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Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday Foto Friends - Welcome Guest!

Welcome Friday Foto Friends!!  I really didn't have anything new and exciting to share this week, so decided to do a little "spring cleaning" and create something to share...here's what I've been doing today:

No, I didn't have a tea party, although that would have been nice! Rather, I've been springing some sunshine into our guest room...out with the winter/bear crossing cabin look, and in with the fresh spring and summer motif.

Before:   This fun Bear Country quilt was a Christmas gift from my sister in law...and we have been enjoying it in the guest room, which I have lovingly dubbed the "Bear Crossing B&B".  But with the bright sunny days of spring and summer upon us, it was time to brighten this room up a bit and get ready for any guests who may want to come and spend some time with us...

So here's what I did today:

It's still the Bear Crossing B&B,

But these cute little bears are enjoying a little tea party on the bedstead with the old fashioned Prairie Doll...
(Can you tell, the cute little bears were gifts from my sister at some point in time)

And the Prairie Doll was a gift from my brother in law many years ago...

These two darling girls are enjoying a walk together...

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."
by Albert Camus

And this fun antique picture was originally from my maternal grandparents' home...and used to hang in my Mother and Dad's guest room for many years.  (Click HERE for more about that.)

Here's a lovely little lap quilt if you feel a little chilled (created by a dear friend)...(we don't have a radiator as mentioned in the poem above...)

Or you may wish to cover up in this vintage wedding ring quilt and take a nap...

And if you're a little afraid of the dark, just turn on this charming church night light and it will calm your mind and help you sleep...

Psalm 4:8 (NKJV)

"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

There are still a few things I need to work on in this room...like removing my son's stereo (unless you'd like to listen to some music?)...and I'd like to paint this little chest of drawers and mirror...maybe add some pop of color or antique it...what do you think? Or perhaps I should just leave it well enough alone?

(Hello there...I see you in the mirror! Ha ha!)

  And that handy bench has a nice stained finish on it...my older son (Ben's Country Woodshop) built that a few years ago...so I don't think I want to mess it up...It's a great place to put your overnight bag when you come visit, or just to sit upon while you put on your shoes to go for a walk with me...

So what do you think?  Would you like to come and share a few of our "breezes"?  (Don't worry, we do have air conditioning...believe me, you'll be thankful for that!)

While waiting for your answer I took a little walkabout the neighborhood with my hubby, and noticed these lovely magnolias blooming (or getting ready to bloom) (actually these are in our yard...in the Secret Garden!)

Also this beautiful Ligustrum bush is blooming in our neighbor's yard:  (very fragrant!)

So, "Hello Guest! and Howdeedo!....This small room belongs to you...All is yours that you like best...You're at home now! Welcome Guest!"

"Y'all Come!"
Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies out there. 
Proverbs 31:28-31
"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her;
Many daughters have done well,
but you excel them all.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her own works praise her in the gates."

Now let's hop on over to Deb's Place at Breathing in Grace to see what our other Friday Foto Friends are doing today...      


  1. "I'd like to paint this little chest of drawers and mirror...maybe add some pop of color or antique it...what do you think?"

    I think you should leave it as is. :)

    The quilts are gorgeous, Pamela. I love how you switch out the room by season.

    It is sunshiney here. TGIF... We are doing schoolwork and then having an easy dinner. I am looking forward to a quiet evening. Thanks for your comments on my post. Ha ha. Truly, what if we get to Heaven and someone we are surprised to see is just as surprised to see us? ;-) haha

    1. I think we will have lots of surprises in store for us in heaven! Thank you for the input on the dresser...so far everyone seems to agree with you...and I probably agree as well...I guess I'm just bored with the same old same old and want to jazz things up a bit...but then again, I don't want to be sorry I did later...so I'll keep thinking about it! Have a blessed and quiet, enjoyable evening. Maybe get out and enjoy the sunshine a little!!

  2. LOvely rooms and furniture Pamela and the quilts are absolutely beautiful. I'm sure any visiting guest would feel at home in such warm and inviting rooms. I'm crazy about those adorable bears too. Have a blessed day my friend.

    1. Thank you, Toni! I would love to have you come and visit! I'll make sure the only bears you have in your room are the cute little stuffed variety! LOL. May your day be filled with joy and blessing as well.

  3. It looks just lovely, Pamela! I think it is great to change out the winter stuff and make everything light and summer-y! I have that same (or very similar) dresser/mirror and have been fighting with myself over whether to paint it or not. Let me know what you do! xo Diana

    1. so far most everyone seems to agree that I should leave it alone. But you know how it is...you get bored with stuff being the same old same old, and then you just gotta do something to liven it up...but for now I will leave it as it is. I don't really feel like getting into all that mess anyway! LOL. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!!

  4. Oh how beautiful! Love the wedding ring quilt so much. I'm not sure I'd paint that dresser. I like the wood. But that's just me.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. The quilt came from a dear sweet older lady from one of our churches in Ohio many years ago...when she passed away her daughter was having a sale of her things, and I saw that and fell in love with it, but I knew it would be too expensive for me to buy. The daughter asked me how much I could pay, and I said I only had $10.00 with me but I knew that was not enough. She said, Take it, it's yours! I cried I was so amazed and honored to have it. So I am happy to be able to share it with others today in memory of that sweet lady.

  5. I love your guest room. So pretty and I like that you gave it a name too.
    Your son is talented for sure to be able to make all those things.
    The nightlight is precious.

    Yup, our areas are so alike. I am putting up a post tomorrow on how alike/different they are.

    1. Oh, I can't wait to read your new post tomorrow! It would be such fun to visit each other someday and see just how similar they are...but even more fun just to visit each other!! I'll keep the night light on for you...

  6. What a welcoming room!! The quilts are all gorgeous and I especially love the lap quilt! Wow!! Your garden is coming alive!! Thanks for the tour! Do let us know what you decide about the chest of drawers rehab! Losing the boom box will be a good start! :)

    1. The lap quilt on the chair what actually made by my friend Paula, whom you met when you visited here! I think I am probably going to leave the chest of drawers as is...seems like that it what everyone agrees I should do. But yes, the boom box needs to go...along with the camaro model on top of it. LOL. That room belonged to our son Scott before Nanny came and stayed there, so some of his stuff still remains...but he has moved into Benton's room since he moved out and got married!! Kind of like playing musical chairs, except they are bedrooms...LOL>

  7. Can I come and stay in your beautiful room? It's just what I love and I wouldn't even mind those cute little bears.

    1. I would LOVE for you to stay in my guest room, just like I would LOVE to come stay in YOUR guest room! We may have to do an exchange visit someday!! And the bears will be sitting nearby while you visit...maybe even some real live ones will be outside listening in...

  8. Wow, Pamela, I just love the new "spring" look of your guest room! Yes, it is very appealing and welcoming. As for the chest? My vote is to just leave it be. It's finish is natural and warm. Thanks for sharing your sprucing up with us here today.
    Blessings, and Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you, Martha...I think the vote is definitely for keeping the chest the way it is...which is fine with me...less work and no mess...just keep wiping off the dust! LOL. Thank you for visiting here today. Please come again!! And Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  9. Your guestroom looks simply amazing, Pamela, so welcoming! My vote for the chest: leave it as it is now. It appears you have the gift of hospitality. :)

    Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you, Kim. I'm so glad you could stop by for a visit today!! And yes, I believe I will be leaving the chest as is. Everyone seems to agree!! Have a blessed and beautiful day!!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, Carol! I love them too...wish I could learn to do quilting myself...they are such lovely treasures to cherish! Thank you for stopping by today, and I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day.

  11. My goodness! You sure stirred up some memories for me here today. I love the guest room spring look and it would be delightful to stay there. You and your sister seem to share similar things as do my sister and I. We send cards to each other which usually have pics similar to the little girls in yours. I like the chest the way it is. I will have to send you a pic of the quilt I have in the bedroom where Kate stays and guests when they are here. It's very similar to yours. Love the tea set and the dolls and, of course, the bears. The magnolias are magnificent! They smell so wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Nonnie, for your sweet thoughts today. I love that you and your sister share similar sweetness. Yes, I also love that kind of card, and my sister and I do send each other similar cards back and forth. Sometimes we have even sent each other the exact same card! LOL! I will probably leave the chest alone as that is what everyone seems to agree should be done (or not done!) That's fine with me...less work! Ha Ha! Yes, I also love the light lemony fragrance of magnolias. I try to bring a blossom into the house whenever I can reach one on the tree. They just don't last long, but they are so pretty while they do. Have a blessed and lovely Mother's Day. You are a very blessed "mother" and "grandmother" with your sweet family so near. And they are truly blessed to have YOU.

  12. What a beautiful and inviting guest room! I loved the bears, but I also love this spring motif! Thanks for sharing! God bless you, Pam!

    1. Thank you, Carol. Yes, I loved the bears too, and they will be back in the fall I'm sure...but I just needed to brighten things up a bit for a while. However, if a guest preferred the bears, I'd put them right back on the bed. Probably a male guest wouldn't like all the frou-frou that's in there now! LOL. Have a blessed Mother's Day!

  13. Beautiful quilts. My bears send their greetings to your bears!

    1. Thank you, Barbara! I love that you are a quilter. I would love to learn, but not sure I have the patience for it at this stage. So I appreciate others' wonderful work. Do you have live bears in your area? We must get together sometime!! have a blessed Mother's Day!!

  14. Pam: I am a fan of natural wood. You might consider putting a coat of polyurethane on the chest of drawers. I say this because, the bench, the chair and the chest of drawers look almost like a set. Happy Mother's Day to you. Peace and Blessings.

    1. Yes, I think I will leave the chest of drawers alone. It doesn't really need any poly, as it actually has a formica top, and the rest of the wood looks pretty good. yes, everything else in there is wood, so I have decided to leave well enough alone, since everyone else seems to agree with that as well! Maybe I'll come up with some other "pop of color" to liven things up! Have a blessed and happy Mother's day dear friend. Praying for you and your family.

  15. What a lovely, welcoming environment you've made for guests. I would LOVE to stay there ;-) Happy Mother's day to you Pamela.

    1. Thank you, Joyful! Would love to have you visit! I will keep the "night light" on for you! May your Mother's Day be blessed as well. Thank you for stopping by!

  16. Haapy Mother's Day, Pamela!

  17. Oh, how I'd love to come visit with you and sleep in that cozy bedroom...and take a walk down the road...and watch the critters roaming at night (on the camera)....and sit a spell on the porch and drink iced tea. Maybe someday.....


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.