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Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Morning Walk

I looked out our back windows this morning toward the eastern sky, and noticed that there was a gorgeous sunrise developing.  So I grabbed my flannel shirt (58 degrees),  my camera, my bear whistle, and I headed out the back gate and down the road toward the pond. I will take you along on my journey so you can experience what I saw. 

As I turned out of our back gate and looked down the road, there was the sun rising in all it's morning glory...and also you can see "Old Glory", our American Flag, blowing in the breeze at the top of that pole:

As I rounded the bend and passed the little A-Frame cottage (that is currently for sale, btw), I noticed a lone deer in the yard, having its morning breakfast...

It was a little dark to get very clear pictures at this point, but this was beautiful.

As I kept walking down the road to the pond, I could see the gorgeous sun rising up between the trees...

Upon arriving at the pond, I just stood in awe at the majesty and beauty of God's amazing morning creation.

Psalm 123:1 says
"Unto You I lift up my eyes, 
O You who dwell in the heavens."

Psalm 121:1-2
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills, 
from whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth."

 I wish you could have heard the sounds of the morning birds (a Kingfisher bird was calling and darting back and forth around the pond)  (click on the video above to hear him. No, I  didn't get a picture of him. He was too quick)

Psalm 121:5-6
"The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night."

Psalm 121:7
"The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul."

 Psalm 121:8
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
from this time forth, and even forevermore."

And then I looked and saw that same deer headed for the water, and I thought about the verses found in Psalm 42:1-2

"As the deer pants for the water brooks,
so pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirst for God, for the living God."

You can sing along ...

Soon the deer headed back up the bank, and I turned to take one last look at the sunrise reflecting on the water...and praised the Lord for His goodness to us...His mercy and grace and great love.

As turned to head back home, I noticed the whole deer "family" trotting down the road behind me...they were trying to high-tail it past before I could catch up with them...and they were successful. By the time I reached the road they were nowhere in sight, having slipped back into the woods. They were probably watching me as I walked by, giggling about that crazy woman with the camera always out there watching for them.

That's okay...they weren't the "main event" today.  God's glory in the skies was what drew me this morning...and it was wonderful how He threw in the extra bonus of the deer, the Kingfisher bird, and the peace and joy of time spent alone with Him. 
As I headed back to the house I resolved in my mind that whatever house we move to, I hope and pray it will be near some water, because I would truly miss these beautiful moments with the Lord. But then, I must remember...He is everywhere present...I don't really need water views and great sunrises, or even deer...to appreciate His beauty and glory.  He is my one desire...and I long to worship HIM...
So, Lord...wherever You lead, I will go. I feel certain You will have plenty of beauty and surprises waiting for me wherever that may be.  Thank You, Lord, for this marvelous blessing today. Amen.


  1. This was a blessing to read!

    But...a bear whistle? A whistle?!

    I am screaming.


    1. The whistle is not to call the bears, but to scare the bears. And it works. They are more afraid of us than we...well, maybe not more afraid than we are, but they really don't want anything to do with us and normally will run into the woods at the mere sight or sound of we humans...unless they have cubs with them or think you are coming after them or running away from them...then you may be in trouble. Don't run...don't challenge...stand still and blow the whistle or yell really loud, but stand your ground. And don't offer them any donuts. LOL. Have a blessed day my friend. I hope you've stopped screaming by now.

    2. Nope. Still screaming. :)

      Share donuts??? Pffft.

  2. Magnificent sunrise!!! Took my breath away, Pamela, and like you, I'm thanking God for His great glory.
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thank you, Martha! Yes, let everything that has breath Praise the Lord indeed!!

  3. A bear whistle. I have never heard of that but it sounds like a good idea.

    1. Yes, it should definitely make them realize that I am a force not to mess with. LOL. Anyway, it's at least an attempt to scare them away. Sometimes I just blow it gently as I walk to let them know I'm coming so they are not surprised. They don't like to be surprised...and neither do I! LOL.

  4. Yes to the bear whistle and I would add some Mace to that!! LOL The sky was beyond gorgeous, Pam! Praise God, from Whom all blessing flow!!

    1. Hopefully the bear would never get close enough for Mace. The bear whistle and my clapping my hands and telling him to go usually are enough. If he gets close enough for mace it's too late...LOL. Yes, the sky was another of God's amazing masterpieces. A definite time to sing the Doxology of Praise!!

  5. What a wonderful post. I felt like I was right there on the walkabout with you. You got some great pictures and I am glad you didn't have to use your bear whistle! Have a great, blessed Sunday-xo Diana

  6. Pam, Once again, I'm in awe of how you capture the beauty of God's amazing creation. All of creation does worship the Lord.



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