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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mother's Day in the Garden

It isn't actually Mother's Day until tomorrow, but I wanted to share these nature photos with you while they are "fresh from the garden"....

There were two of these young yearling deer passing through our front yard this week, all by themselves. 

I think it is that time of the year when the mother doe is getting ready to give birth to her new offspring, and the yearlings must leave the "nest" and go out on their own to forage for food since mother is so preoccupied with her new fawns.  Probably later on we will see the whole family back together again, but for now, these two youngsters must fend for themselves. 


Back here in the Secret Garden, "Bobby the Squirrel" has a visitor...

I think Bobby is quite happy to have some company...

Well, I guess it's time for the new playmate to go...but he'll be back again I am certain...

I read these verses in my devotions this morning:

Psalm 116:12-15
12.  "What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?

 (The Easter Lilies are finally blooming again in the Memorial Garden...instead of blooming for Easter, they have now made it a habit of blooming for Mother's Day...which is just perfect in my estimation.)

13.  I will take up the cup of salvation, 
and call upon the name of the Lord.
14.  I will pay my vows to the Lord 
now in the presence of all His people.

 15.  Precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His saints."

The Rose of Sharon is also blooming for Mother's Day. This particular plant was planted in memory of our son Matthew.  His wife Nicole picked out this particular plant to put in the garden, and it seems to blossom every year right about this time.

The Sand Hill Crane family are enjoying these lovely spring days over by the neighborhood pond...

This is another story of families beginning over again...the "colts" (young cranes) that were born last year have moved on to their own greener pasture on some other pond to make room for the new babies that were born earlier this spring...and look how big they are already!

I may have already shared this picture of this dragonfly previously, but I found this to be a beautiful gift to me following the passing of my brother recently, and I wanted to share this beauty with you again.

 Psalm 116:16-17
16.  "O Lord, truly I am Your servant;
I am Your servant, the son (daughter!) of Your maidservant;
You have loosed my bonds.
17.  I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving,
And will call upon the name of the Lord."

Praise the Lord!"

I hope that you will all have a blessed and wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow.  Celebrate the beautiful women in your life who have blessed you in some way...mothers, mothers in law, grandmothers, step-mothers, aunts, dear sisters and sisters in Christ...they are all uniquely special in some way...and this is a good time to honor them for the treasure they are.  One does not have to be a "mother" in the physical sense to be a special "mother" to us...and many of you are also that special someone to others as well...so celebrate the gift of being God's "maidservant" and offer to Him the sacrifice of Thanksgiving for all of His benefits toward you...We are truly blessed to be His servants...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandi! I hope your day is filled with joy and blessing as well.

  2. Your nature neighbors are very photogenic. I'm especially impressed with the pictures you take of the dragonflies.

    In our house whenever we see a dragonfly, we call it "Evenrude" from Disney's animated movie, "The Rescuers." Evenrude the Dragonfly had a cute part.

    1. I have not seen that movie, so will have to find out about that. Dragonflies do not always cooperate with me for a photo, so I was happy this one stood still long enough to let me get this picture. I love his colors. God certainly makes all things beautiful!! Have a blessed day tomorrow!!

  3. Have a blessed Mother's Day, Pam!! I know your kids will gather with you to celebrate! I always love your nature photos! The deer are beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, Rose and Benton will be here after church, and so will our son Scott. We are picking up fried chicken at the local store, and will have corn on the cob, watermelon, and potato salad and maybe tossed salad. Keeping it simple. Oh, and don't forget...Hawaiian Rolls!! LOL. Have a wonderful day too!! Sounds like you've been enjoying a wonderful weekend already. So happy for you!

  4. Those are some amazing photos, Pam!!! I hope you have a blessed, wonderful Mother's Day!! You really take GREAT photos! xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana! I am just thankful to have good subjects to take pictures of, and that they stay put long enough for me to find my camera, turn it on, and click...it doesn't always work quite that way...but when it does, I am happy. I hope you will have a blessed and Happy Mother's day too!!

  5. Such enjoyment in your garden.

    Enjoy your Mother's Day with your loved ones and all that God has in store for you.

  6. Thank you for your lovely post. It is well into Mother's Day as I read this. My youngest daughter has just left after a nice visit and number one son was in earlier. Eldest daughter has sent me a text "Happy others day" she said. Before I could respond she got back an said, "oops, I mean Mother's Day". We had a laugh over that. We'll see her later.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow :)

  7. Enjoyed all your pictures and scriptures Pamela. I was touched to learn that you have special flowers blooming for Mother's Day. That is very special. I was also a bit sad to hear/learn the news of your brother's passing. I know you were close. I know also it is not easy losing a child like your dear son Matthew. Hugs to you at this time of remembrance of all the loved ones who have gone home ahead. Love and hugs. xx

  8. Your photos are wonderful! Bobby and his new friend are adorable. I love the Rose of Sharon. I hope you have a great Mother's Day.

  9. I like the photos.. all of them! Its funny to call them colts isn't it? I learned from a game I play that baby springboks are called cubs. I think they need to standardize the terms .. too many to remember! ;)

  10. Pam: I'm getting caught up on my blog reading. I enjoyed seeing the animals, especially the Sand Hill Cranes. That dragon fly is beautiful God sends us things we need just when we need them. Peace and blessings.


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