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Friday, March 20, 2020

Little Brown Wren, My New Friend

It's Friday Foto day, and I've been away most of the morning, so I didn't have time to sit down and write a new post until now, which is probably best because I didn't have any new pictures to share until now.  I was sitting out in my little sanctuary beside Still Waters Pond, enjoying some fresh air and rest after my morning trip to the doctor to have my staples removed. However, the staples could not be removed because there is an infection in the incision, and so antibiotics were ordered and I was sent home, staples intact, and will go back in two weeks. I knew something wasn't right as I haven't felt very perky these past few days and the incision was showing signs of a problem. So I am glad to have the medicine and pray that it will soon be healed properly.

Now back to that lovely view by the pond...
Actually, it wasn't the pond that I was enjoying, but a little brown Wren, who was noisily making his way through the trees and landed in the birdbath right in front of me. I will warn you, there are many pictures, but he was so cute I couldn't resist:

Don't you agree that he is cute?

He went through great gyrations to reach around and under his wings and to his tail feathers, giving them a good shake and cleaning...

Gotta do this side too:

He's very thorough. We could learn how to wash our hands properly by watching how long he took to get every nook and cranny of this feathers cleaned:

Watch me, Mom! I'm diving in the pool! 

Shake shake shake your booty...LOL

Well, that's it. I'm all clean!  And so he flew away. 
Actually the birdbath wasn't very full of water, so I am surprised he spent as much time there as he did. I think he liked showing off for me.  After he left I went and got the hose and refilled the birdbath with fresh water, so it will be ready for the next bather who comes along.  On these warm, sunny, rainless days we've been having I am sure all the birds appreciate having a nice clean bath to get the bugs off...

Here's a few words from God's Word to encourage our hearts as we continue in this current world "crisis":

Psalm 36:5-9
5.  "Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
6.  Your righteousness is like the great mountains;
Your judgments are a great deep;
O Lord, You preserve man and beast.
7.  How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!
Therefore the children of men
put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.
8.  They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,
and You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.
9.  For with You is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light."

Praying we will soon see the Light of God brightly shining through the darkness of the difficulties surrounding us.  So thankful that we can put our trust under the shadow of God's wings, knowing that He will abundantly satisfy us with the drink from the river of His pleasures, and give us overflowing joy and comfort from His fountain of life.   Our God is faithful, and He will preserve His children.  

Have a blessed and beautiful weekend, wherever you are. 


  1. Sorry to see this about the infection. I'm praying it clears up quickly.

    I didn't know what a Wren looked like before reading this post, but now I know and I'm thinking I've seen some of them flying around here. Cute little peeps!

  2. Another beautiful post...

    ...listen, not that I am giving advice (ok, maybe, grin), but after my hysterectomy, I too had an infection, the dr. told me to spray hydrogen peroxide on it, staples and all, you can even dab it with a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide. Also, when cleaning/showering, make sure you dry it/the area good. TMI, I know...just keeping it real.

    Thank you so much for the lovely post and beautiful photos, my friend. Keeping you in prayer.

  3. That little wren is a delight. I am waiting for the spring birds to show up here, so I can have my own little bird show at the bird bath.God is so good and He will sustain us through these days.

  4. Praying you are well soon.

    What an adorable little bird! A worthy friend. 😊

  5. Your new little friend is so cute and a couple of those photos are frame-worthy! I am trusting in our Lord to bring us through this. He is in control!! I am sorry you have an infection in the incision and hope the antibiotics will heal it quickly! Praying for you!!

  6. You get such great pictures! I have 4 little sparrows that come every day to eat from the feeder I have hanging. Sometimes they will feed and then hop on top of the fence and stare at me a while. If I talk to them in my softest voice they still will fly away. I'm so sorry to hear about your infection, prayers that the antibiotics will work quickly.

  7. Those are fantastic photo of your little brown fine feathered friend! I love those little birds...there's something about the way they cock up that tail of theirs. Prayers for complete healing of that incision!

  8. Lovely photos of your little wren. God's creation is so wonderful and diverse. keep well :)

  9. We have a cute brown wren who loves to come up on our deck, even when we are sitting there. Very brave little guy! So, it goes without saying that I adore your photos here, Pamela. He is having a blast in that bird bath!
    Sorry to hear about the infection, but the antibiotics should do the trick. Will keep you in prayer!

  10. I remember looking at your precious little Wren but didn't comment! Sometimes at night, I just read my favorite blogs on my IPAD and relax! I love those big Canada Geese too! You must get excited to go outside and see what will show up at the pond! Sweet hugs!


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