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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Neighborhood Blessings...Updated with Recipe

One of the joys of living in this neighborhood has been getting to know some of our special neighbors throughout the years.  We've been blessed to have good neighbors...something that doesn't always happen in a lot of neighborhoods throughout the land. So I consider them a blessing from the Lord.  I'm sorry that some of our neighbors are only here for part of the year, being "snowbirds" from up north...and I'm also sorry that we really didn't get acquainted until the last three years or so, mainly since I retired and have more time to get out and meet people.

So tonight we had a neighborhood get together here...Lasagna night!!! I made the lasagna, and the neighbors brought the salad, dessert, and garlic bread.  Works for me!! It was all so good...

Here's our friends Joy and Dee, and Joy is showing off her delicious "pizza pie dessert", with fruit and a cream cheese filling on top of a sugar cookie "pizza".  She said this was in keeping with the Italian food theme for the evening...

Here I am with Joy, still admiring that "pizza pie dessert" before we dared to cut it up and serve it...It was almost too pretty to eat!

It sure was good...and a refreshing dessert after a heavy main course...

Speaking of  which...Here's the second pan of lasagna...the first pan was empty...I'm surprised there was any left at all...but everyone was being "polite" and saving room for dessert...

And this salad was delicious too...complete with radishes, pecans, craisins, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and seems like something else...sunflower seeds I think...It was scrumptious! Oh, and homemade ranch dressing!!

Here's the guys, waiting for their dessert while we were busy taking pictures of it...

It was great to sit around the table and swap "fish stories"...(some of these guys are fishermen) and other interesting tales from our lives.  Always a blessing to have good food and fellowship with great people.

My centerpiece was pretty simple...just put a few little pots of "violas" (miniature pansies) on the table, and then our neighbor who likes to surprise us with little gifts from wherever he keeps finding things brought these gorgeous crystal candlesticks. He says he found them at the dump...someone had left them there....They are absolutely stunning!
 Don't you agree?  I never know what this sweet neighbor will come up with next...we already have bunnies in the garden, a little bear with a fish behind his back, a few other fun things...always a surprise to discover.
I know when and IF we ever sell this house and move away we will miss these dear ones...and I pray that God will send someone here to our house who will enjoy and appreciate the blessing of these wonderful people.  I also pray for whoever our new neighbors will be in our new neighborhood. May the Lord already be working on that ahead of time...maybe that's why it is taking so long...They need a lot of preparation to have US move into their neighborhood! LOL

Here are a few proverbs that stand out to me tonight:

"Through wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
with all precious and pleasant riches."
Proverbs 24:3-4

"Do not forsake your own friend or your father's friend,
nor go to your brother's house in the day of your calamity;
Better is a neighbor nearby
than a brother far away..."
Proverbs 27:10

"In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
And His children will have a place of refuge.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,
to turn one away from the snares of death."
Proverbs 14:26-27

"Commit your works to the Lord,
And your thoughts will be established."

"A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:3,9

That's all folks!! 
Have a blessed weekend!!

P.S. Here is the recipe for the Fruit Pizza:

Here is the recipe for the cream cheese filling:
1 8oz. pkg. of cream cheese, softened.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup sugar or Splenda
Mix with mixer until smooth and creamy. (She also added a dollop of cool whip to the mixture because she didn't think it looked creamy enough. It was good!)
Spread the cream cheese mixture on the completely cooled cookie crust.  (The cookie crust was made with a tube of sugar cookie dough, baked on the pizza pan).
Place the sliced pieces of fruit on...(she used strawberries, kiwi, and red grapes. You could add blueberries, bananas or other fruit if so desired)
Heat 1/2 cup of clear apple jelly...let it cool just a little, and then brush it over all the fruit for a glaze.   Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.  

It was really good, and a light dessert after a heavy dish like lasagna..


  1. Lovely candle sticks! The lasagna looks delicious as does the fruit tart! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Its nice to have good neighbors.

    1. Thank you Ann! It did turn out really good...even the lasagna. It was better than ever...must have been the good company. We are thankful for our neighbors. We will miss them when we move, but are truly praying that wherever we end up God will have already been there ahead to prepare the neighborhood. I have found in life that to have good neighbors we have to BE good neighbors. Sometimes it is easier just to stay inside and mind our own business, but then God moves in and brings us together out of necessity, and we find out what we've been missing! We've been blessed and are very thankful.

  2. Pamela, you look gorgeous and so happy to be hosting your neighbours. It's so much fun when we have lovely neighbours and yours seem like a fine bunch. Dinner looks so tasty and I really love the idea of a fruit pizza pie. I also love your centerpiece. Violas and pansies are my favourite flower and the crystal candlestick holders are beautiful. Enjoy a blessed weekend.

    1. Thank you, Joyful. Yes, we are very thankful to have such good neighbors. We've lived in places where it wasn't that way, so it makes us even more appreciative when we are blessed like here. Thank you for visiting. May your weekend be blessed and beautiful as well.

  3. What a wonderful evening you had! The food looks wonderful!! I would love the cream cheese recipe part of that cookie dessert! Did she add anything to it? The crystal candlestick is beautiful! Amazing that he found it left at the dump. Your neighbors are amazing... and you are too!! Hugs!

    1. I just added the recipe for the cream cheese filling. Thank you for visiting. It was a lot of fun. I know you do this kind of thing often with your neighbors and friends. Now you have a quick and easy dessert to add!! Fun Fun Fun!

  4. Awe...how heart warming, there is nothing sweeter than the fellowship of dear friends as you sit around sharing tidbits of your lives.
    That entire meal looked and sounded delicious! That dessert was positively beautiful.
    Isn't it amazing what some people throw away? Gorgeous candle holders!

    "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" I've loved that verse for years, and it is so true.

    Have a beautiful weekend ♡

    1. Thank you, Debbie. It was a sweet time with neighbors and friends. We are blessed. I also love the Proverbs...that one in particular, but there are SO many good ones!!! Praying your weekend is wonderful too! Are you back home yet?

    2. Yes Pamela, I arrived home on Tuesday of this week.
      My drive was hit with that New Mexico snow storm and God was looking after me the whole way home.
      Our God is such a caring, loving Heavenly Father.
      Bless you~

    3. wow, Debbie, that must have been quite a drive! So thankful that God was watching over you and cleared the way for your safe passage. Praise God!!

  5. The food and table look wonderful, and I am happy you have such friendly neighbors.

    1. Thank you, Karen. We had fun. I just hate that the majority of them are snowbirds who don't stay year round. And probably when they come back next time we may be moved...but who knows...God knows! We may still be here!

  6. Wow! That food! I'd love to try that dessert sometime. And yes, the candlesticks are amazing. Hard to believe someone would just throw them in a dump. So glad they've come to live with you, Pamela.

    1. I just sent you that recipe, plus added it here above. Thank you for your kind words. I know you are in the middle of so much right now...sending (((hugs))) to you today. Thank you for taking the time to pop in for a visit. I wish I could visit you for real and give you a real hug.

  7. Pam, this is such a fun post! Your idea to use 3 small pots of violets as your centerpiece is perfect!! And those crystal candlesticks!!! Wow, those are pretty!

    All the food looks scrumptious! (I L.O.V.E. lasagna)

    The Bible verses are rich with significance, such good counsel and especially in today's hard world.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Some times simple is best!! I am learning that a one-dish casserole dinner with the guests each bringing one dish to balance it out, makes for a much simpler and happier time together...and I am not so worn out afterwards. The older I get, the smarter I get...well, maybe... So, when you get settled we will have to have a lasagna dinner sometime. It would be fun if some of our other Florida friends could join us. We will have to think about that...when you and I both get settled!! Have a blessed day tomorrow...and thank you for the prayers for us and our church. They are much appreciated.

  8. Pam, what a blessing your neighbors are to you and you to them! Fellowship is so important. All the food looks AMAZING!! The candlesticks your neighbor gifted you are beautiful!



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