reading the early history of our state...and how primitive it really was back even still during the mid to late 1800's.  When the author describes the forests and the scrub and the rivers, I can literally envision exactly how it must have been, because of the remote areas that we have enjoyed living in, like the Ocala National Forest where our last home was. And really, there are still some pretty "primitive" areas right around where we live now.

Like this area where we currently like to walk. It is actually a planned neighborhood development, but it never "developed". There are very few houses in that area, and most of it looks like this:

 I kept wondering what this particular plant was that was very ugly and dry in the winter with no green on it, and then all of a sudden it started getting green again.  I looked it up and it is called "Scrub Rosemary". It is not the kind of herbal rosemary that you are familiar with, and it is not edible.  But apparently it is endemic only to certain parts of Florida. 
There are actually some parks in Florida where you can take hikes through the  "Rosemary Scrub".  But here where we live we walk through this "free park" every day and didn't even know it was something special. But now I do, and so do you!
If you want to see this plant, come take a walk with me, and see it in person, instead of through "my lens".

The most important reason for blogging for me is to share how I view life through the lens of God's Word, The Bible. I don't try to preach, and I am not claiming to be a great Bible scholar or teacher. But as we begin to look at God's world through the lens of His Word, it helps us to understand so much more of what is happening around us...and it takes away the fear and anxiety of wondering why these things are happening. 

And so to close out this little "soliloquy" "an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play".(although I am not actually speaking my thoughts out loud...)  Let me close by sharing these words from Psalm 121 for today's meditation:

"1.  I will lift up my eyes to the hills, 
From whence comes my help?
2.  My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
3.  He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
4.  Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber not sleep.
5.  The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
6.  The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7.  The Lord shall preserve you from all evil,
He shall preserve your soul.
8.  The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in 
from this time forth, and even forevermore."

And so, dear friends in Blogland, I am sure you may also have your own particular reasons for blogging...and we each have our personal interests and joys and ideas as to what blogging should be all about. The important thing is to enjoy each other...respect each other...give everyone a feeling of "welcome" when they come to visit you on your blog,  so that they will want to come back again and again.  Today I didn't offer you a cup of tea, but sometimes I do...if you'd been here on Mother's day you could have had some apple pie.  Here I am, being surprised by a candid photo from my hubby while I was preparing the pie to bake:
 But if I knew it was you coming in the door, I would have said, "Come on in and chat with me,  and I will put on a pot of tea"...

So, y'all come! 
Have a blessed and wonderful day my friends!
This is why I blog.
How about you?


  1. A wonderful blog today!! I've asked myself many times why do I blog?! I have many answers to that question. I do know that I'm so glad I found you, I don't even remember how or when. You are a blessing to me and many others and I hope you continue your blog for years to come.

    1. And I am so glad we found each other! I consider you to be one of those wise women of God whom I can rely on to always speak the truth in love and from God's Word. You have encouraged me and helped more often than you know, just by your calm words of wisdom. I am very thankful for you and for your friendship both here and on Facebook. You are a blessing to ME!!

  2. And I am surely glad to be a part of your blogging world dear lady! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Oh, that feeling is MUTUAL, my dear, MUTUAL!! so glad to be a part of YOUR blogging world too!! You are a blessing to me!

  3. Lately, for me (blogging) has become a outlet, we have been under "house arrest" for 10 weeks now. I am sure my husband and son have had enough of me being around (grin--keeping it real, lol)--thank you Pamela...and I am so honored to be part of your blogging world (and FB too, smiles).

    P.S. I know I come on strong, believe me, I ain't like that in the real world, LOLOL. (My son goes, "Umm, really Mom?")

    1. And we are glad to be here as your audience, to allow you a safe space to vent and get the frustrations out of your system! It is a king of "therapy", and it is good to have friends who are willing to listen and just let you get it out. And I enjoy reading your posts and hearing about your dreams and schemes. I believe good things are right around the corner for you and your family. So hold on tight and get ready for a new adventure!

  4. I have just read your blog post, “Why Do We Bloggers Blog?” That is a good question. I’ve been asking myself the very same thing for years, and yet I continue to write my stuff for all the world to see. Are we crazy or called?!!

    1. Yes, I tend to believe we are 'called'...and maybe just a tad bit crazy too. Well, some of us may be more than a "tad bit crazy"...but at least we are in good company. And I know your "Staff" all agree...as do my lovely doll friends...we really should get them all together sometime for a real party! LOL. I look forward to your posts and always feel like we've had a good visit. It is ALMOST as good as being together in person, but when we don't have that as an option, it is the next best thing!! So glad that you are also one of my "in person friends"!! have a blessed day!

  5. Why do we blog? Such a great question, Pamela! I was actually (and I'm not making this up) by the Lord to begin a devotional blog. Of course, I responded like Moses - "Lord, you must be kidding me!" I heard His voice again in my head telling me to write one DAILY! Well, for that first year, I obeyed and wrote a daily post, and though I've slowed down, I still know that I'm meant to write for God's glory. There's no turning back!

    1. I love your response, because it is very similar to how I felt when I started writing my blog. The thing that I love is that we have the freedom to share our faith with others without being censored, and we have both seen that God has blessed that effort by encouraging us as we have met others who seem to be encouraged by what we write, and we are encouraged as well by the many friends we have met along the way. It's really been a true blessing...and I'm SO glad I met you!!!

  6. This post has caused me to think of why I blog. I really never intended to do this, but then, When I started taking lots of pictures, my son encouraged me to share them. At first, I had no idea what i was doing, and sometimes I still don't know what I'm doing. I think for me this is a good outlet to share some of my photos and maybe encourage a reader along the way.

    1. And I have loved your pictures and especially when you put scriptures with them as you do so often on Facebook. They are a true blessing to all who see them, and God is using your gift of photography to encourage and inspire many others, including me! I'm so glad we finally connected!!

  7. It is a great question. I have asked myself many many times. I really have no idea what I thought would or wouldn't happen when I started. I knew I enjoyed reading them. HOWEVER, until the year I started my blog most of the blogs I read were from teachers. I had learned so much from them. I think my inner desire to be county extension agent led me to start, but we all know that blogs take on a life of their own and God had plans that we don't envision. I still ponder at times why I do it, but I like to write, I like recording the happy moments (because all of life is not blog fodder), and I have certainly reaped the added benefits of community that I am not sure I was expecting.
    I enjoy the life blogs most ...just our rambling thoughts and yes, faith!

    1. I love what you said about "blogs take on a life of their own and God had plans that we don't envision." I totally agree with that statement, and have experienced that here in my own blog. As we live our lives, God shows us moments that we need to share that may help another who is going through something similar and may need a word of encouragement from someone who is experiencing it as well. I try to record the happy moments, but have found that God took me through some pretty difficult and unhappy moments and I believe He meant for me to share them. Not only did it possibly help another, but it also helped me to see things from God's perspective as I wrote. It's just another of the ways God works "all things together for our good..." (Romans 8:28). Thank you for sharing your "rambling thought, and yes, faith!" That, to me, is what it is all about!

  8. Mission accomplished with your blog! I always find peace and feel encouraged when I visit here. As for why I blog...these days it's mostly just for fun and stay connected and make new friends. I've had other blogs over the years that had other purposes. I guess with each new phase of life I've recreated my blog. I've been at this for 20 years! Wow, I can't believe that. When I created my first blog I was working in youth ministry and that's what the blog was about. I've had a mommy blog, Christian blog, and during a particularly difficult period I had an anonymous blog that was were I vented and found advice and encouragement from others. Sometimes I think of quitting, but it's become such a part of my life and I would miss the folks I have met along the way.

    1. Oh Stacy...don't every give up! Yes, we go through different stages of life, and we need different kinds of "outlets" and friends during each stage. I've thought about all the things I've been through just in these past 10 years, and it's been like a whole lifetime. Much of it I've shared in the blog, and some stays private in my heart...but God knows...and this "outlet" provides a place to share with others what we are learning along life's way. There is always someone out there who may need to hear just what we have to say at this particular moment in time...so don't quit. God is investing many life experiences in you for a reason. Thank you for visiting here, and please always feel welcome.

  9. Wonderful post today Pamela. I also enjoyed all your photos and the book you've shared sounds like a great read. What a wonderful blessing someone gave to you anonymously. You got me thinking about the purpose of my blog. I can honestly say that my purpose was accomplished long ago and since then I have struggled a bit with keeping the blog going. It means I have to find another purpose and I haven't quite sorted it all in my head yet though I certainly do love to share photos so for now that is my new purpose :-) I'm still mulling over other purposes and whether I need to create a new blog/blogs to accomplish. More to come in future but for now I'm enjoying reading from others and sharing photos and slices of every day life. I'm so glad I've met you along the way.

    1. I know that we each go through different phases of life, and our purpose may change with each new experience. But there will always be people out there who may need just the right word spoken at the right time for them...even when we think we aren't really saying anything all that great...God can use it to encourage someone else. So please keep sharing the things that mean something to you, because you never know who may be listening and needing that word. I'm glad I've met you as well. You are a "joyful" blessing!

  10. Such a great post! I can tell you have the gift of Hospitality. Warm, friendly. And yes a cup of tea would be great, thank you. I take mine with milk and sugar. :)

    1. Well, please come right in and have a seat. I'll put the kettle on and we'll have tea! I honestly wish I could just open the door and let everyone come on in...wouldn't that be fun if we could somehow just step through our computers into each other's homes? Well, maybe that might not be such a great idea...but with the blog we can do that safely and it is ALMOST as good as being there! But if you are ever in my neck of the woods, please come a calling! :)

  11. I always look forward to coming to your blog. The pictures are wonderful. Your thoughts are always uplifting. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you so much Cecelia. You are a blessing to me...a constant friend who can be relied upon. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's Word and to encouraging us to get into the Word better. That is a true gift.

  12. Scrub Rosemary....hhhmmmm! I didn't know what it was but I took pics of it this week! I always learn something new when I read blogs and that's an added plus! I love that I've made REAL friends by blogging and I enjoy looking at the photos of where they live and what they see along the way. And it's a great way to share nature photos that I take, or share a recipe like I did today. It's something I enjoy! Thanks for always inspiring and encouraging me! Hugs Diane

    1. Oh, I've wondered if you have encountered "Scrub Rosemary" in your walks through the woods. I never really noticed it when we lived in Salt Springs, but it sure is prolific here where we walk. I think because we are higher and somewhat drier here even though there are many lakes around us...it's just a bit different environment. I am so glad that we have become friends here, and I would so love to meet you someday as we seem to have a lot of things in common! Meantime, I do enjoy your pictures of your hikes and also the things you do at home! Hugs and blessings to you today too.

  13. I have asked myself this many times. I hope to be able to get back into blogging and tell my story when I can...I certainly never dreamed the direction my journey would take me. What I do know is that I have found so many wonderful Christian friends and prayer warriors... my love to all of you.

    1. Oh dear Debby...right now you just need to prepare yourself for the battle that is ahead, and let God's prayer warriors out here hold you up before Him in prayer. That is something WE can do for you, and we know that God hears our prayers. I do hope that you or a member of your family will keep us informed of your situation so that we will know how to pray. But in the meantime, we'll pray for your peace of mind, your comfort, your faith and courage, and most of all, your healing. God is able, and He is in control of your life. And I know that you know you can trust Him. God bless you my friend.

  14. I love the photos that you share, your family and your faith on your blog. It is always wonderful to find bloggers who share common interests and enjoy sharing the beauty of God's world with one another through pictures. I hope you have an enjoyable afternoon.


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.