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Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday Morning Thoughts

It is Monday morning, and for those of us in the midst of this "social isolation" of the COVID 19 Pandemic, it seems a lot like "Groundhog Day", (the movie), if you remember that story. We wake up and every day seems the same...many of us have mentioned that we are having difficulty keeping track of the days. They all seem the same.  Although I must admit, since retirement that has been a fairly typical feeling...the only day that seemed different and special was Sunday, because we could go to church. And now we can't even do that, but thankfully we are able to still worship and praise God from our living rooms thanks to modern technology. Not quite the same thing as being there in person, enjoying the presence of other fellow believers and singing songs together, worshiping and praising and lifting our hearts in unison to sing the Doxology as we "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow...", and even though we know we can worship God anywhere at any time...it still isn't the same, and we miss it. 
However the enforced isolation continues, and probably will for a little while longer. I realize the importance of "social distancing", but I also realize the importance of getting to a place of realizing that in this life there are always going to be dangers and illnesses lurking in the shadows.  We are people of faith...and there comes a point in time when we need to allow our faith to conquer our fears and get back to living. Otherwise, our fears will overcome us and we will never be able to walk out of our homes without wondering what germ is going to get us this time.
Sorry, I can't live like that. I don't believe that people of faith were meant to live like that.
Yes, we are sensible, thoughtful, and caring about others even more than ourselves. 

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)
7.  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, 
but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I think the longer we continue in this enforced isolation and not allowing people to get back to work and resume their normal lives we will find that more and more people will not be able to sustain a "sound mind".  Fear is taking over rational thought, and some are becoming handicapped by it so that they may never be able to hug another person, shake a hand, or stand closer than six feet to a person ever again. 
I believe in being reasonably cautious about spreading germs, especially where those with underlying medical conditions and the very elderly are concerned,  but we also need to be cautious about becoming so overly conscious of germs that we can't function in a normal way.
This is my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I may even lose a few "followers".
I certainly do understand that this is a serious disease and many have suffered and even died from it, even people that I know have lost loved ones or have suffered from this illness, and my heart goes out to them and my prayers are with them for healing and comfort and strength to keep going.  
However, I also understand that there are many serious diseases and germs out there, and they have been out there since time began, and after this particular pandemic is over, there will be others to follow in the days, months and years to come.

We can't stop living because we are afraid to die.
That's it in a nutshell.

We are already dying every day...and have been since the moment we were born.
Many of us have seen loved ones die way too soon from diseases that we wish the medical world would spend as much time and energy and money on trying to find a cure as they have this virus, because cancer and other major diseases have been killing our loved ones for centuries and they can't find a cure. There is no vaccine to prevent it, and no real treatment that completely cures it.
Oh well, I didn't wake up intending to write all of this, but apparently it is on my mind and it needs to be said. 
So there it is.
Something to think about and pray about and seek God's face about. 

I have a copy of this list of verses about fear and anxiety that I keep in my Bible.
It is there as a ready index to help me find words from God's Word to help me when I am feeling fearful or am anxious about life. It has been said that there are actually 365 verses or admonitions to "Fear Not" in the Bible, one for every day of the year....I don't know that for certain, but I do know that God does not want us to live in fear,  but to live in faith and to trust Him with every detail of our lives. And that is how I want to live my life. How about you?

Meanwhile, here's a few "this and that" things that have caught my attention while walking here and there and trying to stay alert and healthy:

This lovely golden dragonfly came to visit us yesterday, and stayed attached to our front window screen for a very long time.
 Here is a link to something I wrote about the dragonfly last year.  They are certainly fascinating creatures. Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of when my father passed away.  Not saying that I think anything about this is related to that, but it is an interesting connection none the less.

This is a picture of my daddy, just after winning a game of horseshoes with my brothers and hubby. This is the way I love to remember my dad, always full of fun and energy and joy at being with the family.  I miss him every day.

 Now this is certainly shifting gears a bit...The place where we like to take our walks is very secluded and woodsy.  This old dead tree has been "speaking to me" every time I pass by it. So I decided yesterday was a good time to take its picture.  Do you see the face? Not very pretty, but interesting none the less.  Hello tree creature!   People are saying since we can't hug each other we should hug a tree. Not sure I want to hug this one...

 I did, however, hug this huge pine tree one day, because it is enormous!

It's branches reach out in every direction much farther than our normal pine trees here in Florida:

 And I just thought it deserved a hug...it must be very old and wise to be still standing after so many storms of life...I'll bet if trees could talk, it could tell us many interesting stories.

Now back to Still Waters Pond in our own back yard...I know this isn't the best picture of the Great Blue Heron. It was taken at noon, and the sun was too bright for good lighting, but I wanted to include this picture so that you would understand the next picture after that better.

Here is that same bird taking off in flight. I wish it were more clear, but it is so rare that I get to actually capture a picture of one of them in flight, I had to include it for you:

Last but not least, this past week we heard some sad news.
The lovely Indian Maiden "Mia" who has graced the packaging of Land O' Lakes butter since 1928 has been removed from their packaging.  See the quoted information from Wikipedia below.

Wikipedia says: "Butter packaging[edit]

The recursive image long shown on the Land O'Lakes butter packaging is an example of the Droste effect.
The Land O'Lakes indigenous woman, named Mia, holding the butter box was painted in 1928 by Brown & Bigelow illustrator Arthur C. Hanson.[23] According to Land O'Lakes, the original image of Mia was "simplified and modernized" in 1939 by Jess Betlach and has undergone many minor modifications since as the enduring logo of the co-opRed Lake Ojibwe artist Patrick DesJarlait updated Mia's image in the 1950s.[23][24] The original image is an example of the infinite-loop motif or Droste effect, in which the image is repeated, in theory infinitely, within itself.
In 2018, the image was changed to depict only the head of the Indian woman (doing away with the Droste effect).[25] In April 2020, the company announced it was removing the image of the Indian woman altogether.[26] The use of an indigenous woman as a mascot had been criticized as a racist stereotype,[27] and the decision to change the label was praised by Native advocates such as Peggy Flanagan, Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota and a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe." [28]"

When I heard this news I was sad because I think "Mia" is lovely, and she certainly represents the beauty of Native American women since time began. I am sorry if people now think she is a "racist stereotype".  However, I am sure people will disagree with me there as well. However, I am happy that I have this wonderful mug with Mia's picture on it. I have had this for a long time, not even sure where or how I got it, but I love it.

It contains my little corn on the cob holders so that when we have corn on the cob you don't burn your fingers or get buttery hands while trying to eat the corn off the cob. 

They go along nicely with these corn on the cob dishes, that hold the butter so you can turn your corn cob around in it and get it nicely buttered:

Now I want some fresh corn on the cob, but it probably isn't really good for my dietary condition...LOL.  Anyway, my little Land O' Lakes Indian Maiden mug probably just went up in value so I will be taking very good care of it. Besides, I love it, and I will enjoy looking at Mia's pretty face and traditional Indian dress no matter what other people may think. There is a legend that my mother's mother's family descended from a lovely Native American woman many moons ago. It has never been fully authenticated, but it was a wonderful story. I will have to share it sometime. One of my uncles wrote it beautifully for us to preserve for future generations. Yes, I think I need to share it...perhaps in another post very soon.

For now, I hope that I have not stepped on too many toes or caused people to think less of me. I think most of us are quite anxious to have this social isolation over and done with. I also know that we have to do it carefully, gradually, and sensibly.  I am not advocating rushing back into life as we knew it before...but  I do hope that we will not allow fear to keep us from living our lives and showing our love for our families and friends.  I believe that a hug is a way to pass the love of Christ along to our fellow man. Many people need to feel the warmth of that embrace and know that God loves them.
I pray that we will soon be able to share that warmth and love once again.


  1. Your opening message was so good and so true, thank you for that blessing this morning. I always enjoy your nature photos, God has given us so many things to enjoy if we just look and appreciate!

    1. Thank you, Mary. Yes, we are blessed to have His beauty surrounding us, wherever we look. I think we are becoming more attuned to this as we are not as distracted by so many activities crowding our days. That is one aspect of this that I hope we can keep.

  2. What a wonderful post. I especially liked this statement, "We can't stop living because we are afraid to die." And as always I love your photographs. That great blue heron taking flight is a sight to behold!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. But isn't it the truth? So many are afraid to do anything right now because they are so afraid of dying...well, maybe afraid of getting sick and dying. I understand that. I certainly don't have a "death wish", but I just can't stop living my life because of the 'what ifs". Life is just too short as it is! Thank you for understanding. You've had your own near brush with death, and I think you value the joy of living even more because of it. I'm not saying we should be careless by any means...but just not so 'care-full'. Hope that makes sense. Thank you for visiting with me today. Always a pleasure to visit with you. God bless you.

  3. Enjoyed the wonderful pictures. Nothing like the beauty that God has created with His gift of nature is there? I have been enjoying watching 5 little birdies hatch and now I see their little mouths open to be fed. It's been such a joy. I always enjoy your uplifting post dear Pam. Love that picture of your daddy. How precious. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Oh how wonderful to see little birdies hatch! I hope you are taking some pictures to share with us? Thank you for visiting. Yes, we are so blessed to have God's creation around us to give us joy and encourage our hearts because He created it all for us to enjoy! He loves us that much!! (and much more). Thank you again for your kind and sweet words.

  4. Pamela, I so very much agree with your words at the beginning of the post. I loved this: "Fear is taking over rational thought, and some are becoming handicapped by it so that they may never be able to hug another person, shake a hand, or stand closer than six feet to a person ever again.
    I believe in being reasonably cautious about spreading germs, especially where those with underlying medical conditions and the very elderly are concerned, but we also need to be cautious about becoming so overly conscious of germs that we can't function in a normal way." I think you are absolutely right, and you said it better than I ever could.

    I agree completely that as believers we should not live our lives from the standpoint of fear. There will always be illnesses out there and as fast as these things change, it is not possible (or even necessarily advisable) to have a vaccination for every one.

    Thanks so much for this encouraging post. That golden dragonfly is amazing. It looks like a piece of jewelry!

    Sad news about the Indian maiden. I've always loved that illustration. I guess I'm not surprised, but I'm glad you still have your mug and it sure makes the perfect container for the corn holders. Butter and corn just go together!

    Have a blessed day and thanks again for your uplifting posts and your glorious nature photography!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I am so thankful that people do seem to understand and appreciate what I am trying to say here. I believe we are all very conscientious about our personal protection from the current virus in regards to others as well as to ourselves. But there comes a point where we have to draw a line and move forward in faith, not paralyzed by fear. God is with us, as He always has been and always will be. He hasn't changed, and so we should be able to trust Him to see us through. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you like my Indian Maiden mug...yes, you are right about it being the perfect container for the corn holders! You think just like I do on that subject!! Thank you for visiting with me here today. I enjoy your posts so much as I love NH and love seeing more about your life there. Blessings to you and yours today.

  5. That dragonfly looks like a piece of gold jewelry. Beautiful! I your thought here: "I don't believe that people of faith were meant to live like that.
    Yes, we are sensible, thoughtful, and caring about others even more than ourselves." I think when we are allowed to get out of our homes again MOST people will be sensible. And even when they get a vaccine for C-19, we know that C-20 and C-21 are just waiting around the corner. We can't avoid disease but we can be careful and sensible. Those most at risk even more so but that is true all the time. Gosh... I climbed on your soapbox!! I love that photo of your dad! Florida pines are huge and not like the pines we are used to "up north". Your heron is gorgeous! We are taking this PC stuff a little too far. Why is the Indian Princess on the butter racist? Good grief! I have same corn holders. I agree with you and love really is all there is and all you need. xox

    1. I know that dragonfly was really beautiful. Not sure I've ever seen a gold one before. He stayed on that window for over an hour...I'm so glad I saw him. Thank you for sharing my soap box with me. We all have opinions about what is happening in this situation. I think the most important thing is to not give in to fear, but to be sensible, using common sense and thoughtful consideration of what is really best for each of us. There really isn't a "one size fits all" for any of us, individually or by states or even cities. May God continue to give our President and our Governor the courage to do what is best for all. I am also glad you agree regarding "Mia" the Indian maiden. She is beautiful and it makes me sad to see her go. Our history and culture is being stripped of so much that someday there will be nothing of interest or beauty or history left. Just whatever the PC people want us to think and do. I don't believe that is how our forefathers intended our great nation to go. We just need to keep praying for our leaders to be strong in so many areas. Ok, that's enough. Have a wonderful and blessed rest of the week.

  6. Like you, Pamela, I am sad to see Mia go - I think she is gracefully gorgeous - but I'm glad you have that iconic mug to remember her by. As for getting out of this mess and getting our economy back up and running, I'm for it 100%! Let the young and healthy get back to work, and let those of us who are at high risk choose to self-isolate for our own good. My blog tomorrow is all about the peaceful protests going on in many states to repeal the draconian edicts that some governors have chosen to put in place. What happened to our Constitution? Anyway, more on that tomorrow. :)
    Thanks for the cheerful photos, too. I loved the old tree with the "face."

    1. I am looking forward to your post tomorrow. I believe many thoughtful people are being stirred up as we see more and more of our rights being trampled upon. Praying for our nation, our President and our leaders to have the strength to stand for what is right and what is best for all concerned. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures and the "old tree with the face". He is interesting, isn't he? I'm glad you noticed. Have a blessed evening, and see you tomorrow! :)

  7. Always like your thoughtful posts. One good thing about the stillness is that I have mire time to read them. Love you.

    1. I'm glad that you are able to have a little extra time to read and relax in between working from home. You may really start liking this being 'at home' stuff! Thank you for visiting here today, and I look forward to seeing you again soon...for real!!!

  8. Very thought provoking post. I am more than ready to get back to something that resembles normal. I met a young lady yesterday who had just recently lost her Mom and felt so bad that I couldn’t give her a hug. At least i could offer words of condolences .

    1. Oh, Ruth, I know how hard that is. We find ourselves wanting to "reach out and touch someone" for real. Man was not intended to live on an island all alone. We need each other. I am thankful for social media at this time, but still, it can't quite take the place of real live living breathing people to hear, see, and hold. Praying for the young lady you met yesterday, that she will be comforted.

  9. On the subject of the tree with the face, he is rather homely and scary. I'd be hesitant to hug him, too. But a thoughtful word now and then might be nice, just like we need to be kind to the gruffest-looking people. We have no idea what or how they got to where they are today.

    1. Ha ha, I agree with you totally! Yes, I will speak to him kindly when we walk past him again, which may be later this morning. I believe he has seen much in his days as a tree...and now only the woodpeckers come to peck away at him and annoy him. So I will be kind. Thank you for those thoughtful words!

  10. Pamela: Thank you for your wonderful thoughts. We do have to be careful as to how soon we can return to some semblance of "normal". God has been good to His children during these times. We do have to be careful of things that we used to take for granted. My best friend and her husband were going over to our church today so he could do some mowing. He decided it was too windy and too cold. And, yes it is. He had a major heart attack a few years ago and needs to be mindful of the weather and the restrictions we are under. Peace and blessings.


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