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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Waiting on God - Updated

UPDATE 4/23/2020:  I like to go back and look at things I've written in the past around the same time of year as the current time, and this was written on 4/24/2018.  I think the theme of "Waiting on God" certainly is appropriate for our current situation today, don't you? We are all waiting on God, for this Covid 19 Crisis to pass, and waiting on God for the okay sign to get back out into the realm of the living again...allowing people to get back to work safely, and for us to begin to slowly get back into the mainstream of life once again.  

These pictures below came from our previous home. I sometimes miss the beauties of that place, but then again, God has given us some wonderful beauties to behold here in our new home as well. We waited patiently for the Lord to sell our house and find us a new home, and I must say that God does all things well. We can trust Him, friends, to bring us through this crisis into a stronger and better place than before. Just keep your eyes focused on the Lord, and He will never let you down.

Original Post, 4/24/2018:

 "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass."
Psalm 37:7

"Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
Psalm 27:14

 "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should hope and wait quietly 
for the salvation of the Lord."
Lamentations 3:25-26

"The eyes of all look expectantly to You,
and You give them their food in due season"
Psalm 145:15

"You open Your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
Psalm 145:16

"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
to all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He also will hear their cry and save them."
Psalm 145:18-19

Dear friend, Are you waiting on God today for some answers to difficult questions?
Are you waiting for the Lord to show you His plan for your life...whether it be financial, medical, personal family situations, salvation of a loved one...
Whatever it may be that you are waiting for, you can trust God to meet your need...
He is always there...He hears your prayer, and He sees your heart...
Trust in the Lord...

"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God,
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10



  1. Great photo's to go with Great verses!
    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Sylvia. Waiting on God isn't always easy, but it sure is better than the alternative...not waiting on God gets us into deep water...

  2. A lovely post on waiting on the Lord, Pam. Thank you.

    1. Just seemed to be the message He wanted me to hear and share today... for me and for anyone else in the "waiting room"...

  3. I look to the Lord and wait for His answers. It isnt always easy, but I know He will never leave me and will answer in His time.

    1. Amen!! Only Trust Him...Only trust Him...Only trust Him now...

  4. Oh Pam, this is at least the third post I've read today about resting, waiting. Hmm...I think the Lord is trying to tell me something! I'm waiting for some answers to several difficult questions. I know God will answer in His time, not mine.


    1. Hmmm, yes, it sounds as though the Lord is giving you a "message" loud and clear! I totally understand...this was for ME too!! When we wait on the Lord we can't go wrong...

  5. I am moved every time I read "You open your hand and satisfy every living thing" It is said in grace after meals in Judaism and has great meaning.
    To me it is more about God waiting patiently for me to respond to his requests of me.

    1. Ah yes! "It is more about God waiting patiently for me to respond to His requests of me"...How well I understand that statement...truly I do. Also, regarding the verse from the Psalm you quoted, my grandparents/parents always had that as a part of their table grace as well, and they were Lutheran...it always made an impression on me as a child as well. Interesting that it spans several different religious cultures...but it does come from the same Old Testament...the Word of God!! Thank you for your thoughts here today. Always love to hear from you.

  6. The photos and Scriptures are perfect, Pamela. Yes, wait on the Lord, and He will always come through in His time and in His way.

    1. Thank you, Martha...yes He does always come through right on time...His perfect timing!!

  7. Pam: When I found the verse from Isaiah, it got into my heart and our circumstances began to look better; they didn't change right away but God pointed out some good things about them. Be Blessed.

    1. God's Word is so powerful...it reaches down into our hearts on so many different levels. Our God is an awesome God!!!

  8. So well illustrated and stated!

    1. Thank you, Terri! It always pays to wait on God...

  9. Beauty Scriptures verses you have shared with us.
    Yes, that waiting game can sometimes be hard, but ever so worth the wait when God has it all under control and in His perfect time frame.
    Thank you for this lovely reminder~

    1. Yes...it is sometimes difficult for us humans to wait on God...we live in such a "right now" society...patience is not one of those virtues that is easily obtained...but you are so right that when we wait on God it is so worth the wait...His timing is always perfect!!

  10. These are very timely verses for a situation in my extended family right now. I have sent these verses to them for comfort, peace, and hope. Thanks for sharing them with us today.

    1. Thank you Barbara. I love how God puts thoughts and words into our hearts and minds that will not only bless us personally, but are exactly what others around us are needing at the same time. Our God IS an awesome God!! Praying for your extended family now.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Diana. God knows our needs, doesn't He? Have a blessed and wonderful day...

  12. The waiting game is so hard at times but from experience, when I wait....just wait on the Lord....it ALWAYS is perfect timing. He always has come to my rescue in some form or fashion but girl can I just be real? Sometimes, It has not been a moment too soon!!! Hugs and blessings to you dear lady.

  13. "...He also will hear their cry and save them."
    Psalm 145:18-19

    Very encouraging! Thank you, Pamela.

  14. Indeed...the good Lord will lead us through. Have a beautiful day friend.

    1. Yes He will, Linda. Hang on tight. God has a plan, and it is a good plan...
      Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)
      "11. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Amen!


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