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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Rainy Days and Mysteries...

We've had quite a few rainy days lately, although as I am writing this today the sun is shining for the first time in almost a week.  But yesterday this was my view from the sunporch...(or, rainporch?) 

 Looking out into the Secret Garden from the Sunporch...

It was the kind of afternoon to sit back with a cup of tea and read a good book...

 Here I am, deep in the throes of a good mystery...

Oh, hello!! You caught me!

I just discovered these great little books written by Laura Childs..."A Tea Shop Mystery" series...each one set in the old city of Charleston, South Carolina, filled with just the right blend of southern charm,  suspense, and delicious tea-time recipes and fun. 

These suspense-filled stories make for some thrilling summer/rainy day light reading...especially if you like tea and southern hospitality laced with a good murder mystery  (is there such a thing as a "good" murder? No, definitely not, but only if you enjoy reading books that keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what's going to happen next...)

This would not be what I would consider "inspirational fiction"....but they are interesting, clean mystery plots that will keep you guessing "who done-it" all the way through.  Each book also includes some delicious tea time recipes and ideas for special tea times.

So, if you are looking for something a little different to read this summer...check out these books from your local library (or order online).  There are several more books in the series, but these are the only ones I've read so far.

However, if you want some excellent Inspirational Historical Fiction to read this summer, I can heartily recommend any book written by Lynn Austin.  She has quite a long list of powerful Christian historical fiction, many focusing on the dynamic roles and lives of women across the century, starting in the Civil War, and continuing through both World War I and World War II...and how their lives were impacted by the times and seasons of very turbulent times. 

These  (below) are just three of the many books I've read written by Lynn Austin, but there are many, many more, including "Hidden Places", which received a Christy Award and was made into a Hallmark Channel Movie. (Although I watched the movie, and don't feel that it did justice to the real story behind the story...they just couldn't include everything in the movie, and it was sadly lacking the depth of the book). 

I found all of these books at my local public library.  As much as I'd love to purchase every book I've ever read, I can't do it...so I am very thankful that our public library does have an excellent selection of inspirational authors to choose from.  So, if you are looking for something good to read this summer, "check it out" at your local library!  If they don't have what you are looking for, perhaps you can make some suggestions to them!

Here's a couple of Proverbs for today:

"Do not let your heart envy sinners,
but be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day;
For surely there is a hereafter,
and your hope will not be cut off."
Proverbs 23:17-18

"Do not be envious of evil men,
nor desire to be with them;
for their heart devises violence, 
and their lips talk of troublemaking.

Through wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled 
with all precious and pleasant riches."
Proverbs 24:1-4

Have a blessed and beautiful summer!
If you have read some interesting books that you think we'd like,
please share them with us!!

Here's a link to some of the summer reading I did last summer...  You may want to check out these books, written by one of our own favorite blogging friends, Martha Jane Orlando. (Meditations of My Heart).


  1. I have been looking for a good series of books to ready and these just might be the ones. Thanks for the suggestion and I do enjoy a good murder mystery! lol

    1. I found them entertaining and mystifying. And they are a quick read. But if you want something with more "meat" and depth, read the Lynn Austin books too.

  2. Oh, I love this post today! You look so cute in your little space able to look out at all that beauty while you enjoy the book and your tea time! I have been looking for good books to read. I just today finished the Barbara Bush Memoir which I thoroughly enjoyed. What a neat lady and I love, love the things she told about George. Their love was precious and he was really a wonderful man whom I don't think was fully appreciated. He should have had a second term.
    I'm looking at a book or two, but will check out the Laura Childs books and Lynn Austin. I love historical fiction.

    1. I think I will see if our library has the Barbara Bush Memoir. I'd enjoy reading that I am sure. The Laura Childs books are not "inspirational", but they are clean and good little mysteries...easy and quick to read. Lynn Austin will also have some mystery involved, but with more depth and spiritual value included. I enjoyed all of them..

  3. I read for entertainment and love a good fun mystery. I will look for this author! I've just finished book 8 in a series that I have thoroughly enjoyed. If you like the Stephanie Plum series, you might enjoy the Val Fremden Mysteries by Margaret Lashley. Start with Zero and work up to Seven. They are not Christian fiction and there are some adult situations but I found the to be very funny and they take place in St. Pete Beach and the surrounding area, including my Polk County.

  4. I've noted these authors' names, and will definitely check them out at our local library, Pamela. I do love a good mystery and I love historical fiction, too. And thanks so much for the "plug" for my books, too, my friend. That means the world to me!

  5. Nice recommendations. There is a baking mystery series as well though the name escapes me right now. I am a Robert Parker Spenser for Hire/Jesse Stone novel kind of gal. I also read Agatha Christie. I like fast paced writing of Parker.
    I like your lovely porch and the pretty view outside.

  6. Thank you for sharing some of the books you've been reading and authors you enjoy. At some point, I'll have to come back and make note of the books/authors you mentioned. Reading is a great activity!


  7. What a lovely spot to enjoy a cup of tea and read a good book! My grandmother would have loved it and as she and I were kindred souls I like it, too. I will have to look for those tea mysteries. I enjoy cozy mysteries. Thanks for creating such a lovely, peaceful spot for us to visit. :)


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