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Friday, June 14, 2019

Skywatch Friday: The Birds of the Heavens

I thought I might join up with Skywatch Friday again.  I've been watching a lot of interesting birds in the sky around my neck of the woods this week.

The Ospreys have been very busy.  On my Facebook page today I posted a couple of videos of them calling to each other. I understand it is nesting time, and they are quite active in this area, building and tending their nests.

This Osprey was sitting across from our house, just enjoying the scenery.

Now, if this is a Swallow-tailed kite, his tail isn't quite as long as the others around here...and it seems like the others have been chasing him around. I'm wondering if he is just younger and hasn't gotten his full plumage yet?

Here is what they usually look like in flight:   See the difference?  They are fun to watch gliding overhead every day. They are nesting nearby, so we have enjoyed watching them more than usual this year.
This was the sky last evening...rather cloudy, with the sun shining through...

I realized later that my camera lens was smudged, so that it why some pictures look a little hazy in the middle. Sorry about that...

I just think these tall Sand Pines look so interesting against the gray sky.

Here is a link to more information about Florida's Sand Pine Tree.

Do you see the bird flying from the tree in this picture below?  That was a black crow. They were flying around, taunting the Ospreys.  They like to do that, you know!
 Just another view of the trees...

I don't know how some of these tall skinny trees are still standing. Actually, some of them do fall whenever we have any severe thunder/wind storms. It's not unusual to hear them cracking in the wind, and then when you go outside you can smell the fresh pine scent of a broken tree...

So this morning I realized it was Flag Day, so I put our flag out bright and early in the morning sun.

This Swallow-Tailed Kite sat across the road and tried to pretend he wasn't watching, but I saw him looking over his shoulder at me...

In my usual early morning walk I ventured to our neighborhood pond to see the sun breaking through the clouds and reflecting on the water.

I love the early morning sun and the blue skies starting to make their appearance as the clouds lift and the sun shines...

Good Morning Blue Skies! It's so nice to see you again! We've had a lot of rain this week!

Well, back down the road, and there's Mr. Osprey, waiting on me to come by.  Here's the other video I took this morning of the ospreys calling to each other.  They are VERY LOUD!

So, this was my evening walk and my morning walk...I hope you enjoyed walking along with me.

Psalm 104:10, 12

10.  "He sends the springs into the valleys;
They flow among the hills.
12.  By them the birds of the heavens have their home;
They sing among the branches."

Now, let us fly back over to Skywatch Friday and enjoy what lovely vistas others have to share.
Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!


  1. Pretty skies, and I like the tree silhouette shots!

  2. Such beauty on your walks! Those birds are so majestic and I did watch the videos on FB. Well done!!

  3. I love reading your post, you are so in tune with your surroundings, especially the birds and the trees. I didn't notice any smudges even after your comment.
    Great scripture to close the post.
    Thanks for trying Skywatch Friday again!!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Wow Pamela, such beautiful photos of the birds and nature. I love looking at your great photos my friend. Have a blessed weekend.

  5. Nice photos as always. I enjoyed them.
    I think we call them scrub pines here in NJ. The Pine Barrens are filled with them but then Florida looks like NJ except for here and there.

  6. Great photos. I like the black and white silhouettes. Thank you for your kind comments on my posts.

  7. Hello, I love your Osprey and Kite photos. Great sightings. Wonderful sky captures. Enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Pamela, when you take your walks, are you walking through paths in the forest or on a paved road or trail? Your pictures are wonderful, even with the smudged lens. It makes the photos look kind of mysterious. It's a grand old flag and so good to see flags everywhere. We always have flags flying in our neighborhood and last night in our son's neighborhood, every house had a flag flying at the curbside. A lovely sight.

    1. Hi Nonnie...we walk on the dirt road in around our house. Our house is in the middle of the Ocala National Forest, so everywhere we go there are woods. I really don't walk on the trails into the woods, however, due to bugs (ticks), snakes and bears. We stick to the open areas mostly. In the fall I do take some hikes on trails, but very carefully.

  9. In our neck of the woods, those pesky crows pick on the hawks. I guess they simply have it in for any bird of prey. Your photos are amazing, Pamela; I really enjoyed going on this nature walk with you.

  10. Beautiful pictures! I used to feed all kinds of birds in our backyard but I had to stop when we started finding rodents. (They built a nest in the engine of my car!) :(

  11. Beautiful post. I love how the sun is looking hazy through the clouds. It gives the sky a certain moodiness. Have a blessed week ahead dear Pamela :-)

  12. Beautiful pictures. I love the little pines. They are home to me. I see ospreys all the time, but I have never seen the swallow tailed kite. I am going to have to be on the look out.

  13. Pam, thank you for sharing the natural beauty around you. It gives me an idea what your part of the country is like without leaving home. :)



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