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Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday Foto Friends: Special Friends and Wings in Flight

Ruby Throated Hummingbird in Flight

First of all, thank you all for your prayers in the past few days for our cousin Janice. (Click HERE for that story)    In case you didn't see the update to her story, here it is:

"June 28, 2018, 7:55 a.m., Janice passed into the arms of her Savior Jesus Christ. I'm sure she was welcomed into heaven by her parents, her husband Paul, and her son Quentin.  She will be greatly missed here on earth by her one granddaughter and many other loved ones and friends.  Thank you all for your prayers."

I've thought about her being carried by the angels into heaven...and thought about how we can't see them bearing her up...but the Bible tells us it is so...You can read more about that in the book of Luke 16:19-31. 

I was watching our hummingbirds here as they fly to and fro from feeder to feeder, and they fly so fast that you really can't see their little wings moving until they start to land or take off again....
I tried in vain to get some pictures of them flying the past couple of days, but they just refused to cooperate, and would fly off before I could get my camera focused.

 This picture above was taken earlier this spring, along with the previous one at the top. Those are the only ones in flight that I've been able to capture.

The rest were taken in the past couple of days at my kitchen window:
 These are female Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, and thus they don't have the brilliantly colored ruby throat that the male has.  I haven't seen our males lately...they seem to go away in the summer and come back again later before they disappear for the winter.  Maybe they escort the ladies here and then come back to escort them away again...gallantry and chivalry still exists, at least in the hummingbird world. And you should see those males fighting with each other over their territory! Talk about wings flying!!

Hummingbirds aren't the only thing I've been watching the past few days.  The deer have been pretty active in the neighborhood as well. Here are a few pictures I've managed to capture recently:

 These two above were feasting on grapevines in our back yard one evening. I was watching them from our bathroom window, and they apparently could see me...
 I caught this one by surprise early one morning on my walk...

 And this one was close behind the other...

Here is another young doe passing through the Secret Garden last evening...she was trying to keep it a secret, but I saw her...

And then she appeared coming out of the garden and trying to sneak beyond the fence to get out of the yard to safety...
 Oh, there were two of them...sorry it is blurry...

As they headed out to the road, I went a different way, and looked down the opposite direction and discovered this young buck looking anxiously back towards his sisters and waiting for them to catch up:
 However, as they emerged out into the road, there I was between them and their brother, and they didn't know what to do...

And to make matters worse, here came a  neighbor on an ATV "walking" his dog...so now, what to do?

The other doe ran back into the woods but this one looked at me as if to say, "Could you please get out of my way so I can escape?"  And so I did...

And then I went through our back yard out to the front and saw this big doe waiting for all her children to come join her out on the road...Looks like she was calling to them...

While I was writing this above (Thursday evening), I thought I should check outside and see if we have any current "visitors", and here is what was waiting in the front yard (in the rain):

I decided to step out the back door and see if I could sneak around the house and get another picture of her, but she apparently caught my scent (or heard my noisy steps) and took off flying past me to the next yard and parts beyond:

Talk about wings in flight!
This is a good place to stop:

"It is God who arms me with strength,
and makes my way perfect.
He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
and sets me on my high places..."
Psalm 18:32-33

And now let us fly over to Deb's place at Breathing in Grace and see what our other Friday Foto Friends are doing:

Have a blessed day, y'all!!


  1. I'm so sorry about the death of your cousin, but what a comfort to know she's in heaven. Oh, to have that knowledge about EVERYBODY we know and love, that we'll get to see them again someday! Oh, how I love seeing the fotos of where you live...what a privilege and blessing to live amongst the wildlife! And...can you believe I'm commenting early on a Friday morning. What's wrong with me?!?!? LOL HOPE you have a wonderful weekend, sweet Friend!

    1. Thank you for being the first one to comment! You ARE up bright and early!! Thank you for your kind words about Janice. We are thankful to know she is no longer suffering and is safe in the arms of Jesus. And yes, God blesses us with so much beauty to behold here...can you imagine just how beautiful heaven is going to be???? Have a blessed and happy weekend.

  2. To be caught up in the arms of angels and see the face of Jesus ... His open arms and welcoming smile. I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin, but so glad we do not have to grieve as those who have no hope. Your pics of the hummingbirds are so good. We have a regular hummingbird who comes and perches on the clothesline I have on the patio. I never knew them to take such long rests before, but that is what he does. Your deer dilemma! How fun!

    1. Thank you, Nonnie, for your kind thoughts and comments. Oh, yes, the hummingbirds do love to sit and rest. I've watched them sit on a tree branch near the feeder for a very long time. They are such fun to watch. Yes, the deer are such dears to watch! Wait til you see what I discovered on my walk this morning! I don't think I'll be able to wait until next Friday to share it, so stay tuned... have a blessed day.

  3. Like the others Pamela sorrow for the loss of your cousin but happy knowing she is with Our Lord. Wonderful nature photos especially the humming birds. Deer are a common sight here in my neck of the woods and towns and roads and highways LOL! Have a day of blessings my friend.

    1. Thank you, Toni, for your kind words and thoughts. I am glad that you get to see deer in your neighborhood too. They are such fun to watch. I had a real surprise this morning, but I will be sharing it later...

  4. "He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
    and sets me on my high places..."

    This verse has special meaning for me today. Thank you for posting it.

    My condolences on the loss of your cousin Janice.

    1. Thank you, Sandi. I love how God works and blesses us with His Word from unexpected places! Isn't our God amazing? Praying your day is going well. Thank you for your kind words. Be blessed, dear friend.

  5. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." I found comfort in this verse recently.

    I love seeing the animals and birds that visit you. As we live in town, we get little rabbits from time to time. I like the picture of the deer running away. Peace and Blessings.

    1. Yes, I love that verse as well, and it is a comfort. Thank you for stopping by to enjoy the wild-life I have here! It does feel a little wild sometimes! But it is always such fun to see. Thank you again...have a blessed and peaceful weekend.

  6. First of all Pam, I am so sorry about your cousin, but what a wonderful thought of her in heaven with her loved ones there. To me that is what makes it bearable when our loved ones pass away.

    Oh my! I love your deer and hummingbird photos. I've been trying to get a picture of the hummingbirds at our feeder, but have never been able to get a good clear photo. They move so fast. And so many deer and such good photos of some of them. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Cathy, for your kind words and thoughts. Also...pictures of hummingbirds are never easy to get. That is why I moved the feeder to the kitchen window where I have a good view. But they do not stay put very long. I have to be very quick and patient to get a good picture. Glad you enjoy the deer as well. Such fun to see. Have a blessed weekend.

  7. Once again, Pamela, my sincere and heartfelt sympathy for your loss. The image of Janice being carried by angels juxtaposed with your hummingbird photos was perfect. I did love all your photos today, as always.
    God bless and comfort you all!

    1. Thank you, Martha. You understood...and I appreciate that. Sometimes my thoughts are rather abstract with the verses and pictures, but I love it when others 'see it' and 'get it'. You have that inner vision of the Spirit. Bless you for your visit...and I hope your weekend is blessed.

  8. I have to go to the "farm" to see animals. You have such beauty right outside your doors! Your pictures are always a treat to see!

    1. Thank you, Terri. But I do enjoy your farm animals too. I love cows and horses and all things farmy. Please keep sharing them with us!! Variety is the spice of life!!

  9. I always enjoy visiting you - your wildlife photography is wonderful

    1. Thank you so much Carol. I am so happy to have you visit. And I am always happy when the wildlife visit too!! So glad you enjoyed them.

  10. Pam, Once again, I'm sorry for your loss--it's hard to lose those we love, even if they will be in Heaven. Your photos once again capture the great beauty of God's creation.

    Love and blessings!

    1. thank you, Kim. It is never easy to say goodbye to those we love and care about...but yes! Thank Jesus for the promise of heaven! Meanwhile, we enjoy the beauty of this earth that God has given us to enjoy!! Thinking of you and hoping you are doing well today...

  11. Yay, I can finally comment!
    I like seeing the deer. They are here in my neighborhood too but they don't come in my yard anymore.
    Never see hummingbirds since I don't feed them. I found keeping the nectar in the feeder too difficult for me.
    Enjoyed your photos a lot :)

  12. I am fascinated that you were able to catch several shots of the female hummingbird, holding still!

    All of your photos are great!


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